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Remote Repository Configuration
26 Feb 2009
Remote Repository Configuration
A remote Maven repository can be configured using the Visual Studio IDE or it can be configured manually by adding information to the settings file.
* Automatically Configure a Remote Maven Repository via the IDE
To access a remote Maven repository you can configure it from within Visual Studio. Visual Studio must be open,
the NPanday Build System must be running, and you must have a project loaded. Then:
[[1]] Right-click on a project and select Add Maven Artifact... from the menu.
[[2]] In the Add Maven Artifact pop-up window, click the Configure Repository tab.
[[3]] Select the URL of the repository in the pop-up window.\
[../images/remote_repo.jpg] Sample configuration for Remote Repository
[[4]] If the remote repository allows snapshots or released artifacts to be stored there, then check the appropriate box.
[[5]] Click Update. This will save the configuration to <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\settings.xml>>>.
To edit multiple repositories, repeat steps 3 to 5 by selecting another repository to be configured form the drop down list.
[[6]] Click Close when done configuring the repository.
NOTE: The repository is stored in a profile this profile is then added into the activeProfiles list as soon as
an NPanday remote repository is added.
* Manually Configure a Remote Maven Repository
To manually add a remote repository, add the following lines in your <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\settings.xml>>> file
within the <<< \<profiles\> >>> <<< \</profiles\> >>> tag. Modify the values for the <<< \<repository\> >>> and <<< \<id\> >>>elements
with the repository url you want to access.
If the remote repository allows the snapshots or release artifacts to be stored then add the following lines: