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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.processors.standard;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.InputRequirement;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.InputRequirement.Requirement;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.ReadsAttribute;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.ReadsAttributes;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.SupportsBatching;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.WritesAttribute;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.behavior.WritesAttributes;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.CapabilityDescription;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.SeeAlso;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.documentation.Tags;
import org.apache.nifi.annotation.lifecycle.OnScheduled;
import org.apache.nifi.components.PropertyDescriptor;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationContext;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ValidationResult;
import org.apache.nifi.dbcp.DBCPService;
import org.apache.nifi.expression.ExpressionLanguageScope;
import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.FlowFile;
import org.apache.nifi.flowfile.attributes.FragmentAttributes;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.AbstractSessionFactoryProcessor;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.FlowFileFilter;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessContext;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessSession;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.ProcessSessionFactory;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.Relationship;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.StandardValidators;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.ErrorTypes;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.ExceptionHandler;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.PartialFunctions;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.PartialFunctions.FetchFlowFiles;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.PartialFunctions.FlowFileGroup;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.PutGroup;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.RollbackOnFailure;
import org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.RoutingResult;
import org.apache.nifi.util.db.JdbcCommon;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLNonTransientException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.apache.nifi.processor.util.pattern.ExceptionHandler.createOnError;
@Tags({"sql", "put", "rdbms", "database", "update", "insert", "relational"})
@CapabilityDescription("Executes a SQL UPDATE or INSERT command. The content of an incoming FlowFile is expected to be the SQL command "
+ "to execute. The SQL command may use the ? to escape parameters. In this case, the parameters to use must exist as FlowFile attributes "
+ "with the naming convention sql.args.N.type and sql.args.N.value, where N is a positive integer. The sql.args.N.type is expected to be "
+ "a number indicating the JDBC Type. The content of the FlowFile is expected to be in UTF-8 format.")
@ReadsAttribute(attribute = "fragment.identifier", description = "If the <Support Fragment Transactions> property is true, this attribute is used to determine whether or "
+ "not two FlowFiles belong to the same transaction."),
@ReadsAttribute(attribute = "fragment.count", description = "If the <Support Fragment Transactions> property is true, this attribute is used to determine how many FlowFiles "
+ "are needed to complete the transaction."),
@ReadsAttribute(attribute = "fragment.index", description = "If the <Support Fragment Transactions> property is true, this attribute is used to determine the order that the FlowFiles "
+ "in a transaction should be evaluated."),
@ReadsAttribute(attribute = "sql.args.N.type", description = "Incoming FlowFiles are expected to be parametrized SQL statements. The type of each Parameter is specified as an integer "
+ "that represents the JDBC Type of the parameter."),
@ReadsAttribute(attribute = "sql.args.N.value", description = "Incoming FlowFiles are expected to be parametrized SQL statements. The value of the Parameters are specified as "
+ "sql.args.1.value, sql.args.2.value, sql.args.3.value, and so on. The type of the sql.args.1.value Parameter is specified by the sql.args.1.type attribute."),
@ReadsAttribute(attribute = "sql.args.N.format", description = "This attribute is always optional, but default options may not always work for your data. "
+ "Incoming FlowFiles are expected to be parametrized SQL statements. In some cases "
+ "a format option needs to be specified, currently this is only applicable for binary data types, dates, times and timestamps. Binary Data Types (defaults to 'ascii') - "
+ "ascii: each string character in your attribute value represents a single byte. This is the format provided by Avro Processors. "
+ "base64: the string is a Base64 encoded string that can be decoded to bytes. "
+ "hex: the string is hex encoded with all letters in upper case and no '0x' at the beginning. "
+ "Dates/Times/Timestamps - "
+ "Date, Time and Timestamp formats all support both custom formats or named format ('yyyy-MM-dd','ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME') "
+ "as specified according to java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter. "
+ "If not specified, a long value input is expected to be an unix epoch (milli seconds from 1970/1/1), or a string value in "
+ "'yyyy-MM-dd' format for Date, 'HH:mm:ss.SSS' for Time (some database engines e.g. Derby or MySQL do not support milliseconds and will truncate milliseconds), "
+ "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS' for Timestamp is used.")
@WritesAttribute(attribute = "sql.generated.key", description = "If the database generated a key for an INSERT statement and the Obtain Generated Keys property is set to true, "
+ "this attribute will be added to indicate the generated key, if possible. This feature is not supported by all database vendors.")
public class PutSQL extends AbstractSessionFactoryProcessor {
static final PropertyDescriptor CONNECTION_POOL = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("JDBC Connection Pool")
.description("Specifies the JDBC Connection Pool to use in order to convert the JSON message to a SQL statement. "
+ "The Connection Pool is necessary in order to determine the appropriate database column types.")
static final PropertyDescriptor SQL_STATEMENT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("SQL Statement")
.description("The SQL statement to execute. The statement can be empty, a constant value, or built from attributes "
+ "using Expression Language. If this property is specified, it will be used regardless of the content of "
+ "incoming flowfiles. If this property is empty, the content of the incoming flow file is expected "
+ "to contain a valid SQL statement, to be issued by the processor to the database.")
static final PropertyDescriptor AUTO_COMMIT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.displayName("Database Session AutoCommit")
.description("The autocommit mode to set on the database connection being used. If set to false, the operation(s) will be explicitly committed or rolled back "
+ "(based on success or failure respectively), if set to true the driver/database handles the commit/rollback.")
.allowableValues("true", "false")
static final PropertyDescriptor SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("Support Fragmented Transactions")
.description("If true, when a FlowFile is consumed by this Processor, the Processor will first check the fragment.identifier and fragment.count attributes of that FlowFile. "
+ "If the fragment.count value is greater than 1, the Processor will not process any FlowFile with that fragment.identifier until all are available; "
+ "at that point, it will process all FlowFiles with that fragment.identifier as a single transaction, in the order specified by the FlowFiles' fragment.index attributes. "
+ "This Provides atomicity of those SQL statements. Once any statement of this transaction throws exception when executing, this transaction will be rolled back. When "
+ "transaction rollback happened, none of these FlowFiles would be routed to 'success'. If the <Rollback On Failure> is set true, these FlowFiles will stay in the input "
+ "relationship. When the <Rollback On Failure> is set false,, if any of these FlowFiles will be routed to 'retry', all of these FlowFiles will be routed to 'retry'.Otherwise, "
+ "they will be routed to 'failure'. If this value is false, these attributes will be ignored and the updates will occur independent of one another.")
.allowableValues("true", "false")
static final PropertyDescriptor TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("Transaction Timeout")
.description("If the <Support Fragmented Transactions> property is set to true, specifies how long to wait for all FlowFiles for a particular fragment.identifier attribute "
+ "to arrive before just transferring all of the FlowFiles with that identifier to the 'failure' relationship")
static final PropertyDescriptor BATCH_SIZE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("Batch Size")
.description("The preferred number of FlowFiles to put to the database in a single transaction")
static final PropertyDescriptor OBTAIN_GENERATED_KEYS = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
.name("Obtain Generated Keys")
.description("If true, any key that is automatically generated by the database will be added to the FlowFile that generated it using the sql.generate.key attribute. "
+ "This may result in slightly slower performance and is not supported by all databases.")
.allowableValues("true", "false")
static final Relationship REL_SUCCESS = new Relationship.Builder()
.description("A FlowFile is routed to this relationship after the database is successfully updated")
static final Relationship REL_RETRY = new Relationship.Builder()
.description("A FlowFile is routed to this relationship if the database cannot be updated but attempting the operation again may succeed")
static final Relationship REL_FAILURE = new Relationship.Builder()
.description("A FlowFile is routed to this relationship if the database cannot be updated and retrying the operation will also fail, "
+ "such as an invalid query or an integrity constraint violation")
private static final String FRAGMENT_ID_ATTR = FragmentAttributes.FRAGMENT_ID.key();
private static final String FRAGMENT_INDEX_ATTR = FragmentAttributes.FRAGMENT_INDEX.key();
private static final String FRAGMENT_COUNT_ATTR = FragmentAttributes.FRAGMENT_COUNT.key();
protected List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
final List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new ArrayList<>();
return properties;
protected final Collection<ValidationResult> customValidate(ValidationContext context) {
final Collection<ValidationResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
final String support_transactions = context.getProperty(SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS).getValue();
final String rollback_on_failure = context.getProperty(RollbackOnFailure.ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE).getValue();
final String auto_commit = context.getProperty(AUTO_COMMIT).getValue();
if(auto_commit.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
if(support_transactions.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
results.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.explanation(format("'%s' cannot be set to 'true' when '%s' is also set to 'true'."
+ "Transactions for batch updates cannot be supported when auto commit is set to 'true'",
SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS.getDisplayName(), AUTO_COMMIT.getDisplayName()))
if(rollback_on_failure.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
results.add(new ValidationResult.Builder()
.explanation(format("'%s' cannot be set to 'true' when '%s' is also set to 'true'."
+ "Transaction rollbacks for batch updates cannot be supported when auto commit is set to 'true'",
RollbackOnFailure.ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE.getDisplayName(), AUTO_COMMIT.getDisplayName()))
return results;
public Set<Relationship> getRelationships() {
final Set<Relationship> rels = new HashSet<>();
return rels;
private static class FunctionContext extends RollbackOnFailure {
private boolean obtainKeys = false;
private boolean fragmentedTransaction = false;
private boolean originalAutoCommit = false;
private final long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
private FunctionContext(boolean rollbackOnFailure) {
super(rollbackOnFailure, true);
private boolean isSupportBatching() {
return !obtainKeys && !fragmentedTransaction;
private PutGroup<FunctionContext, Connection, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> process;
private BiFunction<FunctionContext, ErrorTypes, ErrorTypes.Result> adjustError;
private ExceptionHandler<FunctionContext> exceptionHandler;
private final FetchFlowFiles<FunctionContext> fetchFlowFiles = (c, s, fc, r) -> {
final FlowFilePoll poll = pollFlowFiles(c, s, fc, r);
if (poll == null) {
return null;
fc.fragmentedTransaction = poll.isFragmentedTransaction();
return poll.getFlowFiles();
private final PartialFunctions.InitConnection<FunctionContext, Connection> initConnection = (c, s, fc, ffs) -> {
final Connection connection = c.getProperty(CONNECTION_POOL).asControllerService(DBCPService.class)
.getConnection(ffs == null || ffs.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyMap() : ffs.get(0).getAttributes());
try {
fc.originalAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
final boolean autocommit = c.getProperty(AUTO_COMMIT).asBoolean();
if(fc.originalAutoCommit != autocommit) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ProcessException("Failed to disable auto commit due to " + e, e);
return connection;
private interface GroupingFunction {
void apply(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session, final FunctionContext fc,
final Connection conn, final List<FlowFile> flowFiles,
final List<StatementFlowFileEnclosure> groups,
final RoutingResult result);
private final GroupingFunction groupFragmentedTransaction = (context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, groups, result) -> {
final FragmentedEnclosure fragmentedEnclosure = new FragmentedEnclosure();
final Map<String, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> sqlToEnclosure = new HashMap<>();
for (final FlowFile flowFile : flowFiles) {
final String sql = context.getProperty(PutSQL.SQL_STATEMENT).isSet()
? context.getProperty(PutSQL.SQL_STATEMENT).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue()
: getSQL(session, flowFile);
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure enclosure = sqlToEnclosure
.computeIfAbsent(sql, k -> new StatementFlowFileEnclosure(sql));
fragmentedEnclosure.addFlowFile(flowFile, enclosure);
private final GroupingFunction groupFlowFilesBySQLBatch = (context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, groups, result) -> {
for (final FlowFile flowFile : flowFiles) {
final String sql = context.getProperty(PutSQL.SQL_STATEMENT).isSet()
? context.getProperty(PutSQL.SQL_STATEMENT).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue()
: getSQL(session, flowFile);
// Create a new PreparedStatement or reuse the one from the last group if that is the same.
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure enclosure;
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure lastEnclosure = groups.isEmpty() ? null : groups.get(groups.size() - 1);
if (lastEnclosure == null || !lastEnclosure.getSql().equals(sql)) {
enclosure = new StatementFlowFileEnclosure(sql);
} else {
enclosure = lastEnclosure;
if(!exceptionHandler.execute(fc, flowFile, input -> {
final PreparedStatement stmt = enclosure.getCachedStatement(conn);
JdbcCommon.setParameters(stmt, flowFile.getAttributes());
}, onFlowFileError(context, session, result))) {
private final GroupingFunction groupFlowFilesBySQL = (context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, groups, result) -> {
for (final FlowFile flowFile : flowFiles) {
final String sql = context.getProperty(PutSQL.SQL_STATEMENT).isSet()
? context.getProperty(PutSQL.SQL_STATEMENT).evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile).getValue()
: getSQL(session, flowFile);
// Create a new PreparedStatement or reuse the one from the last group if that is the same.
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure enclosure;
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure lastEnclosure = groups.isEmpty() ? null : groups.get(groups.size() - 1);
if (lastEnclosure == null || !lastEnclosure.getSql().equals(sql)) {
enclosure = new StatementFlowFileEnclosure(sql);
} else {
enclosure = lastEnclosure;
final PutGroup.GroupFlowFiles<FunctionContext, Connection, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> groupFlowFiles = (context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, result) -> {
final List<StatementFlowFileEnclosure> groups = new ArrayList<>();
// There are three patterns:
// 1. Support batching: An enclosure has multiple FlowFiles being executed in a batch operation
// 2. Obtain keys: An enclosure has multiple FlowFiles, and each FlowFile is executed separately
// 3. Fragmented transaction: One FlowFile per Enclosure?
if (fc.obtainKeys) {
groupFlowFilesBySQL.apply(context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, groups, result);
} else if (fc.fragmentedTransaction) {
groupFragmentedTransaction.apply(context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, groups, result);
} else {
groupFlowFilesBySQLBatch.apply(context, session, fc, conn, flowFiles, groups, result);
return groups;
final PutGroup.PutFlowFiles<FunctionContext, Connection, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> putFlowFiles = (context, session, fc, conn, enclosure, result) -> {
final List<FlowFile> sentFlowFiles = new ArrayList<>();
if (fc.isSupportBatching()) {
// We have PreparedStatement that have batches added to them.
// We need to execute each batch and close the PreparedStatement.
exceptionHandler.execute(fc, enclosure, input -> {
try (final PreparedStatement stmt = enclosure.getCachedStatement(conn)) {
result.routeTo(enclosure.getFlowFiles(), REL_SUCCESS);
}, onBatchUpdateError(context, session, result));
} else {
for (final FlowFile flowFile : enclosure.getFlowFiles()) {
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure targetEnclosure
= enclosure instanceof FragmentedEnclosure
? ((FragmentedEnclosure) enclosure).getTargetEnclosure(flowFile)
: enclosure;
// Execute update one by one.
exceptionHandler.execute(fc, flowFile, input -> {
try (final PreparedStatement stmt = targetEnclosure.getNewStatement(conn, fc.obtainKeys)) {
// set the appropriate parameters on the statement.
JdbcCommon.setParameters(stmt, flowFile.getAttributes());
// attempt to determine the key that was generated, if any. This is not supported by all
// database vendors, so if we cannot determine the generated key (or if the statement is not an INSERT),
// we will just move on without setting the attribute.
FlowFile sentFlowFile = flowFile;
final String generatedKey = determineGeneratedKey(stmt);
if (generatedKey != null) {
sentFlowFile = session.putAttribute(sentFlowFile, "sql.generated.key", generatedKey);
result.routeTo(sentFlowFile, REL_SUCCESS);
}, onFlowFileError(context, session, result));
if (!sentFlowFiles.isEmpty()) {
// Determine the database URL
String url = "jdbc://unknown-host";
try {
url = conn.getMetaData().getURL();
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// Emit a Provenance SEND event
final long transmissionMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - fc.startNanos);
for (final FlowFile flowFile : sentFlowFiles) {
session.getProvenanceReporter().send(flowFile, url, transmissionMillis, true);
private ExceptionHandler.OnError<FunctionContext, FlowFile> onFlowFileError(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session, final RoutingResult result) {
ExceptionHandler.OnError<FunctionContext, FlowFile> onFlowFileError = createOnError(context, session, result, REL_FAILURE, REL_RETRY);
onFlowFileError = onFlowFileError.andThen((c, i, r, e) -> {
switch (r.destination()) {
case Failure:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {}; routing to failure", new Object[] {i, e}, e);
case Retry:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {}; it is possible that retrying the operation will succeed, so routing to retry",
new Object[] {i, e}, e);
case Self:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {};", new Object[] {i, e}, e);
return RollbackOnFailure.createOnError(onFlowFileError);
private ExceptionHandler.OnError<FunctionContext, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> onBatchUpdateError(
final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session, final RoutingResult result) {
return RollbackOnFailure.createOnError((c, enclosure, r, e) -> {
// If rollbackOnFailure is enabled, the error will be thrown as ProcessException instead.
if (e instanceof BatchUpdateException && !c.isRollbackOnFailure()) {
// If we get a BatchUpdateException, then we want to determine which FlowFile caused the failure,
// and route that FlowFile to failure while routing those that finished processing to success and those
// that have not yet been executed to retry.
// Currently fragmented transaction does not use batch update.
final int[] updateCounts = ((BatchUpdateException) e).getUpdateCounts();
final List<FlowFile> batchFlowFiles = enclosure.getFlowFiles();
// In the presence of a BatchUpdateException, the driver has the option of either stopping when an error
// occurs, or continuing. If it continues, then it must account for all statements in the batch and for
// those that fail return a Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED for the number of rows updated.
// So we will iterate over all of the update counts returned. If any is equal to Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED,
// we will route the corresponding FlowFile to failure. Otherwise, the FlowFile will go to success
// unless it has not yet been processed (its index in the List > updateCounts.length).
int failureCount = 0;
int successCount = 0;
int retryCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < updateCounts.length; i++) {
final int updateCount = updateCounts[i];
final FlowFile flowFile = batchFlowFiles.get(i);
if (updateCount == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED) {
result.routeTo(flowFile, REL_FAILURE);
} else {
result.routeTo(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS);
if (failureCount == 0) {
// if no failures found, the driver decided not to execute the statements after the
// failure, so route the last one to failure.
final FlowFile failedFlowFile = batchFlowFiles.get(updateCounts.length);
result.routeTo(failedFlowFile, REL_FAILURE);
if (updateCounts.length < batchFlowFiles.size()) {
final List<FlowFile> unexecuted = batchFlowFiles.subList(updateCounts.length + 1, batchFlowFiles.size());
for (final FlowFile flowFile : unexecuted) {
result.routeTo(flowFile, REL_RETRY);
getLogger().error("Failed to update database due to a failed batch update, {}. There were a total of {} FlowFiles that failed, {} that succeeded, "
+ "and {} that were not execute and will be routed to retry; ", new Object[]{e, failureCount, successCount, retryCount}, e);
// Apply default error handling and logging for other Exceptions.
ExceptionHandler.OnError<RollbackOnFailure, FlowFileGroup> onGroupError
= ExceptionHandler.createOnGroupError(context, session, result, REL_FAILURE, REL_RETRY);
onGroupError = onGroupError.andThen((cl, il, rl, el) -> {
switch (r.destination()) {
case Failure:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {}; routing to failure", new Object[] {il.getFlowFiles(), e}, e);
case Retry:
getLogger().error("Failed to update database for {} due to {}; it is possible that retrying the operation will succeed, so routing to retry",
new Object[] {il.getFlowFiles(), e}, e);
onGroupError.apply(c, enclosure, r, e);
public void constructProcess() {
process = new PutGroup<>();
process.adjustRoute(RollbackOnFailure.createAdjustRoute(REL_FAILURE, REL_RETRY));
process.onCompleted((c, s, fc, conn) -> {
try {
// Only call commit() if auto-commit is false, per the JDBC spec (see java.sql.Connection)
if (!conn.getAutoCommit()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Throw ProcessException to rollback process session.
throw new ProcessException("Failed to commit database connection due to " + e, e);
process.onFailed((c, s, fc, conn, e) -> {
try {
// Only call rollback() if auto-commit is false, per the JDBC spec (see java.sql.Connection)
if (!conn.getAutoCommit()) {
} catch (SQLException re) {
// Just log the fact that rollback failed.
// ProcessSession will be rollback by the thrown Exception so don't have to do anything here.
getLogger().warn("Failed to rollback database connection due to %s", new Object[]{re}, re);
process.cleanup((c, s, fc, conn) -> {
// make sure that we try to set the auto commit back to whatever it was.
final boolean autocommit = c.getProperty(AUTO_COMMIT).asBoolean();
if (fc.originalAutoCommit != autocommit) {
try {
} catch (final SQLException se) {
getLogger().warn("Failed to reset autocommit due to {}", new Object[]{se});
process.adjustFailed((c, r) -> {
if (c.getProperty(SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS).asBoolean()){
if (r.contains(REL_RETRY) || r.contains(REL_FAILURE)) {
final List<FlowFile> transferredFlowFiles = r.getRoutedFlowFiles().values().stream()
Relationship rerouteShip = r.contains(REL_RETRY) ? REL_RETRY : REL_FAILURE;
r.routeTo(transferredFlowFiles, rerouteShip);
return true;
return false;
exceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler<>();
exceptionHandler.mapException(e -> {
if (e instanceof SQLNonTransientException) {
return ErrorTypes.InvalidInput;
} else if (e instanceof SQLException) {
return ErrorTypes.TemporalFailure;
} else {
return ErrorTypes.UnknownFailure;
adjustError = RollbackOnFailure.createAdjustError(getLogger());
public void onTrigger(ProcessContext context, ProcessSessionFactory sessionFactory) throws ProcessException {
final Boolean rollbackOnFailure = context.getProperty(RollbackOnFailure.ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE).asBoolean();
final FunctionContext functionContext = new FunctionContext(rollbackOnFailure);
functionContext.obtainKeys = context.getProperty(OBTAIN_GENERATED_KEYS).asBoolean();
RollbackOnFailure.onTrigger(context, sessionFactory, functionContext, getLogger(), session -> process.onTrigger(context, session, functionContext));
* Pulls a batch of FlowFiles from the incoming queues. If no FlowFiles are available, returns <code>null</code>.
* Otherwise, a List of FlowFiles will be returned.
* If all FlowFiles pulled are not eligible to be processed, the FlowFiles will be penalized and transferred back
* to the input queue and an empty List will be returned.
* Otherwise, if the Support Fragmented Transactions property is true, all FlowFiles that belong to the same
* transaction will be sorted in the order that they should be evaluated.
* @param context the process context for determining properties
* @param session the process session for pulling flowfiles
* @return a FlowFilePoll containing a List of FlowFiles to process, or <code>null</code> if there are no FlowFiles to process
private FlowFilePoll pollFlowFiles(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session,
final FunctionContext functionContext, final RoutingResult result) {
// Determine which FlowFile Filter to use in order to obtain FlowFiles.
final boolean useTransactions = context.getProperty(SUPPORT_TRANSACTIONS).asBoolean();
boolean fragmentedTransaction = false;
final int batchSize = context.getProperty(BATCH_SIZE).asInteger();
final FlowFileFilter dbcpServiceFlowFileFilter = context.getProperty(CONNECTION_POOL).asControllerService(DBCPService.class).getFlowFileFilter(batchSize);
List<FlowFile> flowFiles;
if (useTransactions) {
final TransactionalFlowFileFilter filter = new TransactionalFlowFileFilter(dbcpServiceFlowFileFilter);
flowFiles = session.get(filter);
fragmentedTransaction = filter.isFragmentedTransaction();
} else {
if (dbcpServiceFlowFileFilter == null) {
flowFiles = session.get(batchSize);
} else {
flowFiles = session.get(dbcpServiceFlowFileFilter);
if (flowFiles.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// If we are supporting fragmented transactions, verify that all FlowFiles are correct
if (fragmentedTransaction) {
try {
if (!isFragmentedTransactionReady(flowFiles, context.getProperty(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT).asTimePeriod(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))) {
// Not ready, penalize FlowFiles and put it back to self.
flowFiles.forEach(f -> result.routeTo(session.penalize(f), Relationship.SELF));
return null;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Map relationship based on context, and then let default handler to handle.
final ErrorTypes.Result adjustedRoute = adjustError.apply(functionContext, ErrorTypes.InvalidInput);
ExceptionHandler.createOnGroupError(context, session, result, REL_FAILURE, REL_RETRY)
.apply(functionContext, () -> flowFiles, adjustedRoute, e);
return null;
// sort by fragment index.
flowFiles.sort(Comparator.comparing(o -> Integer.parseInt(o.getAttribute(FRAGMENT_INDEX_ATTR))));
return new FlowFilePoll(flowFiles, fragmentedTransaction);
* Returns the key that was generated from the given statement, or <code>null</code> if no key
* was generated or it could not be determined.
* @param stmt the statement that generated a key
* @return the key that was generated from the given statement, or <code>null</code> if no key
* was generated or it could not be determined.
private String determineGeneratedKey(final PreparedStatement stmt) {
try {
final ResultSet generatedKeys = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
if (generatedKeys != null && {
return generatedKeys.getString(1);
} catch (final SQLException sqle) {
// This is not supported by all vendors. This is a best-effort approach.
return null;
* Determines the SQL statement that should be executed for the given FlowFile
* @param session the session that can be used to access the given FlowFile
* @param flowFile the FlowFile whose SQL statement should be executed
* @return the SQL that is associated with the given FlowFile
private String getSQL(final ProcessSession session, final FlowFile flowFile) {
// Read the SQL from the FlowFile's content
final byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) flowFile.getSize()];, new InputStreamCallback() {
public void process(final InputStream in) throws IOException {
StreamUtils.fillBuffer(in, buffer);
// Create the PreparedStatement to use for this FlowFile.
final String sql = new String(buffer, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
return sql;
* Determines which relationship the given FlowFiles should go to, based on a transaction timing out or
* transaction information not being present. If the FlowFiles should be processed and not transferred
* to any particular relationship yet, will return <code>null</code>
* @param flowFiles the FlowFiles whose relationship is to be determined
* @param transactionTimeoutMillis the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that we should wait
* for all FlowFiles in a transaction to be present before routing to failure
* @return the appropriate relationship to route the FlowFiles to, or <code>null</code> if the FlowFiles
* should instead be processed
boolean isFragmentedTransactionReady(final List<FlowFile> flowFiles, final Long transactionTimeoutMillis) throws IllegalArgumentException {
int selectedNumFragments = 0;
final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet();
BiFunction<String, Object[], IllegalArgumentException> illegal = (s, objects) -> new IllegalArgumentException(format(s, objects));
for (final FlowFile flowFile : flowFiles) {
final String fragmentCount = flowFile.getAttribute(FRAGMENT_COUNT_ATTR);
if (fragmentCount == null && flowFiles.size() == 1) {
return true;
} else if (fragmentCount == null) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because there are %d FlowFiles with the same fragment.identifier "
+ "attribute but not all FlowFiles have a fragment.count attribute", new Object[] {flowFile, flowFiles.size()});
final int numFragments;
try {
numFragments = Integer.parseInt(fragmentCount);
} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because the fragment.count attribute has a value of '%s', which is not an integer",
new Object[] {flowFile, fragmentCount});
if (numFragments < 1) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because the fragment.count attribute has a value of '%s', which is not a positive integer",
new Object[] {flowFile, fragmentCount});
if (selectedNumFragments == 0) {
selectedNumFragments = numFragments;
} else if (numFragments != selectedNumFragments) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because the fragment.count attribute has different values for different FlowFiles with the same fragment.identifier",
new Object[] {flowFile});
final String fragmentIndex = flowFile.getAttribute(FRAGMENT_INDEX_ATTR);
if (fragmentIndex == null) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because the fragment.index attribute is missing", new Object[] {flowFile});
final int idx;
try {
idx = Integer.parseInt(fragmentIndex);
} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because the fragment.index attribute has a value of '%s', which is not an integer",
new Object[] {flowFile, fragmentIndex});
if (idx < 0) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because the fragment.index attribute has a value of '%s', which is not a positive integer",
new Object[] {flowFile, fragmentIndex});
if (bitSet.get(idx)) {
throw illegal.apply("Cannot process %s because it has the same value for the fragment.index attribute as another FlowFile with the same fragment.identifier",
new Object[] {flowFile});
if (selectedNumFragments == flowFiles.size()) {
return true; // no relationship to route FlowFiles to yet - process the FlowFiles.
long latestQueueTime = 0L;
for (final FlowFile flowFile : flowFiles) {
if (flowFile.getLastQueueDate() != null && flowFile.getLastQueueDate() > latestQueueTime) {
latestQueueTime = flowFile.getLastQueueDate();
if (transactionTimeoutMillis != null) {
if (latestQueueTime > 0L && System.currentTimeMillis() - latestQueueTime > transactionTimeoutMillis) {
throw illegal.apply("The transaction timeout has expired for the following FlowFiles; they will be routed to failure: %s", new Object[] {flowFiles});
getLogger().debug("Not enough FlowFiles for transaction. Returning all FlowFiles to queue");
return false; // not enough FlowFiles for this transaction. Return them all to queue.
* A FlowFileFilter that is responsible for ensuring that the FlowFiles returned either belong
* to the same "fragmented transaction" (i.e., 1 transaction whose information is fragmented
* across multiple FlowFiles) or that none of the FlowFiles belongs to a fragmented transaction
static class TransactionalFlowFileFilter implements FlowFileFilter {
private final FlowFileFilter nonFragmentedTransactionFilter;
private String selectedId = null;
private int numSelected = 0;
private boolean ignoreFragmentIdentifiers = false;
public TransactionalFlowFileFilter(FlowFileFilter nonFragmentedTransactionFilter) {
this.nonFragmentedTransactionFilter = nonFragmentedTransactionFilter;
public boolean isFragmentedTransaction() {
return !ignoreFragmentIdentifiers;
private FlowFileFilterResult filterNonFragmentedTransaction(final FlowFile flowFile) {
if (nonFragmentedTransactionFilter == null) {
return FlowFileFilterResult.ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE;
} else {
// Use non-fragmented tx filter for further filtering.
return nonFragmentedTransactionFilter.filter(flowFile);
public FlowFileFilterResult filter(final FlowFile flowFile) {
final String fragmentId = flowFile.getAttribute(FRAGMENT_ID_ATTR);
final String fragCount = flowFile.getAttribute(FRAGMENT_COUNT_ATTR);
// if first FlowFile selected is not part of a fragmented transaction, then
// we accept any FlowFile that is also not part of a fragmented transaction.
if (ignoreFragmentIdentifiers) {
if (fragmentId == null || "1".equals(fragCount)) {
return filterNonFragmentedTransaction(flowFile);
} else {
return FlowFileFilterResult.REJECT_AND_CONTINUE;
if (fragmentId == null || "1".equals(fragCount)) {
if (selectedId == null) {
// Only one FlowFile in the transaction.
ignoreFragmentIdentifiers = true;
return filterNonFragmentedTransaction(flowFile);
} else {
// we've already selected 1 FlowFile, and this one doesn't match.
return FlowFileFilterResult.REJECT_AND_CONTINUE;
if (selectedId == null) {
// select this fragment id as the chosen one.
selectedId = fragmentId;
return FlowFileFilterResult.ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE;
if (selectedId.equals(fragmentId)) {
// fragment id's match. Find out if we have all of the necessary fragments or not.
final int numFragments;
if (fragCount != null && JdbcCommon.NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(fragCount).matches()) {
numFragments = Integer.parseInt(fragCount);
} else {
numFragments = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (numSelected >= numFragments - 1) {
// We have all of the fragments we need for this transaction.
return FlowFileFilterResult.ACCEPT_AND_TERMINATE;
} else {
// We still need more fragments for this transaction, so accept this one and continue.
return FlowFileFilterResult.ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE;
} else {
return FlowFileFilterResult.REJECT_AND_CONTINUE;
* A simple, immutable data structure to hold a List of FlowFiles and an indicator as to whether
* or not those FlowFiles represent a "fragmented transaction" - that is, a collection of FlowFiles
* that all must be executed as a single transaction (we refer to it as a fragment transaction
* because the information for that transaction, including SQL and the parameters, is fragmented
* across multiple FlowFiles).
private static class FlowFilePoll {
private final List<FlowFile> flowFiles;
private final boolean fragmentedTransaction;
public FlowFilePoll(final List<FlowFile> flowFiles, final boolean fragmentedTransaction) {
this.flowFiles = flowFiles;
this.fragmentedTransaction = fragmentedTransaction;
public List<FlowFile> getFlowFiles() {
return flowFiles;
public boolean isFragmentedTransaction() {
return fragmentedTransaction;
private static class FragmentedEnclosure extends StatementFlowFileEnclosure {
private final Map<FlowFile, StatementFlowFileEnclosure> flowFileToEnclosure = new HashMap<>();
public FragmentedEnclosure() {
public void addFlowFile(final FlowFile flowFile, final StatementFlowFileEnclosure enclosure) {
flowFileToEnclosure.put(flowFile, enclosure);
public StatementFlowFileEnclosure getTargetEnclosure(final FlowFile flowFile) {
return flowFileToEnclosure.get(flowFile);
* A simple, immutable data structure to hold a Prepared Statement and a List of FlowFiles
* for which that statement should be evaluated.
private static class StatementFlowFileEnclosure implements FlowFileGroup {
private final String sql;
private PreparedStatement statement;
private final List<FlowFile> flowFiles = new ArrayList<>();
public StatementFlowFileEnclosure(String sql) {
this.sql = sql;
public String getSql() {
return sql;
public PreparedStatement getNewStatement(final Connection conn, final boolean obtainKeys) throws SQLException {
if (obtainKeys) {
// Create a new Prepared Statement, requesting that it return the generated keys.
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
if (stmt == null) {
// since we are passing Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS, calls to conn.prepareStatement will
// in some cases (at least for DerbyDB) return null.
// We will attempt to recompile the statement without the generated keys being returned.
stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
// If we need to obtain keys, then we cannot do a Batch Update. In this case,
// we don't need to store the PreparedStatement in the Map because we aren't
// doing an addBatch/executeBatch. Instead, we will use the statement once
// and close it.
return stmt;
return conn.prepareStatement(sql);
public PreparedStatement getCachedStatement(final Connection conn) throws SQLException {
if (statement != null) {
return statement;
statement = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
return statement;
public List<FlowFile> getFlowFiles() {
return flowFiles;
public void addFlowFile(final FlowFile flowFile) {
public int hashCode() {
return sql.hashCode();
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (obj == this) {
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof StatementFlowFileEnclosure)) {
return false;
final StatementFlowFileEnclosure other = (StatementFlowFileEnclosure) obj;
return sql.equals(other.sql);