blob: 4b7e6f70df92d72c559f30b1a538fdaabda7443d [file] [log] [blame]
package npanday;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* This class provides methods for obtaining the location of artifacts.
public final class PathUtil
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getAnonymousLogger();
public static File getGACFile4Artifact(Artifact artifact) {
// TODO: Should be harmonized with VendorInfo#getGlobalAssemblyCacheDirectoryFor
File gacFile;
String type = artifact.getType();
if (type.equals(ArtifactType.GAC_MSIL4.getPackagingType())) {
String gacRoot = System.getenv( "SystemRoot" ) + "\\Microsoft.NET\\assembly\\GAC_MSIL\\";
gacFile = new File( gacRoot, artifact.getArtifactId() + File.separator + "v4.0" + "_" + artifact.getVersion() + "__" +
artifact.getClassifier() + File.separator + artifact.getArtifactId() + ".dll" );
else if (type.equals(ArtifactType.GAC_32_4.getPackagingType())) {
String gacRoot = System.getenv( "SystemRoot" ) + "\\Microsoft.NET\\assembly\\GAC_32\\";
gacFile = new File( gacRoot, artifact.getArtifactId() + File.separator + "v4.0" + "_" + artifact.getVersion() + "__" +
artifact.getClassifier() + File.separator + artifact.getArtifactId() + ".dll" );
else if (type.equals(ArtifactType.GAC_64_4.getPackagingType())) {
String gacRoot = System.getenv( "SystemRoot" ) + "\\Microsoft.NET\\assembly\\GAC_64\\";
gacFile = new File( gacRoot, artifact.getArtifactId() + File.separator + "v4.0" + "_" + artifact.getVersion() + "__" +
artifact.getClassifier() + File.separator + artifact.getArtifactId() + ".dll" );
else {
gacFile = artifact.getFile();
return gacFile;
* Returns the path of the artifact within the global assembly cache.
* @param artifact the artifact to find the path of. This value should not be null.
* @param gacRepository the root directory of the GAC. This value should not be null.
* @return the path of the artifact within the global assembly cache or null if either of the specified
* parameters is null
public static File getGlobalAssemblyCacheFileFor( Artifact artifact, File gacRepository )
// TODO: Should be harmonized with VendorInfo#getGlobalAssemblyCacheDirectoryFor
if ( artifact == null )
logger.warning( "NPANDAY-040-000: Artifact is null - Cannot get application file." );
return null;
if ( gacRepository == null )
logger.warning( "NPANDAY-040-001: GAC Repository is null - Cannot get application file." );
return null;
if ( artifact.getClassifier() == null )
logger.warning( "NPANDAY-040-002: Assembly must be signed - Cannot get application file." );
String version = artifact.getVersion();
int count = version.split( "[.]" ).length;
for ( int i = 0; i < 4 - count; i++ )
version = version + ".0";
logger.finest( "NPANDAY-040-003: Read global assembly cache folder for: " + artifact);
//TODO: gac_generic
//String processArchitecture = ( artifact.getType().equals( "gac_generic" ) );
return new File( "C:\\WINDOWS\\assembly\\" + artifact.getType() + File.separator + artifact.getArtifactId() +
File.separator + version + "__" + artifact.getClassifier() + File.separator +
artifact.getArtifactId() + ".dll" );
public static String getExecutable( String executable, Collection<String> executablePaths,
org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger logger )
if ( executablePaths != null && executablePaths.size() > 0 )
for ( String executablePath : executablePaths )
File executableFile = PathUtil.getExecutable( new File(executablePath), executable );
if ( executableFile != null )
"NPANDAY-126-001: Found executable file for " + executable + ": \"" + executableFile + "\""
return executableFile.getAbsolutePath();
logger.warn( "NPANDAY-126-002: Did not find path for " + executable + " in " + executablePaths );
return executable;
public static boolean containsExecutable(String executablePath, String executable) {
return (getExecutable(new File(executablePath), executable) != null);
public static File getExecutable(File executablePath, String executable) {
if (executablePath == null || !executablePath.exists())
return null;
File executableFile = new File(executable);
if (executableFile.isAbsolute())
// handle case where executable is absolute
executablePath = executableFile.getParentFile();
executable = executableFile.getName();
// handle case where executable is relative to executable path
executableFile = new File(executablePath, executable);
// determine if the executable exists (without an extension)
if (executableFile.exists())
return executableFile;
// TODO: handle linux/mac ?
String[] extensions = new String[] {"exe", "com", "bat", "cmd"};
for (String extension : extensions)
executableFile = new File(executablePath, executable + "." + extension);
if (executableFile.exists())
return executableFile;
return null;
public static File buildSettingsFilePath( String settingsPathOrFile )
if (settingsPathOrFile.endsWith( "xml" ))
return new File(settingsPathOrFile);
return new File( settingsPathOrFile, "npanday-settings.xml" );
public static File getPrivateApplicationBaseDirectory( MavenProject project )
// Maven already basedir aligns this
return new File( project.getBuild().getDirectory() );
public static File getPreparedPackageFolder( MavenProject project )
String folderName = project.getArtifactId();
return new File(new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "packages"), folderName);
* Builds an filename with artifact id and extension only.
public static String getPlainArtifactFileName( Artifact artifact )
return artifact.getArtifactId() + "." + ArtifactType.getArtifactTypeForPackagingName(artifact.getType()).getExtension();
* Will strip the version and classifier!
public static void copyPlainArtifactFileToDirectory( Artifact artifact, File targetFolder)
throws IOException
File destination = new File(
targetFolder, PathUtil.getPlainArtifactFileName( artifact )
artifact.getFile(), destination
catch ( IOException e )
throw new IOException( "Error on copying " + artifact + " to " + destination);