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title: Apache NiFi Security Reports
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<h2>Fixed in Apache NiFi 0.7.2 and 1.1.2</h2>
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<p><b>CVE-2107-5635</b>: Apache NiFi Unauthorized Data Access In Cluster Environment</p>
<p>Severity: <b>Important</b></p>
<p>Versions Affected:</p>
<li>Apache NiFi 0.7.0</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 0.7.1</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 1.1.0</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 1.1.1</li>
<p>Description: In a cluster environment, if an anonymous user request is replicated to another node, the originating node identity is used rather than the anonymous user. </p>
<p>Mitigation: A fix has been provided (removing the negative check for anonymous user before building the proxy chain and throwing an exception, and evaluating each user in the proxy chain iteration and comparing against a static constant anonymous user). This fix was applied in NIFI-3487 and released in Apache NiFi 0.7.2 and 1.1.2. 1.x users running a clustered environment should upgrade to 1.1.2. 0.x users running a clustered environment should upgrade to 0.7.2. Additional migration guidance can be found <a href="">here</a>. </p>
<p>Credit: This issue was discovered by Leonardo Dias in conjunction with Matt Gilman.</p>
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<p><b>CVE-2107-5636</b>: Apache NiFi User Impersonation In Cluster Environment</p>
<p>Severity: <b>Moderate</b></p>
<p>Versions Affected:</p>
<li>Apache NiFi 0.7.0</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 0.7.1</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 1.1.0</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 1.1.1</li>
<p>Description: In a cluster environment, the proxy chain serialization/deserialization is vulnerable to an injection attack where a carefully crafted username could impersonate another user and gain their permissions on a replicated request to another node. </p>
<p>Mitigation: A fix has been provided (modification of the tokenization code and sanitization of user-provided input). This fix was applied in NIFI-3487 and released in Apache NiFi 0.7.2 and 1.1.2. 1.x users running a clustered environment should upgrade to 1.1.2. 0.x users running a clustered environment should upgrade to 0.7.2. Additional migration guidance can be found <a href="">here</a>. </p>
<p>Credit: This issue was discovered by Andy LoPresto.</p>
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<h2>Fixed in Apache NiFi 1.0.1 and 1.1.1</h2>
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<p><b>CVE-2106-8748</b>: Apache NiFi XSS vulnerability in connection details dialogue</p>
<p>Severity: <b>Moderate</b></p>
<p>Versions Affected:</p>
<li>Apache NiFi 1.0.0</li>
<li>Apache NiFi 1.1.0</li>
<p>Description: There is a cross-site scripting vulnerability in connection details dialog when accessed by an authorized user. The user supplied text was not being properly handled when added to the DOM.</p>
<p>Mitigation: 1.0.0 users should upgrade to 1.0.1 or 1.1.1. 1.1.0 users should upgrade to 1.1.1. Additional migration guidance can be found <a href="">here</a>. </p>
<p>Credit: This issue was discovered by Matt Gilman of the Apache NiFi PMC during a code review.</p>
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<h2>Severity Levels</h2>
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<p class="description">The following lists the severity levels and criteria followed. It closely aligns to and borrows from Apache HTTP Server Project <a href="">guidance.</a></p>
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<td>A vulnerability rated with a critical impact is one which could be potentially exploited by a remote attacker to get NiFi to execute arbitrary code either as the user the server is running as or root. These are the sorts of vulnerabilities that could be exploited automatically by worms.</td>
<td>A vulnerability rated as Important impact is one which could result in the compromise of data or availability of the server. For Apache NiFi this includes issues that allow an easy remote denial of service or access to files that should be otherwise prevented by limits or authentication.</td>
<td>A vulnerability is likely to be rated as Moderate if there is significant mitigation to make the issue less of an impact. This might be done because the flaw does not affect likely configurations, or it is a configuration that isn't widely used, or where a remote user must be authenticated in order to exploit the issue.</td>
<td>All other security flaws are classed as a Low impact. This rating is used for issues that are believed to be extremely hard to exploit, or where an exploit gives minimal consequences.</td>