blob: b474e4e236f716e22fb49d7260e285e6a98c9dcc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.nifi.toolkit.encryptconfig.util
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.xml.sax.SAXException
class NiFiRegistryAuthorizersXmlEncryptor extends XmlEncryptor {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NiFiRegistryAuthorizersXmlEncryptor.class)
static final String LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS = ""
private static final String LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_REGEX =
* (?s) -> single-line mode (i.e., `.` in regex matches newlines)
* <userGroupProvider> -> find occurrence of `<userGroupProvider>` literally (case-sensitive)
* (?: ... ) -> group but do not capture submatch
* (?! ... ) -> negative lookahead
* (?:(?!<userGroupProvider>).)*? -> find everything until a new `<userGroupProvider>` starts. This is for not selecting multiple userGroupProviders in one match
* <class> -> find occurrence of `<class>` literally (case-sensitive)
* \s* -> find any whitespace
* org\.apache\.nifi\.registry\.security\.ldap\.tenants\.LdapUserGroupProvider
* -> find occurrence of `` literally (case-sensitive)
* .*?</userGroupProvider> -> find everything as needed up until and including occurrence of '</userGroupProvider>'
NiFiRegistryAuthorizersXmlEncryptor(final SensitivePropertyProvider encryptionProvider, final SensitivePropertyProvider decryptionProvider,
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory) {
super(encryptionProvider, decryptionProvider, providerFactory)
* Overrides the super class implementation to marking xml nodes that should be encrypted.
* This is done using logic specific to the authorizers.xml file type targeted by this subclass,
* leveraging knowledge of the XML file structure and which elements are sensitive.
* Sensitive nodes are marked by adding the encryption="none" attribute.
* When all the sensitive values are found and marked, the base class implementation
* is invoked to encrypt them.
* @param plainXmlContent the plaintext content of an authorizers.xml file
* @param propertyLocation The property location
* @return the comment with sensitive values encrypted and marked with the cipher.
String encrypt(final String plainXmlContent) {
// First, mark the XML nodes to encrypt that are specific to authorizers.xml by adding an attribute encryption="none"
String markedXmlContent = markXmlNodesForEncryption(plainXmlContent, "userGroupProvider", {
it.find {
it.'class' as String == LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS
}.property.findAll {
// Only operate on populated password properties
it.@name =~ "Password" && it.text()
// Now, return the results of the base implementation, which encrypts any node with an encryption="none" attribute
return super.encrypt(markedXmlContent)
List<String> serializeXmlContentAndPreserveFormat(String updatedXmlContent, String originalXmlContent) {
if (updatedXmlContent == originalXmlContent) {
// If nothing was encrypted, e.g., the sensitive properties are commented out or empty,
// then the best thing to do to preserve formatting perspective is to do nothing.
return originalXmlContent.split("\n")
// Find & replace the userGroupProvider element of the updated content in the original contents
try {
def parsedXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(updatedXmlContent)
def provider = parsedXml.userGroupProvider.find { it.'class' as String == LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS }
if (provider) {
def serializedProvider = new XmlUtil().serialize(provider)
// Remove XML declaration from top
serializedProvider = serializedProvider.replaceFirst(XML_DECLARATION_REGEX, "")
originalXmlContent = originalXmlContent.replaceFirst(LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_REGEX, serializedProvider)
return originalXmlContent.split("\n")
} else {
throw new SAXException("No ldap-user-group-provider element found")
} catch (SAXException e) {
logger.warn("No userGroupProvider with class ${LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS} found in XML content. " +
"The file could be empty or the element may be missing or commented out")
return originalXmlContent.split("\n")