blob: 3e56c081f804f2a77133c63b630471a983fe414a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.util.NumberUtil;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ParameterContextReferenceEntity;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import java.util.Map;
* The details for a process group within this NiFi flow.
@XmlType(name = "processGroup")
public class ProcessGroupDTO extends ComponentDTO {
private String name;
private String comments;
private Map<String, String> variables;
private VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInformation;
private ParameterContextReferenceEntity parameterContext;
private String flowfileConcurrency;
private String flowfileOutboundPolicy;
private String defaultFlowFileExpiration;
private Long defaultBackPressureObjectThreshold;
private String defaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold;
private Integer runningCount;
private Integer stoppedCount;
private Integer invalidCount;
private Integer disabledCount;
private Integer activeRemotePortCount;
private Integer inactiveRemotePortCount;
private Integer upToDateCount;
private Integer locallyModifiedCount;
private Integer staleCount;
private Integer locallyModifiedAndStaleCount;
private Integer syncFailureCount;
private Integer localInputPortCount;
private Integer localOutputPortCount;
private Integer publicInputPortCount;
private Integer publicOutputPortCount;
private FlowSnippetDTO contents;
public ProcessGroupDTO() {
* The name of this Process Group.
* @return The name of this Process Group
value = "The name of the process group."
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
* @return comments for this process group
value = "The comments for the process group."
public String getComments() {
return comments;
public void setComments(String comments) {
this.comments = comments;
* @return contents of this process group.
value = "The contents of this process group."
public FlowSnippetDTO getContents() {
return contents;
public void setContents(FlowSnippetDTO contents) {
this.contents = contents;
* @return number of input ports contained in this process group
value = "The number of input ports in the process group.",
accessMode = ApiModelProperty.AccessMode.READ_ONLY
public Integer getInputPortCount() {
return NumberUtil.sumNullableIntegers(localInputPortCount, publicInputPortCount);
public void setInputPortCount(Integer inputPortCount) {
// Without having setter for 'inputPortCount', deserialization fails.
// If we use Jackson annotation @JsonIgnoreProperties, this empty setter is not needed.
// Ex. @JsonIgnoreProperties(value={"inputPortCount", "outputPortCount"}, allowGetters=true)
// But in order to minimize dependencies, we don't use Jackson annotations in this module.
* @return number of local input ports contained in this process group
value = "The number of local input ports in the process group."
public Integer getLocalInputPortCount() {
return localInputPortCount;
public void setLocalInputPortCount(Integer localInputPortCount) {
this.localInputPortCount = localInputPortCount;
* @return number of public input ports contained in this process group
value = "The number of public input ports in the process group."
public Integer getPublicInputPortCount() {
return publicInputPortCount;
public void setPublicInputPortCount(Integer publicInputPortCount) {
this.publicInputPortCount = publicInputPortCount;
* @return number of invalid components in this process group
value = "The number of invalid components in the process group."
public Integer getInvalidCount() {
return invalidCount;
public void setInvalidCount(Integer invalidCount) {
this.invalidCount = invalidCount;
* @return number of output ports in this process group
value = "The number of output ports in the process group.",
accessMode = ApiModelProperty.AccessMode.READ_ONLY
public Integer getOutputPortCount() {
return NumberUtil.sumNullableIntegers(localOutputPortCount, publicOutputPortCount);
public void setOutputPortCount(Integer outputPortCount) {
// See setInputPortCount for the reason why this is needed.
* @return number of local output ports in this process group
value = "The number of local output ports in the process group."
public Integer getLocalOutputPortCount() {
return localOutputPortCount;
public void setLocalOutputPortCount(Integer localOutputPortCount) {
this.localOutputPortCount = localOutputPortCount;
* @return number of public output ports in this process group
value = "The number of public output ports in the process group."
public Integer getPublicOutputPortCount() {
return publicOutputPortCount;
public void setPublicOutputPortCount(Integer publicOutputPortCount) {
this.publicOutputPortCount = publicOutputPortCount;
* @return number of running component in this process group
value = "The number of running components in this process group."
public Integer getRunningCount() {
return runningCount;
public void setRunningCount(Integer runningCount) {
this.runningCount = runningCount;
* @return number of stopped components in this process group
value = "The number of stopped components in the process group."
public Integer getStoppedCount() {
return stoppedCount;
public void setStoppedCount(Integer stoppedCount) {
this.stoppedCount = stoppedCount;
* @return number of disabled components in this process group
value = "The number of disabled components in the process group."
public Integer getDisabledCount() {
return disabledCount;
public void setDisabledCount(Integer disabledCount) {
this.disabledCount = disabledCount;
* @return number of active remote ports in this process group
value = "The number of active remote ports in the process group."
public Integer getActiveRemotePortCount() {
return activeRemotePortCount;
public void setActiveRemotePortCount(Integer activeRemotePortCount) {
this.activeRemotePortCount = activeRemotePortCount;
* @return number of inactive remote ports in this process group
value = "The number of inactive remote ports in the process group."
public Integer getInactiveRemotePortCount() {
return inactiveRemotePortCount;
public void setInactiveRemotePortCount(Integer inactiveRemotePortCount) {
this.inactiveRemotePortCount = inactiveRemotePortCount;
@ApiModelProperty("The number of up to date versioned process groups in the process group.")
public Integer getUpToDateCount() {
return upToDateCount;
public void setUpToDateCount(Integer upToDateCount) {
this.upToDateCount = upToDateCount;
@ApiModelProperty("The number of locally modified versioned process groups in the process group.")
public Integer getLocallyModifiedCount() {
return locallyModifiedCount;
public void setLocallyModifiedCount(Integer locallyModifiedCount) {
this.locallyModifiedCount = locallyModifiedCount;
@ApiModelProperty("The number of stale versioned process groups in the process group.")
public Integer getStaleCount() {
return staleCount;
public void setStaleCount(Integer staleCount) {
this.staleCount = staleCount;
@ApiModelProperty("The number of locally modified and stale versioned process groups in the process group.")
public Integer getLocallyModifiedAndStaleCount() {
return locallyModifiedAndStaleCount;
public void setLocallyModifiedAndStaleCount(Integer locallyModifiedAndStaleCount) {
this.locallyModifiedAndStaleCount = locallyModifiedAndStaleCount;
@ApiModelProperty("The number of versioned process groups in the process group that are unable to sync to a registry.")
public Integer getSyncFailureCount() {
return syncFailureCount;
public void setSyncFailureCount(Integer syncFailureCount) {
this.syncFailureCount = syncFailureCount;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "The variables that are configured for the Process Group. Note that this map contains only "
+ "those variables that are defined on this Process Group and not any variables that are defined in the parent "
+ "Process Group, etc. I.e., this Map will not contain all variables that are accessible by components in this "
+ "Process Group by rather only the variables that are defined for this Process Group itself.", accessMode = ApiModelProperty.AccessMode.READ_ONLY)
public Map<String, String> getVariables() {
return variables;
public void setVariables(final Map<String, String> variables) {
this.variables = variables;
@ApiModelProperty("The Version Control information that indicates which Flow Registry, and where in the Flow Registry, "
+ "this Process Group is tracking to; or null if this Process Group is not under version control")
public VersionControlInformationDTO getVersionControlInformation() {
return versionControlInformation;
public void setVersionControlInformation(final VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInformation) {
this.versionControlInformation = versionControlInformation;
@ApiModelProperty("The Parameter Context that this Process Group is bound to.")
public ParameterContextReferenceEntity getParameterContext() {
return parameterContext;
public void setParameterContext(final ParameterContextReferenceEntity parameterContext) {
this.parameterContext = parameterContext;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "The FlowFile Concurrency for this Process Group.", allowableValues = "UNBOUNDED, SINGLE_FLOWFILE_PER_NODE")
public String getFlowfileConcurrency() {
return flowfileConcurrency;
public void setFlowfileConcurrency(final String flowfileConcurrency) {
this.flowfileConcurrency = flowfileConcurrency;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "The Outbound Policy that is used for determining how FlowFiles should be transferred out of the Process Group.",
public String getFlowfileOutboundPolicy() {
return flowfileOutboundPolicy;
public void setFlowfileOutboundPolicy(final String flowfileOutboundPolicy) {
this.flowfileOutboundPolicy = flowfileOutboundPolicy;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "The default FlowFile Expiration for this Process Group.")
public String getDefaultFlowFileExpiration() {
return defaultFlowFileExpiration;
public void setDefaultFlowFileExpiration(String defaultFlowFileExpiration) {
this.defaultFlowFileExpiration = defaultFlowFileExpiration;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "Default value used in this Process Group for the maximum number of objects that can be queued before back pressure is applied.")
public Long getDefaultBackPressureObjectThreshold() {
return defaultBackPressureObjectThreshold;
public void setDefaultBackPressureObjectThreshold(final Long defaultBackPressureObjectThreshold) {
this.defaultBackPressureObjectThreshold = defaultBackPressureObjectThreshold;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "Default value used in this Process Group for the maximum data size of objects that can be queued before back pressure is applied.")
public String getDefaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold() {
return defaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold;
public void setDefaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold(final String defaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold) {
this.defaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold = defaultBackPressureDataSizeThreshold;