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Releasing .NET Projects
26 Feb 2009
Releasing .NET Projects
This section provides details in preparing .Net projects with references (DLLs) for release. The procedures for
{{{commandline.html} command line}} execution and using {{{continuum.html} Apache Continuum}} for build management in preparing the project are provided.
When invoking the release plugin using the command
<<<mvn npanday.plugin:NPanday.Plugin.SysRef.JavaBinding:prepare>>>
The reference (DLL) will be searched from <<<C:\\WINDOWS\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL>>> directory and will be put in
<<<C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\NPanday>>> then renamed following the artifact filename format <<<[artifactId]-[version].[packaging]>>>.
<<Note>>: The above command should be invoked especially when releasing projects will references to <<<gac>>>.
After the reference is renamed, it will then be installed in the local repository <<<C:\\Documents and Settings\\[user_home]\\.m2\\repository>>>
for it to be used when releasing the project.
The following are examples of references of different types which are renamed then installed in the local repository,
* <<gac_msil>> file: <<<Microsoft.JScript->>>
* <<com_reference>> file: <<<Acrobat-{E64169B3-3592-47D2-816E-602C5C13F328}-1.1-0.com_reference>>>