tree: f16ad5ef39e374071120e6ad81ff54c79c2e5970 [path history] [tgz]
  1. CMakeLists.txt
  2. ConfImpl.cpp
  3. ConsumerImpl.cpp
  4. HandleImpl.cpp
  5. KafkaConsumerImpl.cpp
  6. Makefile
  7. MessageImpl.cpp
  8. MetadataImpl.cpp
  9. ProducerImpl.cpp
  10. QueueImpl.cpp
  11. RdKafka.cpp
  12. rdkafkacpp.h
  13. rdkafkacpp_int.h
  15. TopicImpl.cpp
  16. TopicPartitionImpl.cpp

librdkafka C++ interface

See rdkafkacpp.h for the public C++ API

Maintainer notes for the C++ interface:

  • The public C++ interface (rdkafkacpp.h) does not include the public C interface (rdkafka.h) in any way, this means that all constants, flags, etc, must be kept in sync manually between the two header files. A regression test should be implemented that checks this is true.

  • The public C++ interface is provided using pure virtual abstract classes.