blob: cdb9ba932b0cb2ee0794e96212638e6c2c0f62f9 [file] [log] [blame]
package npanday.executable;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import npanday.executable.execution.UnifiedShellCommandExecutor;
import npanday.executable.execution.quoting.CustomSwitchAwareQuotingStrategy;
import npanday.executable.execution.switches.SwitchFormat;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;
import java.util.List;
import static;
* Provides services for executing commands (executables or compilers). A <code>NetExecutable</code> or
* <code>CompilerExecutable</code> implementation can use the services of this interface for executing commands.
* @author Shane Isbell
public interface CommandExecutor
* Sets the plexus logger.
* @param logger the plexus logger
void setLogger( Logger logger );
* Executes the command for the specified executable and list of command options.
* @param executable the name of the executable (csc, xsd, etc).
* @param commands the command options for the compiler/executable
* @throws ExecutionException if compiler or executable writes anything to the standard error stream or if the process
* returns a process result != 0.
void executeCommand( String executable, List<String> commands )
throws ExecutionException;
* Executes the command for the specified executable and list of command options.
* @param executable the name of the executable (csc, xsd, etc).
* @param commands the commands options for the compiler/executable
* @param failsOnErrorOutput if true, throws an <code>ExecutionException</code> if there the compiler or executable
* writes anything to the error output stream. By default, this value is true
* @throws ExecutionException if compiler or executable writes anything to the standard error stream (provided the
* failsOnErrorOutput is not false) or if the process returns a process result != 0.
void executeCommand( String executable, List<String> commands, boolean failsOnErrorOutput )
throws ExecutionException;
* Executes the command for the specified executable and list of command options. If the compiler or executable is
* not within the environmental path, you should use this method to specify the working directory. Always use this
* method for executables located within the local maven repository.
* @param executable the name of the executable (csc, xsd, etc).
* @param commands the command options for the compiler/executable
* @param workingDirectory the directory where the command will be executed
* @throws ExecutionException if compiler or executable writes anything to the standard error stream (provided the
* failsOnErrorOutput is not false) or if the process returns a process result != 0.
void executeCommand( String executable, List<String> commands, File workingDirectory, boolean failsOnErrorOutput )
throws ExecutionException;
* Returns the process result of executing the command. Typically a value of 0 means that the process executed
* successfully.
* @return the process result of executing the command
int getResult();
* Returns the standard output from executing the command.
* @return the standard output from executing the command
String getStandardOut();
* Returns the standard error from executing the command.
* @return the standard error from executing the command
String getStandardError();
* Provides factory services for creating a default instance of the command executor.
public static class Factory
* Constructor
private Factory()
* Returns a default instance of the command executor
* @return a default instance of the command executor
* @param quotingConfiguration
public static CommandExecutor createDefaultCommmandExecutor( java.util.Properties quotingConfiguration )
CustomSwitchAwareQuotingStrategy quotingStrategy = new CustomSwitchAwareQuotingStrategy();
if ( quotingConfiguration != null )
String switchformats = (String) quotingConfiguration.get( "switchformats" );
String rawSwitches = (String) quotingConfiguration.get( "rawswitches" );
boolean ignorePrequoted = "true".equals(quotingConfiguration.get( "ignoreprequoted" ));
if ( !isNullOrEmpty( switchformats ) )
quotingStrategy = new CustomSwitchAwareQuotingStrategy( parseSwitchFormats( switchformats ) );
if (ignorePrequoted) {
if ( !isNullOrEmpty( rawSwitches ) )
for ( String s : SPLIT_ON_COMMA_OR_SEMICOLON.split( rawSwitches ) )
quotingStrategy.addIgnore( s );
return new UnifiedShellCommandExecutor( quotingStrategy );
static Splitter SPLIT_ON_PIPE = Splitter.on('|').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
static Splitter SPLIT_ON_COMMA_OR_SEMICOLON = Splitter.onPattern(",|;").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings();
private static SwitchFormat[] parseSwitchFormats( String switchformats )
List<SwitchFormat> list = Lists.newArrayList();
for(String format : SPLIT_ON_PIPE.split( switchformats )){
list.add( SwitchFormat.fromStringDefinition( format ) );
return list.toArray(new SwitchFormat[0]);