blob: c35f129620c65a0cf2d497bec2351883bbe84fb7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util
import groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
abstract class XmlEncryptor {
protected static final String XML_DECLARATION_REGEX = /<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>/
protected static final ENCRYPTION_NONE = "none"
protected static final ENCRYPTION_EMPTY = ""
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XmlEncryptor.class)
protected final SensitivePropertyProvider decryptionProvider
protected final SensitivePropertyProvider encryptionProvider
protected final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory
XmlEncryptor(final SensitivePropertyProvider encryptionProvider, final SensitivePropertyProvider decryptionProvider,
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory) {
this.decryptionProvider = decryptionProvider
this.encryptionProvider = encryptionProvider
this.providerFactory = providerFactory
static boolean supportsFile(String filePath) {
def doc
try {
String rawFileContents = loadXmlFile(filePath)
doc = new XmlSlurper().parseText(rawFileContents)
} catch (Throwable ignored) {
return false
return doc != null
static String loadXmlFile(String xmlFilePath) throws IOException {
File xmlFile = new File(xmlFilePath)
if (ToolUtilities.canRead(xmlFile)) {
try {
String xmlContent = xmlFile.text
return xmlContent
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new IOException("Cannot load XML from ${xmlFilePath}", e)
} else {
throw new IOException("File at ${xmlFilePath} must exist and be readable by user running this tool.")
String decrypt(final String encryptedXmlContent) {
try {
def doc = new XmlSlurper().parseText(encryptedXmlContent)
GPathResult[] encryptedNodes = doc.depthFirst().findAll { GPathResult node ->
node.@encryption != ENCRYPTION_NONE && node.@encryption != ENCRYPTION_EMPTY
if (encryptedNodes.size() == 0) {
return encryptedXmlContent
if (decryptionProvider == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Input XML is encrypted, but decryption capability is not enabled. " +
"Usually this means a decryption password / key was not provided to the tool.")
String supportedDecryptionScheme = decryptionProvider.getIdentifierKey()
logger.debug("Found ${encryptedNodes.size()} encrypted XML elements. Will attempt to decrypt using the provided decryption key.")
encryptedNodes.each { node ->
logger.debug("Attempting to decrypt ${node.text()}")
if (node.@encryption != supportedDecryptionScheme) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Decryption capability not supported by this tool. " +
"This tool supports ${supportedDecryptionScheme}, but this xml file contains " +
"${node.toString()} protected by ${node.@encryption}")
String groupIdentifier = (String) node.parent().identifier
String propertyName = (String) node.@name
String decryptedValue = decryptionProvider.unprotect(node.text().trim(), providerFactory.getPropertyContext(groupIdentifier, propertyName))
node.@encryption = ENCRYPTION_NONE
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
String updatedXml = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)
logger.debug("Updated XML content: ${updatedXml}")
return updatedXml
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot decrypt XML content", e)
String encrypt(final String plainXmlContent) {
try {
def doc = new XmlSlurper().parseText(plainXmlContent)
GPathResult[] nodesToEncrypt = doc.depthFirst().findAll { GPathResult node ->
node.text() && node.@encryption == ENCRYPTION_NONE
logger.debug("Encrypting ${nodesToEncrypt.size()} element(s) of XML document")
if (nodesToEncrypt.size() == 0) {
return plainXmlContent
nodesToEncrypt.each { node ->
String groupIdentifier = (String) node.parent().identifier
String propertyName = (String) node.@name
String encryptedValue = this.encryptionProvider.protect(node.text().trim(), providerFactory.getPropertyContext(groupIdentifier, propertyName))
node.@encryption = this.encryptionProvider.getIdentifierKey()
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
String updatedXml = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)
logger.debug("Updated XML content: ${updatedXml}")
return updatedXml
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot encrypt XML content", e)
void writeXmlFile(String updatedXmlContent, String outputXmlPath, String inputXmlPath) throws IOException {
File outputXmlFile = new File(outputXmlPath)
if (ToolUtilities.isSafeToWrite(outputXmlFile)) {
String finalXmlContent = serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormatIfPossible(updatedXmlContent, inputXmlPath)
outputXmlFile.text = finalXmlContent
} else {
throw new IOException("The XML file at ${outputXmlPath} must be writable by the user running this tool")
String serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormatIfPossible(String updatedXmlContent, String inputXmlPath) {
String finalXmlContent
File inputXmlFile = new File(inputXmlPath)
if (ToolUtilities.canRead(inputXmlFile)) {
String originalXmlContent = new File(inputXmlPath).text
// Instead of just writing the XML content to a file, this method attempts to maintain
// the structure of the original file.
finalXmlContent = serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormat(updatedXmlContent, originalXmlContent).join("\n")
} else {
finalXmlContent = updatedXmlContent
return finalXmlContent
* Given an original XML file and updated XML content, create the lines for an updated, minimally altered, serialization.
* Concrete classes extending this class must implement this method using specific knowledge of the XML document.
* @param finalXmlContent the xml content to serialize
* @param inputXmlFile the original input xml file to use as a template for formatting the serialization
* @return the lines of serialized finalXmlContent that are close in raw format to originalInputXmlFile
abstract List<String> serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormat(String updatedXmlContent, String originalXmlContent)
// TODO, replace the above abstract method with an implementation that works generically for any updated (encryption=."..") nodes
// perhaps this could be done leveraging org.apache.commons.configuration2 which is capable of preserving comments, eg:
static String markXmlNodesForEncryption(String plainXmlContent, String gPath, gPathCallback) {
String markedXmlContent
try {
def doc = new XmlSlurper().parseText(plainXmlContent)
// Find the provider element by class even if it has been renamed
def sensitiveProperties = gPathCallback(doc."${gPath}")
logger.debug("Marking ${sensitiveProperties.size()} sensitive element(s) of XML to be encrypted")
if (sensitiveProperties.size() == 0) {
logger.debug("No populated sensitive properties found in XML content")
return plainXmlContent
sensitiveProperties.each {
it.@encryption = ENCRYPTION_NONE
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
// TODO: Switch to XmlParser & XmlNodePrinter to maintain "empty" element structure
markedXmlContent = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("Encountered exception", e)
throw new RuntimeException(e)