blob: 4fdfbf06005052e1ba556c417c7731af80e8f79a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser
import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex
import org.apache.nifi.encrypt.PropertyEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.encrypt.PropertyEncryptorFactory
import org.apache.nifi.flow.encryptor.FlowEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.flow.encryptor.StandardFlowEncryptor
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.commandLine.CommandLineParseException
import org.apache.nifi.toolkit.tls.commandLine.ExitCode
import org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiBootstrapUtils
import org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties
import org.apache.nifi.util.console.TextDevice
import org.apache.nifi.util.console.TextDevices
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.generators.SCrypt
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.xml.sax.SAXException
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
import java.util.function.Supplier
import java.util.regex.Matcher
class ConfigEncryptionTool {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigEncryptionTool.class)
public String bootstrapConfPath
public String niFiPropertiesPath
public String outputNiFiPropertiesPath
public String loginIdentityProvidersPath
public String outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath
public String authorizersPath
public String outputAuthorizersPath
public static flowXmlPath
public String outputFlowXmlPath
static final PropertyProtectionScheme DEFAULT_PROTECTION_SCHEME = PropertyProtectionScheme.AES_GCM
private PropertyProtectionScheme protectionScheme = DEFAULT_PROTECTION_SCHEME
private PropertyProtectionScheme migrationProtectionScheme = DEFAULT_PROTECTION_SCHEME
private String keyHex
private String migrationKeyHex
private String password
private String migrationPassword
// This is the raw value used in nifi.sensitive.props.key
private String flowPropertiesPassword
private String existingFlowPropertiesPassword
private String newFlowAlgorithm
private String newFlowProvider
private NiFiProperties niFiProperties
private String loginIdentityProviders
private String authorizers
private InputStream flowXmlInputStream
private boolean usingPassword = true
private boolean usingPasswordMigration = true
private boolean migration = false
private boolean isVerbose = false
private boolean handlingNiFiProperties = false
private boolean handlingLoginIdentityProviders = false
private boolean handlingAuthorizers = false
private boolean handlingFlowXml = false
private boolean ignorePropertiesFiles = false
private boolean translatingCli = false
private static final String HELP_ARG = "help"
private static final String VERBOSE_ARG = "verbose"
private static final String BOOTSTRAP_CONF_ARG = "bootstrapConf"
private static final String NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG = "niFiProperties"
private static final String OUTPUT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG = "outputNiFiProperties"
private static final String LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG = "loginIdentityProviders"
private static final String OUTPUT_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG = "outputLoginIdentityProviders"
private static final String AUTHORIZERS_ARG = "authorizers"
private static final String OUTPUT_AUTHORIZERS_ARG = "outputAuthorizers"
private static final String FLOW_XML_ARG = "flowXml"
private static final String OUTPUT_FLOW_XML_ARG = "outputFlowXml"
private static final String KEY_ARG = "key"
private static final String PROTECTION_SCHEME_ARG = "protectionScheme"
private static final String PASSWORD_ARG = "password"
private static final String KEY_MIGRATION_ARG = "oldKey"
private static final String PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG = "oldPassword"
private static final String PROTECTION_SCHEME_MIGRATION_ARG = "oldProtectionScheme"
private static final String USE_KEY_ARG = "useRawKey"
private static final String MIGRATION_ARG = "migrate"
private static final String PROPS_KEY_ARG = "propsKey"
private static final String DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG = "encryptFlowXmlOnly"
private static final String NEW_FLOW_ALGORITHM_ARG = "newFlowAlgorithm"
private static final String NEW_FLOW_PROVIDER_ARG = "newFlowProvider"
private static final String TRANSLATE_CLI_ARG = "translateCli"
private static final String PROTECTION_SCHEME_DESC = String.format("Selects the protection scheme for encrypted properties. " +
"Valid values are: [%s] (default is %s)", PropertyProtectionScheme.values().join(", "),
// Static holder to avoid re-generating the options object multiple times in an invocation
private static Options staticOptions
// Hard-coded fallback value from historical defaults
private static final String DEFAULT_NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY = "nififtw!"
private static final int MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 12
// Strong parameters as of 12 Aug 2016 (for key derivation)
// This value can remain an int until best practice specifies a value above 2**32
private static final int SCRYPT_N = 2**16
private static final int SCRYPT_R = 8
private static final int SCRYPT_P = 1
private static
final String BOOTSTRAP_KEY_COMMENT = "# Root key in hexadecimal format for encrypted sensitive configuration values"
private static final String BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PREFIX = "nifi.bootstrap.sensitive.key="
private static final String JAVA_HOME = "JAVA_HOME"
private static final String NIFI_TOOLKIT_HOME = "NIFI_TOOLKIT_HOME"
private static final String SEP = System.lineSeparator()
private static final String FOOTER = buildFooter()
private static
final String DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = "This tool reads from a and/or " +
"login-identity-providers.xml file with plain sensitive configuration values, " +
"prompts the user for a root key, and encrypts each value. It will replace the " +
"plain value with the protected value in the same file (or write to a new file if " +
"specified). It can also be used to migrate already-encrypted values in those " +
"files or in flow.xml.gz to be encrypted with a new key."
private static final String LDAP_PROVIDER_CLASS = "org.apache.nifi.ldap.LdapProvider"
private static
final String LDAP_PROVIDER_REGEX = /(?s)<provider>(?:(?!<provider>).)*?<class>\s*org\.apache\.nifi\.ldap\.LdapProvider.*?<\/provider>/
/* Explanation of LDAP_PROVIDER_REGEX:
* (?s) -> single-line mode (i.e., `.` in regex matches newlines)
* <provider> -> find occurrence of `<provider>` literally (case-sensitive)
* (?: ... ) -> group but do not capture submatch
* (?! ... ) -> negative lookahead
* (?:(?!<provider>).)*? -> find everything until a new `<provider>` starts. This is for not selecting multiple providers in one match
* <class> -> find occurrence of `<class>` literally (case-sensitive)
* \s* -> find any whitespace
* org\.apache\.nifi\.ldap\.LdapProvider
* -> find occurrence of `org.apache.nifi.ldap.LdapProvider` literally (case-sensitive)
* .*?</provider> -> find everything as needed up until and including occurrence of `</provider>`
private static final String LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS = "org.apache.nifi.ldap.tenants.LdapUserGroupProvider"
private static final String LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_REGEX =
* (?s) -> single-line mode (i.e., `.` in regex matches newlines)
* <userGroupProvider> -> find occurrence of `<userGroupProvider>` literally (case-sensitive)
* (?: ... ) -> group but do not capture submatch
* (?! ... ) -> negative lookahead
* (?:(?!<userGroupProvider>).)*? -> find everything until a new `<userGroupProvider>` starts. This is for not selecting multiple userGroupProviders in one match
* <class> -> find occurrence of `<class>` literally (case-sensitive)
* \s* -> find any whitespace
* org\.apache\.nifi\.ldap\.tenants\.LdapUserGroupProvider
* -> find occurrence of `org.apache.nifi.ldap.tenants.LdapUserGroupProvider` literally (case-sensitive)
* .*?</userGroupProvider> -> find everything as needed up until and including occurrence of '</userGroupProvider>'
private static final String XML_DECLARATION_REGEX = /<\?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>/
private static final String WRAPPED_FLOW_XML_CIPHER_TEXT_REGEX = /enc\{[a-fA-F0-9]+?\}/
private static final Map<String, String> PROPERTY_KEY_MAP = [
"" : "keystore",
"" : "keystoreType",
"" : "keystorePasswd",
"" : "keyPasswd",
"" : "truststore",
"" : "truststoreType",
"": "truststorePasswd",
private static String buildHeader(String description = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION) {
"${SEP}${description}${SEP * 2}"
private static String buildFooter() {
"${SEP}Java home: ${System.getenv(JAVA_HOME)}${SEP}NiFi Toolkit home: ${System.getenv(NIFI_TOOLKIT_HOME)}"
private final Options options
private final String header
ConfigEncryptionTool() {
ConfigEncryptionTool(String description) {
this.header = buildHeader(description)
this.options = getCliOptions()
static Options buildOptions() {
Options options = new Options()
options.addOption(Option.builder("h").longOpt(HELP_ARG).hasArg(false).desc("Show usage information (this message)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("v").longOpt(VERBOSE_ARG).hasArg(false).desc("Sets verbose mode (default false)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("n").longOpt(NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The file containing unprotected config values (will be overwritten unless -o is specified)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("o").longOpt(OUTPUT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The destination file containing protected config values (will not modify input").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("l").longOpt(LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The login-identity-providers.xml file containing unprotected config values (will be overwritten unless -i is specified)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("i").longOpt(OUTPUT_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The destination login-identity-providers.xml file containing protected config values (will not modify input login-identity-providers.xml)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("a").longOpt(AUTHORIZERS_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The authorizers.xml file containing unprotected config values (will be overwritten unless -u is specified)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("u").longOpt(OUTPUT_AUTHORIZERS_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The destination authorizers.xml file containing protected config values (will not modify input authorizers.xml)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("f").longOpt(FLOW_XML_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The flow.xml.gz file currently protected with old password (will be overwritten unless -g is specified)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("g").longOpt(OUTPUT_FLOW_XML_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The destination flow.xml.gz file containing protected config values (will not modify input flow.xml.gz)").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("b").longOpt(BOOTSTRAP_CONF_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("file").desc("The bootstrap.conf file to persist root key and to optionally provide any configuration for the protection scheme.").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("k").longOpt(KEY_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("keyhex").desc("The raw hexadecimal key to use to encrypt the sensitive properties").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("e").longOpt(KEY_MIGRATION_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("keyhex").desc("The old raw hexadecimal key to use during key migration").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("H").longOpt(PROTECTION_SCHEME_MIGRATION_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("protectionScheme").desc("The old protection scheme to use during encryption migration (see --protectionScheme for possible values). Default is " +
options.addOption(Option.builder("p").longOpt(PASSWORD_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("password").desc("The password from which to derive the key to use to encrypt the sensitive properties").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("w").longOpt(PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("password").desc("The old password from which to derive the key during migration").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("r").longOpt(USE_KEY_ARG).hasArg(false).desc("If provided, the secure console will prompt for the raw key value in hexadecimal form").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("m").longOpt(MIGRATION_ARG).hasArg(false).desc("If provided, the and/or login-identity-providers.xml sensitive properties will be re-encrypted with the new scheme").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("x").longOpt(DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG).hasArg(false).desc("If provided, the properties in flow.xml.gz will be re-encrypted with a new key but the and/or login-identity-providers.xml files will not be modified").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("s").longOpt(PROPS_KEY_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("password|keyhex").desc("The password or key to use to encrypt the sensitive processor properties in flow.xml.gz").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("A").longOpt(NEW_FLOW_ALGORITHM_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("algorithm").desc("The algorithm to use to encrypt the sensitive processor properties in flow.xml.gz").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("P").longOpt(NEW_FLOW_PROVIDER_ARG).hasArg(true).argName("algorithm").desc("The security provider to use to encrypt the sensitive processor properties in flow.xml.gz").build())
options.addOption(Option.builder("c").longOpt(TRANSLATE_CLI_ARG).hasArg(false).desc("Translates the file to a format suitable for the NiFi CLI tool").build())
static Options getCliOptions() {
if (!staticOptions) {
staticOptions = buildOptions()
return staticOptions
* Prints the usage message and available arguments for this tool (along with a specific error message if provided).
* @param errorMessage the optional error message
void printUsage(String errorMessage) {
if (errorMessage) {
HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter()
// preserve manual ordering of options when printing instead of alphabetical
helpFormatter.printHelp(ConfigEncryptionTool.class.getCanonicalName(), header, options, FOOTER, true)
protected void printUsageAndThrow(String errorMessage, ExitCode exitCode) throws CommandLineParseException {
throw new CommandLineParseException(errorMessage, exitCode)
// TODO: Refactor component steps into methods
protected CommandLine parse(String[] args) throws CommandLineParseException {
CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser()
CommandLine commandLine
try {
commandLine = parser.parse(options, args)
if (commandLine.hasOption(HELP_ARG)) {
printUsageAndThrow(null, ExitCode.HELP)
isVerbose = commandLine.hasOption(VERBOSE_ARG)
// If this flag is present, ensure no other options are present and then fail/return
if (commandLine.hasOption(TRANSLATE_CLI_ARG)) {
translatingCli = true
if (commandLineHasActionFlags(commandLine, [TRANSLATE_CLI_ARG, BOOTSTRAP_CONF_ARG, NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG])) {
printUsageAndThrow("When '-c'/'--${TRANSLATE_CLI_ARG}' is specified, only '-h', '-v', and '-n'/'-b' with the relevant files are allowed", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
bootstrapConfPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(BOOTSTRAP_CONF_ARG)
// This needs to occur even if the won't be encrypted
if (commandLine.hasOption(NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG)) {
boolean ignoreFlagPresent = commandLine.hasOption(DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG)
if (isVerbose && !ignoreFlagPresent) {"Handling encryption of")
niFiPropertiesPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG)
outputNiFiPropertiesPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG, niFiPropertiesPath)
handlingNiFiProperties = !ignoreFlagPresent
if (niFiPropertiesPath == outputNiFiPropertiesPath) {
// TODO: Add confirmation pause and provide -y flag to offer no-interaction mode?
logger.warn("The source and destination are identical [${outputNiFiPropertiesPath}] so the original will be overwritten")
if (commandLine.hasOption(PROTECTION_SCHEME_ARG)) {
protectionScheme = PropertyProtectionScheme.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(PROTECTION_SCHEME_ARG))
// If translating to CLI format, none of the remaining parsing is necessary
if (translatingCli) {
// If the isn't present, throw an exception
// If the is encrypted and the bootstrap.conf isn't present, we will throw an error later when the encryption is detected
if (!niFiPropertiesPath) {
printUsageAndThrow("When '-c'/'--translateCli' is specified, '-n'/'--niFiProperties' is required (and '-b'/'--bootstrapConf' is required if the properties are encrypted)", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
return commandLine
// If this flag is provided, the is necessary to read/write the flow encryption key, but the encryption process will not actually be applied to / login-identity-providers.xml
if (commandLine.hasOption(DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG)) {
handlingNiFiProperties = false
handlingLoginIdentityProviders = false
handlingAuthorizers = false
ignorePropertiesFiles = true
} else {
if (commandLine.hasOption(LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG)) {
if (isVerbose) {"Handling encryption of login-identity-providers.xml")
loginIdentityProvidersPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG)
outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG, loginIdentityProvidersPath)
handlingLoginIdentityProviders = true
if (loginIdentityProvidersPath == outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath) {
// TODO: Add confirmation pause and provide -y flag to offer no-interaction mode?
logger.warn("The source login-identity-providers.xml and destination login-identity-providers.xml are identical [${outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath}] so the original will be overwritten")
if (commandLine.hasOption(AUTHORIZERS_ARG)) {
if (isVerbose) {"Handling encryption of authorizers.xml")
authorizersPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(AUTHORIZERS_ARG)
outputAuthorizersPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_AUTHORIZERS_ARG, authorizersPath)
handlingAuthorizers = true
if (authorizersPath == outputAuthorizersPath) {
// TODO: Add confirmation pause and provide -y flag to offer no-interaction mode?
logger.warn("The source authorizers.xml and destination authorizers.xml are identical [${outputAuthorizersPath}] so the original will be overwritten")
if (commandLine.hasOption(FLOW_XML_ARG)) {
if (isVerbose) {"Handling encryption of flow.xml.gz")
flowXmlPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(FLOW_XML_ARG)
outputFlowXmlPath = commandLine.getOptionValue(OUTPUT_FLOW_XML_ARG, flowXmlPath)
handlingFlowXml = true
newFlowAlgorithm = commandLine.getOptionValue(NEW_FLOW_ALGORITHM_ARG)
newFlowProvider = commandLine.getOptionValue(NEW_FLOW_PROVIDER_ARG)
if (flowXmlPath == outputFlowXmlPath) {
// TODO: Add confirmation pause and provide -y flag to offer no-interaction mode?
logger.warn("The source flow.xml.gz and destination flow.xml.gz are identical [${outputFlowXmlPath}] so the original will be overwritten")
if (!commandLine.hasOption(NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG)) {
printUsageAndThrow("In order to migrate a flow.xml.gz, a file must also be specified via '-n'/'--${NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG}'.", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
if (isVerbose) {" bootstrap.conf: ${bootstrapConfPath}")"(src) ${niFiPropertiesPath}")"(dest) ${outputNiFiPropertiesPath}")"(src) login-identity-providers.xml: ${loginIdentityProvidersPath}")"(dest) login-identity-providers.xml: ${outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath}")"(src) authorizers.xml: ${authorizersPath}")"(dest) authorizers.xml: ${outputAuthorizersPath}")"(src) flow.xml.gz: ${flowXmlPath}")"(dest) flow.xml.gz: ${outputFlowXmlPath}")
if (!commandLine.hasOption(NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG)
&& !commandLine.hasOption(LOGIN_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_ARG)
&& !commandLine.hasOption(AUTHORIZERS_ARG)
) {
printUsageAndThrow("One or more of [" +
"'-n'/'--${NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG}', " +
"'-a'/'--${AUTHORIZERS_ARG}'" +
"] must be provided unless " +
"'-x'/--'${DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_NIFI_PROPERTIES_ARG}' is specified", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
if (commandLine.hasOption(MIGRATION_ARG)) {
migration = true
if (isVerbose) {"Key migration mode activated")
if (commandLine.hasOption(PROTECTION_SCHEME_MIGRATION_ARG)) {
migrationProtectionScheme = PropertyProtectionScheme.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue(PROTECTION_SCHEME_MIGRATION_ARG))
if (migrationProtectionScheme.requiresSecretKey()) {
if (commandLine.hasOption(PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG)) {
usingPasswordMigration = true
if (commandLine.hasOption(KEY_MIGRATION_ARG)) {
printUsageAndThrow("Only one of '-w'/'--${PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG}' and '-e'/'--${KEY_MIGRATION_ARG}' can be used", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
} else {
migrationPassword = commandLine.getOptionValue(PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG)
} else {
migrationKeyHex = commandLine.getOptionValue(KEY_MIGRATION_ARG)
// Use the "migration password" value if the migration key hex is absent
usingPasswordMigration = !migrationKeyHex
} else {
if (commandLine.hasOption(PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG) || commandLine.hasOption(KEY_MIGRATION_ARG)) {
printUsageAndThrow("'-w'/'--${PASSWORD_MIGRATION_ARG}' and '-e'/'--${KEY_MIGRATION_ARG}' are ignored unless '-m'/'--${MIGRATION_ARG}' is enabled", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
if (protectionScheme.requiresSecretKey()) {
if (commandLine.hasOption(PASSWORD_ARG)) {
usingPassword = true
if (commandLine.hasOption(KEY_ARG)) {
printUsageAndThrow("Only one of '-p'/'--${PASSWORD_ARG}' and '-k'/'--${KEY_ARG}' can be used", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
} else {
password = commandLine.getOptionValue(PASSWORD_ARG)
} else {
keyHex = commandLine.getOptionValue(KEY_ARG)
usingPassword = !keyHex
if (commandLine.hasOption(USE_KEY_ARG)) {
if (keyHex || password) {
logger.warn("If the key or password is provided in the arguments, '-r'/'--${USE_KEY_ARG}' is ignored")
} else {
usingPassword = false
if (commandLine.hasOption(PROPS_KEY_ARG)) {
flowPropertiesPassword = commandLine.getOptionValue(PROPS_KEY_ARG)
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
printUsageAndThrow("Error parsing command line. (" + e.getMessage() + ")", ExitCode.ERROR_PARSING_COMMAND_LINE)
return commandLine
* Returns true if the {@code commandLine} object has flags other than the {@code help} or {@code verbose} flags or any of the acceptable args provided in an optional parameter. This is used to detect incompatible arguments for specific modes.
* @param commandLine the commandLine object
* @param acceptableOptionStrings an optional list of acceptable options that can be present without returning true
* @return true if incompatible flags are present
boolean commandLineHasActionFlags(CommandLine commandLine, List<String> acceptableOptionStrings = []) {
// Resolve the list of Option objects corresponding to "help" and "verbose"
final List<Option> ALWAYS_ACCEPTABLE_OPTIONS = resolveOptions([HELP_ARG, VERBOSE_ARG])
// Resolve the list of Option objects corresponding to the provided "additional acceptable options"
List<Option> acceptableOptions = resolveOptions(acceptableOptionStrings)
// Determine the options submitted to the command line that are not acceptable
List<Option> invalidOptions = commandLine.options - (acceptableOptions + ALWAYS_ACCEPTABLE_OPTIONS)
if (invalidOptions) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("In this mode, the following options are invalid: ${invalidOptions}")
return true
} else {
return false
static List<Option> resolveOptions(List<String> strings) {
strings?.collect { String opt ->
getCliOptions().options.find { it.opt == opt || it.longOpt == opt }
* The method returns the provided, derived, or securely-entered key in hex format. The reason the parameters must be provided instead of read from the fields is because this is used for the regular key/password and the migration key/password.
* @param device
* @param keyHex
* @param password
* @param usingPassword
* @return
private String getKeyInternal(TextDevice device = TextDevices.defaultTextDevice(), String keyHex, String password, boolean usingPassword) {
if (usingPassword) {
if (!password) {
if (isVerbose) {"Reading password from secure console")
password = readPasswordFromConsole(device)
keyHex = deriveKeyFromPassword(password)
password = null
return keyHex
} else {
if (!keyHex) {
if (isVerbose) {"Reading hex key from secure console")
keyHex = readKeyFromConsole(device)
return keyHex
private String getKey(TextDevice textDevice = TextDevices.defaultTextDevice()) {
getKeyInternal(textDevice, keyHex, password, usingPassword)
private String getMigrationKey() {
return getKeyInternal(TextDevices.defaultTextDevice(), migrationKeyHex, migrationPassword, usingPasswordMigration)
private static String getFlowPassword(TextDevice textDevice = TextDevices.defaultTextDevice()) {
private static String readKeyFromConsole(TextDevice textDevice) {
textDevice.printf("Enter the root key in hexadecimal format (spaces acceptable): ")
new String(textDevice.readPassword())
private static String readPasswordFromConsole(TextDevice textDevice) {
textDevice.printf("Enter the password: ")
new String(textDevice.readPassword())
* Returns the key in uppercase hexadecimal format with delimiters (spaces, '-', etc.) removed. All non-hex chars are removed. If the result is not a valid length (32, 48, 64 chars depending on the JCE), an exception is thrown.
* @param rawKey the unprocessed key input
* @return the formatted hex string in uppercase
* @throws KeyException if the key is not a valid length after parsing
private static String parseKey(String rawKey) throws KeyException {
String hexKey = rawKey.replaceAll("[^0-9a-fA-F]", "")
def validKeyLengths = getValidKeyLengths()
List<Integer> validHexCharLengths = validKeyLengths.collect {it / 4 }
if (!validKeyLengths.contains(hexKey.size() * 4)) {
throw new KeyException("The key (${hexKey.size()} hex chars) must be of length ${validKeyLengths} " +
"bits (${validHexCharLengths} hex characters)")
* Returns the list of acceptable key lengths in bits based on the current JCE policies.
* @return 128 , [192, 256]
static List<Integer> getValidKeyLengths() {
Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") > 128 ? [128, 192, 256] : [128]
private NiFiPropertiesLoader getNiFiPropertiesLoader(final String keyHex) {
return protectionScheme.requiresSecretKey() || migrationProtectionScheme.requiresSecretKey()
? NiFiPropertiesLoader.withKey(keyHex) : new NiFiPropertiesLoader()
* Loads the {@link NiFiProperties} instance from the provided file path (restoring the original value of the System property {@code} after loading this instance).
* @return the NiFiProperties instance
* @throw IOException if the file cannot be read
private NiFiProperties loadNiFiProperties(String existingKeyHex = keyHex) throws IOException {
File niFiPropertiesFile
if (niFiPropertiesPath && (niFiPropertiesFile = new File(niFiPropertiesPath)).exists()) {
NiFiProperties properties
try {
properties = getNiFiPropertiesLoader(existingKeyHex).load(niFiPropertiesFile)"Loaded NiFiProperties instance with ${properties.size()} properties")
return properties
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
throw new IOException("Cannot load NiFiProperties from [${niFiPropertiesPath}]", e)
} else {
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot load NiFiProperties from [${niFiPropertiesPath}]", ExitCode.ERROR_READING_NIFI_PROPERTIES)
* Loads the login identity providers configuration from the provided file path.
* @param existingKeyHex the key used to encrypt the configs (defaults to the current key)
* @return the file content
* @throw IOException if the login-identity-providers.xml file cannot be read
private String loadLoginIdentityProviders(String existingKeyHex = keyHex) throws IOException {
File loginIdentityProvidersFile
if (loginIdentityProvidersPath && (loginIdentityProvidersFile = new File(loginIdentityProvidersPath)).exists()) {
try {
List<String> lines = loginIdentityProvidersFile.readLines()
String xmlContent = lines.join("\n")"Loaded login identity providers content (${lines.size()} lines)")
String decryptedXmlContent = decryptLoginIdentityProviders(xmlContent, existingKeyHex)
return decryptedXmlContent
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
throw new IOException("Cannot load login identity providers from [${loginIdentityProvidersPath}]", e)
} else {
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot load login identity providers from [${loginIdentityProvidersPath}]", ExitCode.ERROR_READING_NIFI_PROPERTIES)
* Loads the authorizers configuration from the provided file path.
* @param existingKeyHex the key used to encrypt the configs (defaults to the current key)
* @return the file content
* @throw IOException if the authorizers.xml file cannot be read
private String loadAuthorizers(String existingKeyHex = keyHex) throws IOException {
File authorizersFile
if (authorizersPath && (authorizersFile = new File(authorizersPath)).exists()) {
try {
List<String> lines = authorizersFile.readLines()
String xmlContent = lines.join("\n")"Loaded authorizers content (${lines.size()} lines)")
String decryptedXmlContent = decryptAuthorizers(xmlContent, existingKeyHex)
return decryptedXmlContent
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
throw new IOException("Cannot load authorizers from [${authorizersPath}]", e)
} else {
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot load authorizers from [${authorizersPath}]", ExitCode.ERROR_READING_NIFI_PROPERTIES)
* Loads the flow definition from the provided file path, handling the GZIP file compression. Unlike {@link #loadLoginIdentityProviders()} this method does not decrypt the content (for performance and separation of concern reasons).
* @param The path to the XML file
* @return The file content
* @throw IOException if the flow.xml.gz file cannot be read
private InputStream loadFlowXml(String filePath) throws IOException {
if (filePath && (new File(filePath)).exists()) {
try {
return new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath))
} catch (ZipException e) {
return new FileInputStream(filePath)
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
throw new IOException("Cannot load flow from [${filePath}]", e)
} else {
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot load flow from [${filePath}]", ExitCode.ERROR_READING_NIFI_PROPERTIES)
* Scans XML content and decrypts each encrypted element, then re-encrypts it with the new key, and returns the final XML content.
* @param flowXmlContent the original flow.xml.gz as an input stream
* @param existingFlowPassword the existing value of nifi.sensitive.props.key (not a raw key, but rather a password)
* @param newFlowPassword the password to use to for encryption (not a raw key, but rather a password)
* @param existingAlgorithm the KDF algorithm to use (defaults to PBEWITHMD5AND256BITAES-CBC-OPENSSL)
* @param existingProvider the {@link} to use (defaults to BC)
* @return the encrypted XML content as an InputStream
private InputStream migrateFlowXmlContent(InputStream flowXmlContent, String existingFlowPassword, String newFlowPassword, String existingAlgorithm = DEFAULT_FLOW_ALGORITHM, String newAlgorithm = DEFAULT_FLOW_ALGORITHM) {
File tempFlowXmlFile = new File(getTemporaryFlowXmlFile(outputFlowXmlPath).toString())
final OutputStream flowOutputStream = getFlowOutputStream(tempFlowXmlFile, flowXmlContent instanceof GZIPInputStream)
NiFiProperties inputProperties = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties("", [
(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY): existingFlowPassword,
(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM): existingAlgorithm
NiFiProperties outputProperties = NiFiProperties.createBasicNiFiProperties("", [
(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY): newFlowPassword,
(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM): newAlgorithm
final PropertyEncryptor inputEncryptor = PropertyEncryptorFactory.getPropertyEncryptor(inputProperties)
final PropertyEncryptor outputEncryptor = PropertyEncryptorFactory.getPropertyEncryptor(outputProperties)
final FlowEncryptor flowEncryptor = new StandardFlowEncryptor()
flowEncryptor.processFlow(flowXmlContent, flowOutputStream, inputEncryptor, outputEncryptor)
// Overwrite the original flow file with the migrated flow file
Files.move(tempFlowXmlFile.toPath(), Paths.get(outputFlowXmlPath), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE)
private OutputStream getFlowOutputStream(File outputFlowXmlPath, boolean isFileGZipped) {
OutputStream flowOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFlowXmlPath)
if(isFileGZipped) {
flowOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(flowOutputStream)
return flowOutputStream
// Create a temporary output file we can write the stream to
private Path getTemporaryFlowXmlFile(String originalOutputFlowXmlPath) {
String outputFilename = Paths.get(originalOutputFlowXmlPath).getFileName().toString()
String migratedFileName = "migrated-${outputFilename}"
private SensitivePropertyProviderFactory getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(final String keyHex) {
StandardSensitivePropertyProviderFactory.withKeyAndBootstrapSupplier(keyHex, getBootstrapSupplier(bootstrapConfPath))
String decryptLoginIdentityProviders(String encryptedXml, String existingKeyHex = keyHex) {
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory = getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(existingKeyHex)
try {
def doc = getXmlSlurper().parseText(encryptedXml)
// Find the provider element by class even if it has been renamed
def provider = doc.provider.find { it.'class' as String == LDAP_PROVIDER_CLASS }
String groupIdentifier = provider.identifier.text()
def passwords = {
it.@name =~ "Password" && it.@encryption != ""
if (passwords.isEmpty()) {
if (isVerbose) {"No encrypted password property elements found in login-identity-providers.xml")
return encryptedXml
passwords.each { password ->
final SensitivePropertyProvider sensitivePropertyProvider = providerFactory
.getProvider(PropertyProtectionScheme.fromIdentifier((String) password.@encryption))
if (isVerbose) {"Attempting to decrypt ${password.text()} using protection scheme ${password.@encryption}")
final ProtectedPropertyContext context = getContext(providerFactory, (String) password.@name, groupIdentifier)
String decryptedValue = sensitivePropertyProvider.unprotect((String) password.text().trim(), context)
password.replaceNode {
property(name: password.@name, encryption: "none", decryptedValue)
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
String updatedXml = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)"Updated XML content: ${updatedXml}")
} catch (Exception e) {
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot decrypt login identity providers XML content", ExitCode.SERVICE_ERROR)
String decryptAuthorizers(String encryptedXml, String existingKeyHex = keyHex) {
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory = getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(existingKeyHex)
try {
def filename = "authorizers.xml"
def doc = getXmlSlurper().parseText(encryptedXml)
// Find the provider element by class even if it has been renamed
def userGroupProvider = doc.userGroupProvider.find {
it.'class' as String == LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS
String groupIdentifier = userGroupProvider.identifier.text()
def passwords = {
it.@name =~ "Password" && it.@encryption != ""
if (passwords.isEmpty()) {
if (isVerbose) {"No encrypted password property elements found in ${filename}")
return encryptedXml
passwords.each { password ->
// TODO: Capture the raw password, and only display it in the log if the decrypted value is different (to avoid possibly printing an incorrectly provided plaintext password)
if (isVerbose) {"Attempting to decrypt ${password.text()} using protection scheme ${password.@encryption}")
final SensitivePropertyProvider sensitivePropertyProvider = providerFactory
.getProvider(PropertyProtectionScheme.fromIdentifier((String) password.@encryption))
final ProtectedPropertyContext context = getContext(providerFactory, (String) password.@name, groupIdentifier)
String decryptedValue = sensitivePropertyProvider.unprotect((String) password.text().trim(), context)
password.replaceNode {
property(name: password.@name, encryption: "none", decryptedValue)
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
String updatedXml = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)
if (isVerbose) {"Updated XML content: ${updatedXml}")
} catch (Exception e) {
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot decrypt authorizers XML content", ExitCode.SERVICE_ERROR)
ProtectedPropertyContext getContext(final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory, final String propertyName, final String groupIdentifier) {
providerFactory.getPropertyContext(groupIdentifier, propertyName);
String encryptLoginIdentityProviders(final String plainXml, final String newKeyHex = keyHex, final PropertyProtectionScheme newProtectionScheme = protectionScheme) {
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory = getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(newKeyHex)
// TODO: Switch to XmlParser & XmlNodePrinter to maintain "empty" element structure
try {
def doc = getXmlSlurper().parseText(plainXml)
// Find the provider element by class even if it has been renamed
def provider = doc.provider.find { it.'class' as String == LDAP_PROVIDER_CLASS }
String groupIdentifier = provider.identifier.text()
def passwords = {
it.@name =~ "Password" && (it.@encryption == "none" || it.@encryption == "") && it.text()
if (passwords.isEmpty()) {
if (isVerbose) {"No unencrypted password property elements found in login-identity-providers.xml")
return plainXml
final SensitivePropertyProvider sensitivePropertyProvider = providerFactory.getProvider(newProtectionScheme)
passwords.each { password ->
if (isVerbose) {"Attempting to encrypt ${} using protection scheme ${sensitivePropertyProvider.identifierKey}")
final ProtectedPropertyContext context = getContext(providerFactory, (String) password.@name, groupIdentifier)
String encryptedValue = sensitivePropertyProvider.protect((String) password.text().trim(), context)
password.replaceNode {
property(name: password.@name, encryption: sensitivePropertyProvider.identifierKey, encryptedValue)
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
String updatedXml = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)"Updated XML content: ${updatedXml}")
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered exception", e)
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot encrypt login identity providers XML content", ExitCode.SERVICE_ERROR)
String encryptAuthorizers(final String plainXml, final String newKeyHex = keyHex, final PropertyProtectionScheme newProtectionScheme = protectionScheme) {
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory providerFactory = getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(newKeyHex)
// TODO: Switch to XmlParser & XmlNodePrinter to maintain "empty" element structure
try {
def filename = "authorizers.xml"
def doc = getXmlSlurper().parseText(plainXml)
// Find the provider element by class even if it has been renamed
def userGroupProvider = doc.userGroupProvider.find {
it.'class' as String == LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS
String groupIdentifier = userGroupProvider.identifier.text()
def passwords = {
it.@name =~ "Password" && (it.@encryption == "none" || it.@encryption == "") && it.text()
if (passwords.isEmpty()) {
if (isVerbose) {"No unencrypted password property elements found in ${filename}")
return plainXml
final SensitivePropertyProvider sensitivePropertyProvider = providerFactory.getProvider(newProtectionScheme)
passwords.each { password ->
if (isVerbose) {"Attempting to encrypt ${} using protection scheme ${sensitivePropertyProvider.identifierKey}")
final ProtectedPropertyContext context = getContext(providerFactory, (String) password.@name, groupIdentifier)
String encryptedValue = sensitivePropertyProvider.protect((String) password.text().trim(), context)
password.replaceNode {
property(name: password.@name, encryption: sensitivePropertyProvider.identifierKey, encryptedValue)
// Does not preserve whitespace formatting or comments
String updatedXml = XmlUtil.serialize(doc)
if (isVerbose) {"Updated XML content: ${updatedXml}")
} catch (Exception e) {
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered exception", e)
printUsageAndThrow("Cannot encrypt authorizers XML content", ExitCode.SERVICE_ERROR)
* Accepts a {@link NiFiProperties} instance, iterates over all non-empty sensitive properties which are not already marked as protected, encrypts them using the root key, and updates the property with the protected value. Additionally, adds a new sibling property {@code x.y.z.protected=aes/gcm/{128,256}} for each indicating the encryption scheme used.
* @param plainProperties the NiFiProperties instance containing the raw values
* @return the NiFiProperties containing protected values
private NiFiProperties encryptSensitiveProperties(NiFiProperties plainProperties) {
if (!plainProperties) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot encrypt empty NiFiProperties")
ProtectedNiFiProperties protectedWrapper = new ProtectedNiFiProperties(plainProperties)
List<String> sensitivePropertyKeys = protectedWrapper.getSensitivePropertyKeys()
if (sensitivePropertyKeys.isEmpty()) {"No sensitive properties to encrypt")
return plainProperties
// Holder for encrypted properties and protection schemes
Properties encryptedProperties = new Properties()
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory sensitivePropertyProviderFactory = getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(keyHex)
final SensitivePropertyProvider spp = sensitivePropertyProviderFactory.getProvider(protectionScheme)
List<String> keysToSkip = []
// Iterate over each -- encrypt and add .protected if populated
sensitivePropertyKeys.each { String key ->
if (!plainProperties.getProperty(key)) {
logger.debug("Skipping encryption of ${key} because it is empty")
} else {
String protectedValue = spp.protect(plainProperties.getProperty(key), ProtectedPropertyContext.defaultContext(key))
// Add the encrypted value
encryptedProperties.setProperty(key, protectedValue)"Protected ${key} with ${spp.getIdentifierKey()} -> \t${protectedValue}")
// Add the protection key ("x.y.z.protected" -> "aes/gcm/{128,256}")
String protectionKey = ApplicationPropertiesProtector.getProtectionKey(key)
encryptedProperties.setProperty(protectionKey, spp.getIdentifierKey())"Updated protection key ${protectionKey}")
keysToSkip << key << protectionKey
// Combine the original raw NiFiProperties and the newly-encrypted properties
// Memory-wasteful but NiFiProperties are immutable -- no setter available (unless we monkey-patch...)
Set<String> nonSensitiveKeys = plainProperties.getPropertyKeys() - keysToSkip
nonSensitiveKeys.each { String key ->
encryptedProperties.setProperty(key, plainProperties.getProperty(key))
NiFiProperties mergedProperties = new NiFiProperties(encryptedProperties)"Final result: ${mergedProperties.size()} keys including ${ProtectedNiFiProperties.countProtectedProperties(mergedProperties)} protected keys")
* Returns the XML fragment serialized from the {@code GPathResult} without the leading XML declaration.
* @param gPathResult the XML node
* @return serialized XML without an inserted header declaration
static String serializeXMLFragment(GPathResult gPathResult) {
XmlUtil.serialize(gPathResult).replaceFirst(XML_DECLARATION_REGEX, '')
* Reads the existing {@code bootstrap.conf} file, updates it to contain the root key, and persists it back to the same location.
* @throw IOException if there is a problem reading or writing the bootstrap.conf file
private void writeKeyToBootstrapConf() throws IOException {
File bootstrapConfFile
if (bootstrapConfPath && (bootstrapConfFile = new File(bootstrapConfPath)).exists() && bootstrapConfFile.canRead() && bootstrapConfFile.canWrite()) {
try {
List<String> lines = bootstrapConfFile.readLines()
// Write the updated values back to the file
bootstrapConfFile.text = lines.join("\n")
} catch (IOException e) {
def msg = "Encountered an exception updating the bootstrap.conf file with the root key"
logger.error(msg, e)
throw e
} else {
throw new IOException("The bootstrap.conf file at ${bootstrapConfPath} must exist and be readable and writable by the user running this tool")
* Accepts the lines of the {@code bootstrap.conf} file as a {@code List <String>} and updates or adds the key property (and associated comment).
* @param lines the lines of the bootstrap file
* @return the updated lines
private List<String> updateBootstrapContentsWithKey(List<String> lines) {
String keyLine = "${BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PREFIX}${keyHex}"
// Try to locate the key property line
int keyLineIndex = lines.findIndexOf { it.startsWith(BOOTSTRAP_KEY_PREFIX) }
// If it was found, update inline
if (keyLineIndex != -1) {
logger.debug("The key property was detected in bootstrap.conf")
lines[keyLineIndex] = keyLine
logger.debug("The bootstrap key value was updated")
// Ensure the comment explaining the property immediately precedes it (check for edge case where key is first line)
int keyCommentLineIndex = keyLineIndex > 0 ? keyLineIndex - 1 : 0
if (lines[keyCommentLineIndex] != BOOTSTRAP_KEY_COMMENT) {
lines.add(keyCommentLineIndex, BOOTSTRAP_KEY_COMMENT)
logger.debug("A comment explaining the bootstrap key property was added")
} else {
// If it wasn't present originally, add the comment and key property
lines.addAll(["\n", BOOTSTRAP_KEY_COMMENT, keyLine])
logger.debug("The key property was not detected in bootstrap.conf so it was added along with a comment explaining it")
* Writes the contents of the login identity providers configuration file with encrypted values to the output {@code login-identity-providers.xml} file.
* @throw IOException if there is a problem reading or writing the login-identity-providers.xml file
private void writeLoginIdentityProviders() throws IOException {
if (!outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot write encrypted properties to empty login-identity-providers.xml path")
File outputLoginIdentityProvidersFile = new File(outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath)
if (isSafeToWrite(outputLoginIdentityProvidersFile)) {
try {
String updatedXmlContent
File loginIdentityProvidersFile = new File(loginIdentityProvidersPath)
if (loginIdentityProvidersFile.exists() && loginIdentityProvidersFile.canRead()) {
// Instead of just writing the XML content to a file, this method attempts to maintain the structure of the original file and preserves comments
updatedXmlContent = serializeLoginIdentityProvidersAndPreserveFormat(loginIdentityProviders, loginIdentityProvidersFile).join("\n")
} else {
updatedXmlContent = loginIdentityProviders
// Write the updated values back to the file
outputLoginIdentityProvidersFile.text = updatedXmlContent
} catch (IOException e) {
def msg = "Encountered an exception updating the login-identity-providers.xml file with the encrypted values"
logger.error(msg, e)
throw e
} else {
throw new IOException("The login-identity-providers.xml file at ${outputLoginIdentityProvidersPath} must be writable by the user running this tool")
* Writes the contents of the authorizers configuration file with encrypted values to the output {@code authorizers.xml} file.
* @throw IOException if there is a problem reading or writing the authorizers.xml file
private void writeAuthorizers() throws IOException {
if (!outputAuthorizersPath) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot write encrypted properties to empty authorizers.xml path")
File outputAuthorizersFile = new File(outputAuthorizersPath)
if (isSafeToWrite(outputAuthorizersFile)) {
try {
String updatedXmlContent
File authorizersFile = new File(authorizersPath)
if (authorizersFile.exists() && authorizersFile.canRead()) {
// Instead of just writing the XML content to a file, this method attempts to maintain the structure of the original file and preserves comments
updatedXmlContent = serializeAuthorizersAndPreserveFormat(authorizers, authorizersFile).join("\n")
} else {
updatedXmlContent = authorizers
// Write the updated values back to the file
outputAuthorizersFile.text = updatedXmlContent
} catch (IOException e) {
def msg = "Encountered an exception updating the authorizers.xml file with the encrypted values"
logger.error(msg, e)
throw e
} else {
throw new IOException("The authorizers.xml file at ${outputAuthorizersPath} must be writable by the user running this tool")
* Writes the contents of the {@link NiFiProperties} instance with encrypted values to the output {@code} file.
* @throw IOException if there is a problem reading or writing the file
private void writeNiFiProperties() throws IOException {
if (!outputNiFiPropertiesPath) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot write encrypted properties to empty path")
File outputNiFiPropertiesFile = new File(outputNiFiPropertiesPath)
if (isSafeToWrite(outputNiFiPropertiesFile)) {
try {
List<String> linesToPersist
File niFiPropertiesFile = new File(niFiPropertiesPath)
if (niFiPropertiesFile.exists() && niFiPropertiesFile.canRead()) {
// Instead of just writing the NiFiProperties instance to a properties file, this method attempts to maintain the structure of the original file and preserves comments
linesToPersist = serializeNiFiPropertiesAndPreserveFormat(niFiProperties, niFiPropertiesFile)
} else {
linesToPersist = serializeNiFiProperties(niFiProperties)
// Write the updated values back to the file
outputNiFiPropertiesFile.text = linesToPersist.join("\n")
} catch (IOException e) {
def msg = "Encountered an exception updating the file with the encrypted values"
logger.error(msg, e)
throw e
} else {
throw new IOException("The file at ${outputNiFiPropertiesPath} must be writable by the user running this tool")
static List<String> serializeNiFiPropertiesAndPreserveFormat(NiFiProperties niFiProperties, File originalPropertiesFile) {
List<String> lines = originalPropertiesFile.readLines()
ProtectedNiFiProperties protectedNiFiProperties = new ProtectedNiFiProperties(niFiProperties)
// Only need to replace the keys that have been protected AND nifi.sensitive.props.key
Map<String, String> protectedKeys = protectedNiFiProperties.getProtectedPropertyKeys()
if (!protectedKeys.containsKey(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY)) {
protectedKeys.put(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY, protectedNiFiProperties.getProperty(ApplicationPropertiesProtector
protectedKeys.each { String key, String protectionScheme ->
int l = lines.findIndexOf { it.startsWith(key) }
if (l != -1) {
lines[l] = "${key}=${protectedNiFiProperties.getProperty(key)}"
// Get the index of the following line (or cap at max)
int p = l + 1 > lines.size() ? lines.size() : l + 1
String protectionLine = "${ApplicationPropertiesProtector.getProtectionKey(key)}=${protectionScheme ?: ""}"
if (p < lines.size() && lines.get(p).startsWith("${ApplicationPropertiesProtector.getProtectionKey(key)}=")) {
lines.set(p, protectionLine)
} else {
lines.add(p, protectionLine)
private static List<String> serializeNiFiProperties(NiFiProperties nifiProperties) {
OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
Writer writer = new GroovyPrintWriter(out)
// Again, waste of memory, but respecting the interface
Properties properties = new Properties()
nifiProperties.getPropertyKeys().each { String key ->
properties.setProperty(key, nifiProperties.getProperty(key))
}, null)
static List<String> serializeLoginIdentityProvidersAndPreserveFormat(String xmlContent, File originalLoginIdentityProvidersFile) {
// Find the provider element of the new XML in the file contents
String fileContents = originalLoginIdentityProvidersFile.text
try {
def parsedXml = getXmlSlurper().parseText(xmlContent)
def provider = parsedXml.provider.find { it.'class' as String == LDAP_PROVIDER_CLASS }
if (provider) {
def serializedProvider = serializeXMLFragment(provider)
fileContents = fileContents.replaceFirst(LDAP_PROVIDER_REGEX, Matcher.quoteReplacement(serializedProvider))
return fileContents.split("\n")
} else {
throw new SAXException("No ldap-provider element found")
} catch (SAXException e) {
logger.error("No provider element with class {} found in XML content; " +
"the file could be empty or the element may be missing or commented out", LDAP_PROVIDER_CLASS)
return fileContents.split("\n")
static List<String> serializeAuthorizersAndPreserveFormat(String xmlContent, File originalAuthorizersFile) {
// Find the provider element of the new XML in the file contents
String fileContents = originalAuthorizersFile.text
try {
def parsedXml = getXmlSlurper().parseText(xmlContent)
def provider = parsedXml.userGroupProvider.find { it.'class' as String == LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS }
if (provider) {
def serializedProvider = serializeXMLFragment(provider)
fileContents = fileContents.replaceFirst(LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_REGEX, Matcher.quoteReplacement(serializedProvider))
return fileContents.split("\n")
} else {
throw new SAXException("No ldap-user-group-provider element found")
} catch (SAXException e) {
logger.error("No provider element with class {} found in XML content; " +
"the file could be empty or the element may be missing or commented out", LDAP_USER_GROUP_PROVIDER_CLASS)
return fileContents.split("\n")
* Helper method which returns true if it is "safe" to write to the provided file.
* Conditions:
* file does not exist and the parent directory is writable
* -OR-
* file exists and is writable
* @param fileToWrite the proposed file to be written to
* @return true if the caller can "safely" write to this file location
private static boolean isSafeToWrite(File fileToWrite) {
fileToWrite && ((!fileToWrite.exists() && fileToWrite.absoluteFile.parentFile.canWrite()) || (fileToWrite.exists() && fileToWrite.canWrite()))
private static String deriveKeyFromPassword(String password) {
password = password?.trim()
if (!password || password.length() < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
throw new KeyException("Cannot derive key from empty/short password -- password must be at least ${MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters")
// Generate a 128 bit salt
byte[] salt = generateScryptSaltForKeyDerivation()
int keyLengthInBytes = getValidKeyLengths().max() / 8
byte[] derivedKeyBytes = SCrypt.generate(password.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), salt, SCRYPT_N, SCRYPT_R, SCRYPT_P, keyLengthInBytes)
* Returns a static "raw" salt (the 128 bits of random data used when generating the hash, not the "complete" {@code $s0$e0101$ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV} salt format).
* @return the raw salt in byte[] form
private static byte[] generateScryptSaltForKeyDerivation() {
// byte[] salt = new byte[16]
// new SecureRandom().nextBytes(salt)
// salt
/* It is not ideal to use a static salt, but the KDF operation must be deterministic
for a given password, and storing and retrieving the salt in bootstrap.conf causes
compatibility concerns
private String getExistingFlowPassword() {
return niFiProperties.getProperty(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY) as String ?: DEFAULT_NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY
* Utility method which returns true if the {@link org.apache.nifi.util.NiFiProperties} instance has encrypted properties.
* @return true if the properties instance will require a key to access
boolean niFiPropertiesAreEncrypted() {
if (niFiPropertiesPath) {
try {
def nfp = getNiFiPropertiesLoader(keyHex).readProtectedPropertiesFromDisk(new File(niFiPropertiesPath))
return nfp.hasProtectedKeys()
} catch (SensitivePropertyProtectionException | IOException e) {
return true
} else {
return false
* Returns an {@link XmlSlurper} which is configured to maintain ignorable whitespace.
* @return a configured XmlSlurper
static XmlSlurper getXmlSlurper() {
XmlSlurper xs = new XmlSlurper()
* Runs main tool logic (parsing arguments, reading files, protecting properties, and writing key and properties out to destination files).
* @param args the command-line arguments
static void main(String[] args) {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
ConfigEncryptionTool tool = new ConfigEncryptionTool()
try {
try {
// Handle the translate CLI case
if (tool.translatingCli) {
if (tool.bootstrapConfPath) {
// Check to see if bootstrap.conf has a root key
tool.keyHex = NiFiBootstrapUtils.extractKeyFromBootstrapFile(tool.bootstrapConfPath)
if (!tool.keyHex) {"No root key detected in ${tool.bootstrapConfPath} -- if ${tool.niFiPropertiesPath} is encrypted, the translation will fail")
// Load the existing properties (decrypting if necessary)
tool.niFiProperties = tool.loadNiFiProperties(tool.keyHex)
String cliOutput = tool.translateNiFiPropertiesToCLI()
boolean existingNiFiPropertiesAreEncrypted = tool.niFiPropertiesAreEncrypted()
if (!tool.ignorePropertiesFiles || (tool.handlingFlowXml && existingNiFiPropertiesAreEncrypted)) {
// If we are handling the flow.xml.gz and is already encrypted, try getting the key from bootstrap.conf rather than the console
if (tool.ignorePropertiesFiles) {
tool.keyHex = NiFiBootstrapUtils.extractKeyFromBootstrapFile(tool.bootstrapConfPath)
} else {
tool.keyHex = tool.getKey()
if (!tool.keyHex) {
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Hex key must be provided", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
try {
// Validate the length and format
tool.keyHex = parseKey(tool.keyHex)
} catch (KeyException e) {
if (tool.isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
tool.printUsageAndThrow(e.getMessage(), ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
if (tool.migration && tool.migrationProtectionScheme.requiresSecretKey()) {
String migrationKeyHex = tool.getMigrationKey()
if (!migrationKeyHex) {
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Original hex key must be provided for migration", ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
try {
// Validate the length and format
tool.migrationKeyHex = parseKey(migrationKeyHex)
} catch (KeyException e) {
if (tool.isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
tool.printUsageAndThrow(e.getMessage(), ExitCode.INVALID_ARGS)
String existingKeyHex = tool.migrationKeyHex ?: tool.keyHex
// Load NiFiProperties for either scenario; only encrypt if "handling" (see after flow XML)
if (tool.handlingNiFiProperties || tool.handlingFlowXml) {
try {
tool.niFiProperties = tool.loadNiFiProperties(existingKeyHex)
} catch (Exception e) {
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Cannot migrate key if no previous encryption occurred", ExitCode.ERROR_READING_NIFI_PROPERTIES)
if (tool.handlingLoginIdentityProviders) {
try {
tool.loginIdentityProviders = tool.loadLoginIdentityProviders(existingKeyHex)
} catch (Exception e) {
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Cannot migrate key if no previous encryption occurred", ExitCode.ERROR_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_PASSWORDS)
tool.loginIdentityProviders = tool.encryptLoginIdentityProviders(tool.loginIdentityProviders)
if (tool.handlingAuthorizers) {
try {
tool.authorizers = tool.loadAuthorizers(existingKeyHex)
} catch (Exception e) {
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Cannot migrate key if no previous encryption occurred", ExitCode.ERROR_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_PASSWORDS)
tool.authorizers = tool.encryptAuthorizers(tool.authorizers)
if (tool.handlingFlowXml) {
try {
tool.flowXmlInputStream = tool.loadFlowXml(flowXmlPath)
} catch (Exception e) {
if (tool.isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error: ", e)
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Cannot load flow.xml.gz", ExitCode.ERROR_READING_NIFI_PROPERTIES)
if (tool.handlingNiFiProperties) {
// If the flow password was not set in, use the hard-coded default
tool.existingFlowPropertiesPassword = tool.getExistingFlowPassword()
tool.niFiProperties = tool.encryptSensitiveProperties(tool.niFiProperties)
} catch (CommandLineParseException e) {
if (e.exitCode == ExitCode.HELP) {
throw e
} catch (Exception e) {
if (tool.isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
tool.printUsageAndThrow(e.message, ExitCode.ERROR_PARSING_COMMAND_LINE)
try {
// Do this as part of a transaction?
synchronized (this) {
if (!tool.ignorePropertiesFiles) {
if (tool.handlingFlowXml) {
if (tool.handlingNiFiProperties || tool.handlingFlowXml) {
if (tool.handlingLoginIdentityProviders) {
if (tool.handlingAuthorizers) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (tool.isVerbose) {
logger.error("Encountered an error", e)
tool.printUsageAndThrow("Encountered an error writing the root key to the bootstrap.conf file and the encrypted properties to", ExitCode.ERROR_GENERATING_CONFIG)
} catch (CommandLineParseException e) {
void handleFlowXml(boolean existingNiFiPropertiesAreEncrypted = false) {
String existingFlowPassword = existingFlowPropertiesPassword ?: getExistingFlowPassword()
// If the new password was not provided in the arguments, read from the console. If that is empty, use the same value (essentially a copy no-op)
String newFlowPassword = flowPropertiesPassword ?: getFlowPassword()
if (!newFlowPassword) {
newFlowPassword = existingFlowPassword
// Get the algorithms and providers
NiFiProperties nfp = niFiProperties
String existingAlgorithm = nfp?.getProperty(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_ALGORITHM) ?: DEFAULT_FLOW_ALGORITHM
String newAlgorithm = newFlowAlgorithm ?: existingAlgorithm
try {"Migrating flow.xml file at ${flowXmlPath}. This could take a while if the flow XML is very large.")
migrateFlowXmlContent(flowXmlInputStream, existingFlowPassword, newFlowPassword, existingAlgorithm, newAlgorithm)
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Encountered an error: ${e.getLocalizedMessage()}")
if (e instanceof BadPaddingException) {
logger.error("This error is likely caused by providing the wrong existing flow password. Check that the existing flow password [-p] is the one used to encrypt the provided flow.xml.gz file")
if (isVerbose) {
logger.error("Exception: ", e)
printUsageAndThrow("Encountered an error migrating flow content", ExitCode.ERROR_MIGRATING_FLOW)
// If the new key is the hard-coded internal value, don't persist it to
if (newFlowPassword != DEFAULT_NIFI_SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY && newFlowPassword != existingFlowPassword) {
// Update the NiFiProperties object with the new flow password before it gets encrypted (wasteful, but NiFiProperties instances are immutable)
Properties rawProperties = new Properties()
nfp.getPropertyKeys().each { String k ->
rawProperties.put(k, nfp.getProperty(k))
// If the tool is supposed to encrypt NiFiProperties or the existing file is already encrypted, encrypt and update the new sensitive props key
if (handlingNiFiProperties || existingNiFiPropertiesAreEncrypted) {
final SensitivePropertyProviderFactory sensitivePropertyProviderFactory = getSensitivePropertyProviderFactory(keyHex)
SensitivePropertyProvider spp = sensitivePropertyProviderFactory.getProvider(protectionScheme)
String encryptedSPK = spp.protect(newFlowPassword, ProtectedPropertyContext.defaultContext(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY))
rawProperties.put(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY, encryptedSPK)
// Manually update the protection scheme or it will be lost
rawProperties.put(ApplicationPropertiesProtector.getProtectionKey(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY), spp.getIdentifierKey())
if (isVerbose) {"Tool is not configured to encrypt, but the existing is encrypted and flow.xml.gz was migrated, so manually persisting the new encrypted value to")
} else {
rawProperties.put(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY, newFlowPassword)
rawProperties.put(ApplicationPropertiesProtector.getProtectionKey(NiFiProperties.SENSITIVE_PROPS_KEY), "")
niFiProperties = new NiFiProperties(rawProperties)
String translateNiFiPropertiesToCLI() {
// Assemble the baseUrl
String baseUrl = determineBaseUrl(niFiProperties)
// Copy the relevant properties to a Map using the "CLI" keys
List<String> cliOutput = ["baseUrl=${baseUrl}"]
PROPERTY_KEY_MAP.each { String nfpKey, String cliKey ->
cliOutput << "${cliKey}=${niFiProperties.getProperty(nfpKey)}"
cliOutput << "proxiedEntity="
static Supplier<BootstrapProperties> getBootstrapSupplier(final String bootstrapConfPath) {
new Supplier<BootstrapProperties>() {
BootstrapProperties get() {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.warn("Could not load default bootstrap.conf: " + e.getMessage())
return BootstrapProperties.EMPTY
static String determineBaseUrl(NiFiProperties niFiProperties) {
String protocol = niFiProperties.isHTTPSConfigured() ? "https" : "http"
String host = niFiProperties.isHTTPSConfigured() ? niFiProperties.getProperty(NiFiProperties.WEB_HTTPS_HOST) : niFiProperties.getProperty(NiFiProperties.WEB_HTTP_HOST)
String port = niFiProperties.getConfiguredHttpOrHttpsPort()