blob: 73a0d20026fcf41c1ef4120d6d95704e21716815 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.ode.jbi.msgmap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException;
import javax.jbi.messaging.NormalizedMessage;
import javax.wsdl.Fault;
import javax.wsdl.Operation;
import javax.wsdl.Part;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Message;
import org.apache.ode.utils.DOMUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* Message mapper for dealing with the degenerate messages that servicemix components such as servicemix-http provide. These
* messages are not normalized and hence do not conform to the JBI specification. They are in fact whatever the SOAP body element
* happens to be. This mapper will make a reasonable attempt to handle these messages, which means don't count on it working.
public class ServiceMixMapper extends BaseXmlMapper implements Mapper {
public Recognized isRecognized(NormalizedMessage nmsMsg, Operation op) {
// First of all, if we are not in ServiceMix, we exclude this
// as a possibility.
if (nmsMsg.getClass().getName().indexOf("servicemix") == -1) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("Unrecognized message class: " + nmsMsg.getClass());
return Recognized.FALSE;
Element msg;
try {
msg = parse(nmsMsg.getContent());
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("isRecognized() message: " + prettyPrint(msg));
} catch (MessageTranslationException e) {
__log.warn("Unable to parse message: ", e);
return Recognized.FALSE;
if (op.getInput() == null) {
__log.debug("no input def - unrecognized");
return Recognized.FALSE;
if (op.getInput().getMessage() == null) {
__log.debug("no message def - unrecognized");
return Recognized.FALSE;
if (op.getInput().getMessage().getParts().size() == 0) {
__log.debug("no message parts def - unsure");
return Recognized.UNSURE;
// servicemix-http has a (bad) habit of placing the SOAP body content directly in the normalized message.
// We need to recognize it
__log.debug("Recognizing document content");
if (op.getInput().getMessage().getParts().size() == 1) {
Part part = (Part) op.getInput().getMessage().getParts().values().iterator().next();
QName elementName = part.getElementName();
if (elementName != null && elementName.getLocalPart().equals(msg.getLocalName())
&& elementName.getNamespaceURI().equals(msg.getNamespaceURI())) {
return Recognized.TRUE;
// Recognize RPC style message
__log.debug("Recognizing RPC style content");
for (String pname : ((Set<String>) op.getInput().getMessage().getParts().keySet())) {
Part part = op.getInput().getMessage().getPart(pname);
if (part.getElementName() != null) {
//RPC style invocation doesn't allow element parts, so we don't accept it
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("Part " + part.getName() + " has element content " + part.getElementName() + ". It's not allowed for RPC style.");
return Recognized.FALSE;
// with RPC semantic the body is wrapped by a partName which is same as bodyElementName
Element pdata = DOMUtils.findChildByName(msg, new QName(null, part.getName()));
if (pdata == null) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("no part data for " + part.getName() + " -- unrecognized.");
return Recognized.FALSE;
return Recognized.TRUE;
public void toNMS(NormalizedMessage nmsMsg, Message odeMsg, javax.wsdl.Message msgdef, QName fault) throws MessagingException,
MessageTranslationException {
if (msgdef == null)
throw new NullPointerException("msdef must not be null.");
Map<String, Node> headers = odeMsg.getHeaderParts();
if (headers != null) {
for (String header : headers.keySet()) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("toNMS() header " + header + " := " + DOMUtils.domToString(headers.get(header)) );
Map<QName, DocumentFragment> headers2 = (Map<QName, DocumentFragment>) nmsMsg.getProperty("org.apache.servicemix.soap.headers");
if (headers2 == null) {
headers2 = new HashMap<QName, DocumentFragment>();
nmsMsg.setProperty("org.apache.servicemix.soap.headers", headers2);
Node v = headers.get(header);
DocumentFragment f = v.getOwnerDocument().createDocumentFragment();
headers2.put(QName.valueOf(header), f);
Element ode = odeMsg == null ? null : odeMsg.getMessage();
Element part = ode == null ? null : DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(ode);
Element firstPartEl = part == null ? null : DOMUtils.getFirstChildElement(part);
if (fault != null) {
// We treat faults seperately as there are some assumption we can make, mainly that there is
// a single part and it is an element part.
if (msgdef.getParts().size() != 1)
throw new MessageTranslationException("Message for fault \"" + fault + "\" does not contain exactly one part! Cannot map!");
Part partDef = (Part) msgdef.getParts().values().iterator().next();
if (partDef.getElementName() == null)
throw new MessageTranslationException("Message for fault \"" + fault + "\" does not contain an element part.");
if (firstPartEl == null) {
// Oooops, our assumption did not pan out; we'll do our best i.e. create empty content.
__log.warn("Proceessing fault \"" + fault + "\" with empty content (check your BPEL).");
Document doc = newDocument();
Element content = doc.createElementNS(partDef.getElementName().getNamespaceURI(), partDef.getElementName().getLocalPart());
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("toNMS() ode message (fault, BS): " + prettyPrint(content));
nmsMsg.setContent(new DOMSource(doc));
} else {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("toNMS() ode message (fault): " + prettyPrint(firstPartEl));
nmsMsg.setContent(new DOMSource(firstPartEl));
if (msgdef.getParts().size() == 0) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("toNMS() ode message (rpc-like): no parts");
} else if (msgdef.getParts().size() != 1 || ((Part) msgdef.getParts().values().iterator().next()).getElementName() == null) {
// If we have more than one part, or a single non-element part, then we can't use the standard
// NMS doc-lit like convention. Instead we place the entire message on the bus and hope for the
// best.
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("toNMS() ode message (rpc-like): " + prettyPrint(ode));
nmsMsg.setContent(new DOMSource(ode));
if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
__log.debug("toNMS() normalized message (doc-like):" + prettyPrint(firstPartEl));
nmsMsg.setContent(new DOMSource(firstPartEl));
public void toODE(Message odeMsg, NormalizedMessage nmsMsg, javax.wsdl.Message msgdef) throws MessageTranslationException {
Element nms;
if (nmsMsg.getContent() != null) {
nms = parse(nmsMsg.getContent());
} else {
Document doc = newDocument();
Element message = doc.createElement("message");
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("toODE() normalized message:\n" + prettyPrint(message));
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("toODE() normalized message:\n" + prettyPrint(nms));
boolean docLit = false;
for (String pname : ((Set<String>) msgdef.getParts().keySet())) {
Part part = msgdef.getPart(pname);
// servicemix-http has a (bad) habit of placing the SOAP body content directly in the normalized message
QName elementName = part.getElementName();
if (elementName != null && elementName.getLocalPart().equals(nms.getLocalName())
&& elementName.getNamespaceURI().equals(nms.getNamespaceURI())) {
docLit = true;
if (docLit) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("toODE() doc-like message ");
Document doc = newDocument();
Element message = doc.createElement("message");
Part firstPart = (Part) msgdef.getOrderedParts(null).get(0);
Element p = doc.createElement(firstPart.getName());
p.appendChild(doc.importNode(nms, true));
} else {
__log.debug("toODE() rpc-like message ");
// Simple, just pass along the message
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("toODE() ode message:\n" + prettyPrint(nms));
Map<QName, DocumentFragment> headers = (Map<QName, DocumentFragment>) nmsMsg.getProperty("org.apache.servicemix.soap.headers");
if (headers != null) {
for (QName header : headers.keySet()) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("toODE() header " + header + " := " + DOMUtils.domToString(headers.get(header)) );
try {
odeMsg.setHeaderPart(header.getLocalPart(), DOMUtils.stringToDOM(DOMUtils.domToString(headers.get(header))));
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.error("Can't copy input header " + header);
public Fault toFaultType(javax.jbi.messaging.Fault jbiFlt, Collection<Fault> faults) throws MessageTranslationException {
if (faults.isEmpty())
return null;
// anynone's guess really
return faults.iterator().next();
private String prettyPrint(Element el) {
return DOMUtils.domToString(el);