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Verifying the NPanday .NET Build Tool Installation
25 Feb 2009
Verifying the NPanday .NET Build Tool Installation
To verify that the NPanday .NET Build Tool has been configured inside Visual Studio, perform the following instructions:
[[1]] Launch Visual Studio 2005 (either from the command line or from the Windows Start> menu).
[[2]] From inside Visual Studio, select Tools>NPanday Build System. This automatically starts the embedded Maven Build Server
(the add-in) and displays a confirmation in the Visual Studio Output window at the bottom of the Visual Studio screen.
You can set Visual Studio to automatically start NPanday Build System upon startup by checking NPanday.VisualStudio.Addin in Tools > Add-in Manager.
[../images/verify_installation.jpg] NPanday Build System
After the Maven embedded server starts, you will not see NPanday Build System listed in the Tools menu.
That is, until the next time you start Visual Studio.
[[3]] You are now ready to create a Solution, so proceed to the next section.