blob: d18724ec844e0ca8d427b3f071d751f3ed2b41a2 [file] [log] [blame]
This is the 33rd release of NuttX. This is a minor bugfix release.
The primary reason for this release is to correct numerous build
errors that have accumulated for the ZiLOG ZDS-II based targets.
All ZDS-II targets now build correctly (but have not been re-tested).
In addition to platform-specific build failures, this release also
adds the following features which were not tested as of the time
of the release:
* Board support for the ZiLog ez80Acclaim! ez80f910200zco Development Kit
* ZiLOG eZ80F91 EMAC driver
These changes were verified only on the NuttX simulation platform.
Please report any errors to me.
This tarball contains a complete CVS snapshot from February 6, 2009.