blob: 76376c50cae7e89bc7d3233bf670111859219de8 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { ListKeyManager, ListKeyManagerOption } from './list-key-manager';
import { FocusOrigin } from '../focus-monitor/focus-monitor';
* This is the interface for focusable items (used by the FocusKeyManager).
* Each item must know how to focus itself, whether or not it is currently disabled
* and be able to supply it's label.
export interface FocusableOption extends ListKeyManagerOption {
/** Focuses the `FocusableOption`. */
focus(origin?: FocusOrigin): void;
export declare class FocusKeyManager<T> extends ListKeyManager<FocusableOption & T> {
private _origin;
* Sets the focus origin that will be passed in to the items for any subsequent `focus` calls.
* @param origin Focus origin to be used when focusing items.
setFocusOrigin(origin: FocusOrigin): this;
* Sets the active item to the item at the specified
* index and focuses the newly active item.
* @param index Index of the item to be set as active.
setActiveItem(index: number): void;
* Sets the active item to the item that is specified and focuses it.
* @param item Item to be set as active.
setActiveItem(item: T): void;