blob: d002bbaa41a3798c558b9273d26443874728d227 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache ODE Release Notes
Apache ODE 1.3.4 includes about 100 bug fixes and new features. It's
also the most stable version of ODE released so far.
Apache ODE 1.3.4 requires Java 1.5.x or higher. The WAR distribution can
run in most J2EE servlet container. The JBI distribution should be able
to run in any JBI container but has only been tested with ServiceMix 3.2.1
and latest ServiceMix 4 (OSGi bundle) so far. See the BUILDING file if you
want to build your own distribution from the source release.
New Features:
* [ODE-483] - Instance replayer
* [ODE-776] - Build support for both Buildr and Maven 2/3
* [ODE-778] - Add a possibility to deploy processes as OSGi bundles
* [ODE-814] - Add spring confgurable process properties
See our Jira for more information: