blob: de8111f67f64e8d154e01642bfcf3020bef3573b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nifi.schema.access;
import org.apache.nifi.avro.AvroSchemaValidator;
import org.apache.nifi.components.AllowableValue;
import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyDescriptor;
import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyValue;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationContext;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult;
import org.apache.nifi.context.PropertyContext;
import org.apache.nifi.expression.ExpressionLanguageScope;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.StandardValidators;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
public class SchemaAccessUtils {
public static final AllowableValue SCHEMA_NAME_PROPERTY = new AllowableValue("schema-name", "Use 'Schema Name' Property",
"The name of the Schema to use is specified by the 'Schema Name' Property. The value of this property is used to lookup the Schema in the configured Schema Registry service.");
public static final AllowableValue SCHEMA_TEXT_PROPERTY = new AllowableValue("schema-text-property", "Use 'Schema Text' Property",
"The text of the Schema itself is specified by the 'Schema Text' Property. The value of this property must be a valid Avro Schema. "
+ "If Expression Language is used, the value of the 'Schema Text' property must be valid after substituting the expressions.");
public static final AllowableValue HWX_CONTENT_ENCODED_SCHEMA = new AllowableValue("hwx-content-encoded-schema", "HWX Content-Encoded Schema Reference",
"The content of the FlowFile contains a reference to a schema in the Schema Registry service. The reference is encoded as a single byte indicating the 'protocol version', "
+ "followed by 8 bytes indicating the schema identifier, and finally 4 bytes indicating the schema version, as per the Hortonworks Schema Registry serializers and deserializers, "
+ "found at");
public static final AllowableValue HWX_SCHEMA_REF_ATTRIBUTES = new AllowableValue("hwx-schema-ref-attributes", "HWX Schema Reference Attributes",
"The FlowFile contains 3 Attributes that will be used to lookup a Schema from the configured Schema Registry: 'schema.identifier', 'schema.version', and 'schema.protocol.version'");
public static final AllowableValue INHERIT_RECORD_SCHEMA = new AllowableValue("inherit-record-schema", "Inherit Record Schema",
"The schema used to write records will be the same schema that was given to the Record when the Record was created.");
public static final AllowableValue CONFLUENT_ENCODED_SCHEMA = new AllowableValue("confluent-encoded", "Confluent Content-Encoded Schema Reference",
"The content of the FlowFile contains a reference to a schema in the Schema Registry service. The reference is encoded as a single "
+ "'Magic Byte' followed by 4 bytes representing the identifier of the schema, as outlined at "
+ "This is based on version 3.2.x of the Confluent Schema Registry.");
public static final AllowableValue INFER_SCHEMA = new AllowableValue("infer", "Infer from Result");
public static final PropertyDescriptor SCHEMA_ACCESS_STRATEGY = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Schema Access Strategy")
.description("Specifies how to obtain the schema that is to be used for interpreting the data.")
public static final PropertyDescriptor SCHEMA_REGISTRY = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Schema Registry")
.description("Specifies the Controller Service to use for the Schema Registry")
public static final PropertyDescriptor SCHEMA_NAME = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Schema Name")
.description("Specifies the name of the schema to lookup in the Schema Registry property")
public static final PropertyDescriptor SCHEMA_BRANCH_NAME = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Schema Branch")
.description("Specifies the name of the branch to use when looking up the schema in the Schema Registry property. " +
"If the chosen Schema Registry does not support branching, this value will be ignored.")
public static final PropertyDescriptor SCHEMA_VERSION = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Schema Version")
.description("Specifies the version of the schema to lookup in the Schema Registry. " +
"If not specified then the latest version of the schema will be retrieved.")
public static final PropertyDescriptor SCHEMA_TEXT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Schema Text")
.description("The text of an Avro-formatted Schema")
.addValidator(new AvroSchemaValidator())
public static Collection<ValidationResult> validateSchemaAccessStrategy(final ValidationContext validationContext, final String schemaAccessStrategyValue,
final List<AllowableValue> schemaAccessStrategyValues) {
final Collection<ValidationResult> validationResults = new ArrayList<>();
if (isSchemaRegistryRequired(schemaAccessStrategyValue)) {
final boolean registrySet = validationContext.getProperty(SCHEMA_REGISTRY).isSet();
if (!registrySet) {
final String schemaAccessStrategyName = getSchemaAccessStrategyName(schemaAccessStrategyValue, schemaAccessStrategyValues);
validationResults.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.subject("Schema Registry")
.explanation("The '" + schemaAccessStrategyName + "' Schema Access Strategy requires that the Schema Registry property be set.")
// ensure that only branch or version is specified, but not both
if (SCHEMA_NAME_PROPERTY.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaAccessStrategyValue)) {
final boolean branchNameSet = validationContext.getProperty(SCHEMA_BRANCH_NAME).isSet();
final boolean versionSet = validationContext.getProperty(SCHEMA_VERSION).isSet();
if (branchNameSet && versionSet) {
validationResults.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.explanation(SCHEMA_BRANCH_NAME.getDisplayName() + " and " + SCHEMA_VERSION.getDisplayName() + " cannot be specified together")
return validationResults;
private static String getSchemaAccessStrategyName(final String schemaAccessValue, final List<AllowableValue> schemaAccessStrategyValues) {
for (final AllowableValue allowableValue : schemaAccessStrategyValues) {
if (allowableValue.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaAccessValue)) {
return allowableValue.getDisplayName();
return null;
private static boolean isSchemaRegistryRequired(final String schemaAccessValue) {
return HWX_CONTENT_ENCODED_SCHEMA.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaAccessValue) || SCHEMA_NAME_PROPERTY.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaAccessValue)
|| HWX_SCHEMA_REF_ATTRIBUTES.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaAccessValue) || CONFLUENT_ENCODED_SCHEMA.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(schemaAccessValue);
public static SchemaAccessStrategy getSchemaAccessStrategy(final String allowableValue, final SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, final PropertyContext context) {
if (allowableValue.equalsIgnoreCase(SCHEMA_NAME_PROPERTY.getValue())) {
final PropertyValue schemaName = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_NAME);
final PropertyValue schemaBranchName = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_BRANCH_NAME);
final PropertyValue schemaVersion = context.getProperty(SCHEMA_VERSION);
return new SchemaNamePropertyStrategy(schemaRegistry, schemaName, schemaBranchName, schemaVersion);
} else if (allowableValue.equalsIgnoreCase(INHERIT_RECORD_SCHEMA.getValue())) {
return new InheritSchemaFromRecord();
} else if (allowableValue.equalsIgnoreCase(SCHEMA_TEXT_PROPERTY.getValue())) {
return new AvroSchemaTextStrategy(context.getProperty(SCHEMA_TEXT));
} else if (allowableValue.equalsIgnoreCase(HWX_CONTENT_ENCODED_SCHEMA.getValue())) {
return new HortonworksEncodedSchemaReferenceStrategy(schemaRegistry);
} else if (allowableValue.equalsIgnoreCase(HWX_SCHEMA_REF_ATTRIBUTES.getValue())) {
return new HortonworksAttributeSchemaReferenceStrategy(schemaRegistry);
} else if (allowableValue.equalsIgnoreCase(CONFLUENT_ENCODED_SCHEMA.getValue())) {
return new ConfluentSchemaRegistryStrategy(schemaRegistry);
return null;