blob: 38fda11a3c9e397f64968a9d8870fc89b6c2585d [file] [log] [blame]
- [x] document services
- [x] instance selections and mass changes
- [x] parse QNames of instance faults and processFullNames
- [x] show loading indicator/spinner
- [x] show variable contents in instance details view
- [x] implement activity recovery
- [x] pretty print xml
- [x] show endpoints on process details page
- [x] show activity recovery counts in process list and details page
- [x] migrate list* operations to SOAP calls.
- [x] dont rely on remote fonts.
- [x] implement upload deployment via SOAP
- [x] edit variable contents in instance details view
- [ ] check and fix LICENSE and NOTICE files
- [ ] write tests!
- [ ] add package detail view and show BPEL and WSDL sources there (PMAPI change needed)
- [ ] handle instance/process not found cases in detail views
- [ ] set and get process properties (also fix ODE as it returns stale values)
- [ ] (build) add
- [ ] detect offline
- [ ] add events view to instance details page
- [ ] show scope tree in instance details view
- [ ] retrieve the replay communication and provide a dialog to replay it to a new instance.
- [ ] parse service-refs and display it nicely. Should support all service-refs supported by ODE (WSDL 1.1, WSDL 2.0, WSA, URL)
- [ ] render scope/activities dependency graph e.g. with
- [ ] pre-parse and validate query language
- [ ] display visual BPEL graph and map events to it (proposed GSOC project)
## Deferred
- [ ] Show WSDL URL for processes (this would be IL dependent, thus defered for now)