blob: 5571e19c8e259b1b2987f571f06abf4ceb66c7ce [file] [log] [blame]
# Mapping of detected content types (MIME types) to custom types (target types)
# used by the plugin index-more when filling the index field `type'.
# Note: The mappings defined in this file are only active if the property
# `moreIndexingFilter.mapMimeTypes' is true.
# Format (tab-separated plain text, comment lines start with `#'):
# <target type> <TAB> <detected type1> [<TAB> <detected type2> ...]
# Examples (comment in to activate):
# map XHTML to HTML
#text/html application/xhtml+xml
# Map XHTML and HTML to a custom type "web page"
#web page text/html application/xhtml+xml
# map various office document formats to a custom type "office document"
#office document application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/x-tika-msoffice application/msword