blob: 963fcae660dbd00a9dad71f6ea33cca472af3b13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIfSystemProperty
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
class ScryptSecureHasherTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScryptSecureHasherTest)
static void setupOnce() throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
logger.metaClass.methodMissing = { String name, args ->"[${name?.toUpperCase()}] ${(args as List).join(" ")}")
void testShouldBeDeterministicWithStaticSalt() {
// Arrange
int n = 1024
int r = 8
int p = 2
int dkLength = 32
int testIterations = 10
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "a67fd2f4b3aa577b8ecdb682e60b4451a84611dcbbc534bce17616056ef8965d"
ScryptSecureHasher scryptSH = new ScryptSecureHasher(n, r, p, dkLength)
def results = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
byte[] hash = scryptSH.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String hashHex = new String(Hex.encode(hash))
results << hashHex
// Assert
assert results.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
void testShouldBeDifferentWithRandomSalt() {
// Arrange
int n = 1024
int r = 8
int p = 2
int dkLength = 128
int testIterations = 10
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "a67fd2f4b3aa577b8ecdb682e60b4451"
ScryptSecureHasher scryptSH = new ScryptSecureHasher(n, r, p, dkLength, 16)
def results = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
byte[] hash = scryptSH.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String hashHex = new String(Hex.encode(hash))
results << hashHex
// Assert
assert results.unique().size() == results.size()
assert results.every { it != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
void testShouldHandleArbitrarySalt() {
// Arrange
int n = 1024
int r = 8
int p = 2
int dkLength = 32
def input = "This is a sensitive value"
byte[] inputBytes = input.bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "a67fd2f4b3aa577b8ecdb682e60b4451a84611dcbbc534bce17616056ef8965d"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = "pn/S9LOqV3uOzbaC5gtEUahGEdy7xTS84XYWBW74ll0"
// Static salt instance
ScryptSecureHasher staticSaltHasher = new ScryptSecureHasher(n, r, p, dkLength)
ScryptSecureHasher arbitrarySaltHasher = new ScryptSecureHasher(n, r, p, dkLength, 16)
final byte[] STATIC_SALT = AbstractSecureHasher.STATIC_SALT
final String DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT = "Diff Static Salt"
// Act
byte[] staticSaltHash = staticSaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
byte[] arbitrarySaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, STATIC_SALT)
byte[] differentArbitrarySaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
byte[] differentSaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String staticSaltHashHex = staticSaltHasher.hashHex(input)
String arbitrarySaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
String differentArbitrarySaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT)
String differentSaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input)
String staticSaltHashBase64 = staticSaltHasher.hashBase64(input)
String arbitrarySaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
String differentArbitrarySaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT)
String differentSaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input)
// Assert
assert staticSaltHash == EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert arbitrarySaltHash == EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert differentArbitrarySaltHash != EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert differentSaltHash != EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert staticSaltHashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert arbitrarySaltHashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert differentArbitrarySaltHashHex != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert differentSaltHashHex != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert staticSaltHashBase64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert arbitrarySaltHashBase64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert differentArbitrarySaltHashBase64 != EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert differentSaltHashBase64 != EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
void testShouldValidateArbitrarySalt() {
// Arrange
int n = 1024
int r = 8
int p = 2
int dkLength = 32
def input = "This is a sensitive value"
byte[] inputBytes = input.bytes
// Static salt instance
ScryptSecureHasher secureHasher = new ScryptSecureHasher(n, r, p, dkLength, 16)
final byte[] STATIC_SALT = "bad_sal".bytes
// Act
shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
new ScryptSecureHasher(n, r, p, dkLength, 7)
def arbitrarySaltRawMsg = shouldFail {
secureHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, STATIC_SALT)
def arbitrarySaltHexMsg = shouldFail {
secureHasher.hashHex(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def arbitrarySaltB64Msg = shouldFail {
secureHasher.hashBase64(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def results = [arbitrarySaltRawMsg, arbitrarySaltHexMsg, arbitrarySaltB64Msg]
// Assert
assert results.every { it =~ /The salt length \(7 bytes\) is invalid/ }
void testShouldFormatHex() {
// Arrange
String input = "This is a sensitive value"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "6a9c827815fe0718af5e336811fc78dd719c8d9505e015283239b9bf1d24ee71"
SecureHasher scryptSH = new ScryptSecureHasher()
// Act
String hashHex = scryptSH.hashHex(input)
// Assert
assert hashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
void testShouldFormatBase64() {
// Arrange
String input = "This is a sensitive value"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = "apyCeBX+BxivXjNoEfx43XGcjZUF4BUoMjm5vx0k7nE"
SecureHasher scryptSH = new ScryptSecureHasher()
// Act
String hashB64 = scryptSH.hashBase64(input)
// Assert
assert hashB64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
void testShouldHandleNullInput() {
// Arrange
List<String> inputs = [null, ""]
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = ""
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = ""
ScryptSecureHasher scryptSH = new ScryptSecureHasher()
def hexResults = []
def B64Results = []
// Act
inputs.each { String input ->
String hashHex = scryptSH.hashHex(input)
hexResults << hashHex
String hashB64 = scryptSH.hashBase64(input)
B64Results << hashB64
// Assert
assert hexResults.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
assert B64Results.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 }
* This test can have the minimum time threshold updated to determine if the performance
* is still sufficient compared to the existing threat model.
@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "nifi.test.performance", matches = "true")
void testDefaultCostParamsShouldBeSufficient() {
// Arrange
int testIterations = 100
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
ScryptSecureHasher scryptSH = new ScryptSecureHasher()
def results = []
def resultDurations = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
long startNanos = System.nanoTime()
byte[] hash = scryptSH.hashRaw(inputBytes)
long endNanos = System.nanoTime()
long durationNanos = endNanos - startNanos
String hashHex = Hex.encode(hash)
results << hashHex
resultDurations << durationNanos
// Assert
final long MIN_DURATION_NANOS = 75_000_000 // 75 ms
assert resultDurations.min() > MIN_DURATION_NANOS
assert resultDurations.sum() / testIterations > MIN_DURATION_NANOS
void testShouldVerifyRBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final int r = 32
// Act
boolean valid = ScryptSecureHasher.isRValid(r)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailRBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def rValues = [-8, 0, 2147483647]
// Act
def results = rValues.collect { rValue ->
def isValid = ScryptSecureHasher.isRValid(rValue)
[rValue, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { rValue, isRValid ->
assert !isRValid
void testShouldVerifyNBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final Integer n = 16385
final int r = 8
// Act
boolean valid = ScryptSecureHasher.isNValid(n, r)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailNBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
Map costParameters = [(-8): 8, 0: 32]
// Act
def results = costParameters.collect { n, p ->
def isValid = ScryptSecureHasher.isNValid(n, p)
[n, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { n, isNValid ->
assert !isNValid
void testShouldVerifyPBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final List<Integer> ps = [1, 8, 1024]
final List<Integer> rs = [8, 1024, 4096]
// Act
def pResults = ps.collectEntries { int p ->
def rResults = rs.collectEntries { int r ->
boolean valid = ScryptSecureHasher.isPValid(p, r)
[r, valid]
[p, rResults]
// Assert
pResults.each { p, rResult ->
assert rResult.every { r, isValid -> isValid }
void testShouldFailIfPBoundaryExceeded() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final List<Integer> ps = [4096 * 64, 1024 * 1024]
final List<Integer> rs = [4096, 1024 * 1024]
// Act
def pResults = ps.collectEntries { int p ->
def rResults = rs.collectEntries { int r ->
boolean valid = ScryptSecureHasher.isPValid(p, r)
[r, valid]
[p, rResults]
// Assert
pResults.each { p, rResult ->
assert rResult.every { r, isValid -> !isValid }
void testShouldVerifyDKLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final Integer dkLength = 64
// Act
boolean valid = ScryptSecureHasher.isDKLengthValid(dkLength)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailDKLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def dKLengths = [-8, 0, 2147483647]
// Act
def results = dKLengths.collect { dKLength ->
def isValid = ScryptSecureHasher.isDKLengthValid(dKLength)
[dKLength, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { dKLength, isDKLengthValid ->
assert !isDKLengthValid
void testShouldVerifySaltLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def saltLengths = [0, 64]
// Act
def results = saltLengths.collect { saltLength ->
def isValid = new ScryptSecureHasher().isSaltLengthValid(saltLength)
[saltLength, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { saltLength, isSaltLengthValid ->
assert { it == isSaltLengthValid }
void testShouldFailSaltLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def saltLengths = [-8, 1, 2147483647]
// Act
def results = saltLengths.collect { saltLength ->
def isValid = new ScryptSecureHasher().isSaltLengthValid(saltLength)
[saltLength, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { saltLength, isSaltLengthValid ->
assert !isSaltLengthValid