blob: 28fa91013a1384da85cac1728b50aa517a74a37d [file] [log] [blame]
Releasing NPanday
Pre-release checklist
* Make sure that the copyright and licenses are on all source code
* Check the build is successful in continuum
* Ensure all issues in the tracker for that version have been resolved, or are moved to a later version
Creating a Release Candidate
Send a proposal in to the discussion forum regarding the release and the issues that would be fix in the said release.
The release will be done in {{}}. Go to the release page and select <Prepare>.
Fill in the following values:
* the SCM tag should be <<<npanday-1.2-RC1>>> or similar (use the release version)
* the SCM tag base should be {{}}
* use <<<clean>>> as the preparation goal
* check the values for <Release version> and <Next development version> are correct
After this successfully completes, proceed with the <Perform> step.
Fill in the following values:
* use <<<clean deploy>>> as the goals (the default)
To verify if the release was successful, check that the artifacts has been populated in
Testing the Release Candidate
Announce the RC and the community will be given a 48hr window to test. If the RC passes, same process would be done
for the final version. eg. <<<1.1>>>.
Voting on the Release
Post the Majority of Vote on the results of the release.
Finalising the Release
After the approval of the developers:
* {{{./publishing-docs.html} Publish the site}} for the released version
* Update Download Page to upload the repository builder from the latest release and mark the version as released
* Make the announcement on the forum
<<Note:>> If a serious flaw is found in the release, the release version will not be removed in the distribution list
but instead a new release (1.1.1) should be provided.