blob: bb81955c6bef8a3a6b335f84fa0b5d2f606e694d [file] [log] [blame]
;; Copyright (c) Nicola Mometto, Rich Hickey & contributors.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(:refer-clojure :exclude [char])
[ :refer [reader-error]]
[ :refer [peek-char read-char]]
[ :refer [numeric? newline? char]]))
;; helpers
(defn ^boolean number-literal?
"Checks whether the reader is at the start of a number literal"
[^not-native reader initch]
(or (numeric? initch)
(and (or (identical? \+ initch) (identical? \- initch))
(numeric? (peek-char reader)))))
(defn read-past
"Read until first character that doesn't match pred, returning
[pred ^not-native rdr]
(loop [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if ^boolean (pred ch)
(recur (read-char rdr))
(defn skip-line
"Advances the reader to the end of a line. Returns the reader"
[^not-native reader]
(loop []
(when-not (newline? (read-char reader))
(def int-pattern #"^([-+]?)(?:(0)|([1-9][0-9]*)|0[xX]([0-9A-Fa-f]+)|0([0-7]+)|([1-9][0-9]?)[rR]([0-9A-Za-z]+)|0[0-9]+)(N)?$")
(def ratio-pattern #"([-+]?[0-9]+)/([0-9]+)")
(def float-pattern #"([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(M)?")
(defn- match-int
(let [m (vec (re-find int-pattern s))]
(if-not (nil? (m 2))
(let [^boolean negate? (identical? "-" (m 1))
a (cond
(not (nil? (m 3))) [(m 3) 10]
(not (nil? (m 4))) [(m 4) 16]
(not (nil? (m 5))) [(m 5) 8]
(not (nil? (m 7))) [(m 7) (js/parseInt (m 6))]
:else [nil nil])
n (a 0)]
(when-not (nil? n)
(let [bn (js/parseInt n (a 1))
bn (if negate? (* -1 bn) bn)]
(when-not (js/isNaN bn)
(defn- match-ratio
(let [m (vec (re-find ratio-pattern s))
numerator (m 1)
denominator (m 2)
numerator (if (re-find #"^\+" numerator)
(subs numerator 1)
(/ (-> numerator js/parseInt) ;;; No ratio type in cljs
(-> denominator js/parseInt)))); So will convert to js/Number
(defn- match-float
(let [m (vec (re-find float-pattern s))]
(if-not (nil? (m 4)) ;; for BigDecimal "10.03M", as all parsed to js/Number
(js/parseFloat (m 1))
(js/parseFloat s))))
(defn ^boolean matches? [pattern s]
(let [[match] (re-find pattern s)]
(identical? match s)))
(defn match-number [s]
(if (matches? int-pattern s)
(match-int s)
(if (matches? float-pattern s)
(match-float s)
(when (matches? ratio-pattern s)
(match-ratio s)))))
(defn parse-symbol
"Parses a string into a vector of the namespace and symbol"
(when-not (or (identical? "" token)
(true? (.test #":$" token))
(true? (.test #"^::" token)))
(let [ns-idx (.indexOf token "/")
ns (when (pos? ns-idx)
(subs token 0 ns-idx))]
(if-not (nil? ns)
(let [ns-idx (inc ns-idx)]
(when-not (== ns-idx (count token))
(let [sym (subs token ns-idx)]
(when (and (not (numeric? (nth sym 0)))
(not (identical? "" sym))
(false? (.test #":$" ns))
(or (identical? sym "/")
(== -1 (.indexOf sym "/"))))
[ns sym]))))
(when (or (identical? token "/")
(== -1 (.indexOf token "/")))
[nil token])))))
;; readers
(defn read-comment
[rdr & _]
(skip-line rdr))
(defn throwing-reader
(fn [rdr & _]
(reader-error rdr msg)))