blob: 7bf48f0213fa0c05c3715a807d73b6b8692b989a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nifi.serialization.record;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.SimpleRecordSchema;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.util.DataTypeUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
public class ResultSetRecordSet implements RecordSet, Closeable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResultSetRecordSet.class);
private static final int JDBC_DEFAULT_PRECISION_VALUE = 10;
private static final int JDBC_DEFAULT_SCALE_VALUE = 0;
private final ResultSet rs;
private final RecordSchema schema;
private final Set<String> rsColumnNames;
private final int defaultPrecision;
private final int defaultScale;
private boolean moreRows;
private static final String STRING_CLASS_NAME = String.class.getName();
private static final String INT_CLASS_NAME = Integer.class.getName();
private static final String LONG_CLASS_NAME = Long.class.getName();
private static final String DATE_CLASS_NAME = Date.class.getName();
private static final String DOUBLE_CLASS_NAME = Double.class.getName();
private static final String FLOAT_CLASS_NAME = Float.class.getName();
private static final String BIGDECIMAL_CLASS_NAME = BigDecimal.class.getName();
public ResultSetRecordSet(final ResultSet rs, final RecordSchema readerSchema) throws SQLException {
public ResultSetRecordSet(final ResultSet rs, final RecordSchema readerSchema, final int defaultPrecision, final int defaultScale) throws SQLException {
this.defaultPrecision = defaultPrecision;
this.defaultScale = defaultScale; = rs;
this.rsColumnNames = new HashSet<>();
RecordSchema tempSchema;
try {
tempSchema = createSchema(rs, readerSchema);
moreRows =;
} catch(SQLException se) {
// Tried to create the schema with a ResultSet without calling next() first (probably for DB2), now try the other way around
moreRows =;
tempSchema = createSchema(rs, readerSchema);
this.schema = tempSchema;
public RecordSchema getSchema() {
return schema;
// Protected methods for subclasses to access private member variables
protected ResultSet getResultSet() {
return rs;
protected boolean hasMoreRows() {
return moreRows;
protected void setMoreRows(boolean moreRows) {
this.moreRows = moreRows;
public Record next() throws IOException {
try {
if (moreRows) {
final Record record = createRecord(rs);
moreRows = !rs.isClosed() &&;
return record;
} else {
return null;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new IOException("Could not obtain next record from ResultSet", e);
public void close() {
try {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
logger.error("Failed to close ResultSet", e);
protected Record createRecord(final ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
final Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>(schema.getFieldCount());
for (final RecordField field : schema.getFields()) {
final String fieldName = field.getFieldName();
final Object value;
if (rsColumnNames.contains(fieldName)) {
value = normalizeValue(rs.getObject(fieldName));
} else {
value = null;
values.put(fieldName, value);
return new MapRecord(schema, values);
private Object normalizeValue(final Object value) throws SQLException {
if (value == null) {
return null;
if (value instanceof java.sql.Date) {
// Date objects should be stored in records as UTC normalized dates (UTC 00:00:00)
// but they come from the driver in JVM's local time zone 00:00:00 and need to be converted.
return DataTypeUtils.convertDateToUTC((java.sql.Date) value);
if (value instanceof List) {
return ((List) value).toArray();
if (value instanceof Array) {
return ((Array) value).getArray();
return value;
private RecordSchema createSchema(final ResultSet rs, final RecordSchema readerSchema) throws SQLException {
final ResultSetMetaData metadata = rs.getMetaData();
final int numCols = metadata.getColumnCount();
final List<RecordField> fields = new ArrayList<>(numCols);
for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
final int column = i + 1;
final int sqlType = metadata.getColumnType(column);
final DataType dataType = getDataType(sqlType, rs, column, readerSchema);
final String fieldName = metadata.getColumnLabel(column);
final int nullableFlag = metadata.isNullable(column);
final boolean nullable;
if (nullableFlag == ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls) {
nullable = false;
} else {
nullable = true;
final RecordField field = new RecordField(fieldName, dataType, nullable);
return new SimpleRecordSchema(fields);
private DataType getDataType(final int sqlType, final ResultSet rs, final int columnIndex, final RecordSchema readerSchema) throws SQLException {
switch (sqlType) {
case Types.ARRAY:
// The JDBC API does not allow us to know what the base type of an array is through the metadata.
// As a result, we have to obtain the actual Array for this record. Once we have this, we can determine
// the base type. However, if the base type is, itself, an array, we will simply return a base type of
// String because otherwise, we need the ResultSet for the array itself, and many JDBC Drivers do not
// support calling Array.getResultSet() and will throw an Exception if that is not supported.
try {
final Array array = rs.getArray(columnIndex);
if (array == null) {
return RecordFieldType.ARRAY.getArrayDataType(RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType());
final DataType baseType = getArrayBaseType(array);
return RecordFieldType.ARRAY.getArrayDataType(baseType);
} catch (SQLFeatureNotSupportedException sfnse) {
return RecordFieldType.ARRAY.getArrayDataType(RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType());
case Types.BINARY:
case Types.VARBINARY:
return RecordFieldType.ARRAY.getArrayDataType(RecordFieldType.BYTE.getDataType());
case Types.NUMERIC:
case Types.DECIMAL:
int decimalPrecision;
final int decimalScale;
final int resultSetPrecision = rs.getMetaData().getPrecision(columnIndex);
final int resultSetScale = rs.getMetaData().getScale(columnIndex);
if (rs.getMetaData().getPrecision(columnIndex) > 0) {
// When database returns a certain precision, we can rely on that.
decimalPrecision = resultSetPrecision;
//For the float data type Oracle return decimalScale < 0 which cause is not expected to org.apache.avro.LogicalTypes
//Hence falling back to default scale if decimalScale < 0
decimalScale = resultSetScale > 0 ? resultSetScale : defaultScale;
} else {
// If not, use default precision.
decimalPrecision = defaultPrecision;
// Oracle returns precision=0, scale=-127 for variable scale value such as ROWNUM or function result.
// Specifying 'oracle.jdbc.J2EE13Compliant' SystemProperty makes it to return scale=0 instead.
// Queries for example, 'SELECT 1.23 as v from DUAL' can be problematic because it can't be mapped with decimal with scale=0.
// Default scale is used to preserve decimals in such case.
decimalScale = resultSetScale > 0 ? resultSetScale : defaultScale;
// Scale can be bigger than precision in some cases (Oracle, e.g.) If this is the case, assume precision refers to the number of
// decimal digits and thus precision = scale
if (decimalScale > decimalPrecision) {
decimalPrecision = decimalScale;
return RecordFieldType.DECIMAL.getDecimalDataType(decimalPrecision, decimalScale);
case Types.OTHER: {
// If we have no records to inspect, we can't really know its schema so we simply use the default data type.
if (rs.isAfterLast()) {
return RecordFieldType.RECORD.getDataType();
final String columnName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(columnIndex);
if (readerSchema != null) {
Optional<DataType> dataType = readerSchema.getDataType(columnName);
if (dataType.isPresent()) {
return dataType.get();
final Object obj = rs.getObject(columnIndex);
if (!(obj instanceof Record)) {
final List<DataType> dataTypes = Stream.of(RecordFieldType.BIGINT, RecordFieldType.BOOLEAN, RecordFieldType.BYTE, RecordFieldType.CHAR, RecordFieldType.DATE,
RecordFieldType.DECIMAL, RecordFieldType.DOUBLE, RecordFieldType.FLOAT, RecordFieldType.INT, RecordFieldType.LONG, RecordFieldType.SHORT, RecordFieldType.STRING,
RecordFieldType.TIME, RecordFieldType.TIMESTAMP)
return RecordFieldType.CHOICE.getChoiceDataType(dataTypes);
final Record record = (Record) obj;
final RecordSchema recordSchema = record.getSchema();
return RecordFieldType.RECORD.getRecordDataType(recordSchema);
default: {
final String columnName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(columnIndex);
if (readerSchema != null) {
Optional<DataType> dataType = readerSchema.getDataType(columnName);
if (dataType.isPresent()) {
return dataType.get();
final RecordFieldType fieldType = getFieldType(sqlType, rs.getMetaData().getColumnClassName(columnIndex));
if (RecordFieldType.DECIMAL.equals(fieldType)) {
final BigDecimal bigDecimalValue = rs.getBigDecimal(columnIndex);
return fieldType.getDecimalDataType(bigDecimalValue.precision(), bigDecimalValue.scale());
} else {
return fieldType.getDataType();
private static DataType getArrayBaseType(final Array array) throws SQLException {
final Object arrayValue = array.getArray();
if (arrayValue == null) {
return RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof byte[]) {
return RecordFieldType.BYTE.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof int[]) {
return RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof long[]) {
return RecordFieldType.LONG.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof boolean[]) {
return RecordFieldType.BOOLEAN.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof short[]) {
return RecordFieldType.SHORT.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof float[]) {
return RecordFieldType.FLOAT.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof double[]) {
return RecordFieldType.DOUBLE.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof char[]) {
return RecordFieldType.CHAR.getDataType();
if (arrayValue instanceof Object[]) {
final Object[] values = (Object[]) arrayValue;
if (values.length == 0) {
return RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType();
Object valueToLookAt = null;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
valueToLookAt = values[i];
if (valueToLookAt != null) {
if (valueToLookAt == null) {
return RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof String) {
return RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Long) {
return RecordFieldType.LONG.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Integer) {
return RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Short) {
return RecordFieldType.SHORT.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Byte) {
return RecordFieldType.BYTE.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Float) {
return RecordFieldType.FLOAT.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Double) {
return RecordFieldType.DOUBLE.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof BigDecimal) {
final BigDecimal bigDecimal = (BigDecimal) valueToLookAt;
return RecordFieldType.DECIMAL.getDecimalDataType(bigDecimal.precision(), bigDecimal.scale());
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Boolean) {
return RecordFieldType.BOOLEAN.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Character) {
return RecordFieldType.CHAR.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof BigInteger) {
return RecordFieldType.BIGINT.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Integer) {
return RecordFieldType.INT.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof java.sql.Time) {
return RecordFieldType.TIME.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof java.sql.Date) {
return RecordFieldType.DATE.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
return RecordFieldType.TIMESTAMP.getDataType();
if (valueToLookAt instanceof Record) {
final Record record = (Record) valueToLookAt;
return RecordFieldType.RECORD.getRecordDataType(record.getSchema());
return RecordFieldType.STRING.getDataType();
private static RecordFieldType getFieldType(final int sqlType, final String valueClassName) {
switch (sqlType) {
case Types.BIGINT:
case Types.ROWID:
return RecordFieldType.LONG;
case Types.BIT:
case Types.BOOLEAN:
return RecordFieldType.BOOLEAN;
case Types.CHAR:
return RecordFieldType.CHAR;
case Types.DATE:
return RecordFieldType.DATE;
case Types.NUMERIC:
case Types.DECIMAL:
return RecordFieldType.DECIMAL;
case Types.DOUBLE:
case Types.REAL:
return RecordFieldType.DOUBLE;
case Types.FLOAT:
return RecordFieldType.FLOAT;
case Types.INTEGER:
return RecordFieldType.INT;
case Types.SMALLINT:
return RecordFieldType.SHORT;
case Types.TINYINT:
return RecordFieldType.BYTE;
case Types.NCHAR:
case Types.NULL:
case Types.NVARCHAR:
case Types.VARCHAR:
return RecordFieldType.STRING;
case Types.OTHER:
case Types.JAVA_OBJECT:
if (STRING_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.STRING;
if (INT_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.INT;
if (LONG_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.LONG;
if (DATE_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.DATE;
if (FLOAT_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.FLOAT;
if (DOUBLE_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.DOUBLE;
if (BIGDECIMAL_CLASS_NAME.equals(valueClassName)) {
return RecordFieldType.DECIMAL;
return RecordFieldType.RECORD;
case Types.TIME:
return RecordFieldType.TIME;
case Types.TIMESTAMP:
case -101: // Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
return RecordFieldType.TIMESTAMP;
return RecordFieldType.STRING;