blob: f167da0149838e2f6825329b57cc6aafcf03f3f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.remote.client
import org.apache.nifi.remote.PeerDescription
import org.apache.nifi.remote.PeerStatus
import org.apache.nifi.remote.TransferDirection
import org.apache.nifi.remote.protocol.SiteToSiteTransportProtocol
import org.apache.nifi.remote.util.PeerStatusCache
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
class PeerSelectorTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PeerSelectorTest.class)
private static final BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION = new PeerDescription("localhost", -1, false)
private static final List<String> DEFAULT_NODES = ["node1.nifi", "node2.nifi", "node3.nifi"]
private static final String DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS = buildRemoteInstanceUris(DEFAULT_NODES)
private static final Set<PeerStatus> DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES = buildPeerStatuses(DEFAULT_NODES)
private static final Set<PeerDescription> DEFAULT_PEER_DESCRIPTIONS = DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES*.peerDescription
private static final Map<PeerDescription, Set<PeerStatus>> DEFAULT_PEER_NODES = buildPeersMap(DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES)
// Default collaborators
private static mockPSP
private static mockPP
static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
logger.metaClass.methodMissing = { String name, args ->"[${name?.toUpperCase()}] ${(args as List).join(" ")}")
void setUp() {
// Mock collaborators
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider()
mockPP = mockPeerPersistence()
void tearDown() {
private static String buildRemoteInstanceUris(List<String> nodes = DEFAULT_NODES) {
String remoteInstanceUris = "http://" + nodes.join(":8443/nifi-api,http://") + ":8443/nifi-api";
private static Set<PeerStatus> buildPeerStatuses(List<String> nodes = DEFAULT_NODES) {
Set<PeerDescription> nodePeerDescriptions = nodes.collect { String nodeHostname ->
new PeerDescription(nodeHostname, -1, false)
Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = nodePeerDescriptions.collect { PeerDescription pd ->
new PeerStatus(pd, 0, true)
* Returns a map representing the cluster architecture formed by each hostname having the provided number of flowfiles.
* @param peersWithFlowfiles a map of hostnames to flowfile counts
* @return the map with formed objects like PeerStatus and PeerDescription
private static Map<PeerStatus, Integer> buildCluster(Map<String, Integer> peersWithFlowfiles = [:]) {
peersWithFlowfiles.collectEntries { String hostname, Integer flowfileCount ->
[new PeerStatus(new PeerDescription(hostname, -1, false), flowfileCount, true), flowfileCount]
* Returns a map where each key (peer description) is aware of all of its peer nodes (peer statuses).
* @param peerStatuses the set of peer statuses
* @return a map of PDs to sibling peers
private static Map<PeerDescription, Set<PeerStatus>> buildPeersMap(Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses) {
peerStatuses.collectEntries { PeerStatus ps ->
[ps.peerDescription, peerStatuses.findAll { it.peerDescription.hostname != ps.peerDescription.hostname }]
* Returns a map of nodes to expected percentage of flowfiles allocated to/from the node.
* @param nodes the map of nodes to current flowfile count
* @param direction the transfer direction
* @return the map of nodes to expected allocation
private static Map<String, Double> determineExpectedPercents(Map<String, Integer> nodes, TransferDirection direction = TransferDirection.SEND) {
long totalFFC = nodes.values().sum() as long
nodes.collectEntries { name, ffc ->
[name, PeerSelector.calculateNormalizedWeight(direction, totalFFC, ffc, nodes.size())]
* Asserts that the provided frequency results are within {@code TOLERANCE} % of the expected values.
* @param resultsFrequency the map of node to invocations/hits
* @param EXPECTED_PERCENTS the map of node to expected percent of hits
* @param NUM_TIMES the total number of hits (defaults to the sum of all results)
* @param TOLERANCE the tolerance for error (default 0.05 = 5%)
private static void assertDistributionPercentages(Map<String, Integer> resultsFrequency,
final Map<String, Double> EXPECTED_PERCENTS,
final int NUM_TIMES = resultsFrequency.values().sum() as int,
final double TOLERANCE = 0.05) {
assert resultsFrequency.keySet() == EXPECTED_PERCENTS.keySet()" Actual results: ${resultsFrequency.sort()}")"Expected results: ${EXPECTED_PERCENTS.sort().collect { k, v -> "${k}: ${v}%" }}")
def max = resultsFrequency.max { a, b -> a.value <=> b.value }
def min = resultsFrequency.min { a, b -> a.value <=> b.value }"Max: ${max.key} (${max.value}) | Min: ${min.key} (${min.value})")
def realTolerance = TOLERANCE * NUM_TIMES
logger.debug("Tolerance is measured as a percent of total flowfiles (${TOLERANCE * 100}% of ${NUM_TIMES} = ${realTolerance.round(2)})")
// TODO: Change percentages to be percentage points of total for even comparison
EXPECTED_PERCENTS.each { k, v ->
def expectedCount = (v / 100) * NUM_TIMES
def lowerBound = Math.max(0, (expectedCount - realTolerance).round(2))
def upperBound = Math.min(NUM_TIMES, (expectedCount + realTolerance).round(2))
def count = resultsFrequency[k]
def difference = Math.abs(expectedCount - count) / NUM_TIMES
logger.debug("Checking that ${count} is within ±${TOLERANCE * 100}% of ${expectedCount} (${lowerBound}, ${upperBound}) | ${(difference * 100).round(2)}%")
assert count >= lowerBound && count <= upperBound
* Asserts that the last N peer selections do not have N-1 consecutive selections of the same peer, where N is the total peer count. This is a legacy requirement.
* @param recentPeerSelectionQueue the recently selected peers (the PeerQueue should have been initialized with N elements)
* @param nextPeer the next peer
private static void assertConsecutiveSelections(PeerQueue recentPeerSelectionQueue, PeerStatus nextPeer) {
int consecutiveElements = recentPeerSelectionQueue.getMaxConsecutiveElements()
// String mcce = recentPeerSelectionQueue.getMostCommonConsecutiveElement()
// logger.debug("Most consecutive elements in recentPeerSelectionQueue: ${consecutiveElements} - ${mcce} | ${recentPeerSelectionQueue}")
assert consecutiveElements <= recentPeerSelectionQueue.totalSize - 1
private static double calculateMean(Map resultsFrequency) {
int n = resultsFrequency.size()
Object meanIndex = n % 2 == 0 ? (n / 2 - 1)..(n / 2) : (n / 2).intValue()
List meanElements = resultsFrequency.values().sort()[meanIndex] as List
return meanElements.sum() / meanElements.size()
private static PeerStatusProvider mockPeerStatusProvider(PeerDescription bootstrapPeerDescription = BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION, String remoteInstanceUris = DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, Map<PeerDescription, Set<PeerStatus>> peersMap = DEFAULT_PEER_NODES) {
[getTransportProtocol : { ->
getRemoteInstanceUris: { ->
getBootstrapPeerDescription: { ->
fetchRemotePeerStatuses : { PeerDescription pd ->
peersMap[pd] ?: [] as Set<PeerStatus>
}] as PeerStatusProvider
private static PeerPersistence mockPeerPersistence(String remoteInstanceUris = DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES) {
[restore: { ->
new PeerStatusCache(peerStatuses, System.currentTimeMillis(), remoteInstanceUris, SiteToSiteTransportProtocol.HTTP)
save : { PeerStatusCache psc ->
logger.mock("Persisting PeerStatusCache: ${psc}")
}] as PeerPersistence
private static PeerSelector buildPeerSelectorForCluster(String scenarioName, Map nodes) {
// Map the nodes to a cluster
def clusterMap = buildCluster(nodes)"Using cluster map (${scenarioName}): ${clusterMap.collectEntries { k, v -> [k.peerDescription.hostname, v] }}")
// Build a peer selector with this cluster
PeerStatusProvider mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, buildPeersMap(clusterMap.keySet()))
PeerPersistence mockPP = mockPeerPersistence(DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, clusterMap.keySet())
new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
void testGetPeersToQueryShouldBeEmpty() {
// Arrange
// Mock collaborators with empty data
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION, "", [:])
mockPP = mockPeerPersistence("", [] as Set)
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
// Act
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"Retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
// Assert
assert peersToQuery.size() == 1
assert peersToQuery.first() == BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION
void testShouldGetPeersToQuery() {
// Arrange
Set<PeerStatus> restoredPeerStatuses = buildPeerStatuses()
// Mock collaborators
mockPP = mockPeerPersistence(DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, restoredPeerStatuses)
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
// Act
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"Retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
// Assert
assert peersToQuery.size() == restoredPeerStatuses.size() + 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
assert peersToQuery.containsAll(DEFAULT_PEER_DESCRIPTIONS)
* Asserts that calling the {@code #getPeersToQuery( )} method repeatedly provides the same result because it does not modify {@code lastFetchedQueryablePeers} directly.
void testGetPeersToQueryShouldBeIdempotent() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 3
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
// Act
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"Retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
def repeatedPeersToQuery = []
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
repeatedPeersToQuery << ps.getPeersToQuery()
// Assert
assert peersToQuery.size() == DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES.size() + 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
assert peersToQuery.containsAll(DEFAULT_PEER_DESCRIPTIONS)
assert repeatedPeersToQuery.every { it == peersToQuery }
void testShouldFetchRemotePeerStatuses() {
// Arrange
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
// Act
Set<PeerStatus> remotePeerStatuses = ps.fetchRemotePeerStatuses(DEFAULT_PEER_DESCRIPTIONS)"Retrieved ${remotePeerStatuses.size()} peer statuses: ${remotePeerStatuses}")
// Assert
assert remotePeerStatuses.size() == DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES.size()
assert remotePeerStatuses.containsAll(DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES)
* Iterates through test scenarios of 100, 1000, and 10_000 total flowfiles and calculates the relative send and receive weights for every percentage.
void testShouldCalculateNormalizedWeight() {
// Arrange
def results = [:]
// Act
[3, 5, 7].each { int nodeCount ->
results["$nodeCount"] = [:]
(2..4).each { int e ->
int totalFlowfileCount = 10**e
results["$nodeCount"]["$totalFlowfileCount"] = [:]
def thisScenario = results["$nodeCount"]["$totalFlowfileCount"]"Running ${nodeCount} node scenario for ${totalFlowfileCount} total flowfiles")
(0..100).each { int i ->
int flowfileCount = (i / 100 * totalFlowfileCount).intValue()
thisScenario["$flowfileCount"] = [:]
double sendWeight = PeerSelector.calculateNormalizedWeight(TransferDirection.SEND, totalFlowfileCount, flowfileCount, nodeCount)
double receiveWeight = PeerSelector.calculateNormalizedWeight(TransferDirection.RECEIVE, totalFlowfileCount, flowfileCount, nodeCount)
thisScenario["$flowfileCount"]["send"] = sendWeight
thisScenario["$flowfileCount"]["receive"] = receiveWeight
// Assert
results.each { nodeCount, t ->
t.each { total, r ->
total = Integer.valueOf(total)"Results for ${nodeCount} nodes with ${total} flowfiles: ")["Count", "Send", "Receive"].collect { it.padLeft(10, " ") }.join())
int step = total / 10 as int
( { int n ->
def data = r["$n"]
def line = [n, data.send, data.receive].collect { (it as String).padLeft(10, " ") }.join()
// Assert that the send percentage is always between 0% and 80%
assert r.every { k, v -> v.send >= 0 && v.send <= 80 }
// Assert that the receive percentage is always between 0% and 100%
assert r.every { k, v -> v.receive >= 0 && v.receive <= 100 }
* Iterates through test scenarios of 100, 1000, and 10_000 total flowfiles and calculates the relative send and receive weights for every percentage.
void testShouldCalculateNormalizedWeightForSingleRemote() {
// Arrange
final int NODE_COUNT = 1
// Act
(2..4).each { int e ->
int totalFlowfileCount = 10**e"Running single node scenario for ${totalFlowfileCount} total flowfiles")
(0..100).each { int i ->
int flowfileCount = (i / 100 * totalFlowfileCount).intValue()
double sendWeight = PeerSelector.calculateNormalizedWeight(TransferDirection.SEND, totalFlowfileCount, flowfileCount, NODE_COUNT)
double receiveWeight = PeerSelector.calculateNormalizedWeight(TransferDirection.RECEIVE, totalFlowfileCount, flowfileCount, NODE_COUNT)
// Assert
assert sendWeight == 100
assert receiveWeight == 100
void testShouldBuildWeightedPeerMapForSend() {
// Arrange
def nodes = ["node1.nifi": 20, "node2.nifi": 30, "node3.nifi": 50]
def clusterMap = buildCluster(nodes)
// Sort the map in ascending order by value (SEND)
clusterMap = clusterMap.sort { e1, e2 -> e1.value <=> e2.value }"Using cluster map: ${clusterMap.collectEntries { k, v -> [k.peerDescription.hostname, v] }}")
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, buildPeersMap(clusterMap.keySet()))
mockPP = mockPeerPersistence(DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, clusterMap.keySet())
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = ps.getPeerStatuses()
// Act
LinkedHashMap<PeerStatus, Double> weightedPeerMap = ps.buildWeightedPeerMap(peerStatuses, TransferDirection.SEND)"Weighted peer map: ${weightedPeerMap}")
// Assert
assert new ArrayList<>(weightedPeerMap.keySet()) == new ArrayList(clusterMap.keySet())
void testShouldBuildWeightedPeerMapForReceive() {
// Arrange
def nodes = ["node1.nifi": 20, "node2.nifi": 30, "node3.nifi": 50]
def clusterMap = buildCluster(nodes)
// Sort the map in descending order by value (RECEIVE)
clusterMap = clusterMap.sort { e1, e2 -> e2.value <=> e1.value }"Using cluster map: ${clusterMap.collectEntries { k, v -> [k.peerDescription.hostname, v] }}")
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, buildPeersMap(clusterMap.keySet()))
mockPP = mockPeerPersistence(DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, clusterMap.keySet())
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = ps.getPeerStatuses()
// Act
LinkedHashMap<PeerStatus, Double> weightedPeerMap = ps.buildWeightedPeerMap(peerStatuses, TransferDirection.RECEIVE)"Weighted peer map: ${weightedPeerMap}")
// Assert
assert new ArrayList<>(weightedPeerMap.keySet()) == new ArrayList(clusterMap.keySet())
* This test ensures that regardless of the total flowfile count, the resulting map has
* normalized weights (i.e. percentage of 100).
void testCreateDestinationMapForSendShouldBeNormalized() {
// Arrange
def scenarios = [
"100 ff 100/0/0" : ["node1.nifi": 100, "node2.nifi": 0, "node3.nifi": 0],
"100 ff 50/50/0" : ["node1.nifi": 50, "node2.nifi": 50, "node3.nifi": 0],
"100 ff 100/0" : ["node1.nifi": 100, "node2.nifi": 0],
"1000 ff 200/300/500": ["node1.nifi": 200, "node2.nifi": 300, "node3.nifi": 500],
"1000 ff 333/333/334": ["node1.nifi": 333, "node2.nifi": 333, "node3.nifi": 334],
"1000 ff 0/250x4" : ["node1.nifi": 0, "node2.nifi": 250, "node3.nifi": 250, "node4.nifi": 250, "node5.nifi": 250],
"1000 ff 142x7" : ((1..7).collectEntries { int i -> ["node${i}.nifi", 1000.intdiv(7)] }),
"200 ff 151/1x49" : ["node1.nifi": 151] + ((2..50).collectEntries { int i -> ["node${i}.nifi", 1] })
scenarios.each { String name, Map nodes ->
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster(name, nodes)
Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = ps.getPeerStatuses()
// Check both SEND and RECEIVE
TransferDirection.values().each { TransferDirection direction ->"Retrieving peers for ${direction} in scenario ${name}")
// Act
Map<PeerStatus, Double> destinationMap = ps.createDestinationMap(peerStatuses, direction)"Destination map: ${destinationMap}")
// Assert
assert destinationMap.keySet() == peerStatuses
// For uneven splits, the resulting percentage should be within +/- 1%
def totalPercentage = destinationMap.values().sum()
assert totalPercentage >= 99 && totalPercentage <= 100
* Test the edge case where there is a rounding error and the selected random number is not captured in the buckets
void testGetAvailablePeerStatusShouldHandleEdgeCase() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 10000
def nodes = ["node1.nifi": 2, "node2.nifi": 1, "node3.nifi": 1]
// Make a map where the weights are artificially suppressed and total far less than 100% to make the edge case more likely
Map<PeerStatus, Double> suppressedPercentageMap = buildPeerStatuses(new ArrayList<String>(nodes.keySet())).collectEntries { [it, nodes[it.peerDescription.hostname] / 100.0 as double] }
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster("edge case cluster", nodes)
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
Map<String, Integer> resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getAvailablePeerStatus(suppressedPercentageMap)
// logger.debug("${(i as String).padLeft(Math.log10(NUM_TIMES).intValue())}: ${nextPeer.peerDescription.hostname}")
}"Peer frequency results (${NUM_TIMES}): ${resultsFrequency}")
// Assert
// The actual distribution would be 50/25/25
final Map<String, Double> EXPECTED_PERCENTS = ["node1.nifi": 50.0, "node2.nifi": 25.0, "node3.nifi": 25.0]
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES, 0.05)
void testShouldGetNextPeer() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 10000
def nodes = ["node1.nifi": 20, "node2.nifi": 30, "node3.nifi": 50]
// Check both SEND and RECEIVE
TransferDirection.values().each { TransferDirection direction ->"Selecting ${NUM_TIMES} peers for ${direction}")
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster("100 ff 20/30/50", nodes)
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
Map<String, Integer> resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getNextPeerStatus(direction)
// logger.debug("${(i as String).padLeft(Math.log10(NUM_TIMES).intValue())}: ${nextPeer.peerDescription.hostname}")
}"Peer frequency results (${NUM_TIMES}): ${resultsFrequency}")
// Assert
final Map<String, Double> EXPECTED_PERCENTS = determineExpectedPercents(nodes, direction)
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES)
* When the cluster is balanced, the consecutive selection of peers should not repeat {@code cluster.size( ) - 1} times.
void testGetNextPeerShouldNotRepeatPeersOnBalancedCluster() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 10000
def nodes = ((1..10).collectEntries { int i -> ["node${i}.nifi".toString(), 100] })
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster("1000 ff 100x10", nodes)
// Check both SEND and RECEIVE
TransferDirection.values().each { TransferDirection direction ->"Selecting ${NUM_TIMES} peers for ${direction}")
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
def resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
// Use the queue to track recent peers and observe repeated selections
PeerQueue lastN = new PeerQueue(nodes.size())
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getNextPeerStatus(direction)
// Assert the consecutive selections are ok
assertConsecutiveSelections(lastN, nextPeer)
// Assert
final def EXPECTED_PERCENTS = nodes.collectEntries { [it.key, 10.0] }
// The tolerance should be a bit higher because of the high number of nodes and even distribution
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES, 0.10)
* When a remote has only one valid peer, that peer should be selected every time
void testGetNextPeerShouldRepeatPeersOnSingleValidDestination() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 100
// Single destination scenarios
def scenarios = [
"single node" : ["node1.nifi": 100],
"single empty node": ["node1.nifi": 0],
"100 ff 100/0" : ["node1.nifi": 100, "node2.nifi": 0],
scenarios.each { String name, Map nodes ->
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster(name, nodes)
// Check both SEND and RECEIVE
TransferDirection.values().each { TransferDirection direction ->"Selecting ${NUM_TIMES} peers for ${direction} in scenario ${name}")
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
def resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
// Use the queue to track recent peers and observe repeated selections
PeerQueue lastN = new PeerQueue(nodes.size())
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getNextPeerStatus(direction)
// Assert the consecutive selections are ok (i.e. it IS selecting the same peer repeatedly)
if (lastN.remainingCapacity() == 0) {
// Spot check consecutive selection
if (i % 10 == 0) {
int consecutiveElements = lastN.getMaxConsecutiveElements()
assert consecutiveElements == lastN.size()
// Assert
final def EXPECTED_PERCENTS = determineExpectedPercents(nodes, direction)"Expected percentages for ${name}: ${EXPECTED_PERCENTS}")
// The tolerance should be zero; exact matches only
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES, 0.00)
* The legacy requirement that the next peer not repeat N-1 times where N is the size of the remote cluster does not apply to the following scenarios:
* * A remote of size <= 3
* * An unbalanced remote (33/33/33/0) <em>should</em> repeat the last peer multiple times
void testGetNextPeerShouldRepeatPeersOnUnbalancedCluster() {
// Arrange
// Using a higher iteration count smooths out outliers
final int NUM_TIMES = 10000
// Scenarios where consecutively-selected peers are expected to sometimes repeat (small clusters, uneven clusters)
def scenarios = [
"100 ff 50/50" : ["node1.nifi": 50, "node2.nifi": 50],
"100 ff 75/25" : ["node1.nifi": 75, "node2.nifi": 25],
"100 ff 50/50/0" : ["node1.nifi": 50, "node2.nifi": 50, "node3.nifi": 0],
"1000 ff 800/200/0" : ["node1.nifi": 800, "node2.nifi": 200, "node3.nifi": 0],
"10 ff 8/2/0" : ["node1.nifi": 8, "node2.nifi": 2, "node3.nifi": 0],
"200 ff 66x3/0" : ["node1.nifi": 66, "node2.nifi": 66, "node3.nifi": 66, "node4.nifi": 0],
"1000 ff 0/250x4" : ["node1.nifi": 0, "node2.nifi": 250, "node3.nifi": 250, "node4.nifi": 250, "node5.nifi": 250],
"1000 ff 0/111x9" : ["node1.nifi": 0] + ((2..10).collectEntries { ["node${it}.nifi".toString(), 111] }),
"legacy 1024/10240/4096x3": ["node1.nifi": 1024, "node2.nifi": 10240] + (3..5).collectEntries { ["node${it}.nifi".toString(), 4096] },
"legacy 50k/500" : ["node1.nifi": 50_000, "node2.nifi": 50],
scenarios.each { String name, Map nodes ->
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster(name, nodes)
// Check both SEND and RECEIVE
TransferDirection.values().each { TransferDirection direction ->"Selecting ${NUM_TIMES} peers for ${direction} in scenario ${name}")
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
def resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
logger.debug("Initialized results map to ${resultsFrequency}")
// Use the queue to track recent peers and observe repeated selections
PeerQueue lastN = new PeerQueue(nodes.size())
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getNextPeerStatus(direction)
// logger.debug("${(i as String).padLeft(Math.log10(NUM_TIMES).intValue())}: ${nextPeer.peerDescription.hostname}")
// Assert the consecutive selections are ok (i.e. it IS selecting the same peer repeatedly)
if (lastN.remainingCapacity() == 0) {
int consecutiveElements = lastN.getMaxConsecutiveElements()
if (consecutiveElements == nodes.size() && nodes.size() > 3) {
logger.debug("Most consecutive elements in recentPeerSelectionQueue: ${consecutiveElements} | ${lastN}")
// Assert
final def EXPECTED_PERCENTS = determineExpectedPercents(nodes, direction)"Expected percentages for ${name}: ${EXPECTED_PERCENTS}")
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES)
* Test the edge case where peers are penalized
void testGetAvailablePeerStatusShouldHandlePenalizedPeers() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 100
// Should prefer node1, but it will be penalized
def nodes = ["node1.nifi": 10, "node2.nifi": 90]
// Make a map where the weights are normal
def peerStatuses = buildPeerStatuses(new ArrayList<String>(nodes.keySet()))
Map<PeerStatus, Double> weightMap = peerStatuses.collectEntries { [it, nodes[it.peerDescription.hostname] as double] }
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster("penalized peer", nodes)
// Penalize node1
ps.penalize(peerStatuses.sort().first().peerDescription, 10_000)
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
Map<String, Integer> resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getAvailablePeerStatus(weightMap)
// logger.debug("${(i as String).padLeft(Math.log10(NUM_TIMES).intValue())}: ${nextPeer.peerDescription.hostname}")
}"Peer frequency results (${NUM_TIMES}): ${resultsFrequency}")
// Assert
// The actual distribution would be .9/.1, but because of the penalization, all selections will be node2
final Map<String, Double> EXPECTED_PERCENTS = ["node1.nifi": 0.0, "node2.nifi": 100.0]
// The tolerance should be very tight as this will be almost exact every time
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES, 0.00)
* Test the edge case where peers are penalized
void testGetAvailablePeerStatusShouldHandleMultiplePenalizedPeers() {
// Arrange
final int NUM_TIMES = 10_000
// Should distribute evenly, but 1/2 of the nodes will be penalized
def nodes = ["node1.nifi": 25, "node2.nifi": 25, "node3.nifi": 25, "node4.nifi": 25]
// Make a map where the weights are normal
def peerStatuses = buildPeerStatuses(new ArrayList<String>(nodes.keySet()))
Map<PeerStatus, Double> weightMap = peerStatuses.collectEntries { [it, nodes[it.peerDescription.hostname] as double] }
PeerSelector ps = buildPeerSelectorForCluster("penalized peers", nodes)
// Penalize node1 & node3
def penalizedPeerStatuses = peerStatuses.findAll { ["node1.nifi", "node3.nifi"].contains(it.peerDescription.hostname) }
penalizedPeerStatuses.each { ps.penalize(it.peerDescription, 10_000) }
// Collect the results and analyze the resulting frequency distribution
Map<String, Integer> resultsFrequency = nodes.keySet().collectEntries { [it, 0] }
// Act
NUM_TIMES.times { int i ->
def nextPeer = ps.getAvailablePeerStatus(weightMap)
// logger.debug("${(i as String).padLeft(Math.log10(NUM_TIMES).intValue())}: ${nextPeer.peerDescription.hostname}")
}"Peer frequency results (${NUM_TIMES}): ${resultsFrequency}")
// Assert
// The actual distribution would be .25 * 4, but because of the penalization, node2 and node4 will each have ~50%
final Map<String, Double> EXPECTED_PERCENTS = ["node1.nifi": 0.0, "node2.nifi": 50.0, "node3.nifi": 0.0, "node4.nifi": 50.0]
assertDistributionPercentages(resultsFrequency, EXPECTED_PERCENTS, NUM_TIMES, 0.05)
// Copied legacy tests from TestPeerSelector
* Test that the cache is the source of peer statuses initially
void testInitializationShouldRestorePeerStatusFileCache() {
// Arrange
def nodes = DEFAULT_NODES
def peerStatuses = DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES
// Create the peer status provider
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider()
// Point to the persisted cache on disk
final File cacheFile = File.createTempFile("peers", "txt")
// Construct the cache contents and write to disk
final String CACHE_CONTENTS = "${mockPSP.getTransportProtocol()}\n" + "${AbstractPeerPersistence.REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS_PREFIX}${mockPSP.getRemoteInstanceUris()}\n" + peerStatuses.collect { PeerStatus ps ->
[ps.peerDescription.hostname, ps.peerDescription.port, ps.peerDescription.isSecure(), ps.isQueryForPeers()].join(":")
cacheFile.text = CACHE_CONTENTS
FilePeerPersistence filePP = new FilePeerPersistence(cacheFile)
// Act
// The constructor should restore the initial cache
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, filePP)
// PeerSelector should access peer statuses from cache
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"Retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
// Assert
assert peersToQuery.size() == nodes.size() + 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
assert peersToQuery.containsAll(DEFAULT_PEER_DESCRIPTIONS)
* Test that if the cache is expired, it is not used
void testRefreshShouldHandleExpiredPeerStatusFileCache() {
// Arrange
def nodes = DEFAULT_NODES
def peerStatuses = DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES
def remoteInstanceUris = buildRemoteInstanceUris(nodes)
// Create the peer status provider with no actual remote peers
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION, remoteInstanceUris, [:])
// Point to the persisted cache on disk
final File cacheFile = File.createTempFile("peers", "txt")
// Construct the cache contents and write to disk
final String CACHE_CONTENTS = "${mockPSP.getTransportProtocol()}\n" + "${AbstractPeerPersistence.REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS_PREFIX}${mockPSP.getRemoteInstanceUris()}\n" + peerStatuses.collect { PeerStatus ps ->
[ps.peerDescription.hostname, ps.peerDescription.port, ps.peerDescription.isSecure(), ps.isQueryForPeers()].join(":")
cacheFile.text = CACHE_CONTENTS
// Mark the file as expired
cacheFile.lastModified = System.currentTimeMillis() - (PeerSelector.PEER_CACHE_MILLIS * 2)
FilePeerPersistence filePP = new FilePeerPersistence(cacheFile)
// Act
// The constructor should restore the initial cache
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, filePP)
// Assert
// The loaded cache should be marked as expired and not used
assert ps.isCacheExpired(ps.peerStatusCache)
// This internal method does not refresh or check expiration
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"Retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
// The cache has (expired) peer statuses present
assert peersToQuery.size() == nodes.size() + 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
assert peersToQuery.containsAll(DEFAULT_PEER_DESCRIPTIONS)
// Trigger the cache expiration detection
peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"After cache expiration, retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
// The cache only contains the bootstrap node
assert peersToQuery.size() == 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
Throwable generateException(String message, int nestedLevel = 0) {
IOException e = new IOException(message)
nestedLevel.times { int i ->
e = new IOException("${message} ${i + 1}", e)
* Test that printing the exception does not cause an infinite loop
void testRefreshShouldHandleExceptions() {
// Arrange
mockPP = [
restore: { ->
new PeerStatusCache([] as Set<PeerStatus>, System.currentTimeMillis(), DEFAULT_REMOTE_INSTANCE_URIS, SiteToSiteTransportProtocol.HTTP)
// Create the peer persistence to throw an exception on save
save : { PeerStatusCache cache ->
throw generateException("Custom error message", 3)
] as PeerPersistence
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
// Act
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()
// Assert
assert peersToQuery.size() == 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
* Test that the cache is not used if it does not match the transport protocol
void testInitializationShouldIgnoreCacheWithWrongTransportProtocol() {
// Arrange
def nodes = DEFAULT_NODES
def peerStatuses = DEFAULT_PEER_STATUSES
// Create the peer status provider
mockPSP = mockPeerStatusProvider()
// Point to the persisted cache on disk
final File cacheFile = File.createTempFile("peers", "txt")
// Construct the cache contents (with wrong TP - mockPSP uses HTTP) and write to disk
final String CACHE_CONTENTS = "${SiteToSiteTransportProtocol.RAW}\n" + peerStatuses.collect { PeerStatus ps ->
[ps.peerDescription.hostname, ps.peerDescription.port, ps.peerDescription.isSecure(), ps.isQueryForPeers()].join(":")
cacheFile.text = CACHE_CONTENTS
FilePeerPersistence filePP = new FilePeerPersistence(cacheFile)
// Act
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, filePP)
// The cache should be ignored because of the transport protocol mismatch
def peersToQuery = ps.getPeersToQuery()"Retrieved ${peersToQuery.size()} peers to query: ${peersToQuery}")
// Assert
assert peersToQuery.size() == 1
assert peersToQuery.contains(BOOTSTRAP_PEER_DESCRIPTION)
* This test simulates a failure scenario of a remote NiFi cluster. It confirms that:
* <ol>
* <li>PeerSelector uses the bootstrap node to fetch remote peer statuses at the initial attempt</li>
* <li>PeerSelector uses one of query-able nodes lastly fetched successfully</li>
* <li>PeerSelector can refresh remote peer statuses even if the bootstrap node is down</li>
* <li>PeerSelector returns null as next peer when there's no peer available</li>
* <li>PeerSelector always tries to fetch peer statuses at least from the bootstrap node, so that it can
* recover when the node gets back online</li>
* </ol>
void testShouldFetchRemotePeerStatusesInFailureScenario() throws IOException {
// Arrange
int currentAttempt = 1
// The bootstrap node is node1.nifi
List<String> nodes = ["node1.nifi", "node2.nifi"]
Set<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = buildPeerStatuses(nodes)
// Need references to the bootstrap and node2 later
PeerStatus bootstrapStatus = peerStatuses.find { it.peerDescription.hostname == "node1.nifi" }
PeerDescription bootstrapDescription = bootstrapStatus.peerDescription
PeerStatus node2Status = peerStatuses.find { it.peerDescription.hostname == "node2.nifi" }
PeerDescription node2Description = node2Status.peerDescription
String remoteInstanceUris = buildRemoteInstanceUris(nodes)
// Mock the PSP
mockPSP = [
getTransportProtocol : { ->
getRemoteInstanceUris: { ->
getBootstrapPeerDescription: { ->
fetchRemotePeerStatuses : { PeerDescription pd ->
// Depending on the scenario, return given peer statuses
logger.mock("Scenario ${currentAttempt} fetchRemotePeerStatus for ${pd}")
switch (currentAttempt) {
case 1:
return [bootstrapStatus, node2Status] as Set<PeerStatus>
case 2..3:
return [node2Status] as Set<PeerStatus>
case 4:
return [] as Set<PeerStatus>
return [bootstrapStatus] as Set<PeerStatus>
] as PeerStatusProvider
// Mock the PP with only these statuses
mockPP = mockPeerPersistence(remoteInstanceUris, peerStatuses)
PeerSelector ps = new PeerSelector(mockPSP, mockPP)
PeerStatus peerStatus = ps.getNextPeerStatus(TransferDirection.RECEIVE)"Attempt ${currentAttempt} - ${peerStatus}")
assert peerStatus
// Force the selector to refresh the cache
// Attempt 2 & 3 - only node2 available (PSP will only return node2)
2.times {
peerStatus = ps.getNextPeerStatus(TransferDirection.RECEIVE)"Attempt ${currentAttempt} - ${peerStatus}")
assert peerStatus == node2Status
// Force the selector to refresh the cache
// Attempt 4 - no available nodes
peerStatus = ps.getNextPeerStatus(TransferDirection.RECEIVE)"Attempt ${currentAttempt} - ${peerStatus}")
assert !peerStatus
// Force the selector to refresh the cache
currentAttempt = 5
// Attempt 5 - bootstrap node available
peerStatus = ps.getNextPeerStatus(TransferDirection.RECEIVE)"Attempt ${currentAttempt} - ${peerStatus}")
assert peerStatus == bootstrapStatus
// PeerQueue definition and tests
* Tests the utility class {@link PeerQueue} used to track consecutive peer selection.
void testPeerQueueShouldGetMaxConsecutiveElements() {
// Arrange
PeerQueue peerQueue = new PeerQueue(10)
List<String> nodes = (1..5).collect { "node${it}.nifi".toString() }
List<PeerStatus> peerStatuses = new ArrayList<>(buildPeerStatuses(nodes))
// Act
// Same node every time
100.times { int i ->
// Assert
assert peerQueue.getMaxConsecutiveElements() == peerQueue.size()
// Never repeating node
100.times { int i ->
peerQueue.append(nodes.get(i % peerStatuses.size()))
// Assert
assert peerQueue.getMaxConsecutiveElements() == 1
// Repeat up to nodes.size() times but no more
100.times { int i ->
// Puts the first node unless this is a multiple of the node count
peerQueue.append((i % nodes.size() == 0) ? nodes.last() : nodes.first())
// Assert
// logger.debug("Most consecutive elements in queue: ${peerQueue.getMaxConsecutiveElements()} | ${peerQueue}")
assert peerQueue.getMaxConsecutiveElements() <= peerStatuses.size()
class PeerQueue extends ArrayBlockingQueue {
PeerQueue(int capacity) {
int getTotalSize() {
this.size() + this.remainingCapacity()
int getMaxConsecutiveElements() {
int currentMax = 1, current = 1
def iterator = this.iterator()
Object prev =
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
def curr =
if (prev == curr) {
if (current > currentMax) {
currentMax = current
} else {
current = 1
prev = curr
return currentMax
Object getMostFrequentElement() {
def map = this.groupBy { it }
map.max { a, b -> a.value.size() <=> b.value.size() }.key
Object getMostCommonConsecutiveElement() {
int currentMax = 1, current = 1
def iterator = this.iterator()
Object prev =
Object mcce = prev
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
def curr =
if (prev == curr) {
if (current > currentMax) {
currentMax = current
mcce = curr
} else {
current = 1
prev = curr
return mcce
* Adds the new Object to the tail of the queue. If the queue was full before, removes the head to open capacity.
* @param o the object to append
void append(Object o) {
if (this.remainingCapacity() == 0) {