blob: 6748f6ec673ed748b27b8a9fd72c2b17c27648b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at You can also
* obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package schema2template.model;
import static schema2template.example.odf.OdfHelper.DEBUG;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.DataExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ElementExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.Expression;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.NameClassAndExpression;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ReferenceExp;
import com.sun.msv.grammar.ValueExp;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Iterates through the MSV expression tree.
* Traversing the MSV Tree structure by
* 1) First trying to get the child (going as deep as possible)
* 2) Second if no child is available, trying to get the next sibling
* 3) If no sibling available, get a sibling of the parent (going back to step 1)
* <p>Also has the ability to limit iteration to given subclasses and to limit subtree
* to the next element expressions below. </p>
public final class MSVExpressionIterator implements Iterator<Expression> {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MSVExpressionIterator.class.getName());
private Expression mCurrentExpression; // the expression that will be received by next()
public int mCurrentExpressionDepth; // Level of current expression starting with 0
private MSVExpressionVisitorChildren mVisitor;
// list of already visited expressions to avoid endless recursion
// The stack assists the iteration to go back up (usually done in by recursion)
// The stack contains the next expression, parent, grandparent, ...
private Stack<UniqueAncestor> mAncestorsAndCurrent;
// to prevent enless loops, known Element expression will be remembered and not again reentered
// Situation: Element a contains Element b contains Element a, will stop after the second a not continuing with b
private HashSet<Expression> mKnownElementExpressions;
// The vertical tree position is remembered by the stack, the vertical position will be remembered by a sibling index
private class UniqueAncestor {
public UniqueAncestor(Expression exp, int siblingIndex) {
mExp = exp;
mSiblingIndex = siblingIndex;
private Expression mExp;
private int mSiblingIndex;
// limit browsing to subclasses of Expression
private Class mDesiredExpression;
// if false, only return direct children of root. Don't return root as first element or grand children
private boolean mOnlyChildren;
private int mCurrentDepth = 0;
public static final boolean ALL_SUBTREE = true;
public static final boolean DIRECT_CHILDREN_ONLY = true;
public int getDepth() {
return mCurrentDepth;
* Iterate through the expression tree
* @param root Expression root
public MSVExpressionIterator(Expression root) {
this(root, Expression.class, false);
* Iterate through the expression tree, but only return objects of desiredExpression
* @param root Expression root
* @param desiredExpression Limit returned expressions to subclasses of desiredExpression
public MSVExpressionIterator(Expression root, Class desiredExpression) {
this(root, desiredExpression, false);
* Iterate..., but only return objects of desiredExpression and (if not onlyChildren)
* don't go to children of ElementExp elements (this does not concern root node!).
* <p>Example: Root is table:table. If you choose onlyChildren=false and to limit
* desiredExpression=ElementExp.class, then you will get all direct element children of table:table,
* like table:table-row. But you won't get the children of table:table-row.
* </p>
* @param root Expression root
* @param desiredExpression Limit returned expressions to subclasses of desiredExpression
* @param onlyChildren if only children should be returned
public MSVExpressionIterator(Expression root, Class desiredExpression, boolean onlyChildren) {
// initialize members
mCurrentExpression = root;
mDesiredExpression = desiredExpression;
mOnlyChildren = onlyChildren;
// create helpers
mVisitor = new MSVExpressionVisitorChildren();
mKnownElementExpressions = new HashSet<Expression>();
// Initialize status
mAncestorsAndCurrent = new Stack<UniqueAncestor>();
mAncestorsAndCurrent.push(new UniqueAncestor(root, 0));
// make sure that there is at least one desired expression - for hasNext()
while (!mDesiredExpression.isInstance(mCurrentExpression) && mCurrentExpression != null) {
mCurrentExpression = getNextExpression();
// Ignore root, if only children are desired
if (mOnlyChildren && root == mCurrentExpression) {
mCurrentExpression = getNextExpression();
public static String dumpMSVExpressionTree(Expression rootExpression) throws Exception {
MSVExpressionIterator iterator = new MSVExpressionIterator(rootExpression);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Expression expr =;
builder.append(dumpMSVExpression(expr, iterator.getDepth())).append("\n");
return builder.toString();
private static String dumpMSVExpression(Expression expr, int depth) {
String returnValue = null;
MSVExpressionVisitorType typeVisitor = new MSVExpressionVisitorType();
MSVNameClassVisitorList nameVisitor = new MSVNameClassVisitorList();
MSVExpressionType type = (MSVExpressionType) expr.visit(typeVisitor);
returnValue = (depth + ": " + type.toString());
// AttributeExp, ElementExp
if (expr instanceof NameClassAndExpression) {
List<String> names = (List<String>) ((NameClassAndExpression) expr).getNameClass().visit(nameVisitor);
for (String name : names) {
returnValue += (" \"" + name + "\",");
if(DEBUG) System.out.println(returnValue);
} else if (expr instanceof ReferenceExp) {
returnValue += (" '" + ((ReferenceExp) expr).name + "',");
if(DEBUG) System.out.println(returnValue);
} else if (type == MSVExpressionType.VALUE) {
returnValue += (" '" + ((ValueExp) expr).value.toString() + "',");
if(DEBUG) System.out.println(returnValue);
} else if (type == MSVExpressionType.DATA) {
returnValue += (" '" + ((DataExp) expr).getName().localName + "',");
if(DEBUG) System.out.println(returnValue);
} else {
if(DEBUG) System.out.println(returnValue);
return returnValue;
public boolean hasNext() {
return (mCurrentExpression != null) ? true : false;
/** Iterating the Tree like the following
If there are (unvisited) children -> go down
If there are no (unvisited) children, but unvistsiblings -> go up and right
private Expression getNextExpression() {
Expression nextExpression = null;
// the current expression might be null if the desired type of expression was never found in the tree
if (mCurrentExpression != null) {
// if all tree is desired, or root, or if it is not element expression
if (!mOnlyChildren || mAncestorsAndCurrent.size() == 1 || !(mAncestorsAndCurrent.peek().mExp instanceof ElementExp)) {
List<Expression> children = (List<Expression>) mCurrentExpression.visit(mVisitor);
// see if we can go DOWN the tree
if (children.size() > 0) {
Expression nextExpCandidate = children.get(0);
// DO NOT expand elements which occur more than one time in the ancestors hierarchy (i.e.
// since we compute the last element: Do not expand it, if it also occurs before)
if (isNoKnownElement(nextExpCandidate)) {
// GO DOWN - Proceed with first child
nextExpression = nextExpCandidate;
mAncestorsAndCurrent.push(new UniqueAncestor(nextExpression, 0));
// if you could not get depper, but you can go up
// if there was no first child for the next expression and still some parent not being the root
while (nextExpression == null && mAncestorsAndCurrent.size() > 1) {
// go one up the stack
UniqueAncestor uniqueAncestor = mAncestorsAndCurrent.pop();
// get the new parent
Expression parent = mAncestorsAndCurrent.peek().mExp;
// to get the siblings
List<Expression> siblings = (List<Expression>) parent.visit(mVisitor);
// get the unvisted sibling index
final int nextSiblingIndex = uniqueAncestor.mSiblingIndex + 1;
if (nextSiblingIndex < siblings.size()) {
Expression nextExpCandidate = siblings.get(nextSiblingIndex);
// DO NOT expand elements which occur more than one time in the ancestors hierarchy (i.e.
// since we compute the last element: Do not expand it, if it also occurs before)
if (isNoKnownElement(nextExpCandidate)) {
// GO RIGHT - Add next sibling to the stack
nextExpression = nextExpCandidate;
mAncestorsAndCurrent.push(new UniqueAncestor(nextExpression, nextSiblingIndex));
return nextExpression;
private boolean isNoKnownElement(Expression exp) {
boolean isNew = false;
if (!(exp instanceof ElementExp) || !mKnownElementExpressions.contains(exp)) {
isNew = true;
} else {
//"Found known element expression:" + dumpMSVExpression(exp, this.getDepth()));
return isNew;
public Expression next() {
if (mCurrentExpression == null) {
return null;
Expression retVal = mCurrentExpression;
mCurrentDepth = mAncestorsAndCurrent.size() - 1;
mCurrentExpression = getNextExpression();
// as there is always a desired expression, make sure the next one is adequate
while (!mDesiredExpression.isInstance(mCurrentExpression) && mCurrentExpression != null) {
mCurrentExpression = getNextExpression();
return retVal;
// Unsupported
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");