blob: d932fd9a927b9344d25efe011a3a8c710303e1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
package org.rocksdb;
* <p>Describes a column family with a
* name and respective Options.</p>
public class ColumnFamilyDescriptor {
* <p>Creates a new Column Family using a name and default
* options,</p>
* @param columnFamilyName name of column family.
* @since 3.10.0
public ColumnFamilyDescriptor(final byte[] columnFamilyName) {
this(columnFamilyName, new ColumnFamilyOptions());
* <p>Creates a new Column Family using a name and custom
* options.</p>
* @param columnFamilyName name of column family.
* @param columnFamilyOptions options to be used with
* column family.
* @since 3.10.0
public ColumnFamilyDescriptor(final byte[] columnFamilyName,
final ColumnFamilyOptions columnFamilyOptions) {
columnFamilyName_ = columnFamilyName;
columnFamilyOptions_ = columnFamilyOptions;
* Retrieve name of column family.
* @return column family name.
* @since 3.10.0
public byte[] columnFamilyName() {
return columnFamilyName_;
* Retrieve assigned options instance.
* @return Options instance assigned to this instance.
public ColumnFamilyOptions columnFamilyOptions() {
return columnFamilyOptions_;
private final byte[] columnFamilyName_;
private final ColumnFamilyOptions columnFamilyOptions_;