blob: fe838c351afe945d7f573f23113269f34777a41b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue
class AESSensitivePropertyProviderTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AESSensitivePropertyProviderTest.class)
private static final String KEY_128_HEX = "0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210"
private static final String KEY_256_HEX = KEY_128_HEX * 2
private static final int IV_LENGTH = AESSensitivePropertyProvider.getIvLength()
private static final List<Integer> KEY_SIZES = getAvailableKeySizes()
private static final SecureRandom secureRandom = new SecureRandom()
private static final ProtectedPropertyContext PROPERTY_CONTEXT = ProtectedPropertyContext.defaultContext("propertyName")
private static final Base64.Encoder encoder = Base64.encoder
private static final Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.decoder
static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
logger.metaClass.methodMissing = { String name, args ->"[${name?.toUpperCase()}] ${(args as List).join(" ")}")
void setUp() throws Exception {
void tearDown() throws Exception {
private static Cipher getCipher(boolean encrypt = true, int keySize = 256, byte[] iv = [0x00] * IV_LENGTH) {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding")
String key = getKeyOfSize(keySize)
cipher.init((encrypt ? Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE : Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE) as int, new SecretKeySpec(Hex.decode(key), "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv))
logger.setup("Initialized a cipher in ${encrypt ? "encrypt" : "decrypt"} mode with a key of length ${keySize} bits")
private static String getKeyOfSize(int keySize = 256) {
switch (keySize) {
case 128:
return KEY_128_HEX
case 192:
case 256:
if (Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") < keySize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JCE unlimited strength cryptographic jurisdiction policies are not installed, so the max key size is 128 bits")
return KEY_256_HEX[0..<keySize.intdiv(4)]
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key size ${keySize} bits is not valid")
private static List<Integer> getAvailableKeySizes() {
if (Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") > 128) {
[128, 192, 256]
} else {
private static String manipulateString(String input, int start = 0, int end = input?.length()) {
if ((input[start..end] as List).unique().size() == 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't manipulate a String where the entire range is identical [${input[start..end]}]")
List shuffled = input[start..end] as List
String reconstituted = input[0..<start] + shuffled.join() + input[end + 1..-1]
return reconstituted != input ? reconstituted : manipulateString(input, start, end)
void testShouldThrowExceptionOnInitializationWithoutBouncyCastle() throws Exception {
// Arrange
try {
Security.removeProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider().getName())
// Act
def msg = shouldFail(SensitivePropertyProtectionException) {
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(KEY_128_HEX))
logger.error("This should not be reached")
// Assert
assert msg =~ "Error initializing the protection cipher"
} finally {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
// TODO: testShouldGetName()
void testShouldProtectValue() throws Exception {
final String PLAINTEXT = "This is a plaintext value"
// Act
Map<Integer, String> CIPHER_TEXTS = KEY_SIZES.collectEntries { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
[(keySize): spp.protect(PLAINTEXT, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)]
CIPHER_TEXTS.each { ks, ct ->"Encrypted for ${ks} length key: ${ct}") }
// Assert
// The IV generation is part of #protect, so the expected cipher text values must be generated after #protect has run
Map<Integer, Cipher> decryptionCiphers = CIPHER_TEXTS.collectEntries { int keySize, String cipherText ->
// The 12 byte IV is the first 16 Base64-encoded characters of the "complete" cipher text
byte[] iv = decoder.decode(cipherText[0..<16])
[(keySize): getCipher(false, keySize, iv)]
Map<Integer, String> plaintexts = decryptionCiphers.collectEntries { Map.Entry<Integer, Cipher> e ->
String cipherTextWithoutIVAndDelimiter = CIPHER_TEXTS[e.key][18..-1]
String plaintext = new String(e.value.doFinal(decoder.decode(cipherTextWithoutIVAndDelimiter)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
[(e.key): plaintext]
CIPHER_TEXTS.each { key, ct -> logger.expected("Cipher text for ${key} length key: ${ct}") }
assert plaintexts.every { int ks, String pt -> pt == PLAINTEXT }
void testShouldHandleProtectEmptyValue() throws Exception {
final List<String> EMPTY_PLAINTEXTS = ["", " ", null]
// Act
KEY_SIZES.collectEntries { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
EMPTY_PLAINTEXTS.each { String emptyPlaintext ->
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
spp.protect(emptyPlaintext, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)
logger.expected("${msg} for keySize ${keySize} and plaintext [${emptyPlaintext}]")
// Assert
assert msg == "Cannot encrypt an empty value"
void testShouldUnprotectValue() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String PLAINTEXT = "This is a plaintext value"
Map<Integer, Cipher> encryptionCiphers = KEY_SIZES.collectEntries { int keySize ->
byte[] iv = new byte[IV_LENGTH]
[(keySize): getCipher(true, keySize, iv)]
Map<Integer, String> CIPHER_TEXTS = encryptionCiphers.collectEntries { Map.Entry<Integer, Cipher> e ->
String iv = encoder.encodeToString(e.value.getIV())
String cipherText = encoder.encodeToString(e.value.doFinal(PLAINTEXT.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
[(e.key): "${iv}||${cipherText}"]
CIPHER_TEXTS.each { key, ct -> logger.expected("Cipher text for ${key} length key: ${ct}") }
// Act
Map<Integer, String> plaintexts = CIPHER_TEXTS.collectEntries { int keySize, String cipherText ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
[(keySize): spp.unprotect(cipherText, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)]
plaintexts.each { ks, pt ->"Decrypted for ${ks} length key: ${pt}") }
// Assert
assert plaintexts.every { int ks, String pt -> pt == PLAINTEXT }
* Tests inputs where the entire String is empty/blank space/{@code null}.
* @throws Exception
void testShouldHandleUnprotectEmptyValue() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final List<String> EMPTY_CIPHER_TEXTS = ["", " ", null]
// Act
KEY_SIZES.each { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
EMPTY_CIPHER_TEXTS.each { String emptyCipherText ->
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
spp.unprotect(emptyCipherText, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)
logger.expected("${msg} for keySize ${keySize} and cipher text [${emptyCipherText}]")
// Assert
assert msg == "Cannot decrypt a cipher text shorter than ${AESSensitivePropertyProvider.minCipherTextLength} chars".toString()
void testShouldUnprotectValueWithWhitespace() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String PLAINTEXT = "This is a plaintext value"
Map<Integer, Cipher> encryptionCiphers = KEY_SIZES.collectEntries { int keySize ->
byte[] iv = new byte[IV_LENGTH]
[(keySize): getCipher(true, keySize, iv)]
Map<Integer, String> CIPHER_TEXTS = encryptionCiphers.collectEntries { Map.Entry<Integer, Cipher> e ->
String iv = encoder.encodeToString(e.value.getIV())
String cipherText = encoder.encodeToString(e.value.doFinal(PLAINTEXT.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
[(e.key): "${iv}||${cipherText}"]
CIPHER_TEXTS.each { key, ct -> logger.expected("Cipher text for ${key} length key: ${ct}") }
// Act
Map<Integer, String> plaintexts = CIPHER_TEXTS.collectEntries { int keySize, String cipherText ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
[(keySize): spp.unprotect("\t" + cipherText + "\n", PROPERTY_CONTEXT)]
plaintexts.each { ks, pt ->"Decrypted for ${ks} length key: ${pt}") }
// Assert
assert plaintexts.every { int ks, String pt -> pt == PLAINTEXT }
void testShouldHandleUnprotectMalformedValue() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String PLAINTEXT = "This is a plaintext value"
// Act
KEY_SIZES.each { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
String cipherText = spp.protect(PLAINTEXT, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)
// Swap two characters in the cipher text
final String MALFORMED_CIPHER_TEXT = manipulateString(cipherText, 25, 28)"Manipulated ${cipherText} to\n${MALFORMED_CIPHER_TEXT.padLeft(163)}")
def msg = shouldFail(SensitivePropertyProtectionException) {
logger.expected("${msg} for keySize ${keySize} and cipher text [${MALFORMED_CIPHER_TEXT}]")
// Assert
assert msg == "Error decrypting a protected value"
void testShouldHandleUnprotectMissingIV() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String PLAINTEXT = "This is a plaintext value"
// Act
KEY_SIZES.each { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
String cipherText = spp.protect(PLAINTEXT, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)
// Remove the IV from the "complete" cipher text
final String MISSING_IV_CIPHER_TEXT = cipherText[18..-1]"Manipulated ${cipherText} to\n${MISSING_IV_CIPHER_TEXT.padLeft(172)}")
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
logger.expected("${msg} for keySize ${keySize} and cipher text [${MISSING_IV_CIPHER_TEXT}]")
// Remove the IV from the "complete" cipher text but keep the delimiter
final String MISSING_IV_CIPHER_TEXT_WITH_DELIMITER = cipherText[16..-1]"Manipulated ${cipherText} to\n${MISSING_IV_CIPHER_TEXT_WITH_DELIMITER.padLeft(172)}")
def msgWithDelimiter = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
logger.expected("${msgWithDelimiter} for keySize ${keySize} and cipher text [${MISSING_IV_CIPHER_TEXT_WITH_DELIMITER}]")
// Assert
assert msg == "The cipher text does not contain the delimiter || -- it should be of the form Base64(IV) || Base64(cipherText)"
// Assert
assert msgWithDelimiter == "The IV (0 bytes) must be at least 12 bytes"
* Tests inputs which have a valid IV and delimiter but no "cipher text".
* @throws Exception
void testShouldHandleUnprotectEmptyCipherText() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String IV_AND_DELIMITER = "${encoder.encodeToString("Bad IV value".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))}||""IV and delimiter: ${IV_AND_DELIMITER}")
final List<String> EMPTY_CIPHER_TEXTS = ["", " ", "\n"].collect { "${IV_AND_DELIMITER}${it}" }
// Act
KEY_SIZES.each { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
EMPTY_CIPHER_TEXTS.each { String emptyCipherText ->
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
spp.unprotect(emptyCipherText, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)
logger.expected("${msg} for keySize ${keySize} and cipher text [${emptyCipherText}]")
// Assert
assert msg == "Cannot decrypt a cipher text shorter than ${AESSensitivePropertyProvider.minCipherTextLength} chars".toString()
void testShouldHandleUnprotectMalformedIV() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String PLAINTEXT = "This is a plaintext value"
// Act
KEY_SIZES.each { int keySize ->
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(Hex.decode(getKeyOfSize(keySize)))"Initialized ${} with key size ${keySize}")
String cipherText = spp.protect(PLAINTEXT, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)
// Swap two characters in the IV
final String MALFORMED_IV_CIPHER_TEXT = manipulateString(cipherText, 8, 11)"Manipulated ${cipherText} to\n${MALFORMED_IV_CIPHER_TEXT.padLeft(163)}")
def msg = shouldFail(SensitivePropertyProtectionException) {
logger.expected("${msg} for keySize ${keySize} and cipher text [${MALFORMED_IV_CIPHER_TEXT}]")
// Assert
assert msg == "Error decrypting a protected value"
void testShouldGetIdentifierKeyWithDifferentMaxKeyLengths() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def keys = getAvailableKeySizes().collectEntries { int keySize ->
[(keySize): getKeyOfSize(keySize)]
}"Keys: ${keys}")
// Act
keys.each { int size, String key ->
String identifierKey = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(key).getIdentifierKey()"Identifier key: ${identifierKey} for size ${size}")
// Assert
assert identifierKey =~ /aes\/gcm\/${size}/
void testShouldNotAllowEmptyKey() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String INVALID_KEY = ""
// Act
def msg = shouldFail(SensitivePropertyProtectionException) {
AESSensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(INVALID_KEY)
// Assert
assert msg == "The key cannot be empty"
void testShouldNotAllowIncorrectlySizedKey() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String INVALID_KEY = "Z" * 31
// Act
def msg = shouldFail(SensitivePropertyProtectionException) {
AESSensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(INVALID_KEY)
// Assert
assert msg == "The key must be a valid hexadecimal key"
void testShouldNotAllowInvalidKey() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final String INVALID_KEY = "Z" * 32
// Act
def msg = shouldFail(SensitivePropertyProtectionException) {
AESSensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(INVALID_KEY)
// Assert
assert msg == "The key must be a valid hexadecimal key"
* This test is to ensure internal consistency and allow for encrypting value for various property files
void testShouldEncryptArbitraryValues() {
// Arrange
def values = ["thisIsABadPassword", "thisIsABadSensitiveKeyPassword", "thisIsABadKeystorePassword", "thisIsABadKeyPassword", "thisIsABadTruststorePassword", "This is an encrypted banner message"]
String key = "2C576A9585DB862F5ECBEE5B4FFFCCA1" //getKeyOfSize(128)
// key = "0" * 64
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(key)
// Act
def encryptedValues = values.collect { String v ->
def encryptedValue = spp.protect(v, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)"${v} -> ${encryptedValue}")
def (String iv, String cipherText) = encryptedValue.tokenize("||")"Normal Base64 encoding would be ${encoder.encodeToString(decoder.decode(iv))}||${encoder.encodeToString(decoder.decode(cipherText))}")
// Assert
assert values == encryptedValues.collect { spp.unprotect(it, PROPERTY_CONTEXT) }
* This test is to ensure external compatibility in case someone encodes the encrypted value with Base64 and does not remove the padding
void testShouldDecryptPaddedValue() {
// Arrange
assumeTrue("JCE unlimited strength crypto policy must be installed for this test", Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") > 128)
final String EXPECTED_VALUE = getKeyOfSize(256) // "thisIsABadKeyPassword"
String cipherText = "aYDkDKys1ENr3gp+||sTBPpMlIvHcOLTGZlfWct8r9RY8BuDlDkoaYmGJ/9m9af9tZIVzcnDwvYQAaIKxRGF7vI2yrY7Xd6x9GTDnWGiGiRXlaP458BBMMgfzH2O8"
String unpaddedCipherText = cipherText.replaceAll("=", "")
String key = "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFF00001111" * 2 // getKeyOfSize(256)
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = new AESSensitivePropertyProvider(key)
// Act
String rawValue = spp.unprotect(cipherText, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)"Decrypted ${cipherText} to ${rawValue}")
String rawUnpaddedValue = spp.unprotect(unpaddedCipherText, PROPERTY_CONTEXT)"Decrypted ${unpaddedCipherText} to ${rawUnpaddedValue}")
// Assert
assert rawValue == EXPECTED_VALUE
assert rawUnpaddedValue == EXPECTED_VALUE