blob: 937e9bb27f5a4eab30167f96f8ba80703da33cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIfSystemProperty
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows
class PBKDF2SecureHasherTest {
void testShouldBeDeterministicWithStaticSalt() {
// Arrange
int cost = 10_000
int dkLength = 32
int testIterations = 10
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "2c47a6d801b71e087f94792079c40880aea29013bfffd0ab94b1bc112ea52511"
PBKDF2SecureHasher pbkdf2SecureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher(cost, dkLength)
def results = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
byte[] hash = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String hashHex = new String(Hex.encode(hash))
results << hashHex
// Assert
assert results.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
void testShouldBeDifferentWithRandomSalt() {
// Arrange
String prf = "SHA512"
int cost = 10_000
int saltLength = 16
int dkLength = 32
int testIterations = 10
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "2c47a6d801b71e087f94792079c40880aea29013bfffd0ab94b1bc112ea52511"
PBKDF2SecureHasher pbkdf2SecureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher(prf, cost, saltLength, dkLength)
def results = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
byte[] hash = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String hashHex = Hex.encode(hash)
results << hashHex
// Assert
assert results.unique().size() == results.size()
assert results.every { it != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
void testShouldHandleArbitrarySalt() {
// Arrange
String prf = "SHA512"
int cost = 10_000
int saltLength = 16
int dkLength = 32
def input = "This is a sensitive value"
byte[] inputBytes = input.bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "2c47a6d801b71e087f94792079c40880aea29013bfffd0ab94b1bc112ea52511"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = "LEem2AG3Hgh/lHkgecQIgK6ikBO//9CrlLG8ES6lJRE"
PBKDF2SecureHasher staticSaltHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher(cost, dkLength)
PBKDF2SecureHasher arbitrarySaltHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher(prf, cost, saltLength, dkLength)
final byte[] STATIC_SALT = AbstractSecureHasher.STATIC_SALT
final String DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT = "Diff Static Salt"
// Act
byte[] staticSaltHash = staticSaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
byte[] arbitrarySaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, STATIC_SALT)
byte[] differentArbitrarySaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
byte[] differentSaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String staticSaltHashHex = staticSaltHasher.hashHex(input)
String arbitrarySaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
String differentArbitrarySaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT)
String differentSaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input)
String staticSaltHashBase64 = staticSaltHasher.hashBase64(input)
String arbitrarySaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
String differentArbitrarySaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT)
String differentSaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input)
// Assert
assert staticSaltHash == EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert arbitrarySaltHash == EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert differentArbitrarySaltHash != EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert differentSaltHash != EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert staticSaltHashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert arbitrarySaltHashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert differentArbitrarySaltHashHex != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert differentSaltHashHex != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert staticSaltHashBase64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert arbitrarySaltHashBase64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert differentArbitrarySaltHashBase64 != EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert differentSaltHashBase64 != EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
void testShouldValidateArbitrarySalt() {
// Assert
String prf = "SHA512"
int cost = 10_000
int saltLength = 16
int dkLength = 32
def input = "This is a sensitive value"
byte[] inputBytes = input.bytes
// Static salt instance
PBKDF2SecureHasher secureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher(prf, cost, saltLength, dkLength)
byte[] STATIC_SALT = "bad_sal".bytes
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, { -> new PBKDF2SecureHasher(prf, cost, 7, dkLength) })
assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, { -> secureHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, STATIC_SALT) })
assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, { -> secureHasher.hashHex(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) })
assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, { -> secureHasher.hashBase64(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) })
void testShouldFormatHex() {
// Arrange
String input = "This is a sensitive value"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "8f67110e87d225366e2d79ad251d2cf48f8cb15845800452e0e2cff09f95ef1c"
PBKDF2SecureHasher pbkdf2SecureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher()
// Act
String hashHex = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashHex(input)
// Assert
assert hashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
void testShouldFormatBase64() {
// Arrange
String input = "This is a sensitive value"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = "j2cRDofSJTZuLXmtJR0s9I+MsVhFgARS4OLP8J+V7xw"
PBKDF2SecureHasher pbkdf2SecureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher()
// Act
String hashB64 = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashBase64(input)
// Assert
assert hashB64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
void testShouldHandleNullInput() {
// Arrange
List<String> inputs = [null, ""]
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "7f2d8d8c7aaa45471f6c05a8edfe0a3f75fe01478cc965c5dce664e2ac6f5d0a"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = "fy2NjHqqRUcfbAWo7f4KP3X+AUeMyWXF3OZk4qxvXQo"
PBKDF2SecureHasher pbkdf2SecureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher()
def hexResults = []
def B64Results = []
// Act
inputs.each { String input ->
String hashHex = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashHex(input)
hexResults << hashHex
String hashB64 = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashBase64(input)
B64Results << hashB64
// Assert
assert hexResults.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
assert B64Results.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 }
* This test can have the minimum time threshold updated to determine if the performance
* is still sufficient compared to the existing threat model.
@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "nifi.test.performance", matches = "true")
void testDefaultCostParamsShouldBeSufficient() {
// Arrange
int testIterations = 100
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
PBKDF2SecureHasher pbkdf2SecureHasher = new PBKDF2SecureHasher()
def results = []
def resultDurations = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
long startNanos = System.nanoTime()
byte[] hash = pbkdf2SecureHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
long endNanos = System.nanoTime()
long durationNanos = endNanos - startNanos
String hashHex = Hex.encode(hash)
results << hashHex
resultDurations << durationNanos
// Assert
final long MIN_DURATION_NANOS = 75_000_000 // 75 ms
assert resultDurations.min() > MIN_DURATION_NANOS
assert resultDurations.sum() / testIterations > MIN_DURATION_NANOS
void testShouldVerifyIterationCountBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def validIterationCounts = [1, 1000, 1_000_000]
// Act
def results = validIterationCounts.collect { int i ->
boolean valid = PBKDF2SecureHasher.isIterationCountValid(i)
// Assert
assert results.every()
void testShouldFailIterationCountBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def invalidIterationCounts = [-1, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1]
// Act
def results = invalidIterationCounts.collect { i ->
boolean valid = PBKDF2SecureHasher.isIterationCountValid(i)
// Assert
results.each { valid ->
assert !valid
void testShouldVerifyDKLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def validHLengths = [32, 64]
// 1 and MAX_VALUE are the length boundaries, inclusive
def validDKLengths = [1, 1000, 1_000_000, Integer.MAX_VALUE]
// Act
def results = validHLengths.collectEntries { int hLen ->
def dkResults = validDKLengths.collect { int dkLength ->
boolean valid = PBKDF2SecureHasher.isDKLengthValid(hLen, dkLength)
[hLen, dkResults]
// Assert
results.each { int hLen, def dkResults ->
assert dkResults.every()
void testShouldFailDKLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def validHLengths = [32, 64]
// MAX_VALUE + 1 will become MIN_VALUE because of signed integer math
def invalidDKLengths = [-1, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1, new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE * 2 - 1)]
// Act
def results = validHLengths.collectEntries { int hLen ->
def dkResults = invalidDKLengths.collect { int dkLength ->
boolean valid = PBKDF2SecureHasher.isDKLengthValid(hLen, dkLength)
[hLen, dkResults]
// Assert
results.each { int hLen, def dkResults ->
assert dkResults.every { boolean valid -> !valid }
void testShouldVerifySaltLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def saltLengths = [0, 16, 64]
// Act
def results = saltLengths.collect { saltLength ->
def isValid = new PBKDF2SecureHasher().isSaltLengthValid(saltLength)
// Assert
assert results.every()
void testShouldFailSaltLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def saltLengths = [-8, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1]
// Act
def results = saltLengths.collect { saltLength ->
def isValid = new PBKDF2SecureHasher().isSaltLengthValid(saltLength)
// Assert
results.each { assert !it }