blob: 05ee9fb0168569d3fb8e1fa8ddbc9df076c50858 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledIfSystemProperty
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
class Argon2SecureHasherTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Argon2SecureHasherTest.class)
static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
logger.metaClass.methodMissing = { String name, args ->"[${name?.toUpperCase()}] ${(args as List).join(" ")}")
private static byte[] decodeHex(String hex) {
Hex.decode(hex?.replaceAll("[^0-9a-fA-F]", ""))
void testShouldBeDeterministicWithStaticSalt() {
// Arrange
int hashLength = 32
int memory = 8
int parallelism = 4
int iterations = 4"Generating Argon2 hash for hash length: ${hashLength} B, mem: ${memory} KiB, parallelism: ${parallelism}, iterations: ${iterations}")
int testIterations = 10
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "a73a471f51b2900901a00b81e770b9c1dfc595602bb7aec64cd27754a4174919"
Argon2SecureHasher a2sh = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, memory, parallelism, iterations)
def results = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
byte[] hash = a2sh.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String hashHex = new String(Hex.encode(hash))"Generated hash: ${hashHex}")
results << hashHex
// Assert
assert results.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
void testShouldBeDifferentWithRandomSalt() {
// Arrange
int hashLength = 32
int memory = 8
int parallelism = 4
int iterations = 4"Generating Argon2 hash for hash length: ${hashLength} B, mem: ${memory} KiB, parallelism: ${parallelism}, iterations: ${iterations}")
int testIterations = 10
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "a73a471f51b2900901a00b81e770b9c1dfc595602bb7aec64cd27754a4174919"
Argon2SecureHasher a2sh = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, memory, parallelism, iterations, 16)
def results = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
byte[] hash = a2sh.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String hashHex = Hex.encode(hash)"Generated hash: ${hashHex}")
results << hashHex
// Assert
assert results.unique().size() == results.size()
assert results.every { it != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
void testShouldHandleArbitrarySalt() {
// Arrange
int hashLength = 32
int memory = 8
int parallelism = 4
int iterations = 4"Generating Argon2 hash for hash length: ${hashLength} B, mem: ${memory} KiB, parallelism: ${parallelism}, iterations: ${iterations}")
def input = "This is a sensitive value"
byte[] inputBytes = input.bytes
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "a73a471f51b2900901a00b81e770b9c1dfc595602bb7aec64cd27754a4174919""Expected Hash Hex length: ${EXPECTED_HASH_HEX.length()}")
final String EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64 = "pzpHH1GykAkBoAuB53C5wd/FlWArt67GTNJ3VKQXSRk"
// Static salt instance
Argon2SecureHasher staticSaltHasher = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, memory, parallelism, iterations)
Argon2SecureHasher arbitrarySaltHasher = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, memory, parallelism, iterations, 16)
final byte[] STATIC_SALT = AbstractSecureHasher.STATIC_SALT
final String DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT = "Diff Static Salt"
// Act
byte[] staticSaltHash = staticSaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
byte[] arbitrarySaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, STATIC_SALT)
byte[] differentArbitrarySaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
byte[] differentSaltHash = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes)
String staticSaltHashHex = staticSaltHasher.hashHex(input)
String arbitrarySaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
String differentArbitrarySaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT)
String differentSaltHashHex = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashHex(input)
String staticSaltHashBase64 = staticSaltHasher.hashBase64(input)
String arbitrarySaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
String differentArbitrarySaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input, DIFFERENT_STATIC_SALT)
String differentSaltHashBase64 = arbitrarySaltHasher.hashBase64(input)
// Assert
assert staticSaltHash == EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert arbitrarySaltHash == EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert differentArbitrarySaltHash != EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert differentSaltHash != EXPECTED_HASH_BYTES
assert staticSaltHashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert arbitrarySaltHashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert differentArbitrarySaltHashHex != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert differentSaltHashHex != EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
assert staticSaltHashBase64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert arbitrarySaltHashBase64 == EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert differentArbitrarySaltHashBase64 != EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
assert differentSaltHashBase64 != EXPECTED_HASH_BASE64
void testShouldValidateArbitrarySalt() {
// Arrange
int hashLength = 32
int memory = 8
int parallelism = 4
int iterations = 4"Generating Argon2 hash for hash length: ${hashLength} B, mem: ${memory} KiB, parallelism: ${parallelism}, iterations: ${iterations}")
def input = "This is a sensitive value"
byte[] inputBytes = input.bytes
// Static salt instance
Argon2SecureHasher secureHasher = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, memory, parallelism, iterations, 16)
final byte[] STATIC_SALT = "bad_sal".bytes
// Act
def initializeMsg = shouldFail(IllegalArgumentException) {
Argon2SecureHasher invalidSaltLengthHasher = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, memory, parallelism, iterations, 7)
def arbitrarySaltRawMsg = shouldFail {
byte[] arbitrarySaltRaw = secureHasher.hashRaw(inputBytes, STATIC_SALT)
def arbitrarySaltHexMsg = shouldFail {
byte[] arbitrarySaltHex = secureHasher.hashHex(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def arbitrarySaltBase64Msg = shouldFail {
byte[] arbitraySaltBase64 = secureHasher.hashBase64(input, new String(STATIC_SALT, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
def results = [arbitrarySaltRawMsg, arbitrarySaltHexMsg, arbitrarySaltBase64Msg]
// Assert
assert results.every { it =~ /The salt length \(7 bytes\) is invalid/ }
void testShouldFormatHex() {
// Arrange
String input = "This is a sensitive value"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "0c2920c52f28e0a2c77d006ec6138c8dc59580881468b85541cf886abdebcf18"
Argon2SecureHasher a2sh = new Argon2SecureHasher(32, 4096, 1, 3)
// Act
String hashHex = a2sh.hashHex(input)"Generated hash: ${hashHex}")
// Assert
assert hashHex == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX
void testShouldFormatBase64() {
// Arrange
String input = "This is a sensitive value"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_B64 = "DCkgxS8o4KLHfQBuxhOMjcWVgIgUaLhVQc+Iar3rzxg"
Argon2SecureHasher a2sh = new Argon2SecureHasher(32, 4096, 1, 3)
// Act
String hashB64 = a2sh.hashBase64(input)"Generated hash: ${hashB64}")
// Assert
assert hashB64 == EXPECTED_HASH_B64
void testShouldHandleNullInput() {
// Arrange
List<String> inputs = [null, ""]
final String EXPECTED_HASH_HEX = "8e5625a66b94ed9d31c1496d7f9ff49249cf05d6753b50ba0e2bf2a1108973dd"
final String EXPECTED_HASH_B64 = "jlYlpmuU7Z0xwUltf5/0kknPBdZ1O1C6DivyoRCJc90"
Argon2SecureHasher a2sh = new Argon2SecureHasher(32, 4096, 1, 3)
def hexResults = []
def b64Results = []
// Act
inputs.each { String input ->
String hashHex = a2sh.hashHex(input)"Generated hash: ${hashHex}")
hexResults << hashHex
String hashB64 = a2sh.hashBase64(input)"Generated hash: ${hashB64}")
b64Results << hashB64
// Assert
assert hexResults.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_HEX }
assert b64Results.every { it == EXPECTED_HASH_B64 }
* This test can have the minimum time threshold updated to determine if the performance
* is still sufficient compared to the existing threat model.
@EnabledIfSystemProperty(named = "nifi.test.performance", matches = "true")
void testDefaultCostParamsShouldBeSufficient() {
// Arrange
int testIterations = 100 //_000
byte[] inputBytes = "This is a sensitive value".bytes
Argon2SecureHasher a2sh = new Argon2SecureHasher(16, 2**16, 8, 5)
def results = []
def resultDurations = []
// Act
testIterations.times { int i ->
long startNanos = System.nanoTime()
byte[] hash = a2sh.hashRaw(inputBytes)
long endNanos = System.nanoTime()
long durationNanos = endNanos - startNanos
String hashHex = Hex.encode(hash)"Generated hash: ${hashHex} in ${durationNanos} ns")
results << hashHex
resultDurations << durationNanos
def milliDurations = [resultDurations.min(), resultDurations.max(), resultDurations.sum()/resultDurations.size()].collect { it / 1_000_000 }"Min/Max/Avg durations in ms: ${milliDurations}")
// Assert
final long MIN_DURATION_NANOS = 500_000_000 // 500 ms
assert resultDurations.min() > MIN_DURATION_NANOS
assert resultDurations.sum() / testIterations > MIN_DURATION_NANOS
void testShouldVerifyHashLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final int hashLength = 128
// Act
boolean valid = Argon2SecureHasher.isHashLengthValid(hashLength)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailHashLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def hashLengths = [-8, 0, 1, 2]
// Act
def results = hashLengths.collect { hashLength ->
def isValid = Argon2SecureHasher.isHashLengthValid(hashLength)
[hashLength, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { hashLength, isHashLengthValid ->"For hashLength value ${hashLength}, hashLength is ${isHashLengthValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}")
assert !isHashLengthValid
void testShouldVerifyMemorySizeBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final int memory = 2048
// Act
boolean valid = Argon2SecureHasher.isMemorySizeValid(memory)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailMemorySizeBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def memorySizes = [-12, 0, 1, 6]
// Act
def results = memorySizes.collect { memory ->
def isValid = Argon2SecureHasher.isMemorySizeValid(memory)
[memory, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { memory, isMemorySizeValid ->"For memory size ${memory}, memory is ${isMemorySizeValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}")
assert !isMemorySizeValid
void testShouldVerifyParallelismBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final int parallelism = 4
// Act
boolean valid = Argon2SecureHasher.isParallelismValid(parallelism)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailParallelismBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def parallelisms = [-8, 0, 16777220, 16778000]
// Act
def results = parallelisms.collect { parallelism ->
def isValid = Argon2SecureHasher.isParallelismValid(parallelism)
[parallelism, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { parallelism, isParallelismValid ->"For parallelization factor ${parallelism}, parallelism is ${isParallelismValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}")
assert !isParallelismValid
void testShouldVerifyIterationsBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
final int iterations = 4
// Act
boolean valid = Argon2SecureHasher.isIterationsValid(iterations)
// Assert
assert valid
void testShouldFailIterationsBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def iterationCounts = [-50, -1, 0]
// Act
def results = iterationCounts.collect { iterations ->
def isValid = Argon2SecureHasher.isIterationsValid(iterations)
[iterations, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { iterations, isIterationsValid ->"For iteration counts ${iterations}, iteration is ${isIterationsValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}")
assert !isIterationsValid
void testShouldVerifySaltLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def saltLengths = [0, 64]
// Act
def results = saltLengths.collect { saltLength ->
def isValid = new Argon2SecureHasher().isSaltLengthValid(saltLength)
[saltLength, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { saltLength, isSaltLengthValid ->"For salt length ${saltLength}, saltLength is ${isSaltLengthValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}")
assert isSaltLengthValid
void testShouldFailSaltLengthBoundary() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def saltLengths = [-16, 4]
// Act
def results = saltLengths.collect { saltLength ->
def isValid = new Argon2SecureHasher().isSaltLengthValid(saltLength)
[saltLength, isValid]
// Assert
results.each { saltLength, isSaltLengthValid ->"For salt length ${saltLength}, saltLength is ${isSaltLengthValid ? "valid" : "invalid"}")
assert !isSaltLengthValid
void testShouldCreateHashOfDesiredLength() throws Exception {
// Arrange
def hashLengths = [16, 32]
final String PASSWORD = "password"
final byte[] SALT = [0x00] * 16
final byte[] EXPECTED_HASH = Hex.decode("411c9c87e7c91d8c8eacc418665bd2e1")
// Act
Map<Integer, byte[]> results = hashLengths.collectEntries { hashLength ->
Argon2SecureHasher ash = new Argon2SecureHasher(hashLength, 8, 1, 3)
def hash = ash.hashRaw(PASSWORD.bytes, SALT)"Hashed password ${PASSWORD} with salt ${Hex.encode(SALT)} to ${Hex.encode(hash)}".toString())
[hashLength, hash]
// Assert
assert results[16][0..15] != results[32][0..15]
// Demonstrates that internal hash truncation is not supported
// assert results.every { int k, byte[] v -> v[0..15] as byte[] == EXPECTED_HASH}