blob: ae122fdeb5cac3bab2ba49c01237e0c7d4ab3a84 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Copyright (c) Nicola Mometto, Rich Hickey & contributors.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns ^{:doc "An EDN reader in clojure"
:author "Bronsa"}
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read read-string char default-data-readers])
(:require [ :as err]
[ :refer
[read-char unread peek-char indexing-reader?
get-line-number get-column-number get-file-name string-push-back-reader]]
[ :refer
[char ex-info? whitespace? numeric? desugar-meta namespace-keys second' char-code]]
[ :refer
[number-literal? read-past match-number parse-symbol read-comment throwing-reader]]
[ :refer [default-data-readers]]
[goog.string :as gstring])
(:import goog.string.StringBuffer))
;; helpers
(declare read macros dispatch-macros)
(defn- ^boolean macro-terminating? [ch]
(and (not (identical? \# ch))
(not (identical? \' ch))
(not (identical? \: ch))
(macros ch)))
(defn- ^boolean not-constituent? [ch]
(or (identical? \@ ch)
(identical? \` ch)
(identical? \~ ch)))
(defn- read-token
([rdr kind initch]
(read-token rdr kind initch true))
([rdr kind initch validate-leading?]
(not initch)
(err/throw-eof-at-start rdr kind)
(and validate-leading?
(not-constituent? initch))
(err/throw-bad-char rdr kind initch)
(loop [sb (StringBuffer.)
ch (do (unread rdr initch) initch)]
(if (or (whitespace? ch)
(macro-terminating? ch)
(nil? ch))
(str sb)
(if (not-constituent? ch)
(err/throw-bad-char rdr kind ch)
(recur (doto sb (.append (read-char rdr))) (peek-char rdr))))))))
(declare read-tagged)
(defn- read-dispatch
[rdr _ opts]
(if-let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if-let [dm (dispatch-macros ch)]
(dm rdr ch opts)
(if-let [obj (read-tagged (doto rdr (unread ch)) ch opts)]
(err/throw-no-dispatch rdr ch)))
(err/throw-eof-at-dispatch rdr)))
(defn- read-unmatched-delimiter
[rdr ch opts]
(err/throw-unmatch-delimiter rdr ch))
;; readers
(defn- read-unicode-char
([token offset length base]
(let [l (+ offset length)]
(when-not (== (count token) l)
(err/throw-invalid-unicode-literal nil token))
(loop [i offset uc 0]
(if (== i l)
(js/String.fromCharCode uc)
(let [d (char-code (nth token i) base)]
(if (== d -1)
(err/throw-invalid-unicode-digit-in-token nil (nth token i) token)
(recur (inc i) (+ d (* uc base)))))))))
([rdr initch base length exact?]
(loop [i 1 uc (char-code initch base)]
(if (== uc -1)
(err/throw-invalid-unicode-digit rdr initch)
(if-not (== i length)
(let [ch (peek-char rdr)]
(if (or (whitespace? ch)
(macros ch)
(nil? ch))
(if exact?
(err/throw-invalid-unicode-len rdr i length)
(js/String.fromCharCode uc))
(let [d (char-code ch base)]
(read-char rdr)
(if (== d -1)
(err/throw-invalid-unicode-digit rdr ch)
(recur (inc i) (+ d (* uc base)))))))
(js/String.fromCharCode uc))))))
(def ^:private ^:const upper-limit (.charCodeAt \uD7ff 0))
(def ^:private ^:const lower-limit (.charCodeAt \uE000 0))
(defn- read-char*
[rdr backslash opts]
(let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if-not (nil? ch)
(let [token (if (or (macro-terminating? ch)
(not-constituent? ch)
(whitespace? ch))
(str ch)
(read-token rdr :character ch false))
token-len (count token)]
(== 1 token-len) (nth token 0)
(identical? token "newline") \newline
(identical? token "space") \space
(identical? token "tab") \tab
(identical? token "backspace") \backspace
(identical? token "formfeed") \formfeed
(identical? token "return") \return
(gstring/startsWith token "u")
(let [c (read-unicode-char token 1 4 16)
ic (.charCodeAt c)]
(if (and (> ic upper-limit)
(< ic lower-limit))
(err/throw-invalid-character-literal rdr (.toString ic 16))
(gstring/startsWith token "o")
(let [len (dec token-len)]
(if (> len 3)
(err/throw-invalid-octal-len rdr token)
(let [uc (read-unicode-char token 1 len 8)]
(if (> (int uc) 0377)
(err/throw-bad-octal-number rdr)
:else (err/throw-unsupported-character rdr token)))
(err/throw-eof-in-character rdr))))
(defn ^:private starting-line-col-info [rdr]
(when (indexing-reader? rdr)
[(get-line-number rdr) (int (dec (int (get-column-number rdr))))]))
(defn- read-delimited
[kind delim rdr opts]
(let [[start-line start-column] (starting-line-col-info rdr)
delim (char delim)]
(loop [a (transient [])]
(let [ch (read-past whitespace? rdr)]
(when-not ch
(err/throw-eof-delimited rdr kind start-line start-column (count a)))
(if (= delim (char ch))
(persistent! a)
(if-let [macrofn (macros ch)]
(let [mret (macrofn rdr ch opts)]
(recur (if-not (identical? mret rdr) (conj! a mret) a)))
(let [o (read (doto rdr (unread ch)) true nil opts)]
(recur (if-not (identical? o rdr) (conj! a o) a)))))))))
(defn- read-list
[rdr _ opts]
(let [the-list (read-delimited :list \) rdr opts)]
(if (empty? the-list)
(apply list the-list))))
(defn- read-vector
[rdr _ opts]
(read-delimited :vector \] rdr opts))
(defn- read-map
[rdr _ opts]
(let [[start-line start-column] (starting-line-col-info rdr)
the-map (read-delimited :map \} rdr opts)
map-count (count the-map)
ks (take-nth 2 the-map)
key-set (set ks)]
(when (odd? map-count)
(err/throw-odd-map rdr start-line start-column the-map))
(when-not (= (count key-set) (count ks))
(err/throw-dup-keys rdr :map ks))
(if (<= map-count (* 2 (.-HASHMAP-THRESHOLD cljs.core/PersistentArrayMap)))
(.fromArray cljs.core/PersistentArrayMap (to-array the-map) true true)
(.fromArray cljs.core/PersistentHashMap (to-array the-map) true))))
(defn- read-number
[rdr initch opts]
(loop [sb (doto (StringBuffer.) (.append initch))
ch (read-char rdr)]
(if (or (whitespace? ch) (macros ch) (nil? ch))
(let [s (str sb)]
(unread rdr ch)
(or (match-number s)
(err/throw-invalid-number rdr s)))
(recur (doto sb (.append ch)) (read-char rdr)))))
(defn- escape-char [sb rdr]
(let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(case ch
\t "\t"
\r "\r"
\n "\n"
\\ "\\"
\" "\""
\b "\b"
\f "\f"
\u (let [ch (read-char rdr)]
(if (== -1 (js/parseInt (int ch) 16))
(err/throw-invalid-unicode-escape rdr ch)
(read-unicode-char rdr ch 16 4 true)))
(if (numeric? ch)
(let [ch (read-unicode-char rdr ch 8 3 false)]
(if (> (int ch) 0377)
(err/throw-bad-octal-number rdr)
(err/throw-bad-escape-char rdr ch)))))
(defn- read-string*
[rdr _ opts]
(loop [sb (StringBuffer.)
ch (read-char rdr)]
(case ch
nil (err/throw-eof-reading rdr :string \" sb)
\\ (recur (doto sb (.append (escape-char sb rdr)))
(read-char rdr))
\" (str sb)
(recur (doto sb (.append ch)) (read-char rdr)))))
(defn- read-symbol
[rdr initch]
(when-let [token (read-token rdr :symbol initch)]
(case token
;; special symbols
"nil" nil
"true" true
"false" false
"/" '/
(or (when-let [p (parse-symbol token)]
(symbol (p 0) (p 1)))
(err/throw-invalid rdr :symbol token)))))
(defn- read-keyword
[reader initch opts]
(let [ch (read-char reader)]
(if-not (whitespace? ch)
(let [token (read-token reader :keyword ch)
s (parse-symbol token)]
(if (and s (== -1 (.indexOf token "::")))
(let [ns (s 0)
name (s 1)]
(if (identical? \: (nth token 0))
(err/throw-invalid reader :keyword token) ;; no ::keyword in edn
(keyword ns name)))
(err/throw-invalid reader :keyword token)))
(err/throw-single-colon reader))))
(defn- wrapping-reader
(fn [rdr _ opts]
(list sym (read rdr true nil opts))))
(defn- read-meta
[rdr _ opts]
(let [m (desugar-meta (read rdr true nil opts))]
(when-not (map? m)
(err/throw-bad-metadata rdr m))
(let [o (read rdr true nil opts)]
(if (implements? IMeta o)
(with-meta o (merge (meta o) m))
(err/throw-bad-metadata-target rdr o)))))
(defn- read-set
[rdr _ opts]
(let [coll (read-delimited :set \} rdr opts)
the-set (set coll)]
(when-not (= (count coll) (count the-set))
(err/throw-dup-keys rdr :set coll))
(defn- read-discard
[rdr _ opts]
(doto rdr
(read true nil true)))
(defn- read-namespaced-map
[rdr _ opts]
(let [token (read-token rdr :namespaced-map (read-char rdr))]
(if-let [ns (some-> token parse-symbol second')]
(let [ch (read-past whitespace? rdr)]
(if (identical? ch \{)
(let [items (read-delimited :namespaced-map \} rdr opts)]
(when (odd? (count items))
(err/throw-odd-map rdr nil nil items))
(let [keys (namespace-keys (str ns) (take-nth 2 items))
vals (take-nth 2 (rest items))]
(when-not (= (count (set keys)) (count keys))
(err/throw-dup-keys rdr :namespaced-map keys))
(zipmap keys vals)))
(err/throw-ns-map-no-map rdr token)))
(err/throw-bad-ns rdr token))))
(defn- read-symbolic-value
[rdr _ opts]
(let [sym (read rdr true nil opts)]
(case sym
NaN js/Number.NaN
(err/reader-error rdr (str "Invalid token: ##" sym)))))
(defn- macros [ch]
(case ch
\" read-string*
\: read-keyword
\; read-comment
\^ read-meta
\( read-list
\) read-unmatched-delimiter
\[ read-vector
\] read-unmatched-delimiter
\{ read-map
\} read-unmatched-delimiter
\\ read-char*
\# read-dispatch
(defn- dispatch-macros [ch]
(case ch
\^ read-meta ;deprecated
\{ read-set
\< (throwing-reader "Unreadable form")
\! read-comment
\_ read-discard
\: read-namespaced-map
\# read-symbolic-value
(defn- read-tagged [rdr initch opts]
(let [tag (read rdr true nil opts)
object (read rdr true nil opts)]
(if-not (symbol? tag)
(err/throw-bad-reader-tag rdr "Reader tag must be a symbol"))
(if-let [f (or (get (:readers opts) tag)
(default-data-readers tag))]
(f object)
(if-let [d (:default opts)]
(d tag object)
(err/throw-unknown-reader-tag rdr tag)))))
;; Public API
(defn read
"Reads the first object from an IPushbackReader.
Returns the object read. If EOF, throws if eof-error? is true otherwise returns eof.
If no reader is provided, *in* will be used.
Reads data in the edn format (subset of Clojure data): doesn't depend on dynamic Vars, all configuration
is done by passing an opt map.
opts is a map that can include the following keys:
:eof - value to return on end-of-file. When not supplied, eof throws an exception.
:readers - a map of tag symbols to data-reader functions to be considered before default-data-readers.
When not supplied, only the default-data-readers will be used.
:default - A function of two args, that will, if present and no reader is found for a tag,
be called with the tag and the value."
([reader] (read {} reader))
([{:keys [eof] :as opts} reader]
(let [eof-error? (not (contains? opts :eof))]
(read reader eof-error? eof opts)))
([reader eof-error? eof opts]
(loop []
(let [ch (read-char reader)]
(whitespace? ch) (recur)
(nil? ch) (if eof-error? (err/throw-eof-error reader nil) eof)
(number-literal? reader ch) (read-number reader ch opts)
:else (let [f (macros ch)]
(if f
(let [res (f reader ch opts)]
(if (identical? res reader)
(read-symbol reader ch))))))
(catch js/Error e
(if (ex-info? e)
(let [d (ex-data e)]
(if (= :reader-exception (:type d))
(throw e)
(throw (ex-info (.-message e)
(merge {:type :reader-exception}
(if (indexing-reader? reader)
{:line (get-line-number reader)
:column (get-column-number reader)
:file (get-file-name reader)}))
(throw (ex-info (.-message e)
(merge {:type :reader-exception}
(if (indexing-reader? reader)
{:line (get-line-number reader)
:column (get-column-number reader)
:file (get-file-name reader)}))
(defn read-string
"Reads one object from the string s.
Returns nil when s is nil or empty.
Reads data in the edn format (subset of Clojure data):
opts is a map as per"
([s] (read-string {:eof nil} s))
([opts s]
(when (and s (not= s ""))
(read opts (string-push-back-reader s)))))