blob: a4f8c90e45e5a2aa2682aa448a821a6af28d7ff5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig
import groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder
import groovy.cli.commons.OptionAccessor
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.BootstrapUtil
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.NiFiRegistryAuthorizersXmlEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.NiFiRegistryIdentityProvidersXmlEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.NiFiRegistryPropertiesEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.ToolUtilities
import org.apache.nifi.util.console.TextDevices
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.function.Supplier
class NiFiRegistryMode implements ToolMode {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NiFiRegistryMode.class)
CliBuilder cli
boolean verboseEnabled
NiFiRegistryMode() {
cli = cliBuilder()
verboseEnabled = false
static Supplier<BootstrapProperties> getBootstrapSupplier(final String bootstrapConfPath) {
new Supplier<BootstrapProperties>() {
BootstrapProperties get() {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new SensitivePropertyProtectionException(e.getCause(), e)
void run(String[] args) {
try {
def options = cli.parse(args)
if (!options || options.h) {
EncryptConfigMain.printUsageAndExit("", EncryptConfigMain.EXIT_STATUS_OTHER)
if (options.v) {
verboseEnabled = true
NiFiRegistryConfiguration config = new NiFiRegistryConfiguration(options)
} catch (Exception e) {
if (verboseEnabled) {
logger.error("Encountered an error: ${e.getMessage()}")
EncryptConfigMain.printUsageAndExit(e.getMessage(), EncryptConfigMain.EXIT_STATUS_FAILURE)
void run(NiFiRegistryConfiguration config) throws Exception {
if (config.usingPassword) {"Using encryption key derived from password.")
} else if (config.usingRawKeyHex) {"Using encryption key provided.")
} else if (config.usingBootstrapKey) {"Using encryption key from input bootstrap.conf.")
logger.debug("(src) bootstrap.conf: ${config.inputBootstrapPath}")
logger.debug("(dest) bootstrap.conf: ${config.outputBootstrapPath}")
logger.debug("(src) ${config.inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath}")
logger.debug("(dest) ${config.outputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath}")
logger.debug("(src) identity-providers.xml: ${config.inputIdentityProvidersPath}")
logger.debug("(dest) identity-providers.xml: ${config.outputIdentityProvidersPath}")
logger.debug("(src) authorizers.xml: ${config.inputAuthorizersPath}")
logger.debug("(dest) authorizers.xml: ${config.outputAuthorizersPath}")
Properties niFiRegistryProperties = null
if (config.handlingNiFiRegistryProperties) {
try {
logger.debug("Encrypting NiFi Registry Properties")
niFiRegistryProperties = config.propertiesEncryptor.loadFile(config.inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath)
// if properties are not protected, then the call to decrypt is a no-op
niFiRegistryProperties = config.propertiesEncryptor.decrypt(niFiRegistryProperties)
niFiRegistryProperties = config.propertiesEncryptor.encrypt(niFiRegistryProperties)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered error trying to load and encrypt NiFi Registry Properties in ${config.inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath}: ${e.getMessage()}", e)
String identityProvidersXml = null
if (config.handlingIdentityProviders) {
try {
logger.debug("Encrypting Identity Providers XML")
identityProvidersXml = config.identityProvidersXmlEncryptor.loadXmlFile(config.inputIdentityProvidersPath)
// if xml is not protected, then the call to decrypt is a no-op
identityProvidersXml = config.identityProvidersXmlEncryptor.decrypt(identityProvidersXml)
identityProvidersXml = config.identityProvidersXmlEncryptor.encrypt(identityProvidersXml)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered error trying to load and encrypt Identity Providers XML in ${config.inputIdentityProvidersPath}: ${e.getMessage()}", e)
String authorizersXml = null
if (config.handlingAuthorizers) {
try {
logger.debug("Encrypting Authorizers XML")
authorizersXml = config.authorizersXmlEncryptor.loadXmlFile(config.inputAuthorizersPath)
// if xml is not protected, then the call to decrypt is a no-op
authorizersXml = config.authorizersXmlEncryptor.decrypt(authorizersXml)
authorizersXml = config.authorizersXmlEncryptor.encrypt(authorizersXml)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered error trying to load and encrypt Authorizers XML in ${config.inputAuthorizersPath}: ${e.getMessage()}", e)
try {
// Do this as part of a transaction?
synchronized (this) {
if (config.writingKeyToBootstrap) {
BootstrapUtil.writeKeyToBootstrapFile(config.encryptionKey, BootstrapUtil.REGISTRY_BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PROPERTY, config.outputBootstrapPath, config.inputBootstrapPath)"Updated bootstrap config file with root key: ${config.outputBootstrapPath}")
if (config.handlingNiFiRegistryProperties) {
config.propertiesEncryptor.write(niFiRegistryProperties, config.outputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath, config.inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath)"Updated NiFi Registry Properties file with protected values: ${config.outputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath}")
if (config.handlingIdentityProviders) {
config.identityProvidersXmlEncryptor.writeXmlFile(identityProvidersXml, config.outputIdentityProvidersPath, config.inputIdentityProvidersPath)"Updated Identity Providers XML file with protected values: ${config.outputIdentityProvidersPath}")
if (config.handlingAuthorizers) {
config.authorizersXmlEncryptor.writeXmlFile(authorizersXml, config.outputAuthorizersPath, config.inputAuthorizersPath)"Updated Authorizers XML file with protected values: ${config.outputAuthorizersPath}")
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered error while writing the output files: ${e.getMessage()}", e)
static Options getCliOptions() {
return cliBuilder().options
static CliBuilder cliBuilder() {
String usage = "${NiFiRegistryMode.class.getCanonicalName()} [options]"
int formatWidth = EncryptConfigMain.HELP_FORMAT_WIDTH
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter()
formatter.setOptionComparator(null) // preserve order of options below in help text
CliBuilder cli = new CliBuilder(
usage: usage,
width: formatWidth,
formatter: formatter)
cli.h(longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information (this message)')
cli.v(longOpt: 'verbose', 'Sets verbose mode (default false)')
// Options for the new password or key
cli.p(longOpt: 'password',
args: 1,
argName: 'password',
optionalArg: true,
'Protect the files using a password-derived key. If an argument is not provided to this flag, interactive mode will be triggered to prompt the user to enter the password.')
cli.k(longOpt: 'key',
args: 1,
argName: 'keyhex',
optionalArg: true,
'Protect the files using a raw hexadecimal key. If an argument is not provided to this flag, interactive mode will be triggered to prompt the user to enter the key.')
cli.S(longOpt: 'protectionScheme',
args: 1,
argName: 'protectionScheme',
"Selects the protection scheme for encrypted properties. Valid values are: [${PropertyProtectionScheme.values().join(", ")}] (default is ${})")
// Options for the old password or key, if running the tool to migrate keys
cli._(longOpt: 'oldPassword',
args: 1,
argName: 'password',
'If the input files are already protected using a password-derived key, this specifies the old password so that the files can be unprotected before re-protecting.')
cli._(longOpt: 'oldKey',
args: 1,
argName: 'keyhex',
'If the input files are already protected using a key, this specifies the raw hexadecimal key so that the files can be unprotected before re-protecting.')
cli.H(longOpt: 'oldProtectionScheme',
args: 1,
argName: 'protectionScheme',
"The old protection scheme to use during encryption migration (see --protectionScheme for possible values). Default is ${}.")
// Options for output bootstrap.conf file
cli.b(longOpt: 'bootstrapConf',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The bootstrap.conf file containing no root key or an existing root key, and any other protection scheme configuration properties. If a new password or key is specified (using -p or -k) and no output bootstrap.conf file is specified, then this file will be overwritten to persist the new master key.')
cli.B(longOpt: 'outputBootstrapConf',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The destination bootstrap.conf file to persist root key. If specified, the input bootstrap.conf will not be modified.')
// Options for input/output files
cli.r(longOpt: 'nifiRegistryProperties',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The file containing unprotected config values, overwritten if no output file specified.')
cli.R(longOpt: 'outputNifiRegistryProperties',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The destination file containing protected config values.')
// Options for input/output authorizers.xml files
cli.a(longOpt: 'authorizersXml',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The authorizers.xml file containing unprotected config values, overwritten if no output file specified.')
cli.A(longOpt: 'outputAuthorizersXml',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The destination authorizers.xml file containing protected config values.')
// Options for input/output identity-providers.xml files
cli.i(longOpt: 'identityProvidersXml',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The identity-providers.xml file containing unprotected config values, overwritten if no output file specified.')
cli.I(longOpt: 'outputIdentityProvidersXml',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'The destination identity-providers.xml file containing protected config values.')
return cli
static class NiFiRegistryConfiguration implements Configuration {
OptionAccessor rawOptions
boolean usingRawKeyHex
boolean usingPassword
boolean usingBootstrapKey
PropertyProtectionScheme protectionScheme
String encryptionKey
PropertyProtectionScheme oldProtectionScheme
String decryptionKey
SensitivePropertyProvider encryptionProvider
SensitivePropertyProvider decryptionProvider
SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory
boolean writingKeyToBootstrap = false
String inputBootstrapPath
String outputBootstrapPath
boolean handlingNiFiRegistryProperties = false
String inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath
String outputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath
NiFiRegistryPropertiesEncryptor propertiesEncryptor
boolean handlingIdentityProviders = false
String inputIdentityProvidersPath
String outputIdentityProvidersPath
NiFiRegistryIdentityProvidersXmlEncryptor identityProvidersXmlEncryptor
boolean handlingAuthorizers = false
String inputAuthorizersPath
String outputAuthorizersPath
NiFiRegistryAuthorizersXmlEncryptor authorizersXmlEncryptor
NiFiRegistryConfiguration() {
NiFiRegistryConfiguration(OptionAccessor options) {
this.rawOptions = options
// Set input bootstrap.conf path
inputBootstrapPath = rawOptions.b
// Determine key for decryption (if migrating)
if (!decryptionKey) {
logger.debug("No decryption key specified via options, so if any input files require decryption prior to re-encryption (i.e., migration), this tool will fail.")
handlingNiFiRegistryProperties = rawOptions.r
if (handlingNiFiRegistryProperties) {
inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath = rawOptions.r
outputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath = rawOptions.R ?: inputNiFiRegistryPropertiesPath
// Determine key for encryption (required)
if (!encryptionKey) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to configure tool, could not determine encryption key. Must provide -p, -k, or -b. If using -b, bootstrap.conf argument must already contain root key.")
providerFactory = StandardSensitivePropertyProviderFactory
.withKeyAndBootstrapSupplier(encryptionKey, getBootstrapSupplier(inputBootstrapPath))
encryptionProvider = providerFactory.getProvider(protectionScheme)
decryptionProvider = decryptionKey ? providerFactory.getProvider(oldProtectionScheme) : null
if (handlingNiFiRegistryProperties) {
propertiesEncryptor = new NiFiRegistryPropertiesEncryptor(encryptionProvider, decryptionProvider)
writingKeyToBootstrap = (usingPassword || usingRawKeyHex || rawOptions.B)
if (writingKeyToBootstrap) {
outputBootstrapPath = rawOptions.B ?: inputBootstrapPath
handlingIdentityProviders = rawOptions.i
if (handlingIdentityProviders) {
inputIdentityProvidersPath = rawOptions.i
outputIdentityProvidersPath = rawOptions.I ?: inputIdentityProvidersPath
identityProvidersXmlEncryptor = new NiFiRegistryIdentityProvidersXmlEncryptor(encryptionProvider, decryptionProvider, providerFactory)
handlingAuthorizers = rawOptions.a
if (handlingAuthorizers) {
inputAuthorizersPath = rawOptions.a
outputAuthorizersPath = rawOptions.A ?: inputAuthorizersPath
authorizersXmlEncryptor = new NiFiRegistryAuthorizersXmlEncryptor(encryptionProvider, decryptionProvider, providerFactory)
private void determineProtectionScheme() {
if (rawOptions.S) {
protectionScheme = PropertyProtectionScheme.valueOf(rawOptions.S)
} else {
protectionScheme = ConfigEncryptionTool.DEFAULT_PROTECTION_SCHEME
private void determineOldProtectionScheme() {
if (rawOptions.H) {
oldProtectionScheme = PropertyProtectionScheme.valueOf(rawOptions.H)
} else {
oldProtectionScheme = ConfigEncryptionTool.DEFAULT_PROTECTION_SCHEME
private void validateOptions() {
String validationFailedMessage = null
if (!rawOptions.b) {
validationFailedMessage = "-b flag for bootstrap.conf is required."
if (rawOptions.B) {
validationFailedMessage += " Input bootsrap.conf will be used as template for output bootstrap.conf"
} else if (rawOptions.p || rawOptions.k) {
validationFailedMessage = " Encryption key will be persisted to bootstrap.conf"
if (validationFailedMessage) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid options: " + validationFailedMessage)
private void determineEncryptionKey() {
if (rawOptions.p || rawOptions.k) {
String password = null
String keyHex = null
if (rawOptions.p) {
logger.debug("Attempting to generate key from password.")
usingPassword = true
password = rawOptions.getOptionValue("p")
} else {
usingRawKeyHex = true
keyHex = rawOptions.getOptionValue("k")
encryptionKey = ToolUtilities.determineKey(TextDevices.defaultTextDevice(), keyHex, password, usingPassword)
} else if (rawOptions.b) {
logger.debug("Attempting to read root key from input bootstrap.conf file.")
usingBootstrapKey = true
encryptionKey = BootstrapUtil.extractKeyFromBootstrapFile(inputBootstrapPath, BootstrapUtil.REGISTRY_BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PROPERTY)
if (!encryptionKey) {
logger.warn("-b specified without -p or -k, but the input bootstrap.conf file did not contain a root key.")
private String determineDecryptionKey() {
if (rawOptions.oldPassword) {
logger.debug("Attempting to generate decryption key (for migration) from old password.")
decryptionKey = ToolUtilities.determineKey(TextDevices.defaultTextDevice(), null, rawOptions.oldPassword, true)
} else if (rawOptions.oldKey) {
decryptionKey = rawOptions.oldKey