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The IPLookupService is powered by a MaxMind database and can return several different types of enrichment information
about a given IP address. Below is the schema of the Record that is returned by this service (in Avro Schema format).
The schema is for a single record that consists of several fields: <code>geo</code>, <code>isp</code>,
<code>domainName</code>, <code>connectionType</code>, and <code>anonymousIp</code>. Each of these fields is nullable
and will be populated only if the IP address that is searched for has the relevant information in the MaxMind database
and if the Controller Service is configured to return such information. Because each of the fields requires a separate
lookup in the database, it is advisable to retrieve only those fields that are of value.
"name": "enrichmentRecord",
"namespace": "nifi",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
"name": "geo",
"type": ["null", {
"name": "cityGeo",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "city", "type": ["null", "string"] },
{ "name": "accuracy", "type": ["null", "int"], "doc": "The radius, in kilometers, around the given location, where the IP address is believed to be" },
{ "name": "metroCode", "type": ["null", "int"] },
{ "name": "timeZone", "type": ["null", "string"] },
{ "name": "latitude", "type": ["null", "double"] },
{ "name": "longitude", "type": ["null", "double"] },
{ "name": "country", "type": ["null", {
"type": "record",
"name": "country",
"fields": [
{ "name": "name", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "isoCode", "type": "string" }
}] },
{ "name": "subdivisions", "type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "subdivision",
"fields": [
{ "name": "name", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "isoCode", "type": "string" }
{ "name": "continent", "type": ["null", "string"] },
{ "name": "postalCode", "type": ["null", "string"] }
"name": "isp",
"type": ["null", {
"name": "ispEnrich",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "name", "type": ["null", "string"] },
{ "name": "organization", "type": ["null", "string"] },
{ "name": "asn", "type": ["null", "int"] },
{ "name": "asnOrganization", "type": ["null", "string"] }
"name": "domainName",
"type": ["null", "string"]
"name": "connectionType",
"type": ["null", "string"],
"doc": "One of 'Dialup', 'Cable/DSL', 'Corporate', 'Cellular'"
"name": "anonymousIp",
"type": ["null", {
"name": "anonymousIpType",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "anonymous", "type": "boolean" },
{ "name": "anonymousVpn", "type": "boolean" },
{ "name": "hostingProvider", "type": "boolean" },
{ "name": "publicProxy", "type": "boolean" },
{ "name": "torExitNode", "type": "boolean" }
While this schema is fairly complex, it is a single record with 5 fields. This makes it quite easy to update
an existing schema to allow for this record, by adding a new field to an existing schema and pasting in the schema
above as the type.
For example, suppose that we have an existing schema that is as simple as:
<span style="color: #808080;">
"name": "ipRecord",
"namespace": "nifi",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "ip", "type": "string" }
Now, let's suppose that we want to add a new field named <code>enrichment</code> to the above schema.
Further, let's say that we want the new <code>enrichment</code> field to be nullable.
We can do so by copying and pasting our enrichment schema from above thus:
<span style="color: #808080;">
"name": "ipRecord",
"namespace": "nifi",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{ "name": "ip", "type": "string" },</span><span style="color: #191970;">
{ "name": "enrichment", "type": ["null",
<span style="color: #000000">&lt;Paste Enrichment Schema Here&gt;</span>
<span style="color: #191970;">
]</span><span style="color: #808080;">