tree: e402d6ab3280023ee41df12d5d39f27314e8064a [path history] [tgz]
  1. client-ks.jks
  2. localhost-ks.jks
  3. localhost-ts.jks

Integration Test Keys

The integration tests that run a secure NiFi require keystores and truststores for the server and client in order to establish a two-way TLS connection.

The keys/certs for these tests were generated with the tls-toolkit included with NiFi Toolkit v1.4.0.

The steps for generating replacements are:

# use NiFi tls-toolkit to generate CA, server key/cert, client key/cert
./nifi-toolkit-1.4.0/bin/ standalone --certificateAuthorityHostname localhost --hostnames localhost --nifiDnSuffix ", OU=nifi" --keyStorePassword localhostKeystorePassword --trustStorePassword localhostTruststorePassword --clientCertDn "CN=user1, OU=nifi" --clientCertPassword u1Pass --days 3650 --outputDirectory nifireg-integrationtest

# change to tls-toolkit output directory
cd ./nifireg-integrationtest

# copy server's key/trust stores
mkdir keys
cp localhost/keystore.jks keys/localhost-ks.jks
cp localhost/truststore.jks keys/localhost-ts.jks

# create a Java Key Store (JKS) from the client key
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore keys/client-ks.jks -deststorepass clientKeystorePassword -destkeypass u1Pass -srckeystore CN=user1_OU=nifi.p12 -srcstorepass u1Pass -srcstoretype PKCS12

You should now have a directory with the following contents:

 +-- client-ks.jks      # client keystore: keystorePass=clientKeystorePassword, keyPass=u1Pass
 +-- localhost-ks.jks   # server keystore: keystorePass=localhostKeystorePassword, keyPass=localhostKeystorePassword
 +-- localhost-ts.jks   # server/client truststore (contains CA): truststorePass=localhostTruststorePassword

Copy these files to the test/resources/keys/ directory.