blob: bd029c8dd89ec3af8bfb9908ebb3460211d6349d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.hbase;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.exceptions.DeserializationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.ParseFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.DynamicProperty;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.RequiresInstanceClassLoading;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.CapabilityDescription;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.Tags;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnDisabled;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnEnabled;
import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyDescriptor;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationContext;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult;
import org.apache.nifi.components.resource.ResourceCardinality;
import org.apache.nifi.components.resource.ResourceType;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.AbstractControllerService;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ControllerServiceInitializationContext;
import org.apache.nifi.expression.ExpressionLanguageScope;
import org.apache.nifi.hadoop.KerberosProperties;
import org.apache.nifi.hadoop.SecurityUtil;
import org.apache.nifi.hbase.put.PutColumn;
import org.apache.nifi.hbase.put.PutFlowFile;
import org.apache.nifi.hbase.scan.Column;
import org.apache.nifi.hbase.scan.ResultCell;
import org.apache.nifi.hbase.scan.ResultHandler;
import org.apache.nifi.kerberos.KerberosCredentialsService;
import org.apache.nifi.kerberos.KerberosUserService;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.StandardValidators;
import org.apache.nifi.reporting.InitializationException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
@Tags({ "hbase", "client"})
@CapabilityDescription("Implementation of HBaseClientService using the HBase 1.1.x client. Although this service was originally built with the 1.1.2 " +
"client and has 1_1_2 in it's name, the client library has since been upgraded to 1.1.13 to leverage bug fixes. This service can be configured " +
"by providing a comma-separated list of configuration files, or by specifying values for the other properties. If configuration files " +
"are provided, they will be loaded first, and the values of the additional properties will override the values from " +
"the configuration files. In addition, any user defined properties on the processor will also be passed to the HBase " +
@DynamicProperty(name="The name of an HBase configuration property.", value="The value of the given HBase configuration property.",
description="These properties will be set on the HBase configuration after loading any provided configuration files.")
public class HBase_1_1_2_ClientService extends AbstractControllerService implements HBaseClientService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBase_1_1_2_ClientService.class);
static final PropertyDescriptor KERBEROS_CREDENTIALS_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Kerberos Credentials Service")
.description("Specifies the Kerberos Credentials Controller Service that should be used for authenticating with Kerberos")
static final PropertyDescriptor KERBEROS_USER_SERVICE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Kerberos User Service")
.description("Specifies the Kerberos User Controller Service that should be used for authenticating with Kerberos")
static final PropertyDescriptor HADOOP_CONF_FILES = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("Hadoop Configuration Files")
.description("Comma-separated list of Hadoop Configuration files," +
" such as hbase-site.xml and core-site.xml for kerberos, " +
"including full paths to the files.")
.identifiesExternalResource(ResourceCardinality.MULTIPLE, ResourceType.FILE, ResourceType.DIRECTORY)
static final PropertyDescriptor ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("ZooKeeper Quorum")
.description("Comma-separated list of ZooKeeper hosts for HBase. Required if Hadoop Configuration Files are not provided.")
static final PropertyDescriptor ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("ZooKeeper Client Port")
.description("The port on which ZooKeeper is accepting client connections. Required if Hadoop Configuration Files are not provided.")
static final PropertyDescriptor ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("ZooKeeper ZNode Parent")
.description("The ZooKeeper ZNode Parent value for HBase (example: /hbase). Required if Hadoop Configuration Files are not provided.")
static final PropertyDescriptor HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("HBase Client Retries")
.description("The number of times the HBase client will retry connecting. Required if Hadoop Configuration Files are not provided.")
static final PropertyDescriptor PHOENIX_CLIENT_JAR_LOCATION = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("Phoenix Client JAR Location")
.description("The full path to the Phoenix client JAR. Required if Phoenix is installed on top of HBase.")
.identifiesExternalResource(ResourceCardinality.SINGLE, ResourceType.FILE, ResourceType.DIRECTORY, ResourceType.URL)
static final String HBASE_CONF_ZK_QUORUM = "hbase.zookeeper.quorum";
static final String HBASE_CONF_ZK_PORT = "";
static final String HBASE_CONF_ZNODE_PARENT = "zookeeper.znode.parent";
static final String HBASE_CONF_CLIENT_RETRIES = "hbase.client.retries.number";
private volatile Connection connection;
private volatile UserGroupInformation ugi;
private final AtomicReference<KerberosUser> kerberosUserReference = new AtomicReference<>();
private volatile String masterAddress;
private List<PropertyDescriptor> properties;
private KerberosProperties kerberosProperties;
private volatile File kerberosConfigFile = null;
// Holder of cached Configuration information so validation does not reload the same config over and over
private final AtomicReference<ValidationResources> validationResourceHolder = new AtomicReference<>();
protected Connection getConnection() {
return connection;
protected void setConnection(Connection connection) {
this.connection = connection;
protected void init(ControllerServiceInitializationContext config) throws InitializationException {
kerberosConfigFile = config.getKerberosConfigurationFile();
kerberosProperties = getKerberosProperties(kerberosConfigFile);
List<PropertyDescriptor> props = new ArrayList<>();
props.addAll(getAdditionalProperties()); = Collections.unmodifiableList(props);
protected List<PropertyDescriptor> getAdditionalProperties() {
return new ArrayList<>();
protected KerberosProperties getKerberosProperties(File kerberosConfigFile) {
return new KerberosProperties(kerberosConfigFile);
protected List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
return properties;
protected PropertyDescriptor getSupportedDynamicPropertyDescriptor(String propertyDescriptorName) {
return new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.description("Specifies the value for '" + propertyDescriptorName + "' in the HBase configuration.")
protected Collection<ValidationResult> customValidate(ValidationContext validationContext) {
boolean confFileProvided = validationContext.getProperty(HADOOP_CONF_FILES).isSet();
boolean zkQuorumProvided = validationContext.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM).isSet();
boolean zkPortProvided = validationContext.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT).isSet();
boolean znodeParentProvided = validationContext.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT).isSet();
boolean retriesProvided = validationContext.getProperty(HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES).isSet();
final String explicitPrincipal = validationContext.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosPrincipal()).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
final String explicitKeytab = validationContext.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosKeytab()).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
final String explicitPassword = validationContext.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosPassword()).getValue();
final KerberosCredentialsService credentialsService = validationContext.getProperty(KERBEROS_CREDENTIALS_SERVICE).asControllerService(KerberosCredentialsService.class);
final KerberosUserService kerberosUserService = validationContext.getProperty(KERBEROS_USER_SERVICE).asControllerService(KerberosUserService.class);
final String resolvedPrincipal;
final String resolvedKeytab;
if (credentialsService == null) {
resolvedPrincipal = explicitPrincipal;
resolvedKeytab = explicitKeytab;
} else {
resolvedPrincipal = credentialsService.getPrincipal();
resolvedKeytab = credentialsService.getKeytab();
final List<ValidationResult> problems = new ArrayList<>();
if (!confFileProvided && (!zkQuorumProvided || !zkPortProvided || !znodeParentProvided || !retriesProvided)) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.explanation("ZooKeeper Quorum, ZooKeeper Client Port, ZooKeeper ZNode Parent, and HBase Client Retries are required " +
"when Hadoop Configuration Files are not provided.")
if (confFileProvided) {
final String configFiles = validationContext.getProperty(HADOOP_CONF_FILES).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
ValidationResources resources = validationResourceHolder.get();
// if no resources in the holder, or if the holder has different resources loaded,
// then load the Configuration and set the new resources in the holder
if (resources == null || !configFiles.equals(resources.getConfigResources())) {
getLogger().debug("Reloading validation resources");
resources = new ValidationResources(configFiles, getConfigurationFromFiles(configFiles));
final Configuration hbaseConfig = resources.getConfiguration();
if (kerberosUserService == null) {
problems.addAll(KerberosProperties.validatePrincipalWithKeytabOrPassword(getClass().getSimpleName(), hbaseConfig,
resolvedPrincipal, resolvedKeytab, explicitPassword, getLogger()));
} else {
final boolean securityEnabled = SecurityUtil.isSecurityEnabled(hbaseConfig);
if (!securityEnabled) {
getLogger().warn("Hadoop Configuration does not have security enabled, KerberosUserService will be ignored");
if (credentialsService != null && (explicitPrincipal != null || explicitKeytab != null || explicitPassword != null)) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.subject("Kerberos Credentials")
.explanation("Cannot specify a Kerberos Credentials Service while also specifying a Kerberos Principal, Kerberos Keytab, or Kerberos Password")
if (kerberosUserService != null && (explicitPrincipal != null || explicitKeytab != null || explicitPassword != null)) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.subject("Kerberos User")
.explanation("Cannot specify a Kerberos User Service while also specifying a Kerberos Principal, Kerberos Keytab, or Kerberos Password")
if (kerberosUserService != null && credentialsService != null) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.subject("Kerberos User")
.explanation("Cannot specify a Kerberos User Service while also specifying a Kerberos Credentials Service")
if (!isAllowExplicitKeytab() && explicitKeytab != null) {
problems.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.subject("Kerberos Credentials")
.explanation("The '" + ALLOW_EXPLICIT_KEYTAB + "' system environment variable is configured to forbid explicitly configuring Kerberos Keytab in processors. "
+ "The Kerberos Credentials Service should be used instead of setting the Kerberos Keytab or Kerberos Principal property.")
return problems;
* As of Apache NiFi 1.5.0, due to changes made to
* {@link SecurityUtil#loginKerberos(Configuration, String, String)}, which is used by this
* class to authenticate a principal with Kerberos, HBase controller services no longer
* attempt relogins explicitly. For more information, please read the documentation for
* {@link SecurityUtil#loginKerberos(Configuration, String, String)}.
* <p/>
* In previous versions of NiFi, a {@link org.apache.nifi.hadoop.KerberosTicketRenewer} was started
* when the HBase controller service was enabled. The use of a separate thread to explicitly relogin could cause
* race conditions with the implicit relogin attempts made by hadoop/HBase code on a thread that references the same
* {@link UserGroupInformation} instance. One of these threads could leave the
* {@link} in {@link UserGroupInformation} to be cleared or in an unexpected state
* while the other thread is attempting to use the {@link}, resulting in failed
* authentication attempts that would leave the HBase controller service in an unrecoverable state.
* @see SecurityUtil#loginKerberos(Configuration, String, String)
public void onEnabled(final ConfigurationContext context) throws InitializationException, IOException, InterruptedException {
this.connection = createConnection(context);
// connection check
if (this.connection != null) {
final Admin admin = this.connection.getAdmin();
if (admin != null) {
final ClusterStatus clusterStatus = admin.getClusterStatus();
if (clusterStatus != null) {
final ServerName master = clusterStatus.getMaster();
if (master != null) {
masterAddress = master.getHostAndPort();
} else {
masterAddress = null;
protected Connection createConnection(final ConfigurationContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final String configFiles = context.getProperty(HADOOP_CONF_FILES).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
final Configuration hbaseConfig = getConfigurationFromFiles(configFiles);
// override with any properties that are provided
if (context.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM).isSet()) {
hbaseConfig.set(HBASE_CONF_ZK_QUORUM, context.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue());
if (context.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT).isSet()) {
hbaseConfig.set(HBASE_CONF_ZK_PORT, context.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue());
if (context.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT).isSet()) {
hbaseConfig.set(HBASE_CONF_ZNODE_PARENT, context.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue());
if (context.getProperty(HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES).isSet()) {
hbaseConfig.set(HBASE_CONF_CLIENT_RETRIES, context.getProperty(HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue());
// add any dynamic properties to the HBase configuration
for (final Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor, String> entry : context.getProperties().entrySet()) {
final PropertyDescriptor descriptor = entry.getKey();
if (descriptor.isDynamic()) {
hbaseConfig.set(descriptor.getName(), entry.getValue());
if (SecurityUtil.isSecurityEnabled(hbaseConfig)) {
getLogger().debug("HBase Security Enabled, creating KerberosUser");
final KerberosUser kerberosUser = createKerberosUser(context);
ugi = SecurityUtil.getUgiForKerberosUser(hbaseConfig, kerberosUser);
getLogger().info("Successfully logged in as principal {}", kerberosUser.getPrincipal());
return getUgi().doAs((PrivilegedExceptionAction<Connection>)() -> ConnectionFactory.createConnection(hbaseConfig));
} else {
getLogger().debug("Simple Authentication");
return ConnectionFactory.createConnection(hbaseConfig);
protected KerberosUser createKerberosUser(final ConfigurationContext context) {
// Check Kerberos User Service first, if present then get the KerberosUser from the service
// The customValidate method ensures that KerberosUserService can't be set at the same time as the credentials service or explicit properties
final KerberosUserService kerberosUserService = context.getProperty(KERBEROS_USER_SERVICE).asControllerService(KerberosUserService.class);
if (kerberosUserService != null) {
return kerberosUserService.createKerberosUser();
String principal = context.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosPrincipal()).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
String keyTab = context.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosKeytab()).evaluateAttributeExpressions().getValue();
String password = context.getProperty(kerberosProperties.getKerberosPassword()).getValue();
// If the Kerberos Credentials Service is specified, we need to use its configuration, not the explicit properties for principal/keytab.
// The customValidate method ensures that only one can be set, so we know that the principal & keytab above are null.
final KerberosCredentialsService credentialsService = context.getProperty(KERBEROS_CREDENTIALS_SERVICE).asControllerService(KerberosCredentialsService.class);
if (credentialsService != null) {
principal = credentialsService.getPrincipal();
keyTab = credentialsService.getKeytab();
if (keyTab != null) {
return new KerberosKeytabUser(principal, keyTab);
} else if (password != null) {
return new KerberosPasswordUser(principal, password);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to authenticate with Kerberos, no keytab or password was provided");
protected Configuration getConfigurationFromFiles(final String configFiles) {
final Configuration hbaseConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configFiles)) {
for (final String configFile : configFiles.split(",")) {
hbaseConfig.addResource(new Path(configFile.trim()));
return hbaseConfig;
public void shutdown() {
if (connection != null) {
try {
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
getLogger().warn("Failed to close connection to HBase due to {}", new Object[]{ioe});
final KerberosUser kerberosUser = kerberosUserReference.get();
if (kerberosUser != null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception e) {
getLogger().warn("Error logging out KerberosUser: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
ugi = null;
protected List<Put> buildPuts(byte[] rowKey, List<PutColumn> columns) {
List<Put> retVal = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Put put = null;
for (final PutColumn column : columns) {
if (put == null || (put.getCellVisibility() == null && column.getVisibility() != null) || ( put.getCellVisibility() != null
&& !put.getCellVisibility().getExpression().equals(column.getVisibility())
)) {
put = new Put(rowKey);
if (column.getVisibility() != null) {
put.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(column.getVisibility()));
if (column.getTimestamp() != null) {
} else {
} catch (DeserializationException de) {
getLogger().error("Error writing cell visibility statement.", de);
throw new RuntimeException(de);
return retVal;
public void put(final String tableName, final Collection<PutFlowFile> puts) throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName))) {
// Create one Put per row....
final Map<String, List<PutColumn>> sorted = new HashMap<>();
final List<Put> newPuts = new ArrayList<>();
for (final PutFlowFile putFlowFile : puts) {
final String rowKeyString = new String(putFlowFile.getRow(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
List<PutColumn> columns = sorted.get(rowKeyString);
if (columns == null) {
columns = new ArrayList<>();
sorted.put(rowKeyString, columns);
for (final Map.Entry<String, List<PutColumn>> entry : sorted.entrySet()) {
newPuts.addAll(buildPuts(entry.getKey().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), entry.getValue()));
return null;
public void put(final String tableName, final byte[] rowId, final Collection<PutColumn> columns) throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName))) {
table.put(buildPuts(rowId, new ArrayList(columns)));
return null;
public boolean checkAndPut(final String tableName, final byte[] rowId, final byte[] family, final byte[] qualifier, final byte[] value, final PutColumn column) throws IOException {
return SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName))) {
Put put = new Put(rowId);
return table.checkAndPut(rowId, family, qualifier, value, put);
public void delete(final String tableName, final byte[] rowId) throws IOException {
delete(tableName, rowId, null);
public void delete(String tableName, byte[] rowId, String visibilityLabel) throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName))) {
Delete delete = new Delete(rowId);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(visibilityLabel)) {
delete.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(visibilityLabel));
return null;
public void delete(String tableName, List<byte[]> rowIds) throws IOException {
delete(tableName, rowIds, null);
public void deleteCells(String tableName, List<DeleteRequest> deletes) throws IOException {
List<Delete> deleteRequests = new ArrayList<>();
for (int index = 0; index < deletes.size(); index++) {
DeleteRequest req = deletes.get(index);
Delete delete = new Delete(req.getRowId())
.addColumn(req.getColumnFamily(), req.getColumnQualifier());
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(req.getVisibilityLabel())) {
delete.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(req.getVisibilityLabel()));
batchDelete(tableName, deleteRequests);
public void delete(String tableName, List<byte[]> rowIds, String visibilityLabel) throws IOException {
List<Delete> deletes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int index = 0; index < rowIds.size(); index++) {
Delete delete = new Delete(rowIds.get(index));
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(visibilityLabel)) {
delete.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(visibilityLabel));
batchDelete(tableName, deletes);
private void batchDelete(String tableName, List<Delete> deletes) throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName))) {
return null;
public void scan(final String tableName, final Collection<Column> columns, final String filterExpression, final long minTime, final ResultHandler handler)
throws IOException {
scan(tableName, columns, filterExpression, minTime, null, handler);
public void scan(String tableName, Collection<Column> columns, String filterExpression, long minTime, List<String> visibilityLabels, ResultHandler handler) throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
Filter filter = null;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(filterExpression)) {
ParseFilter parseFilter = new ParseFilter();
filter = parseFilter.parseFilterString(filterExpression);
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName));
final ResultScanner scanner = getResults(table, columns, filter, minTime, visibilityLabels)) {
for (final Result result : scanner) {
final byte[] rowKey = result.getRow();
final Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();
if (cells == null) {
// convert HBase cells to NiFi cells
final ResultCell[] resultCells = new ResultCell[cells.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
final Cell cell = cells[i];
final ResultCell resultCell = getResultCell(cell);
resultCells[i] = resultCell;
// delegate to the handler
handler.handle(rowKey, resultCells);
return null;
public void scan(final String tableName, final byte[] startRow, final byte[] endRow, final Collection<Column> columns, List<String> authorizations, final ResultHandler handler)
throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName));
final ResultScanner scanner = getResults(table, startRow, endRow, columns, authorizations)) {
for (final Result result : scanner) {
final byte[] rowKey = result.getRow();
final Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();
if (cells == null) {
// convert HBase cells to NiFi cells
final ResultCell[] resultCells = new ResultCell[cells.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
final Cell cell = cells[i];
final ResultCell resultCell = getResultCell(cell);
resultCells[i] = resultCell;
// delegate to the handler
handler.handle(rowKey, resultCells);
return null;
public void scan(final String tableName, final String startRow, final String endRow, String filterExpression,
final Long timerangeMin, final Long timerangeMax, final Integer limitRows, final Boolean isReversed,
final Boolean blockCache, final Collection<Column> columns, List<String> visibilityLabels, final ResultHandler handler) throws IOException {
SecurityUtil.callWithUgi(getUgi(), () -> {
try (final Table table = connection.getTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName));
final ResultScanner scanner = getResults(table, startRow, endRow, filterExpression, timerangeMin,
timerangeMax, limitRows, isReversed, blockCache, columns, visibilityLabels)) {
int cnt = 0;
final int lim = limitRows != null ? limitRows : 0;
for (final Result result : scanner) {
if (lim > 0 && ++cnt > lim) {
final byte[] rowKey = result.getRow();
final Cell[] cells = result.rawCells();
if (cells == null) {
// convert HBase cells to NiFi cells
final ResultCell[] resultCells = new ResultCell[cells.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
final Cell cell = cells[i];
final ResultCell resultCell = getResultCell(cell);
resultCells[i] = resultCell;
// delegate to the handler
handler.handle(rowKey, resultCells);
return null;
protected ResultScanner getResults(final Table table, final String startRow, final String endRow, final String filterExpression, final Long timerangeMin, final Long timerangeMax,
final Integer limitRows, final Boolean isReversed, final Boolean blockCache, final Collection<Column> columns, List<String> authorizations) throws IOException {
final Scan scan = new Scan();
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(startRow)){
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(endRow)){
scan.setStopRow( endRow.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
if (authorizations != null && authorizations.size() > 0) {
scan.setAuthorizations(new Authorizations(authorizations));
Filter filter = null;
if (columns != null) {
for (Column col : columns) {
if (col.getQualifier() == null) {
} else {
scan.addColumn(col.getFamily(), col.getQualifier());
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(filterExpression)) {
ParseFilter parseFilter = new ParseFilter();
filter = parseFilter.parseFilterString(filterExpression);
if (filter != null){
if (timerangeMin != null && timerangeMax != null){
scan.setTimeRange(timerangeMin, timerangeMax);
// ->>> reserved for HBase v 2 or later
//if (limitRows != null && limitRows > 0){
// scan.setLimit(limitRows)
if (isReversed != null){
return table.getScanner(scan);
// protected and extracted into separate method for testing
protected ResultScanner getResults(final Table table, final byte[] startRow, final byte[] endRow, final Collection<Column> columns, List<String> authorizations) throws IOException {
final Scan scan = new Scan();
if (authorizations != null && authorizations.size() > 0) {
scan.setAuthorizations(new Authorizations(authorizations));
if (columns != null && columns.size() > 0) {
for (Column col : columns) {
if (col.getQualifier() == null) {
} else {
scan.addColumn(col.getFamily(), col.getQualifier());
return table.getScanner(scan);
// protected and extracted into separate method for testing
protected ResultScanner getResults(final Table table, final Collection<Column> columns, final Filter filter, final long minTime, List<String> authorizations) throws IOException {
// Create a new scan. We will set the min timerange as the latest timestamp that
// we have seen so far. The minimum timestamp is inclusive, so we will get duplicates.
// We will record any cells that have the latest timestamp, so that when we scan again,
// we know to throw away those duplicates.
final Scan scan = new Scan();
scan.setTimeRange(minTime, Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (authorizations != null && authorizations.size() > 0) {
scan.setAuthorizations(new Authorizations(authorizations));
if (filter != null) {
if (columns != null) {
for (Column col : columns) {
if (col.getQualifier() == null) {
} else {
scan.addColumn(col.getFamily(), col.getQualifier());
return table.getScanner(scan);
private ResultCell getResultCell(Cell cell) {
final ResultCell resultCell = new ResultCell();
return resultCell;
static protected class ValidationResources {
private final String configResources;
private final Configuration configuration;
public ValidationResources(String configResources, Configuration configuration) {
this.configResources = configResources;
this.configuration = configuration;
public String getConfigResources() {
return configResources;
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
public byte[] toBytes(boolean b) {
return Bytes.toBytes(b);
public byte[] toBytes(float f) {
return Bytes.toBytes(f);
public byte[] toBytes(int i) {
return Bytes.toBytes(i);
public byte[] toBytes(long l) {
return Bytes.toBytes(l);
public byte[] toBytes(double d) {
return Bytes.toBytes(d);
public byte[] toBytes(String s) {
return Bytes.toBytes(s);
public byte[] toBytesBinary(String s) {
return Bytes.toBytesBinary(s);
public String toTransitUri(String tableName, String rowKey) {
if (connection == null) {
logger.warn("Connection has not been established, could not create a transit URI. Returning null.");
return null;
final String transitUriMasterAddress = StringUtils.isEmpty(masterAddress) ? "unknown" : masterAddress;
return "hbase://" + transitUriMasterAddress + "/" + tableName + (StringUtils.isEmpty(rowKey) ? "" : "/" + rowKey);
* Overridable by subclasses in the same package, mainly intended for testing purposes to allow verification without having to set environment variables.
boolean isAllowExplicitKeytab() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getenv(ALLOW_EXPLICIT_KEYTAB));
UserGroupInformation getUgi() {
getLogger().trace("getting UGI instance");
// if there is a KerberosUser associated with UGI, call checkTGTAndRelogin to ensure UGI's underlying Subject has a valid ticket
SecurityUtil.checkTGTAndRelogin(getLogger(), kerberosUserReference.get());
return ugi;