blob: 1fbf8e762f8a09d5797497ae8dec88baac65b8d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig
import groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder
import groovy.cli.commons.OptionAccessor
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.BootstrapUtil
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.PropertiesEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.ToolUtilities
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util.XmlEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.util.console.TextDevices
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class DecryptMode implements ToolMode {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DecryptMode.class)
static enum FileType {
CliBuilder cli
boolean verboseEnabled
DecryptMode() {
cli = cliBuilder()
verboseEnabled = false
void printUsage(String message = "") {
if (message) {
void printUsageAndExit(String message = "", int exitStatusCode) {
void run(String[] args) {
try {
def options = cli.parse(args)
if (!options || options.h) {
printUsageAndExit("", EncryptConfigMain.EXIT_STATUS_OTHER)
if (options.v) {
verboseEnabled = true
DecryptConfiguration config = new DecryptConfiguration(options)
} catch (Exception e) {
if (verboseEnabled) {
logger.error("Encountered an error: ${e.getMessage()}", e)
printUsageAndExit(e.getMessage(), EncryptConfigMain.EXIT_STATUS_FAILURE)
void run(DecryptConfiguration config) throws Exception {
if (!config.fileType) {
// Try to load the input file to auto-detect the file type
boolean isPropertiesFile = PropertiesEncryptor.supportsFile(config.inputFilePath)
boolean isXmlFile = XmlEncryptor.supportsFile(config.inputFilePath)
if (ToolUtilities.isExactlyOneTrue(isPropertiesFile, isXmlFile)) {
if (isPropertiesFile) {
config.fileType =
logger.debug("Auto-detection of input file type determined the type to be: ${}")
if (isXmlFile) {
config.fileType = FileType.xml
logger.debug("Auto-detection of input file type determined the type to be: ${FileType.xml}")
// Could we successfully auto-detect?
if (!config.fileType) {
throw new RuntimeException("Auto-detection of input file type failed. Please re-run the tool specifying the file type with the -t/--fileType flag.")
String decryptedSerializedContent = null
switch (config.fileType) {
PropertiesEncryptor propertiesEncryptor = new PropertiesEncryptor(null, config.decryptionProvider)
Properties properties = propertiesEncryptor.loadFile(config.inputFilePath)
properties = propertiesEncryptor.decrypt(properties)
decryptedSerializedContent = propertiesEncryptor.serializePropertiesAndPreserveFormatIfPossible(properties, config.inputFilePath)
case FileType.xml:
XmlEncryptor xmlEncryptor = new XmlEncryptor(null, config.decryptionProvider, config.providerFactory) {
List<String> serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormat(String updatedXmlContent, String originalXmlContent) {
// For decrypting unknown, generic XML, this tool will not support preserving the format
return updatedXmlContent.split("\n")
String xmlContent = xmlEncryptor.loadXmlFile(config.inputFilePath)
xmlContent = xmlEncryptor.decrypt(xmlContent)
decryptedSerializedContent = xmlEncryptor.serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormatIfPossible(xmlContent, config.inputFilePath)
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported file type '${config.fileType}'")
if (!decryptedSerializedContent) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load and decrypt input file.")
if (config.outputToFile) {
try {
File outputFile = new File(config.outputFilePath)
if (ToolUtilities.isSafeToWrite(outputFile)) {
outputFile.text = decryptedSerializedContent"Wrote decrypted file contents to '${config.outputFilePath}'")
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered an exception writing the decrypted content to '${config.outputFilePath}': ${e.getMessage()}", e)
} else {
private CliBuilder cliBuilder() {
String usage = "${EncryptConfigMain.class.getCanonicalName()} decrypt [options] file"
int formatWidth = EncryptConfigMain.HELP_FORMAT_WIDTH
HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter()
formatter.setOptionComparator(null) // preserve order of options below in help text
CliBuilder cli = new CliBuilder(
usage: usage,
width: formatWidth,
formatter: formatter,
stopAtNonOption: false)
cli.h(longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information (this message)')
cli.v(longOpt: 'verbose', 'Enables verbose mode (off by default)')
// Options for the password or key or bootstrap.conf
cli.p(longOpt: 'password',
args: 1,
argName: 'password',
optionalArg: true,
'Use a password to derive the key to decrypt the input file. If an argument is not provided to this flag, interactive mode will be triggered to prompt the user to enter the password.')
cli.k(longOpt: 'key',
args: 1,
argName: 'keyhex',
optionalArg: true,
'Use a raw hexadecimal key to decrypt the input file. If an argument is not provided to this flag, interactive mode will be triggered to prompt the user to enter the key.')
cli.b(longOpt: 'bootstrapConf',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'Use a bootstrap.conf file containing the root key to decrypt the input file (as an alternative to -p or -k)')
cli.o(longOpt: 'output',
args: 1,
argName: 'file',
'Specify an output file. If omitted, Standard Out is used. Output file can be set to the input file to decrypt the file in-place.')
return cli
static class DecryptConfiguration implements Configuration {
OptionAccessor rawOptions
Configuration.KeySource keySource
PropertyProtectionScheme protectionScheme = ConfigEncryptionTool.DEFAULT_PROTECTION_SCHEME
String key
SensitivePropertyProvider decryptionProvider
SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory
String inputBootstrapPath
FileType fileType
String inputFilePath
boolean outputToFile = false
String outputFilePath
DecryptConfiguration() {
DecryptConfiguration(OptionAccessor options) {
this.rawOptions = options
if (protectionScheme.requiresSecretKey()) {
if (!key) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to configure tool, could not determine key.")
providerFactory = StandardSensitivePropertyProviderFactory
.withKeyAndBootstrapSupplier(key, ConfigEncryptionTool.getBootstrapSupplier(inputBootstrapPath))
decryptionProvider = providerFactory.getProvider(protectionScheme)
if (rawOptions.t) {
fileType = FileType.valueOf(rawOptions.t)
if (rawOptions.o) {
outputToFile = true
outputFilePath = rawOptions.o
private void determineBootstrapProperties() {
if (rawOptions.b) {
inputBootstrapPath = rawOptions.b
private void validateOptions() {
String validationFailedMessage = null
if (!rawOptions.b && !rawOptions.p && !rawOptions.k) {
validationFailedMessage = "-p, -k, or -b is required in order to determine the root key to use for decryption."
if (validationFailedMessage) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid options: " + validationFailedMessage)
private void determineInputFileFromRemainingArgs() {
String[] remainingArgs = this.rawOptions.getArgs()
if (remainingArgs.length == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Missing argument: Input file must be provided.")
} else if (remainingArgs.length > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Too many arguments: Please specify exactly one input file in addition to the options.")
this.inputFilePath = remainingArgs[0]
private void determineProtectionScheme() {
if (rawOptions.S) {
protectionScheme = PropertyProtectionScheme.valueOf(rawOptions.S)
private void determineKey() {
boolean usingPassword = false
boolean usingRawKeyHex = false
boolean usingBootstrapKey = false
if (rawOptions.p) {
usingPassword = true
if (rawOptions.k) {
usingRawKeyHex = true
if (rawOptions.b) {
usingBootstrapKey = true
if (!ToolUtilities.isExactlyOneTrue(usingPassword, usingRawKeyHex, usingBootstrapKey)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid options: Only one of [-p, -k, -b] is allowed for specifying the decryption password/key.")
if (usingPassword || usingRawKeyHex) {
String password = null
String keyHex = null
if (usingPassword) {
logger.debug("Using password to derive root key for decryption")
password = rawOptions.getOptionValue("p")
keySource = Configuration.KeySource.PASSWORD
} else {
logger.debug("Using raw key hex as root key for decryption")
keyHex = rawOptions.getOptionValue("k")
keySource = Configuration.KeySource.KEY_HEX
key = ToolUtilities.determineKey(TextDevices.defaultTextDevice(), keyHex, password, usingPassword)
} else if (usingBootstrapKey) {
logger.debug("Looking in bootstrap conf file ${inputBootstrapPath} for root key for decryption.")
// first, try to treat the bootstrap file as a NiFi bootstrap.conf
logger.debug("Checking expected NiFi bootstrap.conf format")
key = BootstrapUtil.extractKeyFromBootstrapFile(inputBootstrapPath, BootstrapUtil.NIFI_BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PROPERTY)
// if the key is still null, try again, this time treating the bootstrap file as a NiFi Registry bootstrap.conf
if (!key) {
logger.debug("Checking expected NiFi Registry bootstrap.conf format")
key = BootstrapUtil.extractKeyFromBootstrapFile(inputBootstrapPath, BootstrapUtil.REGISTRY_BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PROPERTY)
// check we have found the key after trying all bootstrap formats
if (key) {
logger.debug("Root key found in ${inputBootstrapPath}. This key will be used for decryption operations.")
keySource = Configuration.KeySource.BOOTSTRAP_FILE
} else {
logger.warn("Bootstrap Conf flag present, but root key could not be found in ${inputBootstrapPath}.")