blob: fbbd4bb61517ea5f749bbb220cc4f0152eecaf60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.controller.queue;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.FlowFileRecord;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.SwapSummary;
import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.FlowFilePrioritizer;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.FlowFileFilter;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public interface FlowFileQueue {
* @return the unique identifier for this FlowFileQueue
String getIdentifier();
* @return list of processing priorities for this queue
List<FlowFilePrioritizer> getPriorities();
* Reads any Swap Files that belong to this queue and returns a summary of what is swapped out.
* This will be called only during NiFi startup as an initialization step. This
* method is then responsible for returning a FlowFileSummary of the FlowFiles that are swapped
* out, or <code>null</code> if no FlowFiles are swapped out for this queue.
* @return a SwapSummary that describes the FlowFiles that exist in the queue but are swapped out.
SwapSummary recoverSwappedFlowFiles();
* Destroys any Swap Files that exist for this queue without updating the FlowFile Repository
* or Provenance Repository. This is done only on startup in the case of non-persistent
* repositories. In the case of non-persistent repositories, we may still have Swap Files because
* we may still need to overflow the FlowFiles from heap onto disk, even though we don't want to keep
* the FlowFiles on restart.
void purgeSwapFiles();
* Resets the comparator used by this queue to maintain order.
* @param newPriorities the ordered list of prioritizers to use to determine
* order within this queue.
* @throws NullPointerException if arg is null
void setPriorities(List<FlowFilePrioritizer> newPriorities);
* Establishes this queue's preferred maximum work load.
* @param maxQueueSize the maximum number of flow files this processor
* recommends having in its work queue at any one time
void setBackPressureObjectThreshold(long maxQueueSize);
* @return maximum number of flow files that should be queued up at any one
* time
long getBackPressureObjectThreshold();
* @param maxDataSize Establishes this queue's preferred maximum data size.
void setBackPressureDataSizeThreshold(String maxDataSize);
* @return maximum data size that should be queued up at any one time
String getBackPressureDataSizeThreshold();
QueueSize size();
* @param fromTimestamp The timestamp in milliseconds from which to calculate durations. This will typically be the current timestamp.
* @return the sum in milliseconds of how long all FlowFiles within this queue have currently been in this queue.
long getTotalQueuedDuration(long fromTimestamp);
* @return The minimum lastQueueDate in milliseconds of all FlowFiles currently enqueued. If no FlowFile is enqueued, this returns 0.
long getMinLastQueueDate();
* @return true if no items queue; false otherwise
boolean isEmpty();
* @return <code>true</code> if the queue is empty or contains only FlowFiles that already are being processed
* by others, <code>false</code> if the queue contains at least one FlowFile that is available for processing,
* regardless of whether that FlowFile(s) is in-memory or swapped out.
boolean isActiveQueueEmpty();
void acknowledge(FlowFileRecord flowFile);
void acknowledge(Collection<FlowFileRecord> flowFiles);
* @return <code>true</code> if at least one FlowFile is unacknowledged, <code>false</code> if all FlowFiles that have been dequeued have been acknowledged
boolean isUnacknowledgedFlowFile();
* @return true if maximum queue size has been reached or exceeded; false
* otherwise
boolean isFull();
* places the given file into the queue
* @param file to place into queue
void put(FlowFileRecord file);
* places the given files into the queue
* @param files to place into queue
void putAll(Collection<FlowFileRecord> files);
* @param expiredRecords expired records
* @return the next flow file on the queue; null if empty
FlowFileRecord poll(Set<FlowFileRecord> expiredRecords);
* @param maxResults limits how many results can be polled
* @param expiredRecords for expired records
* @return the next flow files on the queue up to the max results; null if
* empty
List<FlowFileRecord> poll(int maxResults, Set<FlowFileRecord> expiredRecords);
List<FlowFileRecord> poll(FlowFileFilter filter, Set<FlowFileRecord> expiredRecords);
String getFlowFileExpiration();
int getFlowFileExpiration(TimeUnit timeUnit);
void setFlowFileExpiration(String flowExpirationPeriod);
* Initiates a request to drop all FlowFiles in this queue. This method returns
* a DropFlowFileStatus that can be used to determine the current state of the request.
* Additionally, the DropFlowFileStatus provides a request identifier that can then be
* passed to the {@link #getDropFlowFileStatus(String)} and {@link #cancelDropFlowFileRequest(String)}
* methods in order to obtain the status later or cancel a request
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop FlowFile Request
* @param requestor the entity that is requesting that the FlowFiles be dropped; this will be
* included in the Provenance Events that are generated.
* @return the status of the drop request.
DropFlowFileStatus dropFlowFiles(String requestIdentifier, String requestor);
* Returns the current status of a Drop FlowFile Request that was initiated via the
* {@link #dropFlowFiles(String, String)} method that has the given identifier
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop FlowFile Request
* @return the status for the request with the given identifier, or <code>null</code> if no
* request status exists with that identifier
DropFlowFileStatus getDropFlowFileStatus(String requestIdentifier);
* Cancels the request to drop FlowFiles that has the given identifier. After this method is called, the request
* will no longer be known by this queue, so subsequent calls to {@link #getDropFlowFileStatus(String)} or
* {@link #cancelDropFlowFileRequest(String)} will return <code>null</code>
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop FlowFile Request
* @return the status for the request with the given identifier after it has been canceled, or <code>null</code> if no
* request status exists with that identifier
DropFlowFileStatus cancelDropFlowFileRequest(String requestIdentifier);
* <p>
* Initiates a request to obtain a listing of FlowFiles in this queue. This method returns a
* ListFlowFileStatus that can be used to obtain information about the FlowFiles that exist
* within the queue. Additionally, the ListFlowFileStatus provides a request identifier that
* can then be passed to the {@link #getListFlowFileStatus(String)}. The listing of FlowFiles
* will be returned ordered by the position of the FlowFile in the queue.
* </p>
* <p>
* Note that if maxResults is larger than the size of the "active queue" (i.e., the un-swapped queued,
* FlowFiles that are swapped out will not be returned.)
* </p>
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the List FlowFile Request
* @param maxResults the maximum number of FlowFileSummary objects to add to the ListFlowFileStatus
* @return the status for the request
* @throws IllegalStateException if either the source or the destination of the connection to which this queue belongs
* is currently running.
ListFlowFileStatus listFlowFiles(String requestIdentifier, int maxResults);
* Returns the current status of a List FlowFile Request that was initiated via the {@link #listFlowFiles(String, int)}
* method that has the given identifier
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop FlowFile Request
* @return the current status of the List FlowFile Request with the given identifier or <code>null</code> if no
* request status exists with that identifier
ListFlowFileStatus getListFlowFileStatus(String requestIdentifier);
* Cancels the request to list FlowFiles that has the given identifier. After this method is called, the request
* will no longer be known by this queue, so subsequent calls to {@link #getListFlowFileStatus(String)} or
* {@link #cancelListFlowFileRequest(String)} will return <code>null</code>
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop FlowFile Request
* @return the current status of the List FlowFile Request with the given identifier or <code>null</code> if no
* request status exists with that identifier
ListFlowFileStatus cancelListFlowFileRequest(String requestIdentifier);
* Returns the FlowFile with the given UUID or <code>null</code> if no FlowFile can be found in this queue
* with the given UUID
* @param flowFileUuid the UUID of the FlowFile to retrieve
* @return the FlowFile with the given UUID or <code>null</code> if no FlowFile can be found in this queue
* with the given UUID
* @throws IOException if unable to read FlowFiles that are stored on some external device
FlowFileRecord getFlowFile(String flowFileUuid) throws IOException;
* Ensures that a listing can be performed on the queue
* @throws IllegalStateException if the queue is not in a state in which a listing can be performed
void verifyCanList() throws IllegalStateException;
* Returns diagnostic information about the queue
QueueDiagnostics getQueueDiagnostics();
void lock();
void unlock();
void setLoadBalanceStrategy(LoadBalanceStrategy strategy, String partitioningAttribute);
* Offloads the flowfiles in the queue to other nodes. This disables the queue from partition flowfiles locally.
* <p>
* This operation is a no-op if the node that contains this queue is not in a cluster.
void offloadQueue();
* Resets a queue that has previously been offloaded. This allows the queue to partition flowfiles locally, and
* has no other effect on processors or remote process groups.
* <p>
* This operation is a no-op if the queue is not currently offloaded or the node that contains this queue is not
* clustered.
void resetOffloadedQueue();
LoadBalanceStrategy getLoadBalanceStrategy();
void setLoadBalanceCompression(LoadBalanceCompression compression);
LoadBalanceCompression getLoadBalanceCompression();
String getPartitioningAttribute();
void startLoadBalancing();
void stopLoadBalancing();
* @return <code>true</code> if the queue is actively transferring data to another node, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean isActivelyLoadBalancing();