blob: 3a9f39053b679197624d930335bce8b3b328e42d [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { IterableChanges, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { _ViewRepeater, _ViewRepeaterItemChanged, _ViewRepeaterItemContext, _ViewRepeaterItemContextFactory, _ViewRepeaterItemValueResolver } from './view-repeater';
* A repeater that caches views when they are removed from a
* {@link ViewContainerRef}. When new items are inserted into the container,
* the repeater will reuse one of the cached views instead of creating a new
* embedded view. Recycling cached views reduces the quantity of expensive DOM
* inserts.
* @template T The type for the embedded view's $implicit property.
* @template R The type for the item in each IterableDiffer change record.
* @template C The type for the context passed to each embedded view.
export declare class _RecycleViewRepeaterStrategy<T, R, C extends _ViewRepeaterItemContext<T>> implements _ViewRepeater<T, R, C> {
* The size of the cache used to store unused views.
* Setting the cache size to `0` will disable caching. Defaults to 20 views.
viewCacheSize: number;
* View cache that stores embedded view instances that have been previously stamped out,
* but don't are not currently rendered. The view repeater will reuse these views rather than
* creating brand new ones.
* TODO(michaeljamesparsons) Investigate whether using a linked list would improve performance.
private _viewCache;
/** Apply changes to the DOM. */
applyChanges(changes: IterableChanges<R>, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, itemContextFactory: _ViewRepeaterItemContextFactory<T, R, C>, itemValueResolver: _ViewRepeaterItemValueResolver<T, R>, itemViewChanged?: _ViewRepeaterItemChanged<R, C>): void;
detach(): void;
* Inserts a view for a new item, either from the cache or by creating a new
* one. Returns `undefined` if the item was inserted into a cached view.
private _insertView;
/** Detaches the view at the given index and inserts into the view cache. */
private _detachAndCacheView;
/** Moves view at the previous index to the current index. */
private _moveView;
* Cache the given detached view. If the cache is full, the view will be
* destroyed.
private _maybeCacheView;
/** Inserts a recycled view from the cache at the given index. */
private _insertViewFromCache;