blob: b3c337b9b37571d38b74c0abd956feb8420db22e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.SecretKey
import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec
import javax.crypto.spec.PBEParameterSpec
import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail
import static
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue
class OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProviderGroovyTest {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProviderGroovyTest.class)
private static List<EncryptionMethod> pbeEncryptionMethods = new ArrayList<>()
private static List<EncryptionMethod> limitedStrengthPbeEncryptionMethods = new ArrayList<>()
private static final String PROVIDER_NAME = "BC"
private static final int ITERATION_COUNT = 0
static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
pbeEncryptionMethods = EncryptionMethod.values().findAll { it.algorithm.toUpperCase().startsWith("PBE") }
limitedStrengthPbeEncryptionMethods = pbeEncryptionMethods.findAll { !it.isUnlimitedStrength() }
private static Cipher getLegacyCipher(String password, byte[] salt, String algorithm) {
try {
final PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray())
final SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(algorithm, PROVIDER_NAME)
SecretKey tempKey = factory.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec)
final PBEParameterSpec parameterSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, ITERATION_COUNT)
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm, PROVIDER_NAME)
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, tempKey, parameterSpec)
return cipher
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error generating legacy cipher", e)
return null
void testGetCipherShouldBeInternallyConsistent() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "short"
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("aabbccddeeff0011".toCharArray())
final String plaintext = "This is a plaintext message."
// Act
for (EncryptionMethod em : limitedStrengthPbeEncryptionMethods) {"Using algorithm: {}", em.getAlgorithm())
if (!CipherUtility.passwordLengthIsValidForAlgorithmOnLimitedStrengthCrypto(PASSWORD.length(), em)) {
logger.warn("This test is skipped because the password length exceeds the undocumented limit BouncyCastle imposes on a JVM with limited strength crypto policies")
// Initialize a cipher for encryption
Cipher cipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(em, PASSWORD, SALT, true)
byte[] cipherBytes = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"))"Cipher text: {} {}", Hex.encodeHexString(cipherBytes), cipherBytes.length)
cipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(em, PASSWORD, SALT, false)
byte[] recoveredBytes = cipher.doFinal(cipherBytes)
String recovered = new String(recoveredBytes, "UTF-8")
// Assert
assert plaintext.equals(recovered)
void testGetCipherWithUnlimitedStrengthShouldBeInternallyConsistent() throws Exception {
// Arrange
"Test is being skipped due to this JVM lacking JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy file.")
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "shortPassword"
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("aabbccddeeff0011".toCharArray())
final String plaintext = "This is a plaintext message."
// Act
for (EncryptionMethod em : pbeEncryptionMethods) {"Using algorithm: {}", em.getAlgorithm())
// Initialize a cipher for encryption
Cipher cipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(em, PASSWORD, SALT, true)
byte[] cipherBytes = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"))"Cipher text: {} {}", Hex.encodeHexString(cipherBytes), cipherBytes.length)
cipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(em, PASSWORD, SALT, false)
byte[] recoveredBytes = cipher.doFinal(cipherBytes)
String recovered = new String(recoveredBytes, "UTF-8")
// Assert
assert plaintext.equals(recovered)
void testGetCipherShouldSupportLegacyCode() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "shortPassword"
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("0011223344556677".toCharArray())
final String plaintext = "This is a plaintext message."
// Act
for (EncryptionMethod em : limitedStrengthPbeEncryptionMethods) {"Using algorithm: {}", em.getAlgorithm())
if (!CipherUtility.passwordLengthIsValidForAlgorithmOnLimitedStrengthCrypto(PASSWORD.length(), em)) {
logger.warn("This test is skipped because the password length exceeds the undocumented limit BouncyCastle imposes on a JVM with limited strength crypto policies")
// Initialize a legacy cipher for encryption
Cipher legacyCipher = getLegacyCipher(PASSWORD, SALT, em.getAlgorithm())
byte[] cipherBytes = legacyCipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"))"Cipher text: {} {}", Hex.encodeHexString(cipherBytes), cipherBytes.length)
Cipher providedCipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(em, PASSWORD, SALT, false)
byte[] recoveredBytes = providedCipher.doFinal(cipherBytes)
String recovered = new String(recoveredBytes, "UTF-8")
// Assert
assert plaintext.equals(recovered)
void testGetCipherWithoutSaltShouldSupportLegacyCode() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "short"
final byte[] SALT = new byte[0]
final String plaintext = "This is a plaintext message."
// Act
for (EncryptionMethod em : limitedStrengthPbeEncryptionMethods) {"Using algorithm: {}", em.getAlgorithm())
if (!CipherUtility.passwordLengthIsValidForAlgorithmOnLimitedStrengthCrypto(PASSWORD.length(), em)) {
logger.warn("This test is skipped because the password length exceeds the undocumented limit BouncyCastle imposes on a JVM with limited strength crypto policies")
// Initialize a legacy cipher for encryption
Cipher legacyCipher = getLegacyCipher(PASSWORD, SALT, em.getAlgorithm())
byte[] cipherBytes = legacyCipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"))"Cipher text: {} {}", Hex.encodeHexString(cipherBytes), cipherBytes.length)
Cipher providedCipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(em, PASSWORD, false)
byte[] recoveredBytes = providedCipher.doFinal(cipherBytes)
String recovered = new String(recoveredBytes, "UTF-8")
// Assert
assert plaintext.equals(recovered)
void testGetCipherShouldIgnoreKeyLength() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "shortPassword"
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("aabbccddeeff0011".toCharArray())
final String plaintext = "This is a plaintext message."
final def KEY_LENGTHS = [-1, 40, 64, 128, 192, 256]
// Initialize a cipher for encryption
EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.MD5_128AES
final Cipher cipher128 = cipherProvider.getCipher(encryptionMethod, PASSWORD, SALT, true)
byte[] cipherBytes = cipher128.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"))"Cipher text: {} {}", Hex.encodeHexString(cipherBytes), cipherBytes.length)
// Act
KEY_LENGTHS.each { int keyLength ->"Decrypting with 'requested' key length: ${keyLength}")
Cipher cipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(encryptionMethod, PASSWORD, SALT, keyLength, false)
byte[] recoveredBytes = cipher.doFinal(cipherBytes)
String recovered = new String(recoveredBytes, "UTF-8")
// Assert
assert plaintext.equals(recovered)
void testGetCipherShouldRequireEncryptionMethod() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "shortPassword"
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("0011223344556677".toCharArray())
// Act"Using algorithm: null")
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
Cipher providedCipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(null, PASSWORD, SALT, false)
// Assert
assert msg =~ "The encryption method must be specified"
void testGetCipherShouldRequirePassword() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("0011223344556677".toCharArray())
EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.MD5_128AES
// Act"Using algorithm: ${encryptionMethod}")
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
Cipher providedCipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(encryptionMethod, "", SALT, false)
// Assert
assert msg =~ "Encryption with an empty password is not supported"
void testGetCipherShouldValidateSaltLength() throws Exception {
// Arrange
OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
final String PASSWORD = "shortPassword"
final byte[] SALT = Hex.decodeHex("00112233445566".toCharArray())
EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = EncryptionMethod.MD5_128AES
// Act"Using algorithm: ${encryptionMethod}")
def msg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
Cipher providedCipher = cipherProvider.getCipher(encryptionMethod, PASSWORD, SALT, false)
// Assert
assert msg =~ "Salt must be 8 bytes US-ASCII encoded"
void testGenerateSaltShouldProvideValidSalt() throws Exception {
// Arrange
PBECipherProvider cipherProvider = new OpenSSLPKCS5CipherProvider()
// Act
byte[] salt = cipherProvider.generateSalt()"Checking salt ${Hex.encodeHexString(salt)}")
// Assert
assert salt.length == cipherProvider.getDefaultSaltLength()
assert salt != [(0x00 as byte) * cipherProvider.defaultSaltLength]