blob: 61579daefa03c06e893fafeba6f7be34e773d553 [file] [log] [blame]
~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~ distributed with this work for additional information
~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
~ specific language governing permissions and limitations
~ under the License.
<process name="http-binding-ext-GET"
<import location="http-binding-ext-GET.wsdl"
<partnerLink name="helloPartnerLink"
partnerLinkType="test:HelloPartnerLinkType" myRole="me"/>
<partnerLink name="blogPartnerLink"
partnerLinkType="test:BlogLinkType" partnerRole="you"/>
<variable name="inputVar" messageType="test:HelloMessage"/>
<variable name="outputVar" messageType="test:HelloMessage"/>
<variable name="idMsg" messageType="dummy:IdMessage"/>
<variable name="articleMsg" messageType="dummy:ArticleMessage"/>
<variable name="generatedTimestamp" type="xsd:string"/>
<variable name="articleId" type="xsd:string"/>
<variable name="tmpVar" type="xsd:string"/>
<variable name="statusLine" type="xsd:anyType"/>
<receive name="start" partnerLink="helloPartnerLink" portType="test:HelloPortType"
operation="hello" variable="inputVar" createInstance="yes"/>
<!-- Initialize output var -->
<from>'What a success!'</from>
<!-- Prepare the input message -->
<!-- generate a random number -->
<!-- generate a random number -->
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<!-- Check the answer -->
<condition>$articleMsg.timestamp = $generatedTimestamp</condition>
<from>'Wrong Timestamp Header received. Check if the request header was properly set.'</from>
<from variable="articleMsg" header="From"/>
<to variable="tmpVar"/>
<condition>compare($tmpVar, '') = 0</condition>
<from>concat('Wrong From Header received. Check if the request header was properly set. Received value is: ', $tmpVar)
<condition>$articleMsg.article/dummy:id = $articleId</condition>
<from>'Wrong Article Id received.'</from>
<!-- ##################################################### -->
<!-- Check HTTP StatusLine information -->
<!-- ##################################################### -->
<!-- Every message must have a Status-Line element in headers -->
<from variable="articleMsg" header="Status-Line"/>
<condition>string-length($statusLine/original) > 0</condition>
<from>'Status-Line is missing'</from>
<condition>string-length($statusLine/Status-Code) > 0</condition>
<from>'Status-Code is missing'</from>
<condition>string-length($statusLine/HTTP-Version) > 0</condition>
<from>'HTTP-Version is missing'</from>
<condition>string-length($statusLine/Reason-Phrase) > 0</condition>
<from>'Reason-Phrase is missing'</from>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 200_malformed_body - failure expected -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<catch faultName="ext:activityFailure">
<!-- expected result-->
Warning #1!! At this point what we know for sure is that a failure occured
but we don't know which failure exactly.
We would like to test if the the failure is really the one we triggered on purpose and not a TimeoutFailure for instance.
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<from>'200_malformed_body: A failure should have been thrown'</from>
<reply name="end" partnerLink="helloPartnerLink" portType="test:HelloPortType"
operation="hello" variable="outputVar"/>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 200_missing_body - failure expected -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<catch faultName="ext:activityFailure">
<!-- expected result-->
Warning #1!! At this point what we know for sure is that a failure occured
but we don't know which failure exactly.
We would like to test if the the failure is really the one we triggered on purpose and not a TimeoutFailure for instance.
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<from>'200_missing_body: A failure should have been thrown'</from>
<reply name="end" partnerLink="helloPartnerLink" portType="test:HelloPortType"
operation="hello" variable="outputVar"/>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 202_empty_body - Should pass -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 202/Accepted status code explicitly states that there is no body,
so we should not fail even if a part is bound to the body response -->
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 204_empty_body - Should pass -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 204/No Content status code explicitly states that there is no body,
so we should not fail even if a part is bound to the body response -->
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 200_missing_part_in_header - should pass, missing or empty header are allowed -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 400_not_found - failure expected -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<catch faultName="ext:activityFailure">
<!-- expected result-->
Warning #1!! At this point what we know for sure is that a failure occured
but we don't know which failure exactly.
We would like to test if the the failure is really the one we triggered on purpose and not a TimeoutFailure for instance.
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<from>'400_not_found: A failure should have been thrown'</from>
<reply name="end" partnerLink="helloPartnerLink" portType="test:HelloPortType"
operation="hello" variable="outputVar"/>
<!-- ############################################### -->
<!-- 500_operation_with_no_fault_failed - failure expected -->
<!-- ############################################### -->
<catch faultName="ext:activityFailure">
<!-- expected result-->
Warning #1!! At this point what we know for sure is that a failure occured
but we don't know which failure exactly.
We would like to test if the the failure is really the one we triggered on purpose and not a TimeoutFailure for instance.
<to variable="idMsg" header="Fault-Type"/>
<invoke partnerLink="blogPartnerLink" portType="dummy:BlogPortType"
operation="doGET" inputVariable="idMsg" outputVariable="articleMsg"/>
<from>'500_operation_with_no_fault_failed: A failure should have been thrown'</from>
<reply name="end" partnerLink="helloPartnerLink" portType="test:HelloPortType"
operation="hello" variable="outputVar"/>
<reply name="end" partnerLink="helloPartnerLink" portType="test:HelloPortType"
operation="hello" variable="outputVar"/>