blob: cd024ad58d492f30dcd944c60d98cb4b553a0e75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
package org.rocksdb;
* <p>Defines the interface for a Write Batch which
* holds a collection of updates to apply atomically to a DB.</p>
public interface WriteBatchInterface {
* Returns the number of updates in the batch.
* @return number of items in WriteBatch
int count();
* <p>Store the mapping "key-&gt;value" in the database.</p>
* @param key the specified key to be inserted.
* @param value the value associated with the specified key.
void put(byte[] key, byte[] value);
* <p>Store the mapping "key-&gt;value" within given column
* family.</p>
* @param columnFamilyHandle {@link org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle}
* instance
* @param key the specified key to be inserted.
* @param value the value associated with the specified key.
void put(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle,
byte[] key, byte[] value);
* <p>Merge "value" with the existing value of "key" in the database.
* "key-&gt;merge(existing, value)"</p>
* @param key the specified key to be merged.
* @param value the value to be merged with the current value for
* the specified key.
void merge(byte[] key, byte[] value);
* <p>Merge "value" with the existing value of "key" in given column family.
* "key-&gt;merge(existing, value)"</p>
* @param columnFamilyHandle {@link ColumnFamilyHandle} instance
* @param key the specified key to be merged.
* @param value the value to be merged with the current value for
* the specified key.
void merge(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle,
byte[] key, byte[] value);
* <p>If the database contains a mapping for "key", erase it. Else do nothing.</p>
* @param key Key to delete within database
void remove(byte[] key);
* <p>If column family contains a mapping for "key", erase it. Else do nothing.</p>
* @param columnFamilyHandle {@link ColumnFamilyHandle} instance
* @param key Key to delete within database
void remove(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] key);
* Removes the database entries in the range ["beginKey", "endKey"), i.e.,
* including "beginKey" and excluding "endKey". a non-OK status on error. It
* is not an error if no keys exist in the range ["beginKey", "endKey").
* Delete the database entry (if any) for "key". Returns OK on success, and a
* non-OK status on error. It is not an error if "key" did not exist in the
* database.
* @param beginKey
* First key to delete within database (included)
* @param endKey
* Last key to delete within database (excluded)
void deleteRange(byte[] beginKey, byte[] endKey);
* Removes the database entries in the range ["beginKey", "endKey"), i.e.,
* including "beginKey" and excluding "endKey". a non-OK status on error. It
* is not an error if no keys exist in the range ["beginKey", "endKey").
* Delete the database entry (if any) for "key". Returns OK on success, and a
* non-OK status on error. It is not an error if "key" did not exist in the
* database.
* @param columnFamilyHandle {@link ColumnFamilyHandle} instance
* @param beginKey
* First key to delete within database (included)
* @param endKey
* Last key to delete within database (excluded)
void deleteRange(ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle, byte[] beginKey, byte[] endKey);
* Append a blob of arbitrary size to the records in this batch. The blob will
* be stored in the transaction log but not in any other file. In particular,
* it will not be persisted to the SST files. When iterating over this
* WriteBatch, WriteBatch::Handler::LogData will be called with the contents
* of the blob as it is encountered. Blobs, puts, deletes, and merges will be
* encountered in the same order in thich they were inserted. The blob will
* NOT consume sequence number(s) and will NOT increase the count of the batch
* Example application: add timestamps to the transaction log for use in
* replication.
* @param blob binary object to be inserted
void putLogData(byte[] blob);
* Clear all updates buffered in this batch
void clear();
* Records the state of the batch for future calls to RollbackToSavePoint().
* May be called multiple times to set multiple save points.
void setSavePoint();
* Remove all entries in this batch (Put, Merge, Delete, PutLogData) since
* the most recent call to SetSavePoint() and removes the most recent save
* point.
* @throws RocksDBException if there is no previous call to SetSavePoint()
void rollbackToSavePoint() throws RocksDBException;