blob: a916d29200d41c58c74079bd219afaac94ca2635 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.serialization.record;
import org.apache.nifi.serialization.record.util.IllegalTypeConversionException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
public interface Record {
RecordSchema getSchema();
* Indicates whether or not field values for this record are expected to be coerced into the type designated by the schema.
* If <code>true</code>, then it is safe to assume that calling {@link #getValue(RecordField)} will return an Object of the appropriate
* type according to the schema, or an object that can be coerced into the appropriate type. If type checking
* is not enabled, then calling {@link #getValue(RecordField)} can return an object of any type.
* @return <code>true</code> if type checking is enabled, <code>false</code> otherwise.
boolean isTypeChecked();
* If <code>true</code>, any field that is added to the record will be drop unless the field is known by the schema
* @return <code>true</code> if fields that are unknown to the schema will be dropped, <code>false</code>
* if all field values are retained.
boolean isDropUnknownFields();
* Updates the Record's schema to to incorporate all of the fields in the given schema. If both schemas have a
* field with the same name but a different type, then the existing schema will be updated to have a
* {@link RecordFieldType#CHOICE} field with both types as choices. If two fields have the same name but different
* default values, then the default value that is already in place will remain the default value, unless the current
* default value is <code>null</code>. Note that all values for this Record will still be valid according
* to this Record's Schema after this operation completes, as no type will be changed except to become more
* lenient. However, if incorporating the other schema does modify this schema, then the schema text
* returned by {@link RecordSchema#getSchemaText() getSchemaText()}, the schema format returned by {@link RecordSchema#getSchemaFormat() getSchemaFormat()}, and
* the SchemaIdentifier returned by {@link RecordSchema#getIdentifier() getIdentifier()} for this record's schema may all become Empty.
* @param other the other schema to incorporate into this Record's schema
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this record does not support incorporating other schemas
void incorporateSchema(RecordSchema other);
* Updates the Record's schema to incorporate all of the fields that were added via the {@link #setValue(RecordField, Object)}
* method that did not exist in the schema.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this record does not support incorporating other fields
void incorporateInactiveFields();
* <p>
* Returns a view of the the values of the fields in this Record. Note that this method returns values only for
* those entries in the Record's schema. This allows the Record to guarantee that it will return the values in
* the order dictated by the schema.
* </p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> The array that is returned may be an underlying array that is backing
* the contents of the Record. As such, modifying the array in any way may result in
* modifying the record.
* @return a view of the values of the fields in this Record
Object[] getValues();
Object getValue(String fieldName);
Object getValue(RecordField field);
String getAsString(String fieldName);
String getAsString(String fieldName, String format);
String getAsString(RecordField field, String format);
Long getAsLong(String fieldName);
Integer getAsInt(String fieldName);
Double getAsDouble(String fieldName);
Float getAsFloat(String fieldName);
Record getAsRecord(String fieldName, RecordSchema schema);
Boolean getAsBoolean(String fieldName);
Date getAsDate(String fieldName, String format);
Object[] getAsArray(String fieldName);
Optional<SerializedForm> getSerializedForm();
* Updates the value of the field with the given name to the given value. If the field specified
* is not present in this Record's schema, this method will do nothing. If this method does change
* any value in the Record, any {@link SerializedForm} that was provided will be removed (i.e., any
* subsequent call to {@link #getSerializedForm()} will return an empty Optional).
* @param fieldName the name of the field to update
* @param value the new value to set
* @throws IllegalTypeConversionException if the value is not of the correct type, as defined
* by the schema, and cannot be coerced into the correct type.
void setValue(String fieldName, Object value);
* Updates the value of the given field to the given value. If the field specified is not present in this Record's schema,
* this method will track of the field as an 'inactive field', which can then be added into the Record's schema via the
* {@link #incorporateInactiveFields} method. This method should not be called after each invocation of {@link #setValue(RecordField, Object)}
* but rather should be called only once all updates to the Record have completed, in order to optimize performance.
* If this method changes any value in the Record, any {@link SerializedForm} that was provided will be removed (i.e., any
* subsequent call to {@link #getSerializedForm()}} will return an empty Optional).
* @param field the field to update
* @param value the value to set
void setValue(RecordField field, Object value);
* Updates the value of a the specified index of a field. If the field specified
* is not present in this Record's schema, this method will do nothing. If the field specified
* is not an Array, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the field specified is an array
* but the array has fewer elements than the specified index, this method will do nothing. If this method does change
* any value in the Record, any {@link SerializedForm} that was provided will be removed (i.e., any
* subsequent call to {@link #getSerializedForm()} will return an empty Optional).
* @param fieldName the name of the field to update
* @param arrayIndex the 0-based index into the array that should be updated. If this value is larger than the
* number of elements in the array, or if the array is null, this method will do nothing.
* @param value the new value to set
* @throws IllegalTypeConversionException if the value is not of the correct type, as defined
* by the schema, and cannot be coerced into the correct type; or if the field with the given
* name is not an Array
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the arrayIndex is less than 0.
void setArrayValue(String fieldName, int arrayIndex, Object value);
* Updates the value of a the specified key in a Map field. If the field specified
* is not present in this Record's schema, this method will do nothing. If the field specified
* is not a Map field, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If this method does change
* any value in the Record, any {@link SerializedForm} that was provided will be removed (i.e., any
* subsequent call to {@link #getSerializedForm()} will return an empty Optional).
* @param fieldName the name of the field to update
* @param mapKey the key in the map of the entry to update
* @param value the new value to set
* @throws IllegalTypeConversionException if the value is not of the correct type, as defined
* by the schema, and cannot be coerced into the correct type; or if the field with the given
* name is not a Map
void setMapValue(String fieldName, String mapKey, Object value);
* Returns a Set that contains the names of all of the fields that are present in the Record, regardless of
* whether or not those fields are contained in the schema. To determine which fields exist in the Schema, use
* {@link #getSchema()}.{@link RecordSchema#getFieldNames() getFieldNames()} instead.
* @return a Set that contains the names of all of the fields that are present in the Record
Set<String> getRawFieldNames();
* Converts the Record into a Map whose keys are the same as the Record's field names and the values are the field values
* @return a Map that represents the values in the Record.
Map<String, Object> toMap();