blob: 1024b18682b2b9a4ebf8a6806536e3ba26787b98 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package npanday.executable.execution;
import npanday.executable.CommandExecutor
import npanday.executable.ExecutionException
import npanday.executable.execution.quoting.CustomSwitchAwareQuotingStrategy
import npanday.executable.execution.quoting.PlexusNativeQuotingStrategy
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.console.ConsoleLogger
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Os
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters
import static org.junit.Assert.*
@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class)
public class CommandExecutorTest
private static final String MKDIR = "mkdir";
private String parentPath;
private List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
private CommandExecutor cmd;
private String cmdHint;
public static Collection<Object[]> data()
def osKey = isWindows() ? "win_" : "x_";
Object[][] data = [
[osKey + "unified_simple_quoting",
new UnifiedShellCommandExecutor(new PlexusNativeQuotingStrategy())],
[osKey + "unified_custom_quoting",
new UnifiedShellCommandExecutor(new CustomSwitchAwareQuotingStrategy())]
return Arrays.asList(data);
public CommandExecutorTest(String hint, CommandExecutor cmd)
cmdHint = hint;
println "Executing with " + hint
File f = new File("test");
parentPath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "target" + File.separator +
File parentPathFile = new File(parentPath);
if ( !parentPathFile.exists() )
this.cmd = cmd;
cmd.setLogger(new ConsoleLogger(Logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, "Command Executor"));
public void testSimpleCommandArg()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["x"], "x");
public void testCommandArgWithSpaces()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["a b"], '"a b\"');
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedSingleQuotes_middle()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["a ' b"], '"a \' b"');
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedSingleQuotes_trailing()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["a '"], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"a \'"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"a \'"'
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedSingleQuotes_leading()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["' a"], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"\' a"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"\' a"'
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedSingleQuotes_surrounding()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["' a '"], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"\' a \'"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"\' a \'"'
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedDoubleQuotes_middle()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['a " b'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"a \\" b"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"a \\" b"'
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedDoubleQuotes_trailing()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['a "'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"a \\""',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"a \\""'
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedDoubleQuotes_leading()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['" a'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"\\" a"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"\\" a"'
public void testCommandArgWithEmbeddedDoubleQuotes_surrounding()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['" a "'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '" a "', // if it yet is quoted, it wont quote again
win_unified_custom_quoting: '"\\" a \\""' // but we want it escaped and quoted again
public void testCommandArgSwitchWithSpaceInValue_slashColon()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['/test:a b'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"/test:a b"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '/test:"a b"'
public void testCommandArgSwitchWithSpaceInValue_slashEquals()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['/test=a b'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"/test=a b"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '/test="a b"'
public void testCommandArgSwitchWithSpaceInValue_minusColon()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['-test:a b'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"-test:a b"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '-test:"a b"'
public void testCommandArgSwitchWithSpaceInValue_minusEquals()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['-test=a b'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"-test=a b"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '-test="a b"'
public void testCommandArgSwitchWithSpaceInValue_prequotedDouble()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(['/test:"a b"'], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"/test:\\"a b\\""',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '/test:"\\"a b\\""'
public void testCommandArgSwitchWithSpaceInValue_prequotedSingle()
throws ExecutionException
testArgExpansion(["/test:'a b'"], [
win_unified_simple_quoting: '"/test:\'a b\'"',
win_unified_custom_quoting: '/test:"\'a b\'"'
public void testCscDefineSwitch()
throws ExecutionException
def raw = '/define:"CONFIG="Debug",DEBUG=-1,TRACE=-1,_MyType="Windows",PLATFORM="AnyCPU"'
def quoted = '/define:"\\"CONFIG=\\"Debug\\",DEBUG=-1,TRACE=-1,_MyType=\\"Windows\\",PLATFORM=\\"AnyCPU\\""'
testArgExpansion([raw], [win_unified_custom_quoting: quoted]);
private def testArgExpansion(ArrayList<String> args, String expected)
cmd.executeCommand("echo", args)
assert cmd.result == 0
assert cmd.standardOut == expected
private def testArgExpansion(ArrayList<String> args, Map<String, String> expectedPerHint)
if (!isWindows()){
if ( !expectedPerHint.containsKey(cmdHint) )
cmd.executeCommand("echo", args)
throw new AssumptionViolatedException("Quoting behaviour undefined for '" + cmdHint + "'.\n"
+ args + " -> " + cmd.standardOut)
testArgExpansion(args, expectedPerHint[cmdHint])
public void testErrorWithReturnValue()
throws ExecutionException
// hopefully an executable named asdfasdf doesnt exist
cmd.executeCommand("asdfasdf", [])
fail("expected command to fail")
catch (ExecutionException)
println "Result is $cmd.result"
assert cmd.result != 0
public void testParamWithNoSpaces()
throws ExecutionException
String path = parentPath + File.separator + "sampledirectory";
File dir = new File(path)
if ( dir.exists() ) dir.deleteDir()
cmd.executeCommand(MKDIR, params);
if ( dir.exists() )
public void testParamWithSpaces()
throws ExecutionException
String path = parentPath + File.separator + "sample directory";
cmd.executeCommand(MKDIR, params);
File dir = new File(path);
if ( dir.exists() )
test is related to NPANDAY-366
public void testTooLongCommandName()
throws ExecutionException
// we are only interested in exectuing this test
// on Windows, to catch the "Command line to long" issue for cmd.exe.
if ( !isWindows() ) return;
cmd.setLogger(new ConsoleLogger(0, null));
cmd.executeCommand(repeat('x', 260), params, null, false);
fail("Expected the command to fail!");
catch (ExecutionException e)
// the message is language-specific, but better to ensure an error than
// ignoring the test
// assertEquals( "The input line is too long.", cmdExecutor.getStandardError() );
assertEquals(1, cmd.getResult());
test is related to NPANDAY-366
public void testTooLongCommandName_withSpace()
throws ExecutionException
// we are only interested in exectuing this test
// on Windows, to catch the "Command line to long" issue for cmd.exe.
if ( !isWindows() ) return;
cmd.setLogger(new ConsoleLogger(0, null));
cmd.executeCommand("echo " + repeat('x', 255), params, null, false);
fail("Expected the command to fail!");
catch (ExecutionException e)
// the message is language-specific, but better to ensure an error than
// ignoring the test
// assertEquals( "The input line is too long.", cmdExecutor.getStandardError() );
assertEquals(1, cmd.getResult());
test is related to NPANDAY-366
public void testLongCommand()
throws ExecutionException
cmd.setLogger(new ConsoleLogger(0, null));
params.add(repeat('a', 260));
cmd.executeCommand("echo", params, null, false);
assertEquals(repeat('a', 260), cmd.getStandardOut());
private static String repeat(String c, int i)
String tst = "";
for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
tst = tst + c;
return tst;
* Simple check if the test is executed on Windows...
private static boolean isWindows()
return Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS);