blob: e75786fc7b93f853fd81a22486a163cf8aa4c970 [file] [log] [blame]
- Very Difficult.
- Does not have anything to do with what is selected
- Need to do an External Sort:
- Break records into groups of 10,000.
- Sort each group of 10,000 records.
- Write out those 10,000 records.
- Read in the first X number of records where X = 10,000 / number of files
- Merge the heads of the records.
- Algorithm is on Wikipedia. "External Sort"
- Similar to what we do in WALI when we order the Transactions by Transaction ID across multiple partitions.
- Implement in the Accumulator. May make sense to break Accumulator into two Interfaces:
T accumulate(ProvenanceEventRecord record, Group group)
T accumulate(ProvenanceEventRecord record)
Then the GroupingAccumulator will simply map a group to the appropriate UngroupedAccumulator and then call #accumulate.
UngroupedAccumulator will never be used except for the GroupingAccumulator delegating to the appropriate UngroupedAccumulator.
- All functions must be able to be done in Lucene.
- Should store provenance event location instead of event. Regardless of whether a field was selected or the entire event.
Prov Repo:
- Allow ANDs and ORs in queries?
- ProvenanceEventRecord should return Location object. Location is a marker interface and the specific implementation will
to be used will depend on the repo. For example, VolatileProvenanceRepository would return something like "int getIndex()" and "long getId()"
so that we can get the event at the specified index and return null unless that event's id is equal to the result of calling 'getId()'.
Persistent Prov Repo would return a Location that includes filename & offset. Perhaps also a record index so that we can add multiple
records to a single repo update (byte offset of 'transaction' is 1000 and record offset into transaction is 4). This would be used
so that if we do an update with 100 records and all have similar fields (component type, component id, most previous attributes?), then we
can write that out once. This should probably be a new data structure that wraps a ProvenanceEventRecord:
ProvenanceEventRecord getEventRecord()
Location getLocation()
- Index all attributes and properties always? At least allow property value to be "*" to indicate all.