blob: 519afd00d02135276ecf78975b0e96ab3f53b101 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.groups;
import org.apache.nifi.authorization.resource.ComponentAuthorizable;
import org.apache.nifi.components.VersionedComponent;
import org.apache.nifi.components.validation.ValidationStatus;
import org.apache.nifi.connectable.Connectable;
import org.apache.nifi.connectable.Connection;
import org.apache.nifi.connectable.Funnel;
import org.apache.nifi.connectable.Port;
import org.apache.nifi.connectable.Positionable;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ComponentNode;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ProcessorNode;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ScheduledState;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.Snippet;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.Template;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.Triggerable;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.label.Label;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.queue.DropFlowFileStatus;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.service.ControllerServiceNode;
import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.FlowFile;
import org.apache.nifi.parameter.ParameterContext;
import org.apache.nifi.parameter.ParameterUpdate;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.Processor;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.ComponentVariableRegistry;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.FlowRegistryClient;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionControlInformation;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot;
import org.apache.nifi.remote.RemoteGroupPort;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* <p>
* ProcessGroup objects are containers for processing entities, such as
* {@link Processor}s, {@link Port}s, and other {@link ProcessGroup}s.
* </p>
* <p>
public interface ProcessGroup extends ComponentAuthorizable, Positionable, VersionedComponent {
* Predicate for starting eligible Processors.
Predicate<ProcessorNode> START_PROCESSORS_FILTER = node -> !node.isRunning() && !ScheduledState.DISABLED.equals(node.getScheduledState()) && node.getValidationStatus() == ValidationStatus.VALID;
* Predicate for stopping eligible Processors.
Predicate<ProcessorNode> STOP_PROCESSORS_FILTER = Triggerable::isRunning;
* Predicate for enabling eligible Processors.
Predicate<ProcessorNode> ENABLE_PROCESSORS_FILTER = node -> ScheduledState.DISABLED.equals(node.getScheduledState());
* Predicate for disabling eligible Processors.
Predicate<ProcessorNode> DISABLE_PROCESSORS_FILTER = node -> !node.isRunning() && !ScheduledState.DISABLED.equals(node.getScheduledState());
* Predicate for starting eligible Ports.
Predicate<Port> START_PORTS_FILTER = port -> !port.isRunning() && !ScheduledState.DISABLED.equals(port.getScheduledState()) && port.isValid();
* Predicate for stopping eligible Ports.
Predicate<Port> STOP_PORTS_FILTER = port -> ScheduledState.RUNNING.equals(port.getScheduledState());
* Predicate for enabling eligible Processors.
Predicate<Port> ENABLE_PORTS_FILTER = port -> ScheduledState.DISABLED.equals(port.getScheduledState());
* Predicate for disabling eligible Ports.
Predicate<Port> DISABLE_PORTS_FILTER = port -> !port.isRunning() && !ScheduledState.DISABLED.equals(port.getScheduledState());
* @return a reference to this ProcessGroup's parent. This will be
* <tt>null</tt> if and only if this is the root group.
ProcessGroup getParent();
* Updates the ProcessGroup to point to a new parent
* @param group new parent group
void setParent(ProcessGroup group);
* @return the ID of the ProcessGroup
String getIdentifier();
* @return the name of the ProcessGroup
String getName();
* Updates the name of this ProcessGroup.
* @param name new name
void setName(String name);
* @return the user-set comments about this ProcessGroup, or
* <code>null</code> if no comments have been set
String getComments();
* Updates the comments for this ProcessGroup
* @param comments new comments
void setComments(String comments);
* @return the counts for this ProcessGroup
ProcessGroupCounts getCounts();
* Starts all Processors, Local Ports, and Funnels that are directly within
* this group and any child ProcessGroups, except for those that are
* disabled.
void startProcessing();
* Stops all Processors, Local Ports, and Funnels that are directly within
* this group and child ProcessGroups, except for those that are disabled.
void stopProcessing();
* Enables the given Processor
* @param processor the processor to start
* @throws IllegalStateException if the processor is not valid, or is
* already running
void enableProcessor(ProcessorNode processor);
* Enables the given Input Port
* @param port to enable
void enableInputPort(Port port);
* Enables the given Output Port
* @param port to enable
void enableOutputPort(Port port);
* Recursively enables all Controller Services for this Process Group and all child Process Groups
void enableAllControllerServices();
* Starts the given Processor
* @param processor the processor to start
* @param failIfStopping If <code>false</code>, and the Processor is in the 'STOPPING' state,
* then the Processor will automatically restart itself as soon as its last thread finishes. If this
* value is <code>true</code> or if the Processor is in any state other than 'STOPPING' or 'RUNNING', then this method
* will throw an {@link IllegalStateException}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the processor is not valid, or is
* already running
Future<Void> startProcessor(ProcessorNode processor, boolean failIfStopping);
* Runs the given Processor once and the stops it by calling the provided callback.
* @param processor the processor to start
* @param stopCallback the callback responsible for stopping the processor
* @throws IllegalStateException if the processor is not valid, or is
* already running
Future<Void> runProcessorOnce(ProcessorNode processor, Callable<Future<Void>> stopCallback);
* Starts the given Input Port
* @param port to start
void startInputPort(Port port);
* Starts the given Output Port
* @param port to start
void startOutputPort(Port port);
* Starts the given Funnel
* @param funnel to start
void startFunnel(Funnel funnel);
* Stops the given Processor
* @param processor to stop
Future<Void> stopProcessor(ProcessorNode processor);
* Terminates the given Processor
* @param processor processor to Terminate
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Processor's Scheduled State is not STOPPED.
void terminateProcessor(ProcessorNode processor);
* Stops the given Port
* @param port to stop
void stopInputPort(Port port);
* Stops the given Port
* @param port to stop
void stopOutputPort(Port port);
* Disables the given Processor
* @param processor the processor to start
* @throws IllegalStateException if the processor is not valid, or is
* already running
void disableProcessor(ProcessorNode processor);
* Disables the given Input Port
* @param port to disable
void disableInputPort(Port port);
* Disables the given Output Port
* @param port to disable
void disableOutputPort(Port port);
* Indicates that the Flow is being shutdown; allows cleanup of resources
* associated with processors, etc.
void shutdown();
* @return a boolean indicating whether or not this ProcessGroup is the root
* group
boolean isRootGroup();
* Adds a {@link Port} to be used for transferring {@link FlowFile}s from
* external sources to {@link Processor}s and other {@link Port}s within
* this ProcessGroup.
* @param port to add
void addInputPort(Port port);
* Removes a {@link Port} from this ProcessGroup's list of Input Ports.
* @param port the Port to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>port</code> is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if port is not an Input Port for this
* ProcessGroup
void removeInputPort(Port port);
* @return the {@link Set} of all {@link Port}s that are used by this
* ProcessGroup as Input Ports.
Set<Port> getInputPorts();
* @param id the ID of the input port
* @return the input port with the given ID, or <code>null</code> if it does
* not exist.
Port getInputPort(String id);
* Adds a {@link Port} to be used for transferring {@link FlowFile}s to
* external sources.
* @param port the Port to add
void addOutputPort(Port port);
* Removes a {@link Port} from this ProcessGroup's list of Output Ports.
* @param port the Port to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>port</code> is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if port is not an Input Port for this
* ProcessGroup
void removeOutputPort(Port port);
* @param id the ID of the output port
* @return the output port with the given ID, or <code>null</code> if it
* does not exist.
Port getOutputPort(String id);
* @return the {@link Set} of all {@link Port}s that are used by this
* ProcessGroup as Output Ports.
Set<Port> getOutputPorts();
* Adds a reference to a ProgressGroup as a child of this.
* @param group to add
void addProcessGroup(ProcessGroup group);
* Returns the ProcessGroup whose parent is <code>this</code> and whose id
* is given
* @param id identifier of group to get
* @return child group
ProcessGroup getProcessGroup(String id);
* @return a {@link Set} of all Process Group References that are contained
* within this.
Set<ProcessGroup> getProcessGroups();
* @param group the group to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>group</code> is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if group is not member of this
* ProcessGroup, or the given ProcessGroup is not empty (i.e., it contains
* at least one Processor, ProcessGroup, Input Port, Output Port, or Label).
void removeProcessGroup(ProcessGroup group);
* Adds the already constructed processor instance to this group
* @param processor the processor to add
void addProcessor(ProcessorNode processor);
* Removes the given processor from this group, destroying the Processor.
* The Processor is removed from the ProcessorRegistry, and any method in
* the Processor that is annotated with the
* {@link org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnRemoved OnRemoved} annotation will be
* invoked. All outgoing connections will also be destroyed
* @param processor the Processor to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>processor</code> is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if <code>processor</code> is not a member
* of this ProcessGroup, is currently running, or has any incoming
* connections.
void removeProcessor(ProcessorNode processor);
* @return a {@link Collection} of all FlowFileProcessors that are contained
* within this.
Collection<ProcessorNode> getProcessors();
* Returns the FlowFileProcessor with the given ID.
* @param id the ID of the processor to retrieve
* @return the processor with the given ID
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>id</code> is null.
ProcessorNode getProcessor(String id);
* @param id the ID of the Connectable
* @return the <code>Connectable</code> with the given ID, or
* <code>null</code> if the <code>Connectable</code> is not a member of the
* group
Connectable getConnectable(String id);
* Adds the given connection to this ProcessGroup. This method also notifies
* the Source and Destination of the Connection that the Connection has been
* established.
* @param connection to add
* @throws NullPointerException if the connection is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if the source or destination of the
* connection is not a member of this ProcessGroup or if a connection
* already exists in this ProcessGroup with the same ID
void addConnection(Connection connection);
* Removes the connection from this ProcessGroup.
* @param connection to remove
* @throws IllegalStateException if <code>connection</code> is not contained
* within this.
void removeConnection(Connection connection);
* Inherits a Connection from another ProcessGroup; this does not perform
* any validation but simply notifies the ProcessGroup that it is now the
* owner of the given Connection. This is used in place of the
* {@link #addConnection(Connection)} method when moving Connections from
* one group to another because addConnection notifies both the Source and
* Destination of the Connection that the Connection has been established;
* this method does not notify either, as both the Source and Destination
* should already be aware of the Connection.
* @param connection to inherit
void inheritConnection(Connection connection);
* @param id identifier of connection
* @return the Connection with the given ID, or <code>null</code> if the
* connection does not exist.
Connection getConnection(String id);
* @return the {@link Set} of all {@link Connection}s contained within this
Set<Connection> getConnections();
* @param id of the Connection
* @return the Connection with the given ID, if it exists as a child or
* descendant of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all
* descendant ProcessGroups
Connection findConnection(String id);
* @return a List of all Connections contains within this ProcessGroup and
* any child ProcessGroups
List<Connection> findAllConnections();
* Initiates a request to drop all FlowFiles in all connections under this process group (recursively).
* This method returns a DropFlowFileStatus that can be used to determine the current state of the request.
* Additionally, the DropFlowFileStatus provides a request identifier that can then be
* passed to the {@link #getDropAllFlowFilesStatus(String)} and {@link #cancelDropAllFlowFiles(String)}
* methods in order to obtain the status later or cancel a request
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop All FlowFiles Request
* @param requestor the entity that is requesting that the FlowFiles be dropped; this will be
* included in the Provenance Events that are generated.
* @return the status of the drop request, or <code>null</code> if there is no
* connection in the process group.
DropFlowFileStatus dropAllFlowFiles(String requestIdentifier, String requestor);
* Returns the current status of a Drop All FlowFiles Request that was initiated via the
* {@link #dropAllFlowFiles(String, String)} method with the given identifier
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop All FlowFiles Request
* @return the status for the request with the given identifier, or <code>null</code> if no
* request status exists with that identifier
DropFlowFileStatus getDropAllFlowFilesStatus(String requestIdentifier);
* Cancels the request to drop all FlowFiles that has the given identifier.
* @param requestIdentifier the identifier of the Drop All FlowFiles Request
* @return the status for the request with the given identifier after it has been canceled, or <code>null</code> if no
* request status exists with that identifier
DropFlowFileStatus cancelDropAllFlowFiles(String requestIdentifier);
* @param id of the Funnel
* @return the Funnel with the given ID, if it exists as a child or
* descendant of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all
* descendant ProcessGroups
Funnel findFunnel(String id);
* Gets a collection of identifiers representing all ancestor controller services
* @return collection of ancestor controller service identifiers
Set<String> getAncestorServiceIds();
* @param id of the Controller Service
* @param includeDescendantGroups whether or not to include descendant process groups
* @param includeAncestorGroups whether or not to include ancestor process groups
* @return the Controller Service with the given ID
ControllerServiceNode findControllerService(String id, boolean includeDescendantGroups, boolean includeAncestorGroups);
* @return a List of all Controller Services contained within this ProcessGroup and any child Process Groups
Set<ControllerServiceNode> findAllControllerServices();
* Adds the given RemoteProcessGroup to this ProcessGroup
* @param remoteGroup group to add
* @throws NullPointerException if the given argument is null
void addRemoteProcessGroup(RemoteProcessGroup remoteGroup);
* Removes the given RemoteProcessGroup from this ProcessGroup
* @param remoteGroup group to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if the given argument does not belong to
* this ProcessGroup
void removeRemoteProcessGroup(RemoteProcessGroup remoteGroup);
* @param id identifier of group to find
* @return the RemoteProcessGroup that is the child of this ProcessGroup and
* has the given ID. If no RemoteProcessGroup can be found with the given
* ID, returns <code>null</code>
RemoteProcessGroup getRemoteProcessGroup(String id);
* @return a set of all RemoteProcessGroups that belong to this
* ProcessGroup. If no RemoteProcessGroup's have been added to this
* ProcessGroup, will return an empty Set
Set<RemoteProcessGroup> getRemoteProcessGroups();
* Adds the given Label to this ProcessGroup
* @param label the label to add
* @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null
void addLabel(Label label);
* Removes the given Label from this ProcessGroup
* @param label the label to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if the argument is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if the given argument does not belong to
* this ProcessGroup
void removeLabel(Label label);
* @return a set of all Labels that belong to this ProcessGroup. If no
* Labels belong to this ProcessGroup, returns an empty Set
Set<Label> getLabels();
* @param id of the label
* @return the Label that belongs to this ProcessGroup and has the given id.
* If no Label can be found with this ID, returns <code>null</code>
Label getLabel(String id);
* @param id of the group
* @return the Process Group with the given ID, if it exists as a child of
* this ProcessGroup, or is this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive
* search of all ProcessGroups and descendant ProcessGroups
ProcessGroup findProcessGroup(String id);
* @return a List of all ProcessGroups that are children or descendants of this
* ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all descendant
* ProcessGroups
List<ProcessGroup> findAllProcessGroups();
* Returns a List of all ProcessGroups that match the given filter. This performs a recursive search of all descendant Process Groups.
* @param filter the filter to match Process Groups against
* @return a List of all ProcessGroups that are children or descendants of this ProcessGroup and that match the given filter.
List<ProcessGroup> findAllProcessGroups(Predicate<ProcessGroup> filter);
* @param id of the group
* @return the RemoteProcessGroup with the given ID, if it exists as a child
* or descendant of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of
* all ProcessGroups and descendant ProcessGroups
RemoteProcessGroup findRemoteProcessGroup(String id);
* @return a List of all Remote Process Groups that are children or
* descendants of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all
* descendant ProcessGroups
List<RemoteProcessGroup> findAllRemoteProcessGroups();
* @param id of the processor node
* @return the Processor with the given ID, if it exists as a child or
* descendant of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all
* descendant ProcessGroups
ProcessorNode findProcessor(String id);
* @return a List of all Processors that are children or descendants of this
* ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all descendant
* ProcessGroups
List<ProcessorNode> findAllProcessors();
* @param id of the Label
* @return the Label with the given ID, if it exists as a child or
* descendant of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all
* descendant ProcessGroups
Label findLabel(String id);
* @return a List of all Labels that are children or descendants of this
* ProcessGroup. This performsn a recursive search of all descendant
* ProcessGroups
List<Label> findAllLabels();
* @param id of the port
* @return the input port with the given ID, if it exists; otherwise returns
* null. This performs a recursive search of all Input Ports and descendant
* ProcessGroups
Port findInputPort(String id);
* @return a List of all InputPorts that are children or descendants of this
* ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all descendant
* ProcessGroups
List<Port> findAllInputPorts();
* @param name of port
* @return the input port with the given name, if it exists; otherwise
* returns null
Port getInputPortByName(String name);
* @param id of the port
* @return the output port with the given ID, if it exists; otherwise
* returns null. This performs a recursive search of all Output Ports and
* descendant ProcessGroups
Port findOutputPort(String id);
* @return a List of all OutputPorts that are children or descendants of this
* ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all descendant
* ProcessGroups
List<Port> findAllOutputPorts();
* @param name of the port
* @return the output port with the given name, if it exists; otherwise
* returns null
Port getOutputPortByName(String name);
* Adds the given funnel to this ProcessGroup and starts it. While other
* components do not automatically start, the funnel does by default because
* it is intended to be more of a notional component that users are unable
* to explicitly start and stop. However, there is an override available in
* {@link #addFunnel(Funnel, boolean)} because we may need to avoid starting
* the funnel on restart until the flow is completely initialized.
* @param funnel to add
void addFunnel(Funnel funnel);
* Adds the given funnel to this ProcessGroup and optionally starts the
* funnel.
* @param funnel to add
* @param autoStart true if should auto start
void addFunnel(Funnel funnel, boolean autoStart);
* @return a Set of all Funnels that belong to this ProcessGroup
Set<Funnel> getFunnels();
* @param id of the funnel
* @return the funnel with the given identifier
Funnel getFunnel(String id);
* Removes the given funnel from this ProcessGroup
* @param funnel to remove
* @throws IllegalStateException if the funnel is not a member of this
* ProcessGroup or has incoming or outgoing connections
void removeFunnel(Funnel funnel);
* @return a List of all Funnel that are children or descendants of this
* ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all descendant
* ProcessGroups
List<Funnel> findAllFunnels();
* Adds the given Controller Service to this group
* @param service the service to add
void addControllerService(ControllerServiceNode service);
* Returns the controller service with the given id
* @param id the id of the controller service
* @return the controller service with the given id, or <code>null</code> if no service exists with that id
ControllerServiceNode getControllerService(String id);
* Returns a Set of all Controller Services that are available in this Process Group
* @param recursive if <code>true</code>, returns the Controller Services available to the parent Process Group, its parents, etc.
* @return a Set of all Controller Services that are available in this Process Group
Set<ControllerServiceNode> getControllerServices(boolean recursive);
* Removes the given Controller Service from this group
* @param service the service to remove
void removeControllerService(ControllerServiceNode service);
* @return <code>true</code> if this ProcessGroup has no Processors, Labels,
* Connections, ProcessGroups, RemoteProcessGroupReferences, or Ports.
* Otherwise, returns <code>false</code>.
boolean isEmpty();
* Removes all of the components whose ID's are specified within the given
* {@link Snippet} from this ProcessGroup.
* @param snippet to remove
* @throws NullPointerException if argument is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if any ID in the snippet refers to a
* component that is not within this ProcessGroup
void remove(final Snippet snippet);
* @param identifier of remote group port
* @return the RemoteGroupPort with the given ID, if it exists; otherwise
* returns null.
RemoteGroupPort findRemoteGroupPort(String identifier);
* @return a Set of all {@link org.apache.nifi.connectable.Positionable}s contained within this
* {@link ProcessGroup} and any child {@link ProcessGroup}s
Set<Positionable> findAllPositionables();
* Moves all of the components whose ID's are specified within the given
* {@link Snippet} from this ProcessGroup into the given destination
* ProcessGroup
* @param snippet to move
* @param destination where to move
* @throws NullPointerException if either argument is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if any ID in the snippet refers to a
* component that is not within this ProcessGroup
void move(final Snippet snippet, final ProcessGroup destination);
* Updates the Process Group to match the proposed flow
* @param proposedSnapshot the proposed flow
* @param componentIdSeed a seed value to use when generating ID's for new components
* @param verifyNotDirty whether or not to verify that the Process Group is not 'dirty'. If this value is <code>true</code>,
* and the Process Group has been modified since it was last synchronized with the Flow Registry, then this method will
* throw an IllegalStateException
* @param updateSettings whether or not to update the process group's name and positions
* @param updateDescendantVersionedFlows if a child/descendant Process Group is under Version Control, specifies whether or not to
* update the contents of that Process Group
void updateFlow(VersionedFlowSnapshot proposedSnapshot, String componentIdSeed, boolean verifyNotDirty, boolean updateSettings, boolean updateDescendantVersionedFlows);
* Verifies a template with the specified name can be created.
* @param name name of the template
void verifyCanAddTemplate(String name);
void verifyCanDelete();
* Ensures that the ProcessGroup is eligible to be deleted.
* @param ignorePortConnections if true, the Connections that are currently connected to Ports
* will be ignored. Otherwise, the ProcessGroup is not eligible for deletion if its input ports
* or output ports have any connections
* @throws IllegalStateException if the ProcessGroup is not eligible for deletion
void verifyCanDelete(boolean ignorePortConnections);
* Ensures that the ProcessGroup is eligible to be deleted.
* @param ignorePortConnections if true, the Connections that are currently connected to Ports
* will be ignored. Otherwise, the ProcessGroup is not eligible for deletion if its input ports
* or output ports have any connections
* @param ignoreTemplates if true, the Templates that are currently part of hte Process Group will be ignored.
* Otherwise, the ProcessGroup is not eligible for deletion if it has any templates
* @throws IllegalStateException if the ProcessGroup is not eligible for deletion
void verifyCanDelete(boolean ignorePortConnections, boolean ignoreTemplates);
void verifyCanStart(Connectable connectable);
void verifyCanStart();
void verifyCanStop(Connectable connectable);
void verifyCanStop();
* Ensures that deleting the given snippet is a valid operation at this
* point in time, depending on the state of this ProcessGroup
* @param snippet to delete
* @throws IllegalStateException if deleting the Snippet is not valid at
* this time
void verifyCanDelete(Snippet snippet);
* Ensure that moving the given snippet to the given new group is a valid
* operation at this point in time, depending on the state of both
* ProcessGroups
* @param snippet to move
* @param newProcessGroup new location
* @throws IllegalStateException if the move is not valid at this time
void verifyCanMove(Snippet snippet, ProcessGroup newProcessGroup);
* Ensures that the given variables can be updated
* @param updatedVariables the new set of variable names and values
* @throws IllegalStateException if one or more variables that are listed cannot be updated at this time
void verifyCanUpdateVariables(Map<String, String> updatedVariables);
* Ensures that the contents of the Process Group can be updated to match the given new flow
* @param updatedFlow the proposed updated flow
* @param verifyConnectionRemoval whether or not to verify that connections that are not present in the updated flow can be removed
* @param verifyNotDirty for versioned flows only, whether or not to verify that the Process Group is not 'dirty'. If <code>true</code>
* and the Process Group has been changed since it was last synchronized with the FlowRegistry, then this method will throw
* an IllegalStateException
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group is not in a state that will allow the update
void verifyCanUpdate(VersionedFlowSnapshot updatedFlow, boolean verifyConnectionRemoval, boolean verifyNotDirty);
* Ensures that the Process Group can have any local changes reverted
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group is not in a state that will allow local changes to be reverted
void verifyCanRevertLocalModifications();
* Ensures that the Process Group can have its local modifications shown
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group is not in a state that will allow local modifications to be shown
void verifyCanShowLocalModifications();
* Ensure that the contents of the Process Group can be saved to a Flow Registry in its current state
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group cannot currently be saved to a Flow Registry
void verifyCanSaveToFlowRegistry(String registryId, String bucketId, String flowId, String saveAction);
* Adds the given template to this Process Group
* @param template the template to add
void addTemplate(Template template);
* Removes the given template from the Process Group
* @param template the template to remove
void removeTemplate(Template template);
* Returns the template with the given ID
* @param id the ID of the template
* @return the template with the given ID or <code>null</code> if no template
* exists in this Process Group with the given ID
Template getTemplate(String id);
* @param id of the template
* @return the Template with the given ID, if it exists as a child or
* descendant of this ProcessGroup. This performs a recursive search of all
* descendant ProcessGroups
Template findTemplate(String id);
* @return a Set of all Templates that belong to this Process Group
Set<Template> getTemplates();
* @return a Set of all Templates that belong to this Process Group and any descendant Process Groups
Set<Template> findAllTemplates();
* Updates the variables that are provided by this Process Group
* @param variables the variables to provide
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group is not in a state that allows the variables to be updated
void setVariables(Map<String, String> variables);
* Returns the Variable Registry for this Process Group
* @return the Variable Registry for this Process Group
ComponentVariableRegistry getVariableRegistry();
* Returns a set of all components that are affected by the variable with the given name
* @param variableName the name of the variable
* @return a set of all components that are affected by the variable with the given name
Set<ComponentNode> getComponentsAffectedByVariable(String variableName);
* @return the version control information that indicates where this flow is stored in a Flow Registry,
* or <code>null</code> if this Process Group is not under version control.
VersionControlInformation getVersionControlInformation();
* Updates the Version Control Information for this Process Group
* @param versionControlInformation specification of where the flow is tracked in Version Control
* @param versionedComponentIds a mapping of component ID's to Versioned Component ID's. This is used to update the components in the
* Process Group so that the components that exist in the Process Group can be associated with the corresponding components in the
* Version Controlled flow
void setVersionControlInformation(VersionControlInformation versionControlInformation, Map<String, String> versionedComponentIds);
* Disconnects this Process Group from version control. If not currently under version control, this method does nothing.
void disconnectVersionControl(boolean removeVersionedComponentIds);
* Synchronizes the Process Group with the given Flow Registry, determining whether or not the local flow
* is up to date with the newest version of the flow in the Registry and whether or not the local flow has been
* modified since it was last synced with the Flow Registry. If this Process Group is not under Version Control,
* this method will have no effect.
* @param flowRegistry the Flow Registry to synchronize with
void synchronizeWithFlowRegistry(FlowRegistryClient flowRegistry);
* Called whenever a component within this group or the group itself is modified
void onComponentModified();
* Updates the Parameter Context that is to be used by this Process Group
* @param parameterContext the new Parameter Context to use
void setParameterContext(ParameterContext parameterContext);
* Returns the ParameterContext that is associated with this Process Group
* @return Returns the ParameterContext that is associated with this Process Group, or <code>null</code> if no Parameter Context has been set
ParameterContext getParameterContext();
* Ensures that a new Parameter Context can be set.
* @param parameterContext the new Parameter Context to set
* @throws IllegalStateException if unable to set the Parameter Context at this point in time
void verifyCanSetParameterContext(ParameterContext parameterContext);
* Called to notify the Process Group whenever the Parameter Context that it is bound to has changed.
* @param updatedParameters a Map of parameter name to the ParameterUpdate that describes how the Parameter was updated
void onParameterContextUpdated(Map<String, ParameterUpdate> updatedParameters);
* @return the FlowFileGate that must be used for obtaining a claim before an InputPort is allowed to bring data into a ProcessGroup
FlowFileGate getFlowFileGate();
* @return the FlowFileConcurrency that is currently configured for the ProcessGroup
FlowFileConcurrency getFlowFileConcurrency();
* Sets the FlowFileConcurrency to use for this ProcessGroup
* @param flowFileConcurrency the FlowFileConcurrency to use
void setFlowFileConcurrency(FlowFileConcurrency flowFileConcurrency);
* @return the FlowFile Outbound Policy that governs the behavior of this Process Group
FlowFileOutboundPolicy getFlowFileOutboundPolicy();
* Specifies the FlowFile Outbound Policy that should be applied to this Process Group
* @param outboundPolicy the policy to enforce.
void setFlowFileOutboundPolicy(FlowFileOutboundPolicy outboundPolicy);
* @return true if at least one FlowFile resides in a FlowFileQueue in this Process Group or a child ProcessGroup, false otherwise
boolean isDataQueued();
* Indicates whether or not data is queued for Processing. Data is considered queued for processing if it is enqueued in a Connection and
* the destination of that Connection is not an Output Port, OR if the data is enqueued within a child group, regardless of whether or not it is
* queued before an Output Port. I.e., any data that is enqueued in this Process Group is enqueued for Processing unless it is ready to be transferred
* out of this Process Group.
* @return <code>true</code> if there is data that is queued for Processing, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean isDataQueuedForProcessing();
* @return the BatchCounts that can be used for determining how many FlowFiles were transferred to each of the Output Ports
* in this Process Group, or <code>null</code> if this Process Group does not have an {@link #getFlowFileOutboundPolicy()}
* of {@link FlowFileOutboundPolicy#BATCH_OUTPUT}.
BatchCounts getBatchCounts();
* @return the DataValve for the given Port, or <code>null</code> if no Data Valve is in use for the given Port
DataValve getDataValve(Port port);
* @return the DataValve associated with this Process Group
DataValve getDataValve();