blob: 6e5f42517c299ae392ddadf6f1a9319a9d33bad4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.web;
import io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry;
import org.apache.nifi.authorization.AuthorizeAccess;
import org.apache.nifi.authorization.RequestAction;
import org.apache.nifi.authorization.user.NiFiUser;
import org.apache.nifi.bundle.BundleCoordinate;
import org.apache.nifi.components.ConfigurableComponent;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ScheduledState;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.repository.claim.ContentDirection;
import org.apache.nifi.controller.service.ControllerServiceState;
import org.apache.nifi.flow.VersionedProcessGroup;
import org.apache.nifi.groups.ProcessGroup;
import org.apache.nifi.parameter.ParameterContext;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.ExternalControllerServiceReference;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlow;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedFlowSnapshot;
import org.apache.nifi.registry.flow.VersionedParameterContext;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.AccessPolicyDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.AffectedComponentDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.BulletinBoardDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.BulletinDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.BulletinQueryDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.BundleDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ClusterDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ComponentHistoryDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ComponentStateDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConfigVerificationResultDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ConnectionDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ControllerConfigurationDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ControllerDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ControllerServiceDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.CounterDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.CountersDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.DocumentedTypeDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.DropRequestDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.FlowFileDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.FlowSnippetDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.FunnelDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.LabelDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ListingRequestDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.NodeDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ParameterContextDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PortDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessGroupDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ProcessorDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.PropertyDescriptorDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.RegistryDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.RemoteProcessGroupDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ReportingTaskDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.ResourceDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.SnippetDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.SystemDiagnosticsDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.TemplateDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.UserDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.UserGroupDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.VariableRegistryDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.VersionControlInformationDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.action.HistoryDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.action.HistoryQueryDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.provenance.ProvenanceDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.provenance.ProvenanceEventDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.provenance.ProvenanceOptionsDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.provenance.lineage.LineageDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.dto.status.ControllerStatusDTO;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.AccessPolicyEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ActionEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ActivateControllerServicesEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.AffectedComponentEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.BucketEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.BulletinEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ComponentValidationResultEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConfigurationAnalysisEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionStatisticsEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ConnectionStatusEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ControllerBulletinsEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ControllerConfigurationEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ControllerServiceEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ControllerServiceReferencingComponentsEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.CurrentUserEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FlowComparisonEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FlowConfigurationEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FlowEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.FunnelEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.LabelEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ParameterContextEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.PortEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.PortStatusEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessGroupEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessGroupFlowEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessGroupStatusEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorDiagnosticsEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorStatusEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ProcessorsRunStatusDetailsEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.RegistryClientEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.RegistryEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.RemoteProcessGroupEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.RemoteProcessGroupPortEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.RemoteProcessGroupStatusEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ReportingTaskEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.ScheduleComponentsEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.SnippetEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.StartVersionControlRequestEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.StatusHistoryEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.TemplateEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.UserEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.UserGroupEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VariableRegistryEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlComponentMappingEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionControlInformationEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionedFlowEntity;
import org.apache.nifi.web.api.entity.VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataEntity;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Defines the NiFiServiceFacade interface.
public interface NiFiServiceFacade {
// ----------------------------------------
// Synchronization methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Authorizes access to the service facade.
* @param authorizeAccess authorize access callback
void authorizeAccess(AuthorizeAccess authorizeAccess);
* Claims the specified revision for the specified user.
* @param revision revision
* @param user user
* @throws InvalidRevisionException invalid revision
void verifyRevision(Revision revision, NiFiUser user) throws InvalidRevisionException;
* Claims the specified revisions for the specified user.
* @param revisions revisions
* @param user user
* @throws InvalidRevisionException invalid revision
void verifyRevisions(Set<Revision> revisions, NiFiUser user) throws InvalidRevisionException;
* Gets the current revisions for the components based on the specified function.
* @param groupId group
* @param getComponents callback
* @return component revisions
Set<Revision> getRevisionsFromGroup(String groupId, Function<ProcessGroup, Set<String>> getComponents);
* Gets the revisions from the specified snippet.
* @param snippetId snippet
* @return component revisions from the snippet
Set<Revision> getRevisionsFromSnippet(String snippetId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Controller methods
// ----------------------------------------
ControllerDTO getSiteToSiteDetails();
* Searches the controller for the specified query string.
* @param query query
* @param activeGroupId the id of the group currently selected in the editor
* @return results
SearchResultsDTO searchController(String query, String activeGroupId);
* Submits a provenance request.
* @param query query
* @return results
ProvenanceDTO submitProvenance(ProvenanceDTO query);
* Submits a new replay request.
* @param eventId id
* @return event
ProvenanceEventDTO submitReplay(Long eventId);
* Gets the content for the specified claim.
* @param eventId id
* @param uri uri
* @param contentDirection direction
* @return content
DownloadableContent getContent(Long eventId, String uri, ContentDirection contentDirection);
* Gets the content for the specified flowfile in the specified connection.
* @param connectionId connection
* @param flowfileUuid flowfile
* @param uri uri
* @return content
DownloadableContent getContent(String connectionId, String flowfileUuid, String uri);
* Retrieves provenance.
* @param queryId identifier
* @param summarize whether to summarize the event dtos
* @param incrementalResults whether to return any events if the search has not finished
* @return result
ProvenanceDTO getProvenance(String queryId, Boolean summarize, Boolean incrementalResults);
* Deletes provenance.
* @param queryId identifier
void deleteProvenance(String queryId);
* Returns the available options for searching provenance.
* @return options
ProvenanceOptionsDTO getProvenanceSearchOptions();
* Submits a lineage request.
* @param lineage lineage
* @return lineage
LineageDTO submitLineage(LineageDTO lineage);
* Gets the lineage with the specified id.
* @param lineageId id
* @return lineage
LineageDTO getLineage(String lineageId);
* Deletes the lineage with the specified id.
* @param lineageId lineage
void deleteLineage(String lineageId);
* Gets the provenance event with the specified id.
* @param id id
* @return event
ProvenanceEventDTO getProvenanceEvent(Long id);
* Gets the configuration for this controller.
* @return Controller configuration transfer object
ControllerConfigurationEntity getControllerConfiguration();
* Gets the controller level bulletins.
* @return Controller level bulletins
ControllerBulletinsEntity getControllerBulletins();
* Gets the configuration for the flow.
* @return Flow configuration transfer object
FlowConfigurationEntity getFlowConfiguration();
* Gets the metrics for the flow.
Collection<CollectorRegistry> generateFlowMetrics();
* Updates the configuration for this controller.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param controllerConfigurationDTO Controller configuration DTO
* @return Controller configuration DTO
ControllerConfigurationEntity updateControllerConfiguration(Revision revision, ControllerConfigurationDTO controllerConfigurationDTO);
* Returns the process group status.
* @param groupId group
* @return The process group status
ProcessGroupStatusEntity getProcessGroupStatus(String groupId, boolean recursive);
* Gets the process group status history.
* @param groupId id
* @return history
StatusHistoryEntity getProcessGroupStatusHistory(String groupId);
* Returns the controller status.
* @return status
ControllerStatusDTO getControllerStatus();
* Updates the specified counter by setting its value to 0.
* @param counterId id
* @return counter
CounterDTO updateCounter(String counterId);
* Returns the counters.
* @return The counters
CountersDTO getCounters();
* Returns the list of processor types.
* @param bundleGroupFilter if specified, must be member of bundle group
* @param bundleArtifactFilter if specified, must be member of bundle artifact
* @param typeFilter if specified, type must match
* @return The list of available processor types matching specified criteria
Set<DocumentedTypeDTO> getProcessorTypes(final String bundleGroupFilter, final String bundleArtifactFilter, final String typeFilter);
* Returns the list of controller service types.
* @param serviceType Filters only service types that implement this type
* @param serviceBundleGroup if serviceType specified, the bundle group of the serviceType
* @param serviceBundleArtifact if serviceType specified, the bundle artifact of the serviceType
* @param serviceBundleVersion if serviceType specified, the bundle version of the serviceType
* @param bundleGroupFilter if specified, must be member of bundle group
* @param bundleArtifactFilter if specified, must be member of bundle artifact
* @param typeFilter if specified, type must match
* @return The list of available controller types matching specified criteria
Set<DocumentedTypeDTO> getControllerServiceTypes(final String serviceType, final String serviceBundleGroup, final String serviceBundleArtifact, final String serviceBundleVersion,
final String bundleGroupFilter, final String bundleArtifactFilter, final String typeFilter);
* Returns the list of reporting task types.
* @param bundleGroupFilter if specified, must be member of bundle group
* @param bundleArtifactFilter if specified, must be member of bundle artifact
* @param typeFilter if specified, type must match
* @return The list of available reporting task types matching specified criteria
Set<DocumentedTypeDTO> getReportingTaskTypes(final String bundleGroupFilter, final String bundleArtifactFilter, final String typeFilter);
* Returns the list of prioritizer types.
* @return The list of available prioritizer types
Set<DocumentedTypeDTO> getWorkQueuePrioritizerTypes();
// ----------------------------------------
// Template methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Verifies a template with the specified name can be created.
* @param groupId the id of the group for the template
* @param name name of proposed template
void verifyCanAddTemplate(String groupId, String name);
* Verifies the given template can be instantiated in the group with the given ID
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group
* @param snippetDTO the contents of the template
void verifyCanInstantiate(String groupId, FlowSnippetDTO snippetDTO);
* Verifies the types of components in a versioned process group
* @param versionedGroup the proposed process group
void verifyComponentTypes(VersionedProcessGroup versionedGroup);
* Verifies that the flow identified by the given Version Control Information can be imported into the Process Group
* with the given id
* @param versionControlInfo the information about the versioned flow
* @param versionedProcessGroup the contents to be imported
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group where the flow should be instantiated
* @throws IllegalStateException if the flow cannot be imported into the specified group
void verifyImportProcessGroup(VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo, final VersionedProcessGroup versionedProcessGroup, String groupId);
* Creates a new Template based off the specified snippet.
* @param name name
* @param description description
* @param snippetId id
* @param groupId id of the process group
* @param idGenerationSeed the seed to use for generating a UUID
* @return template
TemplateDTO createTemplate(String name, String description, String snippetId, String groupId, Optional<String> idGenerationSeed);
* Imports the specified Template.
* @param templateDTO The template dto
* @param groupId id of the process group
* @param idGenerationSeed the seed to use for generating a UUID
* @return The new template dto
TemplateDTO importTemplate(TemplateDTO templateDTO, String groupId, Optional<String> idGenerationSeed);
* Instantiate the corresponding template.
* @param groupId group id
* @param originX x
* @param originY y
* @param templateEncodingVersion template encoding version
* @param snippet template snippet
* @param idGenerationSeed the ID to use for generating UUID's. May be null.
* @return snapshot
FlowEntity createTemplateInstance(String groupId, Double originX, Double originY, String templateEncodingVersion, FlowSnippetDTO snippet, String idGenerationSeed);
* Gets the template with the specified id.
* @param id id
* @return template
TemplateDTO getTemplate(String id);
* Gets the template, includes contents, with the specified id.
* @param id id
* @return template
TemplateDTO exportTemplate(String id);
* Gets all templates.
* @return templates
Set<TemplateEntity> getTemplates();
* Deletes the specified template.
* @param id The id of the template
void deleteTemplate(String id);
// ----------------------------------------
// Processor methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Verifies the specified processor can be created.
* @param processorDTO processor
void verifyCreateProcessor(ProcessorDTO processorDTO);
* Creates a new Processor.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId Group id
* @param processorDTO The processor DTO
* @return The new processor DTO
ProcessorEntity createProcessor(Revision revision, String groupId, ProcessorDTO processorDTO);
* Gets the Processor transfer object for the specified id.
* @param id Id of the processor to return
* @return The Processor transfer object
ProcessorEntity getProcessor(String id);
* Terminates the Processor with the specified id
* @param id Id of the processor to terminate
* @return The Processor transfer object
ProcessorEntity terminateProcessor(String id);
* Verifies that the processor with the given id can be terminated at this time
* @param processorId the id of the processor
void verifyTerminateProcessor(String processorId);
* Gets the Diagnostic information for the Processor with the specified id
* @param id the id of the processor
* @return the diagnostics information for the processor
ProcessorDiagnosticsEntity getProcessorDiagnostics(String id);
* Gets the processor status.
* @param id id
* @return status
ProcessorStatusEntity getProcessorStatus(String id);
* Gets the processor status history.
* @param id id
* @return history
StatusHistoryEntity getProcessorStatusHistory(String id);
// ----------------------------------------
// System diagnostics history
// ----------------------------------------
* @return the system diagnostics history
StatusHistoryEntity getNodeStatusHistory();
* Get the descriptor for the specified property of the specified processor.
* @param id id
* @param property property
* @return descriptor
PropertyDescriptorDTO getProcessorPropertyDescriptor(String id, String property);
* Gets all the Processor transfer objects for this controller.
* @param groupId group
* @param includeDescendants if processors from descendent groups should be included
* @return List of all the Processor transfer object
Set<ProcessorEntity> getProcessors(String groupId, boolean includeDescendants);
* Provides a ProcessorsRunStatusDetails that describes the current details of the run status for each processor whose id is provided
* @param processorIds the set of all processor IDs that should be included
* @return a ProcessorsRunStatusDetailsEntity that describes the current information about the processors' run status
ProcessorsRunStatusDetailsEntity getProcessorsRunStatusDetails(Set<String> processorIds, NiFiUser user);
* Verifies the specified processor can be updated.
* @param processorDTO processor
void verifyUpdateProcessor(ProcessorDTO processorDTO);
* Updates the specified Processor.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param processorDTO The processorDTO
* @return The updated processor
ProcessorEntity updateProcessor(Revision revision, ProcessorDTO processorDTO);
* Performs verification of the given Processor Configuration for the Processor with the given ID
* @param processorId the id of the processor
* @param properties the configured properties to verify
* @param attributes a map of values that can be used for resolving FlowFile attributes for Expression Language
* @return verification results
List<ConfigVerificationResultDTO> verifyProcessorConfiguration(String processorId, Map<String, String> properties, Map<String, String> attributes);
* Performs analysis of the given properties, determining which attributes are referenced by properties
* @param processorId the ID of the processor
* @param properties the properties
* @return analysis results
ConfigurationAnalysisEntity analyzeProcessorConfiguration(String processorId, Map<String, String> properties);
* Verifies the specified processor can be removed.
* @param processorId processor
void verifyDeleteProcessor(String processorId);
* Deletes the specified processor.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param processorId The processor id to delete
* @return snapshot
ProcessorEntity deleteProcessor(Revision revision, String processorId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Connections methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Gets the Connection transfer objects for the specified source processor.
* @param groupId group
* @return The Connection transfer objects
Set<ConnectionEntity> getConnections(String groupId);
* Gets the specified Connection transfer object.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @return The Connection transfer object
ConnectionEntity getConnection(String connectionId);
* Gets the status of the specified connection.
* @param connectionId connection
* @return status
ConnectionStatusEntity getConnectionStatus(String connectionId);
* Gets the status history of the specified connection.
* @param connectionId connection
* @return history
StatusHistoryEntity getConnectionStatusHistory(String connectionId);
* Gets analytical statistics for the specified connection.
* @param connectionId connection
* @return statistics
ConnectionStatisticsEntity getConnectionStatistics(String connectionId);
* Creates a new Relationship target.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId group
* @param connectionDTO The Connection DTO
* @return The Connection DTO
ConnectionEntity createConnection(Revision revision, String groupId, ConnectionDTO connectionDTO);
* Determines if this connection can be listed.
* @param connectionId connection
void verifyListQueue(String connectionId);
* Determines if this connection can be created.
* @param groupId group
* @param connectionDTO connection
void verifyCreateConnection(String groupId, ConnectionDTO connectionDTO);
* Determines if this connection can be updated.
* @param connectionDTO connection
void verifyUpdateConnection(ConnectionDTO connectionDTO);
* Updates the specified Relationship target.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param connectionDTO The Connection DTO
* @return The Connection DTO
ConnectionEntity updateConnection(Revision revision, ConnectionDTO connectionDTO);
* Determines if this connection can be removed.
* @param connectionId connection
void verifyDeleteConnection(String connectionId);
* Deletes the specified relationship target.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @return snapshot
// TODO: Remove the id's from all of the delete methods. The Revision now contains
// the component ID. We can't do this yet though because we have to wait for the
// Revisions to be properly formed on the client/UI side
ConnectionEntity deleteConnection(Revision revision, String connectionId);
* Creates a new flow file drop request.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param dropRequestId The ID of the drop request
* @return The DropRequest
DropRequestDTO createFlowFileDropRequest(String connectionId, String dropRequestId);
* Gets the specified flow file drop request.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param dropRequestId The flow file drop request
* @return The DropRequest
DropRequestDTO getFlowFileDropRequest(String connectionId, String dropRequestId);
* Cancels/removes the specified flow file drop request.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param dropRequestId The flow file drop request
* @return The DropRequest
DropRequestDTO deleteFlowFileDropRequest(String connectionId, String dropRequestId);
* Creates a new flow file listing request.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param listingRequestId The ID of the listing request
* @return The ListingRequest
ListingRequestDTO createFlowFileListingRequest(String connectionId, String listingRequestId);
* Gets a new flow file listing request.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param listingRequestId The ID of the listing request
* @return The ListingRequest
ListingRequestDTO getFlowFileListingRequest(String connectionId, String listingRequestId);
* Deletes a new flow file listing request.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param listingRequestId The ID of the listing request
* @return The ListingRequest
ListingRequestDTO deleteFlowFileListingRequest(String connectionId, String listingRequestId);
* Gets the specified flowfile from the specified connection.
* @param connectionId The ID of the connection
* @param flowFileUuid The UUID of the flowfile
* @return The FlowFileDTO
FlowFileDTO getFlowFile(String connectionId, String flowFileUuid);
// ----------------------------------------
// InputPort methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a new input port.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId The id of the group this port should be create in
* @param inputPortDTO The input PortDTO
* @return snapshot
PortEntity createInputPort(Revision revision, String groupId, PortDTO inputPortDTO);
* Gets an input port.
* @param inputPortId The input port id
* @return port
PortEntity getInputPort(String inputPortId);
* Gets all input ports in a given group.
* @param groupId The id of the group
* @return port
Set<PortEntity> getInputPorts(String groupId);
* Gets the input port status.
* @param inputPortId input port
* @return status
PortStatusEntity getInputPortStatus(String inputPortId);
* Determines if the input port could be updated.
* @param inputPortDTO The id of the input port
void verifyUpdateInputPort(PortDTO inputPortDTO);
* Updates the specified input port.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param inputPortDTO The input PortDTO
* @return snapshot
PortEntity updateInputPort(Revision revision, PortDTO inputPortDTO);
* Determines if the input port could be deleted.
* @param inputPortId The id of the input port
void verifyDeleteInputPort(String inputPortId);
* Deletes the specified input port.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param inputPortId The id of the input port
* @return snapshot
PortEntity deleteInputPort(Revision revision, String inputPortId);
// ----------------------------------------
// OutputPort methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a new output port.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId The id of the group this port should be create in
* @param outputPortDTO The output PortDTO
* @return snapshot
PortEntity createOutputPort(Revision revision, String groupId, PortDTO outputPortDTO);
* Gets an output port.
* @param outputPortId The output port id
* @return port
PortEntity getOutputPort(String outputPortId);
* Gets all output ports in a given group.
* @param groupId The id of the group
* @return ports
Set<PortEntity> getOutputPorts(String groupId);
* Gets the output port status.
* @param outputPortId output port
* @return status
PortStatusEntity getOutputPortStatus(String outputPortId);
* Determines if the output port could be updated.
* @param outputPortDTO The id of the output port
void verifyUpdateOutputPort(PortDTO outputPortDTO);
* Updates the specified output port.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param outputPortDTO The output PortDTO
* @return snapshot
PortEntity updateOutputPort(Revision revision, PortDTO outputPortDTO);
* Determines if the output port could be deleted.
* @param outputPortId The id of the output port
void verifyDeleteOutputPort(String outputPortId);
* Determines if the output port could be deleted.
* @param revision revision
* @param outputPortId The id of the output port
* @return snapshot
PortEntity deleteOutputPort(Revision revision, String outputPortId);
* Verifies public input port unique constraint throughout the flow will be retained,
* even if a new port is added with the given port id and name.
* @param portId port id
* @param portName port name
* @throws IllegalStateException If there is any port with the same name or the same identifier
void verifyPublicInputPortUniqueness(final String portId, final String portName);
* Verifies public output port unique constraint throughout the flow will be retained,
* even if a new port is added with the given port id and name.
* @param portId port id
* @param portName port name
* @throws IllegalStateException If there is any port with the same name or the same identifier
void verifyPublicOutputPortUniqueness(final String portId, final String portName);
// ------------
// Current user
// ------------
CurrentUserEntity getCurrentUser();
// ----------------------------------------
// Flow methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Returns the flow.
* @param groupId group
* @return the flow
ProcessGroupFlowEntity getProcessGroupFlow(String groupId);
// ----------------------------------------
// ProcessGroup methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a new process group.
* @param revision revision
* @param parentGroupId The id of the parent group
* @param processGroupDTO The ProcessGroupDTO
* @return snapshot
ProcessGroupEntity createProcessGroup(Revision revision, String parentGroupId, ProcessGroupDTO processGroupDTO);
* Returns the process group.
* @param groupId group
* @return ProcessGroup transfer object
ProcessGroupEntity getProcessGroup(String groupId);
* Returns the Variable Registry for the Process Group with the given ID
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group
* @param includeAncestorGroups whether or not to include the variables that are defined in the the process group's parent group & its parent group, etc.
* @return the Variable Registry transfer object
VariableRegistryEntity getVariableRegistry(String groupId, boolean includeAncestorGroups);
* Returns a Variable Registry that includes the variables in the given DTO but has the affected components populated
* @param variableRegistryDto the Variable Registry that contains the variables of interest
* @return a Variable Registry that has the affected components populated
VariableRegistryEntity populateAffectedComponents(VariableRegistryDTO variableRegistryDto);
* Updates the variable registry on behalf of the user currently logged in
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param variableRegistryDto the Variable Registry
VariableRegistryEntity updateVariableRegistry(Revision revision, VariableRegistryDTO variableRegistryDto);
* Determines which components will be affected by updating the given Variable Registry.
* @param variableRegistryDto the variable registry
* @return the components that will be affected
Set<AffectedComponentEntity> getComponentsAffectedByVariableRegistryUpdate(VariableRegistryDTO variableRegistryDto);
* Determines which components are active and will be affected by updating the given Variable Registry. These active components
* are needed to authorize the request and deactivate prior to changing the variables.
* @param variableRegistryDto the variable registry
* @return the components that will be affected
Set<AffectedComponentDTO> getActiveComponentsAffectedByVariableRegistryUpdate(VariableRegistryDTO variableRegistryDto);
* Verifies that a Parameter Context matching the given DTO can be created
* @param parameterContext the DTO that represents the Parameter Context
* @throws IllegalStateException if a ParameterContext cannot be created for the given DTO
void verifyCreateParameterContext(ParameterContextDTO parameterContext);
* Verifies that the Parameter Context with the ID identified by the given DTO can be updated to match
* the given set of Parameters
* @param parameterContext the DTO that represents the updated Parameter Context
* @param verifyComponentStates if <code>true</code>, will ensure that any processor referencing the parameter context is stopped/disabled and any controller service referencing the parameter
* context is disabled. If <code>false</code>, these verifications will not be performed.
void verifyUpdateParameterContext(ParameterContextDTO parameterContext, boolean verifyComponentStates);
* Returns the Set of all Parameter Context Entities for the current user
* @return the Set of all Parameter Context Entities for the current user
Set<ParameterContextEntity> getParameterContexts();
* Returns the Parameter Context with the given name
* @param parameterContextName the name of the Parameter Context
* @return the Parameter Context with the given name, or <code>null</code> if no Parameter Context exists with that name
* @throws org.apache.nifi.authorization.AccessDeniedException if a Parameter Context exists with the given name but the user does not have READ permissions to it
ParameterContext getParameterContextByName(String parameterContextName, NiFiUser user);
* Returns the ParameterContextEntity for the ParameterContext with the given ID
* @param parameterContextId the ID of the Parameter Context
* @param includeInheritedParameters Whether to include inherited parameters (and thus overridden values)
* @param user the user on whose behalf the Parameter Context is being retrieved
* @return the ParameterContextEntity
ParameterContextEntity getParameterContext(String parameterContextId, boolean includeInheritedParameters, NiFiUser user);
* Creates a new Parameter Context
* @param revision the revision for the newly created Parameter Context
* @param parameterContext the Parameter Context
* @return a ParameterContextEntity representing the newly created ParameterContext
ParameterContextEntity createParameterContext(Revision revision, ParameterContextDTO parameterContext);
* Updates the Parameter Context
* @param revision the current revision of the Parameter Context
* @param parameterContext the updated version of the ParameterContext
* @return the updated Parameter Context Entity
ParameterContextEntity updateParameterContext(Revision revision, ParameterContextDTO parameterContext);
* Deletes the Parameter Context
* @param revision the revision of the Parameter Context
* @param parameterContextId the ID of the Parameter Context
* @return a Parameter Context Entity that represents the Parameter Context that was deleted
ParameterContextEntity deleteParameterContext(Revision revision, String parameterContextId);
* Performs validation of all components that make use of the Parameter Context with the same ID as the given DTO, but validating against the Parameters
* specified within the DTO
* @param parameterContext the ParameterContext to validate against
* @param user the user on whose behalf the validation is taking place
* @return the ComponentValidationResultEntity for each component that makes use of the Parameter Context
List<ComponentValidationResultEntity> validateComponents(ParameterContextDTO parameterContext, NiFiUser user);
* Ensures that the Parameter Context with the given ID can be deleted
* @param parameterContextId the ID of the Parameter Context
void verifyDeleteParameterContext(String parameterContextId);
* Gets all process groups in the specified parent group.
* @param parentGroupId The id of the parent group
* @return process group
Set<ProcessGroupEntity> getProcessGroups(String parentGroupId);
* Verifies the contents of the specified process group can be scheduled or unscheduled.
* @param processGroupId The ProcessGroup id
* @param componentIds the components
* @param state scheduled state
void verifyScheduleComponents(String processGroupId, ScheduledState state, Set<String> componentIds);
* Verifies the contents of the specified process group can be enabled or disabled.
* @param processGroupId the ProcessGroup id
* @param state scheduled state
* @param componentIds the components
void verifyEnableComponents(String processGroupId, ScheduledState state, Set<String> componentIds);
* Verifies the controller services with the given ID's can be enabled or disabled
* @param processGroupId the ID of the process group
* @param state the state
* @param serviceIds the id's of the services
void verifyActivateControllerServices(String processGroupId, ControllerServiceState state, Collection<String> serviceIds);
* Enables or disables the controller services with the given IDs & Revisions on behalf of the currently logged in user
* @param processGroupId the ID of the process group
* @param state the desired state of the services
* @param serviceRevisions a mapping of Controller Service ID to current Revision
* @return snapshot
ActivateControllerServicesEntity activateControllerServices(String processGroupId, ControllerServiceState state, Map<String, Revision> serviceRevisions);
ScheduleComponentsEntity enableComponents(String processGroupId, ScheduledState state, Map<String, Revision> componentRevisions);
* Schedules all applicable components under the specified ProcessGroup on behalf of the currently logged in user.
* @param processGroupId The ProcessGroup id
* @param state schedule state
* @param componentRevisions components and their revision
* @return snapshot
ScheduleComponentsEntity scheduleComponents(String processGroupId, ScheduledState state, Map<String, Revision> componentRevisions);
* Updates the specified process group.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param processGroupDTO The ProcessGroupDTO
* @return snapshot
ProcessGroupEntity updateProcessGroup(Revision revision, ProcessGroupDTO processGroupDTO);
* Verifies that the Process Group identified by the given DTO can be updated in the manner appropriate according
* to the DTO
* @param processGroupDTO the DTO that indicates the updates to occur
void verifyUpdateProcessGroup(ProcessGroupDTO processGroupDTO);
* Verifies the specified process group can be removed.
* @param groupId The id of the process group
void verifyDeleteProcessGroup(String groupId);
* Creates a request to drop flowfiles in all connections in a process group (recursively).
* @param processGroupId The ID of the process group
* @param dropRequestId The ID of the drop request
* @return The DropRequest
DropRequestDTO createDropAllFlowFilesInProcessGroup(final String processGroupId, final String dropRequestId);
* Gets the specified request for dropping all flowfiles in a process group (recursively).
* @param processGroupId The ID of the process group
* @param dropRequestId The ID of the drop request
* @return The DropRequest
DropRequestDTO getDropAllFlowFilesRequest(final String processGroupId, final String dropRequestId);
* Cancels/removes the specified request for dropping all flowfiles in a process group (recursively).
* @param processGroupId The ID of the process group
* @param dropRequestId The ID of the drop request
* @return The DropRequest
DropRequestDTO deleteDropAllFlowFilesRequest(String processGroupId, String dropRequestId);
* Deletes the specified process group.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param groupId The id of the process group
* @return snapshot
ProcessGroupEntity deleteProcessGroup(Revision revision, String groupId);
// ----------------------------------------
// RemoteProcessGroup methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a new remote process group.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId The id of the parent group
* @param remoteProcessGroupDTO The RemoteProcessGroupDTO
* @return snapshot
RemoteProcessGroupEntity createRemoteProcessGroup(Revision revision, String groupId, RemoteProcessGroupDTO remoteProcessGroupDTO);
* Determines whether or not the Remote Port with the given remotePortId is connected (i.e., there are incoming Connections if it's an Input Port
* or there are outgoing Connections if it's an Output Port).
* @param remoteProcessGroupId the ID of the Remote Process Group
* @param remotePortId the ID of the Port
* @return <code>true</code> if remote port identified is connected, <code>false</code> if the port is not connected
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException if the port cannot be found
boolean isRemoteGroupPortConnected(String remoteProcessGroupId, String remotePortId);
* Gets a remote process group.
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
* @return group
RemoteProcessGroupEntity getRemoteProcessGroup(String remoteProcessGroupId);
* Gets all remote process groups in the a given parent group.
* @param groupId The id of the parent group
* @return group
Set<RemoteProcessGroupEntity> getRemoteProcessGroups(String groupId);
* Gets the remote process group status.
* @param id remote process group
* @return status
RemoteProcessGroupStatusEntity getRemoteProcessGroupStatus(String id);
* Gets the remote process group status history.
* @param id The id of the remote process group
* @return history
StatusHistoryEntity getRemoteProcessGroupStatusHistory(String id);
* Verifies that transmission state of all remote process groups within the specified process group can be updated.
* @param processGroupId The process group in which to verify remote process groups
* @param shouldTransmit The transmission state to verify for
void verifyUpdateRemoteProcessGroups(String processGroupId, boolean shouldTransmit);
* Verifies the specified remote process group can be updated.
* @param remoteProcessGroupDTO The RemoteProcessGroupDTO
void verifyUpdateRemoteProcessGroup(RemoteProcessGroupDTO remoteProcessGroupDTO);
* Verifies the specified remote process group can update the specified remote input port.
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
* @param remoteProcessGroupPortDTO The RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO
void verifyUpdateRemoteProcessGroupInputPort(String remoteProcessGroupId, RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO remoteProcessGroupPortDTO);
* Verifies the specified remote process group can update the specified remote output port.
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
* @param remoteProcessGroupPortDTO The RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO
void verifyUpdateRemoteProcessGroupOutputPort(String remoteProcessGroupId, RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO remoteProcessGroupPortDTO);
* Updates the specified remote process group.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param remoteProcessGroupDTO The RemoteProcessGroupDTO
* @return snapshot
RemoteProcessGroupEntity updateRemoteProcessGroup(Revision revision, RemoteProcessGroupDTO remoteProcessGroupDTO);
* Updates the specified remote process groups input port.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
* @param remoteProcessGroupPortDTO The RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO
* @return snapshot
RemoteProcessGroupPortEntity updateRemoteProcessGroupInputPort(Revision revision, String remoteProcessGroupId, RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO remoteProcessGroupPortDTO);
* Updates the specified remote process groups output port.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
* @param remoteProcessGroupPortDTO The RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO
* @return snapshot
RemoteProcessGroupPortEntity updateRemoteProcessGroupOutputPort(Revision revision, String remoteProcessGroupId, RemoteProcessGroupPortDTO remoteProcessGroupPortDTO);
* Verifies the remote process group can be deleted.
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
void verifyDeleteRemoteProcessGroup(String remoteProcessGroupId);
* Deletes the specified remote process group.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param remoteProcessGroupId The id of the remote process group
* @return snapshot
RemoteProcessGroupEntity deleteRemoteProcessGroup(Revision revision, String remoteProcessGroupId);
* Create a system bulletin
* @param bulletinDTO bulletin to send to users
* @param canRead allow users to read bulletin
BulletinEntity createBulletin(final BulletinDTO bulletinDTO, final Boolean canRead);
// ----------------------------------------
// Funnel methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a funnel.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId group
* @param funnelDTO funnel
* @return The funnel DTO
FunnelEntity createFunnel(Revision revision, String groupId, FunnelDTO funnelDTO);
* Gets the specified funnel.
* @param funnelId The funnel id
* @return The funnel transfer object
FunnelEntity getFunnel(String funnelId);
* Gets all of the funnels.
* @param groupId group
* @return The funnel transfer objects
Set<FunnelEntity> getFunnels(String groupId);
* Updates the specified funnel.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param funnelDTO The funnel DTO
* @return The funnel DTO
FunnelEntity updateFunnel(Revision revision, FunnelDTO funnelDTO);
* Verifies the specified funnel can be deleted.
* @param funnelId funnel
void verifyDeleteFunnel(String funnelId);
* Deletes the specified funnel.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param funnelId The funnel id
* @return snapshot
FunnelEntity deleteFunnel(Revision revision, String funnelId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Version Control methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Returns a FlowComparisonEntity that contains all of the local modifications since the Process Group
* was last synchronized with the Flow Registry
* @param processGroupId the ID of the Process Group
* @return a FlowComparisonEntity that contains all of the local modifications since the Process Group
* was last synchronized with the Flow Registry
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group with the given ID is not under version control
FlowComparisonEntity getLocalModifications(String processGroupId);
* Determines whether the process group with the given id or any of its descendants are under version control.
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group
* @return <code>true</code> if any process group in the hierarchy is under version control, <code>false</code> otherwise.
boolean isAnyProcessGroupUnderVersionControl(final String groupId);
* Returns the Version Control information for the Process Group with the given ID
* @param processGroupId the ID of the Process Group
* @return the Version Control information that corresponds to the given Process Group, or <code>null</code> if the
* process group is not under version control
VersionControlInformationEntity getVersionControlInformation(String processGroupId);
* Adds the given Versioned Flow to the registry specified by the given ID
* @param registryId the ID of the registry
* @param flow the flow to add to the registry
* @return a VersionedFlow that is fully populated, including identifiers
* @throws NiFiCoreException if unable to register flow
VersionedFlow registerVersionedFlow(String registryId, VersionedFlow flow);
* Creates a snapshot of the Process Group with the given identifier, then creates a new Flow entity in the NiFi Registry
* and adds the snapshot of the Process Group as the first version of that flow.
* @param groupId the UUID of the Process Group
* @param requestEntity the details of the flow to create
* @return a VersionControlComponentMappingEntity that contains the information needed to notify a Process Group where it is tracking to and map
* component ID's to their Versioned Component ID's
VersionControlComponentMappingEntity registerFlowWithFlowRegistry(String groupId, StartVersionControlRequestEntity requestEntity);
* Deletes the specified Versioned Flow from the specified Flow Registry
* @param registryId the ID of the Flow Registry
* @param bucketId the ID of the bucket
* @param flowId the ID of the flow
* @return the VersionedFlow that was deleted
VersionedFlow deleteVersionedFlow(String registryId, String bucketId, String flowId);
* Adds the given snapshot to the already existing Versioned Flow, which resides in the given Flow Registry with the given id
* @param registryId the ID of the Flow Registry to persist the snapshot to
* @param flow the flow where the snapshot should be persisted
* @param snapshot the Snapshot to persist
* @param externalControllerServiceReferences a mapping of controller service id to ExternalControllerServiceReference for any Controller Service that is referenced in the flow but not included
* in the VersionedProcessGroup
* @param parameterContexts a map of the Parameter Contexts to include keyed by name
* @param comments about the snapshot
* @param expectedVersion the version to save the flow as
* @return the snapshot that represents what was stored in the registry
* @throws NiFiCoreException if unable to register the snapshot with the flow registry
VersionedFlowSnapshot registerVersionedFlowSnapshot(String registryId, VersionedFlow flow, VersionedProcessGroup snapshot,
Map<String, VersionedParameterContext> parameterContexts,
Map<String, ExternalControllerServiceReference> externalControllerServiceReferences,
String comments, int expectedVersion);
* Updates the Version Control Information on the Process Group with the given ID
* @param processGroupRevision the Revision of the Process Group
* @param processGroupId the ID of the process group to update
* @param versionControlInfo the new Version Control Information
* @param versionedComponentMapping a mapping of component ID to Versioned Component ID
* @return a VersionControlInformationEntity that represents the newly updated Version Control information
VersionControlInformationEntity setVersionControlInformation(Revision processGroupRevision, String processGroupId, VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo,
Map<String, String> versionedComponentMapping);
* Disconnects the specified Process Group from version control.
* @param revision revision
* @param processGroupId group id
* @return version control information prior to disconnecting
VersionControlInformationEntity deleteVersionControl(final Revision revision, final String processGroupId);
* Retrieves the Versioned Flow Snapshot for the coordinates provided by the given Version Control Information DTO
* @param versionControlInfo the coordinates of the versioned flow
* @param fetchRemoteFlows if the contents of Versioned Flow that is fetched contains a child/descendant Process Group
* that is also under Version Control, this indicates whether that remote flow should also be fetched
* @return the VersionedFlowSnapshot that corresponds to the given coordinates
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException if the Versioned Flow Snapshot could not be found
VersionedFlowSnapshot getVersionedFlowSnapshot(VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo, boolean fetchRemoteFlows);
* Get the latest Versioned Flow Snapshot from the registry for the Process Group with the given ID
* @param processGroupId the ID of the Process Group
* @return the latest Versioned Flow Snapshot for download
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException if the Versioned Flow Snapshot could not be found
VersionedFlowSnapshot getVersionedFlowSnapshotByGroupId(String processGroupId);
* Get the current state of the Process Group with the given ID, converted to a Versioned Flow Snapshot
* @param processGroupId the ID of the Process Group
* @return the current Process Group converted to a Versioned Flow Snapshot for download
VersionedFlowSnapshot getCurrentFlowSnapshotByGroupId(String processGroupId);
* Returns the name of the Flow Registry that is registered with the given ID. If no Flow Registry exists with the given ID, will return
* the ID itself as the name
* @param flowRegistryId the id of the flow registry
* @return the name of the Flow Registry that is registered with the given ID, or the ID itself if no Flow Registry is registered with the given ID
String getFlowRegistryName(String flowRegistryId);
* Determines which components currently exist in the Process Group with the given identifier and calculates which of those components
* would be impacted by updating the Process Group to the provided snapshot
* @param processGroupId the ID of the Process Group to update
* @param updatedSnapshot the snapshot to update the Process Group to
* @return the set of all components that would be affected by updating the Process Group
Set<AffectedComponentEntity> getComponentsAffectedByFlowUpdate(String processGroupId, VersionedFlowSnapshot updatedSnapshot);
* Verifies that the Process Group with the given identifier can be updated to the proposed flow
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group to update
* @param proposedFlow the proposed flow
* @param verifyConnectionRemoval whether or not to verify that connections that no longer exist in the proposed flow are eligible for deletion
* @param verifyNotDirty whether or not to verify that the Process Group is not 'dirty'. If this value is <code>true</code>,
* and the Process Group has been modified since it was last synchronized with the Flow Registry, then this method will
* throw an IllegalStateException
void verifyCanUpdate(String groupId, VersionedFlowSnapshot proposedFlow, boolean verifyConnectionRemoval, boolean verifyNotDirty);
* Verifies that the Processor with the given identifier is in a state where its configuration can be verified
* @param processorId the ID of the processor
void verifyCanVerifyProcessorConfig(String processorId);
* Verifies that the Controller Service with the given identifier is in a state where its configuration can be verified
* @param controllerServiceId the ID of the service
void verifyCanVerifyControllerServiceConfig(String controllerServiceId);
* Verifies that the Reporting Task with the given identifier is in a state where its configuration can be verified
* @param reportingTaskId the ID of the service
void verifyCanVerifyReportingTaskConfig(String reportingTaskId);
* Verifies that the Process Group with the given identifier can be saved to the flow registry
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group
* @param registryId the ID of the Flow Registry
* @param bucketId the ID of the bucket
* @param flowId the ID of the flow
* @param saveAction the save action being performed
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group cannot be saved to the flow registry with the coordinates specified
void verifyCanSaveToFlowRegistry(String groupId, String registryId, String bucketId, String flowId, String saveAction);
* Verifies that the Process Group with the given identifier can have its local modifications reverted to the given VersionedFlowSnapshot
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group
* @param versionedFlowSnapshot the Versioned Flow Snapshot
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Process Group cannot have its local modifications reverted
void verifyCanRevertLocalModifications(String groupId, VersionedFlowSnapshot versionedFlowSnapshot);
* Updates the Process group with the given ID to match the new snapshot
* @param revision the revision of the Process Group
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group
* @param versionControlInfo the Version Control information
* @param snapshot the new snapshot
* @param componentIdSeed the seed to use for generating new component ID's
* @param updateSettings whether or not the process group's name and position should be updated
* @param updateDescendantVersionedFlows if a child/descendant Process Group is under Version Control, specifies whether or not to
* update the contents of that Process Group
* @return the Process Group
ProcessGroupEntity updateProcessGroupContents(Revision revision, String groupId, VersionControlInformationDTO versionControlInfo, VersionedFlowSnapshot snapshot,
String componentIdSeed, boolean verifyNotModified, boolean updateSettings, boolean updateDescendantVersionedFlows);
* Returns a Set representing all components that will be affected by updating the Parameter Context that is represented by the given DTO.
* @param parameterContextDto the Parameter Context DTO that represents all changes that are to occur to a Parameter Context
* @return a Set representing all components that will be affected by the update
Set<AffectedComponentEntity> getComponentsAffectedByParameterContextUpdate(ParameterContextDTO parameterContextDto);
* Returns an up-to-date representation of the component that is referenced by the given affected component
* @param affectedComponent the affected component
* @return an up-to-date representation of the affected component
AffectedComponentEntity getUpdatedAffectedComponentEntity(AffectedComponentEntity affectedComponent);
* Returns a Set representing all Processors that reference any Parameters and that belong to the group with the given ID
* @param groupId the id of the process group
* @return a Set representing all Processors that reference Parameters
Set<AffectedComponentEntity> getProcessorsReferencingParameter(String groupId);
* Returns a Set representing all Controller Services that reference any Parameters and that belong to the group with the given ID
* @param groupId the id of the process group
* @return a Set representing all Controller Services that reference Parameters
Set<AffectedComponentEntity> getControllerServicesReferencingParameter(String groupId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Component state methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Gets the state for the specified processor.
* @param processorId the processor id
* @return the component state
ComponentStateDTO getProcessorState(String processorId);
* Verifies the processor state could be cleared.
* @param processorId the processor id
void verifyCanClearProcessorState(String processorId);
* Clears the state for the specified processor.
* @param processorId the processor id
void clearProcessorState(String processorId);
* Gets the state for the specified controller service.
* @param controllerServiceId the controller service id
* @return the component state
ComponentStateDTO getControllerServiceState(String controllerServiceId);
* Verifies the controller service state could be cleared.
* @param controllerServiceId the controller service id
void verifyCanClearControllerServiceState(String controllerServiceId);
* Clears the state for the specified controller service.
* @param controllerServiceId the controller service id
void clearControllerServiceState(String controllerServiceId);
* Gets the state for the specified reporting task.
* @param reportingTaskId the reporting task id
* @return the component state
ComponentStateDTO getReportingTaskState(String reportingTaskId);
* Verifies the reporting task state could be cleared.
* @param reportingTaskId the reporting task id
void verifyCanClearReportingTaskState(String reportingTaskId);
* Clears the state for the specified reporting task.
* @param reportingTaskId the reporting task id
void clearReportingTaskState(String reportingTaskId);
* Gets the state for the specified RemoteProcessGroup.
* @param remoteProcessGroupId the RemoteProcessGroup id
* @return the component state
ComponentStateDTO getRemoteProcessGroupState(String remoteProcessGroupId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Label methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a label.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId group
* @param labelDTO The label DTO
* @return The label DTO
LabelEntity createLabel(Revision revision, String groupId, LabelDTO labelDTO);
* Gets the specified label.
* @param labelId The label id
* @return The label transfer object
LabelEntity getLabel(String labelId);
* Gets all of the labels.
* @param groupId group
* @return The label transfer objects
Set<LabelEntity> getLabels(String groupId);
* Updates the specified label.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param labelDTO The label DTO
* @return The label DTO
LabelEntity updateLabel(Revision revision, LabelDTO labelDTO);
* Deletes the specified label.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param labelId The label id
* @return snapshot
LabelEntity deleteLabel(Revision revision, String labelId);
// ----------------------------------------
// User methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a user.
* @param revision The starting revision
* @param userDTO The user DTO
* @return The user transfer object
UserEntity createUser(Revision revision, UserDTO userDTO);
* Gets the user with the specified ID.
* @param userId The user ID
* @return The user transfer object
UserEntity getUser(String userId);
* Gets all the users.
* @return The user transfer objects
Set<UserEntity> getUsers();
* Updates the specified user.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param userDTO The user DTO
* @return The user transfer object
UserEntity updateUser(Revision revision, UserDTO userDTO);
* Deletes the specified user.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param userId The user ID
* @return The user transfer object of the deleted user
UserEntity deleteUser(Revision revision, String userId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Group methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a user group.
* @param revision The starting revision
* @param userGroupDTO The user group DTO
* @return The user group transfer object
UserGroupEntity createUserGroup(Revision revision, UserGroupDTO userGroupDTO);
* Gets the user group with the specified ID.
* @param userGroupId The user group ID
* @return The user group transfer object
UserGroupEntity getUserGroup(String userGroupId);
* Gets all user groups.
* @return The user group transfer objects
Set<UserGroupEntity> getUserGroups();
* Updates the specified user group.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param userGroupDTO The user group DTO
* @return The user group transfer object
UserGroupEntity updateUserGroup(Revision revision, UserGroupDTO userGroupDTO);
* Deletes the specified user group.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param userGroupId The user group ID
* @return The user group transfer object of the deleted user group
UserGroupEntity deleteUserGroup(Revision revision, String userGroupId);
// ----------------------------------------
// AccessPolicy methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates an access policy.
* @param revision The starting revision
* @param accessPolicyDTO The access policy DTO
* @return The access policy transfer object
AccessPolicyEntity createAccessPolicy(Revision revision, AccessPolicyDTO accessPolicyDTO);
* Gets the access policy with the specified ID.
* @param accessPolicyId access policy ID
* @return The access policy transfer object
AccessPolicyEntity getAccessPolicy(String accessPolicyId);
* Gets the access policy for the specified action, resource type, and component id.
* @param resource resource
* @return access policy
AccessPolicyEntity getAccessPolicy(RequestAction requestAction, String resource);
* Updates the specified access policy.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param accessPolicyDTO The access policy DTO
* @return The access policy transfer object
AccessPolicyEntity updateAccessPolicy(Revision revision, AccessPolicyDTO accessPolicyDTO);
* Deletes the specified access policy.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param accessPolicyId The access policy ID
* @return The access policy transfer object of the deleted access policy
AccessPolicyEntity deleteAccessPolicy(Revision revision, String accessPolicyId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Controller Services methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Verifies the specified controller service can be created.
* @param controllerServiceDTO service
void verifyCreateControllerService(ControllerServiceDTO controllerServiceDTO);
* Creates a controller service.
* @param revision revision
* @param groupId the ID of the Process Group to add the Controller Service to
* @param controllerServiceDTO The controller service DTO
* @return The controller service DTO
ControllerServiceEntity createControllerService(Revision revision, String groupId, ControllerServiceDTO controllerServiceDTO);
* Gets all controller services that belong to the given group and its parent/ancestor groups
* @param groupId the id of the process group of interest
* @param includeAncestorGroups if true, parent and ancestor groups' services will be returned as well
* @param includeDescendantGroups if true, child and descendant groups' services will be returned as well
* @return services
Set<ControllerServiceEntity> getControllerServices(String groupId, boolean includeAncestorGroups, boolean includeDescendantGroups);
* Gets the specified controller service.
* @param controllerServiceId id
* @return service
ControllerServiceEntity getControllerService(String controllerServiceId);
* Get the descriptor for the specified property of the specified controller service.
* @param id id
* @param property property
* @return property
PropertyDescriptorDTO getControllerServicePropertyDescriptor(String id, String property);
* Gets the references for specified controller service.
* @param controllerServiceId id
* @return service reference
ControllerServiceReferencingComponentsEntity getControllerServiceReferencingComponents(String controllerServiceId);
* Updates the referencing components for the specified controller service.
* @param referenceRevisions revisions
* @param controllerServiceId id
* @param scheduledState state
* @param controllerServiceState the value of state
* @return The referencing component dtos
ControllerServiceReferencingComponentsEntity updateControllerServiceReferencingComponents(
Map<String, Revision> referenceRevisions, String controllerServiceId, ScheduledState scheduledState, ControllerServiceState controllerServiceState);
* Updates the specified controller service.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param controllerServiceDTO The controller service DTO
* @return The controller service DTO
ControllerServiceEntity updateControllerService(Revision revision, ControllerServiceDTO controllerServiceDTO);
* Performs verification of the given Configuration for the Controller Service with the given ID
* @param controllerServiceId the id of the controller service
* @param properties the configured properties to verify
* @param variables a map of values that can be used for resolving FlowFile attributes for Expression Language
* @return verification results
List<ConfigVerificationResultDTO> verifyControllerServiceConfiguration(String controllerServiceId, Map<String, String> properties, Map<String, String> variables);
* Performs analysis of the given properties, determining which attributes are referenced by properties
* @param controllerServiceId the ID of the Controller Service
* @param properties the properties
* @return analysis results
ConfigurationAnalysisEntity analyzeControllerServiceConfiguration(String controllerServiceId, Map<String, String> properties);
* Deletes the specified label.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param controllerServiceId The controller service id
* @return snapshot
ControllerServiceEntity deleteControllerService(Revision revision, String controllerServiceId);
* Verifies the specified controller service can be updated.
* @param controllerServiceDTO service
void verifyUpdateControllerService(ControllerServiceDTO controllerServiceDTO);
* Verifies the referencing components of the specified controller service can be updated.
* @param controllerServiceId id
* @param scheduledState schedule state
* @param controllerServiceState service state
void verifyUpdateControllerServiceReferencingComponents(String controllerServiceId, ScheduledState scheduledState, ControllerServiceState controllerServiceState);
* Verifies the specified controller service can be removed.
* @param controllerServiceId id
void verifyDeleteControllerService(String controllerServiceId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Reporting Task methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Verifies the specified reporting task can be created.
* @param reportingTaskDTO task
void verifyCreateReportingTask(ReportingTaskDTO reportingTaskDTO);
* Creates a reporting task.
* @param revision revision
* @param reportingTaskDTO The reporting task DTO
* @return The reporting task DTO
ReportingTaskEntity createReportingTask(Revision revision, ReportingTaskDTO reportingTaskDTO);
* Gets all reporting tasks.
* @return tasks
Set<ReportingTaskEntity> getReportingTasks();
* Gets the specified reporting task.
* @param reportingTaskId id
* @return task
ReportingTaskEntity getReportingTask(String reportingTaskId);
* Get the descriptor for the specified property of the specified reporting task.
* @param id id
* @param property property
* @return descriptor
PropertyDescriptorDTO getReportingTaskPropertyDescriptor(String id, String property);
* Updates the specified reporting task.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param reportingTaskDTO The reporting task DTO
* @return The reporting task DTO
ReportingTaskEntity updateReportingTask(Revision revision, ReportingTaskDTO reportingTaskDTO);
* Performs verification of the given Configuration for the Reporting Task with the given ID
* @param reportingTaskId the id of the reporting task
* @param properties the configured properties to verify
* @return verification results
List<ConfigVerificationResultDTO> verifyReportingTaskConfiguration(String reportingTaskId, Map<String, String> properties);
* Performs analysis of the given properties, determining which attributes are referenced by properties
* @param reportingTaskId the ID of the Reporting Task
* @param properties the properties
* @return analysis results
ConfigurationAnalysisEntity analyzeReportingTaskConfiguration(String reportingTaskId, Map<String, String> properties);
* Deletes the specified reporting task.
* @param revision Revision to compare with current base revision
* @param reportingTaskId The reporting task id
* @return snapshot
ReportingTaskEntity deleteReportingTask(Revision revision, String reportingTaskId);
* Verifies the specified reporting task can be updated.
* @param reportingTaskDTO task
void verifyUpdateReportingTask(ReportingTaskDTO reportingTaskDTO);
* Verifies the specified reporting task can be removed.
* @param reportingTaskId id
void verifyDeleteReportingTask(String reportingTaskId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Registry methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a registry.
* @param revision revision
* @param registryDTO The registry DTO
* @return The reporting task DTO
RegistryClientEntity createRegistryClient(Revision revision, RegistryDTO registryDTO);
* Gets a registry with the specified id.
* @param registryId id
* @return entity
RegistryClientEntity getRegistryClient(String registryId);
* Returns all registry clients.
* @return registry clients
Set<RegistryClientEntity> getRegistryClients();
* Gets all registries for the current user.
* @param user current user
* @return registries
Set<RegistryEntity> getRegistriesForUser(NiFiUser user);
* Gets all buckets for a given registry.
* @param registryId registry id
* @param user current user
* @return the buckets
Set<BucketEntity> getBucketsForUser(String registryId, NiFiUser user);
* Gets the flows for the current user for the specified registry and bucket.
* @param registryId registry id
* @param bucketId bucket id
* @param user current user
* @return the flows
Set<VersionedFlowEntity> getFlowsForUser(String registryId, String bucketId, NiFiUser user);
* Gets the versions of the specified registry, bucket, and flow for the current user.
* @param registryId registry id
* @param bucketId bucket id
* @param flowId flow id
* @param user current user
* @return the versions of the flow
Set<VersionedFlowSnapshotMetadataEntity> getFlowVersionsForUser(String registryId, String bucketId, String flowId, NiFiUser user);
* Updates the specified registry using the specified revision.
* @param revision revision
* @param registryDTO the registry dto
* @return the updated registry registry entity
RegistryClientEntity updateRegistryClient(Revision revision, RegistryDTO registryDTO);
* Deletes the specified registry using the specified revision.
* @param revision revision
* @param registryId id
* @return the deleted registry entity
RegistryClientEntity deleteRegistryClient(Revision revision, String registryId);
* Verifies the specified registry can be removed.
* @param registryId the registry id
void verifyDeleteRegistry(String registryId);
// ----------------------------------------
// History methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Returns actions that meet the specified criteria.
* @param historyQuery query
* @return history
HistoryDTO getActions(HistoryQueryDTO historyQuery);
* Returns the details for the specified action id.
* @param actionId id
* @return action
ActionEntity getAction(Integer actionId);
* Purges all actions up to the specified end date.
* @param endDate The end date
void deleteActions(Date endDate);
* Gets the history for the specified property for the specified component.
* @param componentId id
* @return history
ComponentHistoryDTO getComponentHistory(String componentId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Snippet methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Creates a new snippet based off the existing snippet.
* @param groupId group id
* @param snippetId snippet id
* @param originX x
* @param originY y
* @param idGenerationSeed the seed to use for generating UUID's. May be null.
* @return snapshot
FlowEntity copySnippet(String groupId, String snippetId, Double originX, Double originY, String idGenerationSeed);
* Creates a new snippet.
* @param snippet snippet
* @return snapshot
SnippetEntity createSnippet(SnippetDTO snippet);
* Determines if this snippet can be updated.
* @param snippetDto snippet
void verifyUpdateSnippet(SnippetDTO snippetDto, Set<String> affectedComponentIds);
* If group id is specified, moves the specified snippet to the specified group.
* @param revisions revisions
* @param snippetDto snippet
* @return snapshot
SnippetEntity updateSnippet(Set<Revision> revisions, SnippetDTO snippetDto);
* Determines if this snippet can be removed.
* @param id id
* @param affectedComponentIds affected components
void verifyDeleteSnippet(String id, Set<String> affectedComponentIds);
* Removes the specified snippet.
* @param revisions revisions
* @param snippetId snippet
* @return snapshot
SnippetEntity deleteSnippet(Set<Revision> revisions, String snippetId);
// ----------------------------------------
// Cluster methods
// ----------------------------------------
* @return true if controller is connected or trying to connect to the cluster
boolean isClustered();
* @return the id of this node, if clustered. If not clustered, returns null
String getNodeId();
* @return the contents of cluster
ClusterDTO getCluster();
* Returns the contents of the node.
* @param nodeId a node identifier
* @return the contents of the node
NodeDTO getNode(String nodeId);
* Updates the contents of the node.
* @param nodeDTO a node transfer object
* @return node
NodeDTO updateNode(NodeDTO nodeDTO);
* Deletes the node.
* @param nodeId a node identifier
void deleteNode(String nodeId);
// ----------------------------------------
// BulletinBoard methods
// ----------------------------------------
* @param query query
* @return the bulletin board for this NiFi
BulletinBoardDTO getBulletinBoard(BulletinQueryDTO query);
// ----------------------------------------
// System diagnostics methods
// ----------------------------------------
* @return the system diagnostics
SystemDiagnosticsDTO getSystemDiagnostics();
// ----------------------------------------
// Resources
// ----------------------------------------
* @return the resources
List<ResourceDTO> getResources();
// ----------------------------------------
// Bundle methods
// ----------------------------------------
* Discovers the compatible bundle details for the components in the specified Versioned Process Group and updates the Versioned Process Group
* to reflect the appropriate bundles.
* @param versionedGroup the versioned group
void discoverCompatibleBundles(VersionedProcessGroup versionedGroup);
* For any Controller Service that is found in the given Versioned Process Group, if that Controller Service is not itself included in the Versioned Process Groups,
* attempts to find an existing Controller Service that matches the definition. If any is found, the component within the Versioned Process Group is updated to point
* to the existing service.
* @param versionedFlowSnapshot the flow snapshot
* @param parentGroupId the ID of the Process Group from which the Controller Services are inherited
* @param user the NiFi user on whose behalf the request is happening; this user is used for validation so that only the Controller Services that the user has READ permissions to are included
void resolveInheritedControllerServices(VersionedFlowSnapshot versionedFlowSnapshot, String parentGroupId, NiFiUser user);
* @param type the component type
* @param bundleDTO bundle to find the component
* @return the bundle coordinate
* @throws IllegalStateException no compatible bundle found
BundleCoordinate getCompatibleBundle(String type, BundleDTO bundleDTO);
* @param classType the class name
* @param bundleCoordinate the bundle coordinate
* @return the temp component
ConfigurableComponent getTempComponent(String classType, BundleCoordinate bundleCoordinate);