blob: 6d0069bd3a4edfdd8d50c77ef71c068c2852fc01 [file] [log] [blame]
(ns cljs-http.core
(:import [ EventType ErrorCode XhrIo]
[ Jsonp])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs-http.util :as util]
[cljs.core.async :as async]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(def pending-requests (atom {}))
(defn abort!
"Attempt to close the given channel and abort the pending HTTP request
with which it is associated."
(when-let [req (@pending-requests channel)]
(swap! pending-requests dissoc channel)
(async/close! channel)
(if (.hasOwnProperty req "abort")
(.abort req)
(.cancel (:jsonp req) (:request req)))))
(defn- aborted? [xhr]
(= (.getLastErrorCode xhr)
(defn apply-default-headers!
"Takes an XhrIo object and applies the default-headers to it."
[xhr headers]
(let [formatted-h (zipmap (map util/camelize (keys headers)) (vals headers))]
(map (fn [[k v]]
(.set (.-headers xhr) k v))
(defn apply-response-type!
"Takes an XhrIo object and sets response-type if not nil."
[xhr response-type]
(.setResponseType xhr
(case response-type
:array-buffer XhrIo.ResponseType.ARRAY_BUFFER
:blob XhrIo.ResponseType.BLOB
:document XhrIo.ResponseType.DOCUMENT
:text XhrIo.ResponseType.TEXT
:default XhrIo.ResponseType.DEFAULT
nil XhrIo.ResponseType.DEFAULT)))
(defn build-xhr
"Builds an XhrIo object from the request parameters."
[{:keys [with-credentials? default-headers response-type] :as request}]
(let [timeout (or (:timeout request) 0)
send-credentials (if (nil? with-credentials?)
(doto (XhrIo.)
(apply-default-headers! default-headers)
(apply-response-type! response-type)
(.setTimeoutInterval timeout)
(.setWithCredentials send-credentials))))
;; constants to CLJS keywords
(def error-kw
{0 :no-error
1 :access-denied
2 :file-not-found
3 :ff-silent-error
4 :custom-error
5 :exception
6 :http-error
7 :abort
8 :timeout
9 :offline})
(defn xhr
"Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request
map and return a core.async channel."
[{:keys [request-method headers body with-credentials? cancel progress] :as request}]
(let [channel (async/chan)
request-url (util/build-url request)
method (name (or request-method :get))
headers (util/build-headers headers)
xhr (build-xhr request)]
(swap! pending-requests assoc channel xhr)
(.listen xhr EventType.COMPLETE
(fn [evt]
(let [target (.-target evt)
response {:status (.getStatus target)
:success (.isSuccess target)
:body (.getResponse target)
:headers (util/parse-headers (.getAllResponseHeaders target))
:trace-redirects [request-url (.getLastUri target)]
:error-code (error-kw (.getLastErrorCode target))
:error-text (.getLastError target)}]
(if-not (aborted? xhr)
(async/put! channel response))
(swap! pending-requests dissoc channel)
(if cancel (async/close! cancel))
(async/close! channel))))
(when progress
(let [listener (fn [direction evt]
(async/put! progress (merge {:direction direction :loaded (.-loaded evt)}
(if (.-lengthComputable evt) {:total (.-total evt)}))))]
(doto xhr
(.setProgressEventsEnabled true)
(.listen EventType.UPLOAD_PROGRESS (partial listener :upload))
(.listen EventType.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS (partial listener :download)))))
(.send xhr request-url method body headers)
(if cancel
(let [v (async/<! cancel)]
(if (not (.isComplete xhr))
(.abort xhr)))))
(defn jsonp
"Execute the JSONP request corresponding to the given Ring request
map and return a core.async channel."
[{:keys [timeout callback-name cancel keywordize-keys?]
:or {keywordize-keys? true}
:as request}]
(let [channel (async/chan)
jsonp (Jsonp. (util/build-url request) callback-name)]
(.setRequestTimeout jsonp timeout)
(let [req (.send jsonp nil
(fn success-callback [data]
(let [response {:status 200
:success true
:body (js->clj data :keywordize-keys keywordize-keys?)}]
(async/put! channel response)
(swap! pending-requests dissoc channel)
(if cancel (async/close! cancel))
(async/close! channel)))
(fn error-callback []
(swap! pending-requests dissoc channel)
(if cancel (async/close! cancel))
(async/close! channel)))]
(swap! pending-requests assoc channel {:jsonp jsonp :request req})
(if cancel
(let [v (async/<! cancel)]
(.cancel jsonp req)))))
(defn request
"Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request
map and return a core.async channel."
[{:keys [request-method] :as request}]
(if (= request-method :jsonp)
(jsonp request)
(xhr request)))