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Uninstalling Manually
26 Feb 2009
Uninstalling Manually
To manually remove the NPanday .NET Build Tool, follow these steps:
[[1]] Locate and delete your previous version of the NPanday .NET Build Tool for Visual Studio.
It is typically found at the following location, where [user_home] is your home directory:
<<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2005\\Addins\\NPanday.VisualStudio.AddIn>>>
[[2]] Clear the cache by typing the following in a command shell:
<<<C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\\SDK\\v2.0\\Bin\\mscorcfg.msc>>>
[[3]] Go to My Computer > AssemblyCache, click View List. Delete the following two files:
* <<<Npanday.Model.Pom>>>
* <<<NPanday.Plugin>>>
[[4]] Delete the following directories:
* <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\pab>>>
* <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\uac>>>
[[5]] Remove the following file <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\npanday-settings.xml>>>
[[6]] Remove the <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\repository>>> directory.
<<Note>>: This deletes all artifacts for all your projects, not just the NPanday ones.
This is not a problem because when you re-build your projects, Maven will automatically recreate this directory and download the needed jars.
The only time this is an issue is if you have manually downloaded jars, such as the Sun jar files.
In that case you will have to manually download them again if this directory is removed.