blob: 7e8ba892c07068ac6e2124d1dfa6ca59bc760743 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.nifi.nar;
import org.apache.nifi.bundle.Bundle;
import org.apache.nifi.bundle.BundleCoordinate;
import org.apache.nifi.bundle.BundleDetails;
import org.apache.nifi.util.FileUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A singleton class used to initialize the extension and framework classloaders.
public final class NarClassLoaders {
public static final String FRAMEWORK_NAR_ID = "minifi-framework-nar";
private static volatile NarClassLoaders ncl;
private volatile InitContext initContext;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NarClassLoaders.class);
private final static class InitContext {
private final File frameworkWorkingDir;
private final File extensionWorkingDir;
private final Bundle frameworkBundle;
private final Map<String, Bundle> bundles;
private InitContext(
final File frameworkDir,
final File extensionDir,
final Bundle frameworkBundle,
final Map<String, Bundle> bundles) {
this.frameworkWorkingDir = frameworkDir;
this.extensionWorkingDir = extensionDir;
this.frameworkBundle = frameworkBundle;
this.bundles = bundles;
private NarClassLoaders() {
* @return The singleton instance of the NarClassLoaders
public static NarClassLoaders getInstance() {
NarClassLoaders result = ncl;
if (result == null) {
synchronized (NarClassLoaders.class) {
result = ncl;
if (result == null) {
ncl = result = new NarClassLoaders();
return result;
* Initializes and loads the NarClassLoaders. This method must be called
* before the rest of the methods to access the classloaders are called and
* it can be safely called any number of times provided the same framework
* and extension working dirs are used.
* @param frameworkWorkingDir where to find framework artifacts
* @param extensionsWorkingDir where to find extension artifacts
* @throws if any issue occurs while exploding nar working directories.
* @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if unable to load class definition
* @throws IllegalStateException already initialized with a given pair of
* directories cannot reinitialize or use a different pair of directories.
public void init(final File frameworkWorkingDir, final File extensionsWorkingDir) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if (frameworkWorkingDir == null || extensionsWorkingDir == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("cannot have empty arguments");
InitContext ic = initContext;
if (ic == null) {
synchronized (this) {
ic = initContext;
if (ic == null) {
initContext = ic = load(frameworkWorkingDir, extensionsWorkingDir);
boolean matching = initContext.extensionWorkingDir.equals(extensionsWorkingDir)
&& initContext.frameworkWorkingDir.equals(frameworkWorkingDir);
if (!matching) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot reinitialize and extension/framework directories cannot change");
* Should be called at most once.
private InitContext load(final File frameworkWorkingDir, final File extensionsWorkingDir) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// get the system classloader
final ClassLoader systemClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
// get the current context class loader
ClassLoader currentContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// find all nar files and create class loaders for them.
final Map<String, Bundle> narDirectoryBundleLookup = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final Map<String, ClassLoader> narCoordinateClassLoaderLookup = new HashMap<>();
final Map<String, Set<BundleCoordinate>> narIdBundleLookup = new HashMap<>();
// make sure the nar directory is there and accessible
final List<File> narWorkingDirContents = new ArrayList<>();
final File[] frameworkWorkingDirContents = frameworkWorkingDir.listFiles();
if (frameworkWorkingDirContents != null) {
final File[] extensionsWorkingDirContents = extensionsWorkingDir.listFiles();
if (extensionsWorkingDirContents != null) {
if (!narWorkingDirContents.isEmpty()) {
final List<BundleDetails> narDetails = new ArrayList<>();
final Map<String,String> narCoordinatesToWorkingDir = new HashMap<>();
// load the nar details which includes and nar dependencies
for (final File unpackedNar : narWorkingDirContents) {
BundleDetails narDetail = null;
try {
narDetail = getNarDetails(unpackedNar);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
logger.warn("Unable to load NAR {} due to {}, skipping...",
new Object[] {unpackedNar.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage()});
// prevent the application from starting when there are two NARs with same group, id, and version
final String narCoordinate = narDetail.getCoordinate().getCoordinate();
if (narCoordinatesToWorkingDir.containsKey(narCoordinate)) {
final String existingNarWorkingDir = narCoordinatesToWorkingDir.get(narCoordinate);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to load NAR with coordinates " + narCoordinate
+ " and working directory " + narDetail.getWorkingDirectory()
+ " because another NAR with the same coordinates already exists at " + existingNarWorkingDir);
narCoordinatesToWorkingDir.put(narCoordinate, narDetail.getWorkingDirectory().getCanonicalPath());
int narCount;
do {
// record the number of nars to be loaded
narCount = narDetails.size();
// attempt to create each nar class loader
for (final Iterator<BundleDetails> narDetailsIter = narDetails.iterator(); narDetailsIter.hasNext();) {
final BundleDetails narDetail =;
final BundleCoordinate narDependencyCoordinate = narDetail.getDependencyCoordinate();
// see if this class loader is eligible for loading
ClassLoader narClassLoader = null;
if (narDependencyCoordinate == null) {
narClassLoader = createNarClassLoader(narDetail.getWorkingDirectory(), currentContextClassLoader);
} else {
final String dependencyCoordinateStr = narDependencyCoordinate.getCoordinate();
// if the declared dependency has already been loaded
if (narCoordinateClassLoaderLookup.containsKey(dependencyCoordinateStr)) {
final ClassLoader narDependencyClassLoader = narCoordinateClassLoaderLookup.get(dependencyCoordinateStr);
narClassLoader = createNarClassLoader(narDetail.getWorkingDirectory(), narDependencyClassLoader);
} else {
// get all bundles that match the declared dependency id
final Set<BundleCoordinate> coordinates = narIdBundleLookup.get(narDependencyCoordinate.getId());
// ensure there are known bundles that match the declared dependency id
if (coordinates != null && !coordinates.contains(narDependencyCoordinate)) {
// ensure the declared dependency only has one possible bundle
if (coordinates.size() == 1) {
// get the bundle with the matching id
final BundleCoordinate coordinate =;
// if that bundle is loaded, use it
if (narCoordinateClassLoaderLookup.containsKey(coordinate.getCoordinate())) {
logger.warn(String.format("While loading '%s' unable to locate exact NAR dependency '%s'. Only found one possible match '%s'. Continuing...",
narDetail.getCoordinate().getCoordinate(), dependencyCoordinateStr, coordinate.getCoordinate()));
final ClassLoader narDependencyClassLoader = narCoordinateClassLoaderLookup.get(coordinate.getCoordinate());
narClassLoader = createNarClassLoader(narDetail.getWorkingDirectory(), narDependencyClassLoader);
// if we were able to create the nar class loader, store it and remove the details
final ClassLoader bundleClassLoader = narClassLoader;
if (bundleClassLoader != null) {
narDirectoryBundleLookup.put(narDetail.getWorkingDirectory().getCanonicalPath(), new Bundle(narDetail, bundleClassLoader));
narCoordinateClassLoaderLookup.put(narDetail.getCoordinate().getCoordinate(), narClassLoader);
// attempt to load more if some were successfully loaded this iteration
} while (narCount != narDetails.size());
// see if any nars couldn't be loaded
for (final BundleDetails narDetail : narDetails) {
logger.warn(String.format("Unable to resolve required dependency '%s'. Skipping NAR '%s'",
narDetail.getDependencyCoordinate().getId(), narDetail.getWorkingDirectory().getAbsolutePath()));
// find the framework bundle, NarUnpacker already checked that there was a framework NAR and that there was only one
final Bundle frameworkBundle = narDirectoryBundleLookup.values().stream()
.filter(b -> b.getBundleDetails().getCoordinate().getId().equals(FRAMEWORK_NAR_ID))
return new InitContext(frameworkWorkingDir, extensionsWorkingDir, frameworkBundle, new LinkedHashMap<>(narDirectoryBundleLookup));
* Creates a new NarClassLoader. The parentClassLoader may be null.
* @param narDirectory root directory of nar
* @param parentClassLoader parent classloader of nar
* @return the nar classloader
* @throws IOException ioe
* @throws ClassNotFoundException cfne
private static ClassLoader createNarClassLoader(final File narDirectory, final ClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
logger.debug("Loading NAR file: " + narDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
final ClassLoader narClassLoader = new NarClassLoader(narDirectory, parentClassLoader);"Loaded NAR file: " + narDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " as class loader " + narClassLoader);
return narClassLoader;
* Loads the details for the specified NAR. The details will be extracted
* from the manifest file.
* @param narDirectory the nar directory
* @return details about the NAR
* @throws IOException ioe
private static BundleDetails getNarDetails(final File narDirectory) throws IOException {
return NarBundleUtil.fromNarDirectory(narDirectory);
* @return the framework class Bundle
* @throws IllegalStateException if the frame Bundle has not been loaded
public Bundle getFrameworkBundle() {
if (initContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Framework bundle has not been loaded.");
return initContext.frameworkBundle;
* @param extensionWorkingDirectory the directory
* @return the bundle for the specified working directory. Returns
* null when no bundle exists for the specified working directory
* @throws IllegalStateException if the bundles have not been loaded
public Bundle getBundle(final File extensionWorkingDirectory) {
if (initContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Extensions class loaders have not been loaded.");
try {
return initContext.bundles.get(extensionWorkingDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
} catch (final IOException ioe) {
logger.debug("Unable to get extension classloader for working directory '{}'", extensionWorkingDirectory);
return null;
* @return the extensions that have been loaded
* @throws IllegalStateException if the extensions have not been loaded
public Set<Bundle> getBundles() {
if (initContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Bundles have not been loaded.");
return new LinkedHashSet<>(initContext.bundles.values());