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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.authorization;
import org.apache.nifi.authorization.resource.Authorizable;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ConfigurableComponent;
import org.apache.nifi.components.RequiredPermission;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.BundleDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.FlowSnippetDTO;
public interface AuthorizableLookup {
* Get the authorizable Controller.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getController();
* Get the authorizable for the given type and bundle. This will use a dummy instance of the
* component. The intent of this method is to provide access to the PropertyDescriptors
* prior to the component being created.
* @param type component type
* @param bundle the bundle for the component
* @return authorizable
ComponentAuthorizable getConfigurableComponent(String type, BundleDTO bundle);
* Get the authorizable for the given ConfigurableComponent. This will use a dummy instance of
* the component.
* @param configurableComponent the configurable component
* @return authorizable
ComponentAuthorizable getConfigurableComponent(ConfigurableComponent configurableComponent);
* Get the authorizable Processor.
* @param id processor id
* @return authorizable
ComponentAuthorizable getProcessor(String id);
* Get the authorizable for querying Provenance.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getProvenance();
* Get the authorizable for viewing/reseting Counters.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getCounters();
* Get the authorizable for retrieving resources.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getResource();
* Get the authorizable for site to site.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getSiteToSite();
* Get the authorizable for the flow.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getFlow();
* Get the authorizable public InputPort.
* @param id input port id
* @return authorizable
PublicPortAuthorizable getPublicInputPort(String id);
* Get the authorizable public OutputPort.
* @param id output port id
* @return authorizable
PublicPortAuthorizable getPublicOutputPort(String id);
* Get the authorizable InputPort.
* @param id input port id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getInputPort(String id);
* Get the authorizable OutputPort.
* @param id output port id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getOutputPort(String id);
* Get the authorizable Connection.
* @param id connection id
* @return authorizable
ConnectionAuthorizable getConnection(String id);
* Get the authorizable ProcessGroup.
* @param id process group id
* @return authorizable
ProcessGroupAuthorizable getProcessGroup(String id);
* Get the authorizable RemoteProcessGroup.
* @param id remote process group id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getRemoteProcessGroup(String id);
* Get the authorizable Label.
* @param id label id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getLabel(String id);
* Get the authorizable Funnel.
* @param id funnel id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getFunnel(String id);
* Get the authorizable ControllerService.
* @param id controller service id
* @return authorizable
ComponentAuthorizable getControllerService(String id);
* Get the authorizable referencing component.
* @param controllerServiceId controller service id
* @param id component id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getControllerServiceReferencingComponent(String controllerServiceId, String id);
* Get the authorizable ReportingTask.
* @param id reporting task id
* @return authorizable
ComponentAuthorizable getReportingTask(String id);
* Get the authorizable Parameter Context
* @param id the ID of the Parameter Context
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getParameterContext(String id);
* Get the authorizable for Parameter Contexts
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getParameterContexts();
* Get the authorizable Template.
* @param id template id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getTemplate(String id);
* Get the authorizable Template contents.
* @param snippet the template contents
* @return authorizable
TemplateContentsAuthorizable getTemplateContents(FlowSnippetDTO snippet);
* Get the authorizable connectable. Note this does not include RemoteGroupPorts.
* @param id connectable id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getLocalConnectable(String id);
* Get the snippet of authorizable's.
* @param id snippet id
* @return snippet of authorizable's
SnippetAuthorizable getSnippet(String id);
* Get the {@link Authorizable} that represents the resource of users and user groups.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getTenant();
* Get the authorizable for access all policies.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getPolicies();
* Get the authorizable for the policy of the policy id.
* @param id id
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getAccessPolicyById(String id);
* Get the authorizable for the policy of the specified resource.
* @param resource resource
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getAccessPolicyByResource(String resource);
* Get the authorizable of the specified resource.
* @param resource resource
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getAuthorizableFromResource(final String resource);
* Get the authorizable for access to the System resource.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getSystem();
* Get the authorizable for accessing restricted components.
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getRestrictedComponents();
* Get the authorizable for accessing restricted components with a specific required permission.
* @param requiredPermission required permission
* @return authorizable
Authorizable getRestrictedComponents(RequiredPermission requiredPermission);