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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"></meta><title>GetShopify</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display = "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: none;">GetShopify</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Retrieves objects from a custom Shopify store. The processor yield time must be set to the account's rate limit accordingly.</p><p><a href="additionalDetails.html">Additional Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>shopify</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property supports the <a href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Display Name</th><th>API Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Store Domain</strong></td><td>store-domain</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The domain of the Shopify store, e.g.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Access Token</strong></td><td>access-token</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Access Token to authenticate requests<br/><strong>Sensitive Property: true</strong><br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>API Version</strong></td><td>api-version</td><td id="default-value">2022-10</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The Shopify REST API version<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Object Category</strong></td><td>object-category</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Customers <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query a Customer resource" title="Query a Customer resource"></img></li><li>Discounts <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query a Discount resource" title="Query a Discount resource"></img></li><li>Inventory <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query an Inventory resource" title="Query an Inventory resource"></img></li><li>Online Store <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query an Online Store resource" title="Query an Online Store resource"></img></li><li>Orders <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query an Order resource" title="Query an Order resource"></img></li><li>Products <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query a Product resource" title="Query a Product resource"></img></li><li>Sales Channels <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query a Sales Channel resource" title="Query a Sales Channel resource"></img></li><li>Store Properties <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Query a Store Property resource" title="Query a Store Property resource"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Shopify object category</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Customer Category</strong></td><td>CUSTOMERS</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Customers <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="The Customer resource stores information about a shop's customers, such as their contact details, their order history, and whether they've agreed to receive email marketing." title="The Customer resource stores information about a shop's customers, such as their contact details, their order history, and whether they've agreed to receive email marketing."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Customer resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Customers".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Discount Category</strong></td><td>DISCOUNTS</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Price Rules <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="The PriceRule resource can be used to get discounts using conditions" title="The PriceRule resource can be used to get discounts using conditions"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Discount resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Discounts".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Inventory Category</strong></td><td>INVENTORY</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Locations <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A location represents a geographical location where your stores, pop-up stores, headquarters and warehouses exist." title="A location represents a geographical location where your stores, pop-up stores, headquarters and warehouses exist."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Inventory resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Inventory".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Online Store Category</strong></td><td>ONLINE_STORE</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Blogs <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Shopify shops come with a built-in blogging engine, allowing a shop to have one or more blogs." title="Shopify shops come with a built-in blogging engine, allowing a shop to have one or more blogs."></img></li><li>Comments <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A comment is a reader's response to an article in a blog." title="A comment is a reader's response to an article in a blog."></img></li><li>Pages <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Shopify stores come with a tool for creating basic HTML web pages." title="Shopify stores come with a tool for creating basic HTML web pages."></img></li><li>Redirects <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A redirect causes a visitor on a specific path on the shop's site to be automatically sent to a different location." title="A redirect causes a visitor on a specific path on the shop's site to be automatically sent to a different location."></img></li><li>Script Tags <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="The ScriptTag resource represents remote JavaScript code that is loaded into the pages of a shop's storefront or the order status page of checkout." title="The ScriptTag resource represents remote JavaScript code that is loaded into the pages of a shop's storefront or the order status page of checkout."></img></li><li>Themes <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A theme controls the look and feel of a Shopify online store." title="A theme controls the look and feel of a Shopify online store."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Online Store resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Online Store".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Order Category</strong></td><td>ORDERS</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Abandoned Checkouts <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A checkout is considered abandoned after the customer has added contact information, but before the customer has completed their purchase." title="A checkout is considered abandoned after the customer has added contact information, but before the customer has completed their purchase."></img></li><li>Draft Orders <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Merchants can use draft orders to create orders on behalf of their customers." title="Merchants can use draft orders to create orders on behalf of their customers."></img></li><li>Orders <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="An order is a customer's request to purchase one or more products from a shop." title="An order is a customer's request to purchase one or more products from a shop."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Order resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Orders".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Product Category</strong></td><td>PRODUCT</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Collects <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Collects are meant for managing the relationship between products and custom collections." title="Collects are meant for managing the relationship between products and custom collections."></img></li><li>Custom Collections <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A custom collection is a grouping of products that a merchant can create to make their store easier to browse. " title="A custom collection is a grouping of products that a merchant can create to make their store easier to browse. "></img></li><li>Products <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Get products in a merchant's store " title="Get products in a merchant's store "></img></li><li>Smart Collections <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A smart collection is a grouping of products defined by rules that are set by the merchant." title="A smart collection is a grouping of products defined by rules that are set by the merchant."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Product resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Products".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Sales Channel Category</strong></td><td>SALES_CHANNELS</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Collection Listings <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A CollectionListing resource represents a product collection that a merchant has made available to your sales channel." title="A CollectionListing resource represents a product collection that a merchant has made available to your sales channel."></img></li><li>Product Listings <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="A ProductListing resource represents a Product which is available to your sales channel." title="A ProductListing resource represents a Product which is available to your sales channel."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Sales Channel resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Sales Channels".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Store Property Category</strong></td><td>STORE_PROPERTIES</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Countries <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="The Country resource represents the tax rates applied to orders from the different countries where a shop sells its products." title="The Country resource represents the tax rates applied to orders from the different countries where a shop sells its products."></img></li><li>Currencies <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Merchants who use Shopify Payments can allow customers to pay in their local currency on the online store." title="Merchants who use Shopify Payments can allow customers to pay in their local currency on the online store."></img></li><li>Policies <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Policy resource can be used to access the policies that a merchant has configured for their shop, such as their refund and privacy policies." title="Policy resource can be used to access the policies that a merchant has configured for their shop, such as their refund and privacy policies."></img></li><li>Shipping Zones <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="ShippingZone resource can be used to view shipping zones and their countries, provinces, and shipping rates." title="ShippingZone resource can be used to view shipping zones and their countries, provinces, and shipping rates."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Store Property resource to query<br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Object Category] Property has a value of "Store Properties".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Result Limit</td><td>result-limit</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The maximum number of results to request for each invocation of the Processor<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Incremental Loading</strong></td><td>is-incremental</td><td id="default-value">true</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>true</li><li>false</li></ul></td><td id="description">The processor can incrementally load the queried objects so that each object is queried exactly once. For each query, the processor queries objects which were created or modified after the previous run time but before the current time.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Incremental Delay</td><td>incremental-delay</td><td id="default-value">3 sec</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The ending timestamp of the time window will be adjusted earlier by the amount configured in this property. For example, with a property value of 10 seconds, an ending timestamp of 12:30:45 would be changed to 12:30:35. Set this property to avoid missing objects when the clock of your local machines and Shopify servers' clock are not in sync.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)</strong><br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Incremental Loading] Property has a value of "true".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Incremental Initial Start Time</td><td>incremental-initial-start-time</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">This property specifies the start time when running the first request. Represents an ISO 8601-encoded date and time string. For example, 3:50 pm on September 7, 2019 in the time zone of UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is represented as "2019-09-07T15:50:00Z".<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true (will be evaluated using variable registry only)</strong><br/><br/><strong>This Property is only considered if </strong><strong>the [Incremental Loading] Property has a value of "true".</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Web Client Service Provider</strong></td><td>web-client-service-provider</td><td></td><td id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: </strong><br/>WebClientServiceProvider<br/><strong>Implementation: </strong><a href="../../../nifi-web-client-provider-service-nar/1.19.0/org.apache.nifi.web.client.provider.service.StandardWebClientServiceProvider/index.html">StandardWebClientServiceProvider</a></td><td id="description">Controller service for HTTP client operations</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table id="relationships"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>success</td><td>For FlowFiles created as a result of a successful query.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table id="writes-attributes"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>mime.type</td><td>Sets the MIME type to application/json</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3><table id="stateful"><tr><th>Scope</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td>CLUSTER</td><td>For a few resources the processor supports incremental loading. The list of the resources with the supported parameters can be found in the additional details.</td></tr></table><h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>Input requirement: </h3>This component does not allow an incoming relationship.<h3>System Resource Considerations:</h3>None specified.</body></html>